We have told our whole family now, with only one more person I want to tell in person before we let the rest of the world know!! Exciting!!! The family is sooooooooooooooo stoked, it's the first grandchild on all sides, so there was lots of squealing and bouncing and tummy-rubbing. lmao.
Omg, sooooooooooooo tired though! I didn't sleep all that great last night (staying at the in-laws though, and I never sleep wonderfully there) but it wasn't a terrible sleep. I was SO tired though, I got up for all of a half hour before I went back to read on the bed and ended up sleeping for another 4 hours with my book on my face. lol!
Have been really nauseous the past week too, though I'm HOPING that's all it'll come to as I'm nearly 7 weeks now... let's hope! I haven't been sick at all anyway.
Ooo, but we were browsing online yesterday and saw a decent cot for a decent price (on an NZ auction site) ended up going to look at it (it needs one top edge touched up but that's it) and BOUGHT IT! lmao. I'm barely 7 weeks (will be 7 weeks tomorrow) but we bought a cot!!! Wooooot! hehehehe
So having told the whole family, and bought a cot, as well as seeing the doctor and the midwife; it's all feeling so much more REAL! woooot!!!