
Thanks hun. Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough, it is funny isn't it, like you say we all wish for it and then when it arrives we all want it sent away again, not surprising really! I am feeling slightly more reassured today as after my doughnut binge yesterday I have felt so sick all day today that I couldn't bear to even look at one. I struggled with my breakfast and my lunch and even drinking water and taking my pregnacare tablets this morning. I even had a bit of retching going on when sorting out the cats bowls! :happydance: I am sure I will be regretting saying this though like you say but am more hopefully as am 6 wks today and people do say that's a common time for MS to start kicking in, so fingers crossed things are moving along nicely.

Haven't been given a date yet unfortunately. Went to the docs on Fri and he sent a request through to the EPU so hoping for a call sometime this wk. Have asked for it to be around the 7 wk mark so reckon it will be next wk sometime.

Hope the rest of you girls are doing ok today.

Ive been feeling like utter crap these past few days and i am struggling to cope with day to day stuff, work etc. the housework is seriously in need of doing but i just havent got the energy! Keep feeling so breathless and nauseous. i know i shouldnt complain and i am sorry :( its just so hard to carry on day-to-day when you are feeling this shitty. 7 weeks today so i am hoping that it will start easing off soon, when is it that the placenta is meant to start taking over?

You sound just like me hun ym house is a tip I have no energy to tidy up and the dishes are a big no no the smell of the plates from last nights curry df made makes me heave! Hopefully df will be nice enough to do them for me when he gets home from work. Doubt it but I can dream eh?!

The placenta starts to take over in the 2nd trimester so the sickness should ease for you then. I find it gets better for me at 16 weeks. So only 10 more weeks of suffering to go sigh!

I'm not doing too bad today feel really sick but have tried to eat when that feeling comes so I don't get so bad i need to be sick iykwim. Only downside is I can only eat junk food I have a sunday dinner the other day and was nearly sick because of the mash and veg.

Have bought an apple today though so shall see how i go with eating them and if my stomach can handle it I will be eating apples all the time lol. x
Hey all!

Welcome Tasha and Sunshinegirl.

It's rubbish isn't it - we're supposed to be eating all healthily but all I can face it stodge!! I was being all nice to DH this morning after he got in from his night shift and offered to make him breakfast - he asked for a fried egg sandwich. Well......... that was not such a good idea, made me feel SO :sick: had to open all the windows and put the extractor on full!! The MS then lasted til 11.40am - talk about all-morning sickness! It then seems to raise it's ugly head again in the evening! So the moral of my story - don't make DH breakfast!! :haha:

Tasha - yes I know Brentford quite well. I used to like it by the river, we'd go to Prezzo for dinner after work. But the other day I was walking down the high street when a man in his car at the traffic lights rolled down his window and shouted to me "nice beaver"!!!!!!!!! Perhaps, I was looking hot that day or more likely he was an idiot!! And I still keep doing preg tests!!! Must have done 6 now, wonder when I'll stop!!!!! Keep thinking need to save the money now if I'm going to have a baby, but until it is real I can't think that far.

Sunshinegirl - 10/10/10 would be so cool, I hadn't even thought of that!! Gonna try my hardest for that day!!

im_mi - sorry to hear your feeling rotten :hugs: It's funny isn't it how we can't wait for symptoms then when they arrive we would rather they hadn't! Each time I feel nauseous I remind myself why I have it and try to be thankful. Although it still sucks! When the nausea does resolve I seem to be eating for England - and not the healthy stuff!! Crisps, potato, bread, cheese. Am slightly concerned I will be massive if I keep on this way!!

I too feel breathless - didn't expect that symptom. Is it normal? Though it was just my asthma playing up. Good luck for your scan on Wed, will be thinking of you. Try and post asap so I know your ok.

Does anyone else need to :loo: all the time?? I'm getting up in the night to pee every night!! Sometimes more than once!!

Phew...what a long post - sorry girls!!

How is everyone else feeling today?

Will update you tomorrow asap after my scan, although the computers at work are all down -some huge virus has crashed the whole hospital's computer network (hope it wasn't me on B&B!!). Thanks for the good wishes girls, am kinda nervous, but as I feel so rough am quite hopeful that there will be something there!

:hugs: to you all
Amy x
Good luck for tomorrow Amy hope it goes well and fingers crossed you will be able to update us asap with news :D

Glad not the only one who can't eant anything but stodge. I can't even stand the smell of cooking anymore so looks like df is on cooking duites for the forseeable future and I bet he moans too. He should be thankful hes not the one suffering. Everytime I am pg he moans about it sometimes I feel like hes thinking I am putting it on when I aren't grrr!!

