
I didn't have time to read on how everyone's doing as I'm at work. I hope everyone is well and to all that are feeling Ughh... I'm sending hugs your way!
I had my scan yesterday and we saw a heartbeat, I have a picture but not sure how to get it on here..... They want me back on 3/10 to do another and hopefully we can see alot more by then. I'm currently wishing I wasn't complaining about not getting m/s as I have met her face on! I'll be back on later when I can read up on how everyone's doing.......
Hi Amy I have tried every morning sickness remedy in the book hardly nothing works. Got some sickness tablets though so today has been a better day. Didn't wake up wanting to throw up though still felt awful and I managed to eat some toast this morning without throwing up so am happy I was able to eat.

Just eaten some spagetti bolognaise and touch wood managed to keep it down. In my last pregnancy i couldn't eat it without being sick lol.

I too like coke though don't drink it as much now as my stomach can't handle it unless its ice cold like you get in pubs or in mcdonalds. I'm rinking lucozade alot as it helps ease my sickness though am trying not to drink too much as its full of sugar and I aren't sure what sort of affect it will have on baby. I drank loads in my pregnancy with Jessica and so this time I am wary of drinking too much just incase. Why can't fruit juice of water make me feel better would drink it by the gallon load then lol.

im-mi Sorry to hear you are feeling really bad too. Its horrible isn't it but at the same time so reassuring. I hope you are able to get through your sons party without feeling too rough. Can you not rope a family member of friend into helping you prepare?

Sorry to hear you had a bad nights sleep last night. I have been sleeping badly too though the tablets I am now on for the sickness help with insomnia too so last night I managed to fall asleep quite quickly for a change.

wantabelly- Really pleased to hear your scan went well. To get a picture on here you can do it 2 ways. The first is to reply to a message and use the advanced reply rather then quick reply. Scroll down to where it says manage attachments and then you can upload it from your p.c.

The second option is to upload it to photobucket and then copy and paste the url code (starts with [img) into your message and then submit your reply. x
I didn't have time to read on how everyone's doing as I'm at work. I hope everyone is well and to all that are feeling Ughh... I'm sending hugs your way!
I had my scan yesterday and we saw a heartbeat, I have a picture but not sure how to get it on here..... They want me back on 3/10 to do another and hopefully we can see alot more by then. I'm currently wishing I wasn't complaining about not getting m/s as I have met her face on! I'll be back on later when I can read up on how everyone's doing.......

Congratulations on your scan hun, so pleased for you and can't wait to see your pic! xxx

Sorry to hear you're still feeling rough im_mi. Hope you manage to get through the party ok, I know how tiring they can be and that's without feeling sick whilst preparing the food. I would defo enlist some helpers if you can....delegate, delegate, delegate!

Glad you managed to get some tablets Babytots and yay for the spag bol! I went off it completely with my first and was also pleasantly surprised when I had some last night and managed to stomach it. I think the difference is it was a batch I had frozen in the freezer already, not sure I could cook a whole one from scratch, think that's what sent me off mince with my daughter as sometimes its the process of cooking that does it as by the time I get to eat the food the smell of it has already made me sick! Was like that with my veg stir fry in oyster sauce the other eve! Hope you continue to feel better little by little.

Hey girls,

im_mi & babytots - hope you're both feeling better today?

I'm feeling pretty rough this morning, I am such a bad sick'er - I just can't be sick, so end up feeling nauseous instead without that relief that vomiting often brings!! Sorry - TMI!! Lol.

Think I'm gonna 'treat' myself to an ice cold cherry coke today. I don't drink tea or coffee so figure 1 can should be ok!!

It's not just the sickness, but also the extreme fatigue - I feel like I have flu! Gotta try and drag my arse to work now!!

Hope you all have good days, sorry for the moan!
Amy x
I'm the same as you Amy haven't actually been sick but feel constantly nauseous from the moment I wake to the moment I go to sleep. I have never been good at being sick, when I feel sick I have to run to the loo and all I do is retch which isn't good on my stomach muscles! Sorry for TMI! I also have this foul taste in my mouth that never eases! Not that i'm complaining of course!

Hi there

I had an ectopic in April last year at 7weeks... Devastated was not the word... We then got pregnant in December last year but I missed at 5weeks again devastated and started to think this is never going to happen "What is wrong with me?" I have since found out that I am pregnant again in my 5th week and due at the end of October if all goes well..
I really could do with a buddy as I am so so scared and dont want to worry my family...

