Hi girls!
Beanie, im sorry to hear you are feeling less sick

praying so hard that everything will be okay. the girls are right though, there are lots of people that bleed during pregnancy and all turns out to be fine! symptoms wax and wane, it might just be an unfortunate coincidence
Amy, i totally havent been in the mood for sexytime either recently. From what ive read there's no way that sex can hurt a pregnancy (unless youve been told by your doctor to abstain for whatever reason), but that didnt stop me telling DH to be very gentle in the first couple of weeks

im totally off nookie right now anyway, im always so tired in the evenings and with the amount of weight i am gaining, i feel totally gross anyway! Hehe no its not easy looking after a toddler whilst pregnant, but im very lucky with Jack. He is such a good boy, theres been a couple of times i have needed a day time nap and he has been happy to watch Cbeebies for an hour while i doze on the sofa. The party went great, thanks! and yes, it was totally exhausting lol. im still recovering now and its tuesday!! How was your weekend?
Leigh, i hope the stingy buggers will let you have a scan pic! How are you feeling today? Man i could murder an ice lolly right now, yum yum! I think ill have to get one later.
Lawa, my sickness didnt kick in with full force until i was about 7 weeks by my LMP. I should be 8 weeks now, but my scan put me at 5 days behind. it really is different for everyone honey, and your other symptoms sound really promising
Ugh, i feel so rough today. Im so sick of feeling like this, i just cant be bothered to do anything. Going to have to force myself to get out of the house today though, i need to go buy a new bra for work as i am exploding out of mine. And poor Jack hasnt had a proper excursion out of the house for ages so definitely need to take him out for some fresh air.