
you're in Devon too? thats cool :) where abouts? im in Okehampton! Welcome to our thread :hugs:
thanks! i live in cullompton so not toooo far from you....im actually an american though, so im not a devon native or anything, but i do love it here (but neither is my husband, he moved here about eight years ago) and we wouldn't want to live anywhere else :)
Rosie thats great you heard babies heartbeat and heard him/her moving around its such a wonderful sound isn't it! I know what you mean about the appointments being magical :D

Immi we have picked out Lewis Andrew James for our baby. If he was a girl the name would have been either Ruby Jessica Hope or Aimee Jessica Hope. x
krwh, it is lovely around here isnt it :) its quite an expensive part of the country to live but you can see why, its gorgeous :) my MIL and FIL have a farm in Beaworthy, right in the middle of nowhere, and i love going out there. its so peaceful! where abouts in the US are you from?

Aww Leigh those are all gorgeous names! :) we're really struggling with boys names, argh! really hope we have a girl lol girl names are much easier!
Well, I'm off out tonight for the 1st time since october half term (I think). My school made it out of special measures so we're having a bit of a party. I'm just going for drinks as they're going for a meal at 9 - what pregnant woman can wait until 9 for a proper meal????? Crazy people! I told them they wouldn't like me if I left it that late coz I turn into a monster if I don't eat!!! really I don't think I can stay awake that long anyway . . . fell asleep last night after watching the opening speaches of the priministerial debates. Didn't even manage to hear the 1st question! Good job I recorded it as still don't know who to vote for. Anyone doing anything nice this weekend? We're off to see my parents as we've not seen them since boxing day so it'll be a nice surprise for them to see my bump!

Wow, seems like so long since I've posted - sorry, I'm rubbish!!

Not much has been happening with me, just plodding along!! Think I'm feeling movement but not 100% sure. Am getting massive though!! Boobs are huge - that was the giveaway at work for most people. And am now ashamed to say I'm wearing maternity jeans, don't really need them but they are SOOOOOOOO comfortable!!

Still haven't bought anything for my little bump, think I'm waiting for the all clear after the anomaly scan.

We went to Ireland for the weekend, it was lovely. It was our 1st wedding anniversary and one of my good friends got married on that day. Didn't have to spent too much time with the MIL either which made the whole visit much more bearable!!! She was actually better than she has ever been, think she is so excited about the baby she doesn't want to upset me or rock the boat!! They only time she pissed me off was when she keeps going on about how hard labour is - I KNOW!!!!!!! I keep thinking of how quick my mum was with me and hope that is gonna rub off!! I was 10 days late, mum was induced and had a 2.5 hour labour!! Fingers crossed!!

Anyways - how is everyone else??

Lovely news about your baby boy Leigh!! Lewis is a lovely name.

Charlie - how did the move go?? Hope it wasn't too stressful!

Rosie - it is magical when you first hear your baby's heartbeat isn't it - I was the same as this is my first too!! I almost made the Facebook announcement yesterday - I posted that I thought I felt something, then chickened out and deleted it!! Not sure I'm ready for everyone to know yet!! Don't know why!!??!

Kelly - how are you doing?? You've been quiet on here too! Hope you're ok x

Immi - how is your tiredness holding up? I hope work are being kind?? I'm feeling so exhausted all the time too, thinking about changing my job to more regular hours and not shift work. I keep waiting for the "blossoming" that everyone goes on about - I think they lie!!! Lol!!

KRWH - welcome to the group - I'm Amy x
As for names, the only ones we can decide on are Poppy Elizabeth for a girl and Alfred (Freddie) Thomas for a boy. That will probably change though!!!

Anyways, think I'm off for a siesta, all this typing is making me tired - lol!!

Hugs to you all XXXXXXXXXX
Hope you had fun visiting the in-laws, rosie! thats great that your school is out of special measures too, congrats :)

Nice to hear from you, amy! you're soo lucky to not need maternity trousers still lol, ive been in them since about 9 weeks! lol! Dont listen to people who go on and on about how hard and painful labour is. I am a firm believer in the power of the human mind and if you are told from day one that something is going to be painful, of course it is! its all about mind over matter with labour :) thats why the call it labour, its very hard work but its not like hours and hours of agony, not for most people! There was only a few hours during my labour with Jack that i got scared and overwhelmed by the pain and i firmly believe that its because i was in unfamiliar surroundings (was expecting to go to the natural birth centre in my town and was sent to a big scary hospital instead because Jack was a few days shy of 37 weeks when he arrived) and not getting on well with my midwife (she was a total bitch!). Labour is amazing, i loved it and i cant wait to do it again! mine was only 8 hours beginning to end and i was only having very intense contractions for about 4 hours of that time, it flew by and felt so much quicker! sorry to go on, i just feel so bad for first time mums who have never been through it and have to listen to all of the horror stories about how much it hurts and how hard it is. My experience wasnt nearly as wonderful as some of the lovely stories of quiet homebirths and yet i still cant wait to do it again :winkwink: you should look into hypnobirthing, i know a few ladies who have done the course and they said it was fab and loved their labours!
:happydance: Hi everyone,
I'm soooooo excited I have my anomaly scan tomorrow. How quickly has that gone? It seems like yesterday I was in hosp having my dating scan. I'm soooooo excited!!!!!! I think I felt a kick yest too. woohoo!
aww thats so exciting! :D good luck for tomorrow, im sure everything will be just fine! are you going to find out the sex? x
we converted Jack's cot to his first ever toddler bed today! he seems to like it so far. We've got a fabric-y bed rail thing up there which makes it seem more cot-like, and its a Godsend because he is such an active sleeper, there's no way he would stay in bed without it. so hopefully tonight will go without a hitch. Bedtime may be awkward because usually i lie on the floor (on a mattress) next to the cot and hold his hand through the bars for a bit, but i wont be able to now because of the rail. Ill have to sit up next to the bed maybe. He doesnt even hold my hand for very long these days but he does still like to for a little while. We'll figure something out im sure. Wish us luck, guys! I cant believe how fast he's growing up. Not nursing anymore, in a big bed, walking and talking... he's a proper little boy now.