Thanks Chocolatedobe... xx
welcome chocolatedobe, im sorry for your losses and congrats on the pregnancy! This section of the board is fab, and the girls on this thread are so amazing and supportive! This is also my "third time lucky", praying for sticky ones for us both :hugs:

Leigh, thats great to hear that the sickness tablets are helping a little and that you are able to eat. that will really help you feel better too, more energy for chasing after those little girls!

Beanie, ive totally had that horrible taste in my mouth at times too, tastes like something's crawled in there and died!! Feeling nauseous is so debilitating hun i hope you feel better soon.

ALH28, im sorry you are feeling rough too! I cant imagine having to get up to go to work in the morning at the moment, i just couldnt do it. I work 3 nights a week from 6-12, and its not too bad until about 11 when i could just fall asleep on the spot!

Wantabelly, thats great about your scan!!! congrats on seeing a healthy hb!

As for me, well, i actually feel ok today! i cant believe it! seabands are amazing, i highly recommend them to all of you ms sufferers if you havent tried them already! i put them on this morning before the ms kicked in and so far i feel great! I have been able to eat without having to force it down, and i even managed to have cheerios for breakfast and some peanut butter on toast afterwards! Thank God, i was getting SO bored of weetabix. Feel so much more confident about being able to cope with Jack's party on sunday now. Im going to try not to use the seabands for too long today because ive heard they can decrease in effectiveness if the pressure points get used to the pressure, and damnit i need to feel like this on sunday! im going to be brave and take them off in about 15 minutes and hope that the worst has passed and ill be ok for the rest of the day :) Going to head into town to pick up some balloons & paper plates for the party. cant believe he will be 2!
Hi Chocolatedobe, welcome and congrats. Sending you lots of sticky baby dust :dust:

Glad the travel bands are working for you im_mi, I was actually thinking about them this morning - have some somewhere, but could face looking for them!! Hope the party on sunday goes really well and your ms stays away. Also, DO NOT know HOW you manage to work from 6pm-12am!!!! I am deadbeat by 9pm and tucked up - hats off you to! x

Beaniebaby - it's rubbish isn't it, have this small window between about 12 and 6 where I feel ok!! So ok in fact that DH and I went to Blubeckers for an early dinner tonight!! The ribs and chips really hit the spot!! And so far I don't feel to sick!! May be I need to eat at Blubeckers every night!!!!!!

Gonna go hunt my travel bands down!

:hugs: to everyone, hope you all have a good weekend
Amy x
amy, good luck finding the seabands!! they really are very good i cant recommend them enough. i find them to work best if you put them on before the nausea hits! Hehe yes its not easy but my little boy is a star, most days he doesnt wake me until gone 8am so i get just enough sleep. work has been quiet recently so ive been home by just gone midnight but the golf season starts again soon which means being crazy busy and not getting home until almost 1am, i have no idea how i will manage!!
Welcome and congrats on your BFP chocolatedobe. So sorry for your losses, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. xxx

Thanks Im_mi it is so draining I was like this with my daughter so hopefully its a good sign. I remember getting to 12 wks or so and thinking I couldn't remember what it felt like to NOT feel sick and have a feeling i'm gonna be the same this time. I was like you Amy and did feel ok the the middle part of the day but that breather's gone now and i'm feeling rough all day. The feeling of nausea is constantly there and the taste in my mouth too! Not knocking it though as I am actually feeling more relaxed about my scan on Thurs, if I didn't feel like this I know i'd be so anxious! I'm just looking forward to it now. I know the nerves will kick in once I walk though those hospital doors though and am dreading the waiting room but hey ho if I get to see a little bubs with a HB it will all be worth it!

Good luck on Sunday Im-mi, my little one turned 2 in Nov and I couldn't believe it either they grow up so darn quick! Such a cute age though, if a nightmare at times with the terrible twos, but its all worth it! Hope the party is a success and the sea bands work for you. I might have to look into getting some myself.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

I found them!!!!!!!!
But only after the sickness had already kicked in. It lasted from when I got up at 6.30 until 1pm, really struggled around the supermarket!! But I am going to wear them all day, and hopefully the evening sickness won't be as bad. X
Hi ladies how are we all doing today? I have finally found something that eases my sickness ice lollies! Been craving slush puppies all day but our local shop doesnt start selling them til the weather warms up. So instead I ransacked our freezer and found a ice lolly and just the coldness and the ice made me feel so much better. Going to make some ice cubes up and chew on them too since I can't drink water without feeling sick. Now feeling sicky again but we have no ice lollies left and I know df will moan if he has togo out again.

Am now 7 weeks today woop! Scan is in just 3 days can't wait seems like it has dragged since my last one.