Anyways moan over lol. Just waiting for said df to finish work and buy me some lucozade as I am in dire need of some. x
Good luck tomorrow Amy. Will look forward to your update. Hope all goes well.

I am also waiting for OH to leave work so he can stock up on stodge for me! I am in deperate need of ready salted crisps so he better get his skates on! Thank goodness for pregnacare tablets as I think there about the only vits that i'm getting inside me at this rate! Did manage an orange earlier in between the stodge but then it made me feel worse, too acidic so won't be trying that again!

How is everyone today? I feel soooooo bad! Sat with my hand over my mouth I am desperately needing to be sick but it won't come out. can't even make my girls their dinner yet as the thought of looking at food makes me heave.

Looks like i am going to have to go on the anti-sickness tablets after all. Had to text my df to see if can finish work early today but no reply back so think he finished on his break by the time I had text him. bugger!!!

Looks like I am just going to have to get through today somehow.

I found out yesterday that apples don't help (with my eldest I ate them all the time to relieve the nausea). The only food that seems appealing right now is those microwave burgers you can get but a) we don't have a microwave anymore as the one we had broke and b) even if we did I feel too ill to get out of the house to go buy some.

Why do my babies like to make me so ill!! My 6th pregnancy and only one of those I wasn't this bad just nausea though I think the pregnancy just didn't get chance to produce the hormones to a high enough point to make me feel bad as I lost that baby.

I want to curl up in a ball and sleep but I can't :( I feel so bad for complaining and if I didnt have my daughters I would be fine with it but the fact that I can't even do their dinner is making me feel so guilty :(

Amy hope your scan goes well today!

Hope everyone else is well. x
It looks like there are three of us with scans tomorrow......... Can't wait to hear everyones news! I'm not as far along as the two of you so not sure how much if any I will be able to see but f'xd. I think I may have slight nausea settling in and am now reminding myself that last week (although it seems like forever ago!) I couldn't wait to get sick.......blah
oh leigh :hugs: i know how you feel. i mean, my nausea isnt as bad as yours but its still making my life a misery, i cant imagine how hard it must be for you! dont feel guilty about your girls hun, you wont feel like this forever. a few weeks of delayed dinners and cbeebies isnt going to hurt them in the long run :hugs: im normally really strict about how much TV jack watches but these last few days i have had no choice but to let him watch more than usual as i just cant manage to get off the sofa!

ooh wantabelly what time is your scan tomorrow? mine is at 8:30 too bloody early lol
alh28, thanks for your sweet comments. ill update asap and ill be looking forward to your update too! what time's your scan? xxx i get breathless all the time too, i think its a pretty standard symptom!
So, good news - I saw the heart beating fast and strong!!! :happydance:
Was so relieved!! Just hope this little jellytot sticks :dust:
Got a picture, although all you can see on that is a blob!! Saw it nice an clear on scan though.

Babytots - I also craved burgers today, so much so that I am embarrassed to admit I paid the Golden Arches a drive-through visit and got a cheeseburger. Bad, but oh so good!!!

To all my friends with scans tomorrow - GOOD LUCK! Fingers and toes crossed for you. Will look forward to your updates.

Going to gorge myself on pancakes now before my evening sickness kicks in!!
So sorry you're suffering so bad Babytots sounds awful. I hope you can get on the tablets soon it they're likely to ease the sickness for you.

Congrats on your scan Amy this is fabulous news, am so pleased for you!! Good luck for the rest of you lovely ladies with scans tomorrow, can't wait for your updates. I finally got notice of my scan today and its when I was hoping it would be which is Thurs 25 Feb. I know its over a wk away but I wanted to be over 7 wks and i'll be 7w3d and I wanted a Thurs so Bella would be in nursery so its all worked out. Its at 11am.

Enough of the burger talk now you're bringing on a craving, however unfortunately somehow i'm gonna have to stomach turkey stir fry instead! Waiting for OH to get home as I can't face cooking it! Can't believe I forgot it was pancake day today, you can tell my pregnancy brain has already kicked in! To be honest I don't think I would be able to stomach them so its probs for the best, just won't tell OH, he's probs forgotten too!