Pregnancy wise... well everythings plodding along smoothly! got just under 2 weeks to go until our anomaly scan. Im pretty nervous and hoping all will be okay. We're not finding out the sex, so its kind of like... there's nothing to distract me from the fact that the scan is actually to check for problems, iykwim? I mean, obviously checking baby's health is the most important thing but when you are finding out the sex it gives you something positive to focus on rather than worrying about whether they might find something wrong. But yeah, im sure everything will be okay. I am dying to know what we are having but i know ill regret it if i ask, it will be wonderful to find out when baby is born. Ive got this lovely image in my head of delivering my baby myself in our birthing pool, and lifting it up out of the water and finding out what we have :cloud9:

feeling movements more frequently now which is lovely, i feel him/her having a wiggle every day now! hooray!

how are you guys doing?
awww cute bed time routine! I'm sure hi'll love his new bed. I'm sure your scan will be fine. I know some people don't want to find out - we do but I'm not sure if we'll tell everyone or not!!!! Crazy! Anyway, I'm feeling mine move everyday now & I'm pretty sure I had a kick yest or if not a really really big turn! I had to go to docs today & got to hear heartbeat again - now I'm all over the place again! I'm meant to be marking exam papers but it's not going too great!!!!! Ah well, who cares about deadlines right?

Ok time for guesses . . . boy or girl?????
hmm.... i reckon you're having a girl, rosie! :D eeep its all so exciting!
well we found out on fri that we're having a . . . . . . . Boy! Loved seeing him again. I hope everyone's having a good weekend xx
omg!!! congrats on team :blue: and a healthy little baby :) xxxx
A BOY!!!! Woo hoo!! Am so happy for you!!
I'm desperate to know what I'm cooking - feeling it is a girl, but not completely sure!
Gonna try not to find out though - want a surprise once it is born!!
Go with your instincts Amy - everyone told us we were having a boy & my OH had a dream that it was a boy so I'd say your's is prob a girl!!!! Be brave in the scan, you can hold on - it's only a few more months till you'll know anyway. I was told I looked fat today by a work collegue - nice! That's despite still not putting on any weight!
Hey Rosie, I did dream it was a girl a while ago. I did also dream that I had it alone in my mums kitchen - so maybe I should hope my dreams are not a premonition!! Although if that does happen at least it will be quick and uncomplicated!! :happydance:

You're so lucky not to have put on any weight yet - I'm currently 10lbs heavier than my pre-preg weight! I'm gonna be sooooooo fat! :cry:

Although I have my second pregnancy cold and have lost my appetite so maybe I can lose a few lbs! Having a cold stinks when your pregnant - I'm usually a right pill popper and would be dosed up now on Sudafed, Syndol or night nurse and all I can take is paracetamol and home made honey and lemon!! Except I've run out of honey and lemons and can't go out to buy any as am waiting in for deliveries of OH's new Mac and my new iPhone!! So much for saving for a baby!!

I'm hoping to win the lottery before Oct - if I do I'll share!! Infact I did win the lottery on Saturday night........:happydance:.... checked my emails on Sunday morning and get one from the lottery saying "Amy, we have exciting news about the ticket you bought" So there I am thinking this is it, how much, can I stop work, etc. Login to find it is £10! Why don't they email you and tell you how much you have won so you don't get all excited??!! LOL!
Ah I definately reckon your having a girl now!!!! I don't think they're premonitions (although I hope you have an uncomplicated labour) but rather your subconsious telling you something. V funny about the lottery, I'd love to win but I don't play so not much hope there! hahaha! I did put on weight in 1st tri, but I've not put on anything since - midwife said not to worry & my sis told me she didn't put on till later but my sis in law had put on loads by now so I reckon everyone's different. I just thought it was a bit cheeky to say I'm looking fat when it's obviously a baby bump now! Ah well don't need to see her very often only when I need money!
Hiya everyone, how are you all doing? Not heard from you in a while so I hope you're all ok. Anyone having scans soon? Been up to much this last weekend? We've started on our nursery but its going much slower than planned with plaster falling away from the walls all the time.
Oh God Rosie - what do you make of this dream then.......last night I dreamt it has a willy and ovaries!!!!!! Please don't let that dream come true! I think it is cos we've got our anomaly scan next week and I keep thinking about the sex and whether we should find out or not. After that dream I'm thinking maybe I should!!

Although I'm sure if it did have both bits the sonographer would say something!!

I would love a nursery, but don't think we're gonna have one as we're renting for the next year or so and the 2 spare rooms are a guest room and a study at present and I'm not sure what we would do with all the stuff in them if we converted one to a nursery. I figure for the first 6+months it will be in with us anyways!

How are you doing? Bump getting bigger? Are you feeling movement? I am - it feels so weird!! X

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