Oh and I thought of a name of us not very original but how about octo-bumps? Is very hard to think of a name associated with October and as theres already October bumpkins in 1st tri theres not many halloweeny type names I could come up with. x
Hehe yeah Octo-bumps is cool!! Ive been trying to think of a name too but havent come up with much, lol. Im rubbish at those sort of things! Excellent, link the thread here once you've made it leigh :) Hope your df stopped moaning and went to get you some ice lollies, thats great that you found something that helps! :) Have you got Makro's where you are? in our one you can get massive boxes of ice poles for really cheap!

Good luck with the seabands amy, hope that they work with your evening sickness! mine didnt work so well today :( still took the edge off of it though so thats something.
I haven't managed to get myself any sickness bands yet but have managed to find something to help with the foul taste in my mouth and that's sour haribo sweets! I've nearly eaten a whole bag this eve though so not sure its the best cure but for the time being its all I have! Sugar overload for the little bubba though so hope its not doing cartwheels in there!

Hope the party was a success im_mi and your little one had a fabulous 2nd birthday.

Hope the rest of you girlies enjoyed your weekends too. Love the new name Babytots!

Hi girls,
How were your weekends?

The seabands are helping to some degree, I'm waking up feeling awful, but they seem to help more with the evening sickness.

I'm off work today and have felt so rough over the weekend I'm not sure how I'm gonnna cope going back to work. I'm still in bed now!!!!! The tiredness is overwhelming. We had friends round yesterday afternoon, with their 3 year old and 6 month old. I was absolutely shattered! Im_mi - how are you coping with feeling ill AND looking after your son?? I should think myself lucky that it is only me!!

Got a personal question for you guys - don't answer if you think I'm overstepping the mark. We haven't :sex: since we found out I'm pregnant - has anyone else?? I feel bad - DH has been very good, but does keep on about it and I feel bad. But I feel so crap most of the day and in the 4 hour window that I feel good 'bumping uglies' is the last thing I feel like!! I wonder if that is my body protecting my little jellytot by not letting me feel sexy at all?? I know there is no proper reason why I shouldn't do it, but a tiny little bit of me worries that it might do something??

Im-mi - how was the party, bet you were shattered!!! Just hope you didn't have to work afterwards?

Babytots - I'm also gonna try some Ice Lollies, the only ones we have in the freezer are Fabs, and the thought of the chocolate on the top is making me feel sick, so will have to buy some plain ones!!! I was considering this morning to scrape the chocolate off, then decided that was a bit drastic!! Lol! Also, good luck with your scan tomorrow, update asap please!

Also, a word of warning for you all - DH was watching American Pie The Wedding when I got home from work on Saturday - DO NOT watch the poo scene if you're feeling sick. Oh My GOd - I almost :sick: all over the place. I kept shouting at him to turn it off!!! Feeling queasy thinking about it now!!

I just keep reminding myself that I am happy to feel this sick, didn't have this at all last time so hoping it means my hormones are high and this one is gonna stick around for the journey.

Hope you all have good days
Amy x
Hi girls

Apologies in advance for this post, but i'm so scared right now not really sure where to turn but started bleeding this morning, am 7 wks today. :cry: Can't believe this may be happening again! I called the EPU to see if they could see me before my scheduled scan on Thurs and they've said they would prefer me to wait as they'll know more by then as either the bleeding is going to progress into a miscarraige or whether its going to tail off and everything will be ok. They said I could go in and see baby and a HB today and think everything's fine then mc in the next day or two so best to give it another few days.

The bleeding has tailed off now, it was like a heavy period but its now slowed right down. I have had no clots and no pain just feel a bit icky like i'm on my period.

I know there's nothing anyone can say but know you all understand and could just do with a few prayers and top ups of sticky :dust: for our little bean. Not holding out much hope though so gonna prepare ourselves for the worst.

Hi ladies glad you all like the name im_mi if you change the title on this thread I will ask admin to move it across to the bump buddies section that way we can keep all our posts here too.

We do have a Makro but its too far away for me to get to :( I don't drive and no buses pass that way grr!!! Did get df to buy me some calypso lollies though. How did your sons 2nd birthday party go?

beanie-baby I love sour haribo sweets but can't bring myself to eat any as I know it won't help with the sickness :( Could just eat some of those sour apple flavoured chewits though. Sorry to hear you are bleeding sweetie I do hope its nothing and I have everything crossed your scan goes well on Thursday. In the meantime put your feet up and get lots of rest. Its good that the bleeding has stopped and that you had no pain with itn thats a really good sign. With my 1st loss I had severe cramps and was constantly bleeding.