YAY! what great news!! so happy for you hun xxxxxxxx
Hiya beanie baby - my scan dates the same as yours but I'm a week ahead of you so will be 8 weeks 3 days. It's so exciting. I'm glad everything went well for you Amy & I'm hoping that we all bring good news back.
hi girls :)
i'll be looking for a bump buddy near to matching my dates, but i just had a question...

for those that have scans before 12 weeks, how did you go about getting them?
Hi veganmumtobe,

I think most of us (well defo for me!) got early scans through EPU due to our histories. You GP ca refer you for an early scan.

When are you due?
and i'm very newly pregnant, due 25th october.
i'll ring my gp, as i would like a reassurance scan at 7 or 8 weeks if i make it there.

Hi everyone another day of feeling dreadful for me. Tried to see if df could get off work to come look after me and see to the girls but hes not able to :( Got an app to see a doctor later so hopefully will get some anti-sickness tablets.

Watch me get one of the horrid doctors and I'll have to practically beg to be put on them.

Amy so so pleased your scan went well sweetie! Hope those with scans today that they all went well. im_mi I see you have updated about your scan so shall go read :D

6 days til my next one can't wait feels like time has dragged since my last one!

Oh and as for mcdonalds mmmmmm could just eat that now! Wish I could drive :( Our nearest one is a bus ride away and buses and all day sickness does not go well together *sigh*.

On a positive note df is off work from tomorrow for 20 days so at least for 3 weeks I will be well looked after during the sicky period. Then it will be just another 6 weeks after that to get through.

Want to hibernate til 16 weeks so I can feel human again. I know I should'nt moan and don't get me wrong I am soooooooooooooo happy to be pg again I just wish I didn't feel so awful. Thankfully the girls are easily entertained and play together alot so mummy can lay down on the sofa. x
Hiya beanie baby - my scan dates the same as yours but I'm a week ahead of you so will be 8 weeks 3 days. It's so exciting. I'm glad everything went well for you Amy & I'm hoping that we all bring good news back.

That's great, you should get a lovely pic by then too, apparently there's a huge difference between 7 and 8 wks. An sure mine will just be a blob, but don't think I can hold off any longer! What time's your scan? Mine's at 11am.

So sorry to hear you're still feeling so awful Babytots. Good luck at the docs. I am feeling awful today too, can't believe this is just the beginning of it! Am v. grateful though as without this I would be so anxious.

Congrats on your BFP veganmum2b. :happydance: Re the scan I went to the docs and asked for one due to previous loss.

Oh Babytots, am so sorry you feel so rotten. Don't know if you have any of those alco-wipes that they use in hospitals to wipe before taking blood etc? One of my friends swore by sniffing them to relieve her ms. Think you can buy them in the chemist? Another friend mentioned Arrowroot biscuits - although I couldn't find them in Asda earlier. you've probably tried all other remedies?? Hot water with lemon, ginger biscuits/tea, ritz crackers, peppermint tea, plain toast, flat coke??

I wish I lived nearer and I'd bring you a cheeseburger, think it might be a little cold by the time I got to Hull!!!!!

Good news your oh is gonna be about to look after you. Mine is still on nights, 2 more to go. It is horrible, not only do I hate being in the house on my own at night, but I feel like we haven't seen each other properly for ages - well we haven't really!!! Get you oh to stock up on some yummy stodge for you!!

Take it easy
Amy x

ps. do you think it is ok for us to drink coke?? I'm usually a 2 can-a-day girl, but gave up when ttc. Really craving cherry coke today, but have resisted so far as not sure about etc in pregnancy?? x
oh leigh, im sorry you are feeling so rotten :( you have every right to moan hun! I didnt get ms with Jack so this is new to me, and its absolutely horrendous. every day is such a struggle. i really hope the doctor gives you some anti sickness tablets :hugs:

ALH28, coke is a bit of an issue due to the caffeine, and of course the additives, but im sure a can or two a day wont hurt as long as you arent drinking loads of tea or coffee or hot chocolate too.

beanie, just a week left to your scan now! :) how exciting!

congrats veganmum2b!

:hugs: to everybody!

feeling crappy again today but def. not as bad as yesterday and monday. it seems like my bad days are every other day! im throwing a party on sunday for my little boy's 2nd birthday and im so worried about how i am going to manage. got to do a load of food prep in the morning, blowing up balloons etc and i just dont know how i am going to manage.

had such a crap nights sleep last night, i cant wait to go to bed tonight!

how is everyone else today?

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