Amy- Sorry to hear you have been feeling rough hope you feel better when you go back to word. Oh and its bloody hardwork feeling like crap and looking after children but somehow you just get on with and get through each day lol.

We haven't done the deed either and we won't for a very longgggg time lol. I just don't feel comfortable with it given my history and I feel so rubbish that sex is the last thing on my mind. Though my dreams tell me different lmao!!

Oooo I love fab ice lollies but like you the thought of anything with chocolate on turns my stomach. Though for some reason I can eat chocolate pop tarts without feeling too sick.

Me and df watched American Pie: The Wedding too and it was df who had to cover his eyes when that scence came on. Have seen it a few times now and it just makes me laugh. I know its not real so doesn't bother me. Now had that been someone doing it for real then I would have puked lol.

My scan is at 8.45am tomorrow so nice and early will come on asap to update but not sure when it will be as no doubt I will be feeling like death warmed up having to wake up at 7am (tiredness really doesn't help my sickness). Hoping to get a picture this time but my epu are so stingy when it comes to scan pics but hopefully if I say to them that I want scan pics to remember this baby by if something goes wrong they will let me have one.

having a better day sickness wise today. Was a moment earlier where I had to lie down because I was ready to hurl but that feeling passed. Even managed to get out and take my youngest to the doctors and I haven't been out the house since df finished work last week lol. x
Hi ladies glad you all like the name im_mi if you change the title on this thread I will ask admin to move it across to the bump buddies section that way we can keep all our posts here too.

We do have a Makro but its too far away for me to get to :( I don't drive and no buses pass that way grr!!! Did get df to buy me some calypso lollies though. How did your sons 2nd birthday party go?

beanie-baby I love sour haribo sweets but can't bring myself to eat any as I know it won't help with the sickness :( Could just eat some of those sour apple flavoured chewits though. Sorry to hear you are bleeding sweetie I do hope its nothing and I have everything crossed your scan goes well on Thursday. In the meantime put your feet up and get lots of rest. Its good that the bleeding has stopped and that you had no pain with itn thats a really good sign. With my 1st loss I had severe cramps and was constantly bleeding.

Amy- Sorry to hear you have been feeling rough hope you feel better when you go back to work. Oh and its bloody hardwork feeling like crap and looking after children but somehow you just get on with and get through each day lol.

We haven't done the deed either and we won't for a very longgggg time lol. I just don't feel comfortable with it given my history and I feel so rubbish that sex is the last thing on my mind. Though my dreams tell me different lmao!!

Oooo I love fab ice lollies but like you the thought of anything with chocolate on turns my stomach. Though for some reason I can eat chocolate pop tarts without feeling too sick.

Me and df watched American Pie: The Wedding too and it was df who had to cover his eyes when that scence came on. Have seen it a few times now and it just makes me laugh. I know its not real so doesn't bother me. Now had that been someone doing it for real then I would have puked lol.

My scan is at 8.45am tomorrow so nice and early will come on asap to update but not sure when it will be as no doubt I will be feeling like death warmed up having to wake up at 7am (tiredness really doesn't help my sickness). Hoping to get a picture this time but my epu are so stingy when it comes to scan pics but hopefully if I say to them that I want scan pics to remember this baby by if something goes wrong they will let me have one.

having a better day sickness wise today. Was a moment earlier where I had to lie down because I was ready to hurl but that feeling passed. Even managed to get out and take my youngest to the doctors and I haven't been out the house since df finished work last week lol. x
Thanks hun. Went and had a long nap earlier and still no bleeding since around lunchtime today so am hoping that's a good sign. Well prepared for it to start up again though but holding onto a bit of hope for the mo. Am v. scared though and feeling rather sorry for myself if this is happening again.

Glad you're feeling slightly better on the sickness front. I can eat the harribo sweets as the sourness is the only thing that takes the foul taste away but can't eat chocolate or cake or have sugar on my cereal so reckon i'm defo off sweet and craving sour or savoury! Am feeling slightly less sick today so with the bleeding that's worrying me also but i'll keep you all up dated.

Thanks for your support. Good luck with your scan tomorrow, can't wait to see your pic.

Oh Beaniebaby, I'm sorry :hug:

Your right to put your feet up, try and do nothing until your scan. Try to keep positive and remember that bleeding without pain is more reassuring than bleeding with pain. Easier said than done though, I know. What does your gut feeling tell you?

We're here if you need anything, have got everything (even my eyes) crossed for you(!). Big big :hug:


Amy x

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