october 2011 babies!

Hey everyone hope you're all well. I've been struggling last few days, the nausea and exhaustion is awful, you really do forget how shitty you feel!!! I have workmen coming tomorrow to strip the kitchen walls and I have to clear every item in the kitchen as Tuesday morning they are ripping the whole kitchen out!!! Dust, mess, noise not really feeling that it's a great time!! Can't even really ask for help anywhere as we're not telling anyone for as long as possible lol. Never mind I'm a woman so guess I will just crack on!! I've got my dating scan date and it's 31st March I'll be 11+6. Seems ages away but it's Match from tuesday so shouldn't take too long! Hope you're all well?
Honeybear1976 ~ Good luck for the workmen coming! I fully agree with the statement you forget how crappy you feel... I told OH yesterday, I not sure I'd want another LO after this one... Felt kinda guilty, but at the moment I fill confined to the house, if I try to do much I'm either sick or feel really sickly or dizzy; then shattered... I'd love to curl up a zzz most of the day, but DD won't let me... Oh, good luck for the scan too... I'm hoping to receive my appointment soon...
:happydance::happydance:Saw my little bean today:happydance::happydance:

It was so painful because of all the water i had to drink, but when i got to see the little bean on the ultrasound screen it was all worth it. Heart beat was 174bpm and the US tech showed us the limbs that had now formed i'm on:cloud9:
Thats brilliant 1st time! I dont get to see our baby until mid April, the wait is the worst! x
1st time ~ That's excellent news, really pleased for you; as of yet I'm not sure when I'll get to see LO, kind of nervous but also excited... Keep looking at ms as a really positive sign, until I have the reassurance of seeing LO...
Fantastic news 1st time :happydance:

:hugs: to those ladies who are feeling rotten

I am mostly just feeling tired and emotional and peeing a lot, but then again when i was pregnant with Toby i only had very minimal nausea in 1st trimester but then had full blown HG in 2nd trimester so who knows if/when i'll get sick this time...

We had our early scan today. We had to book one privately as our local EPU now only offer them to women who've had 3 or more miscarriages (and i've "only" had 2 :dohh: ) Anyway it was more than well worth it as we were able to see our little baby, measuring 6 weeks and we saw and heard it's heart beating away :cloud9: Totally over the moon right now!
Having spotting today which is freaking me out a bit. It's significant enough to get on my underwear but it's brown, so I guess I shouldn't worry unless it's red?
I suppose baby is burying into my uterus? lol
Ughhhh....... I haven't been on much lately but my word I just feel terrible :( For those of you who have missed morning sickness I'm SO jealous!! At first I was worried about no nausea now I just want to fall asleep and wake up after 12 weeks!!! Anyone have any tips to ease this??
I have been incredibly sick the last few days. This morning I got sick twice before 8am. While I was at work I got sick and my husband ran out and bought me the "sea band" at walgreens. It's supposed to work for morning and motion sickness. I felt so incredibly awful, but since putting them on I felt a lot better and was able to keep some lunch down. Praying that it wasn't a fluke and that they keep on working!
Armywife, if you're concerned then call your doctor... But you're right, brown blood is old blood, and generally speaking if it's brown and there are no major cramps, it's usually nothing to worry about. I had one bit of brown blood the other day, but it was after several hours of walking (more than I usually do) and it was only when I wiped and not a drop since... I also didn't hae any cramping or anything so decided to wait and see, and three days later there's been nothing more... I hope it's the same for you!!!

Aww girls, I hope the morning sickness passes soon!!! I'm feeling like utter crap and the nausea is almost constant, BUT I haven't yet thrown up at all so I'm *hoping* that I won't!!! I don't know if it's of much help for you when your'e throwing up, but I have been drinking ginger beer a bit (anything with ginger is good for nausea. Ginger tea too) and making sure I KEEP EATING!!! My appetite is totally NIL right now, I can be really hungry but I simply don't feel like eating! The other day I didn't eat much at all, but by the end of the day the cramps and nausea had me writhing on the bed I was in such misery! It wasn't until my stomach gurgled that I realised I must be hungry so went and ate an apple. Within a mere minute or two of starting the apple I was feeling a million times better! Stupid hormones!!! So since then I just have been forcing myself to eat regularly, and not allow myself to get hungry. If I feel the nausea building I go and eat something before I curl up and feel sorry for myself, and invariably the nausea drops back down again to a tolerable level! Turns out I don't feel hunger anymore,I just feel varying levels of nausea!?? lol

I'm soooooo tired though too. But I think part of that is also that I haven't been eating so much as well as the hormones. A nap at lunchtime is great though! lol
I was one of the members in the "we don't ahve morning sickness yet club".

not anymore. UGH. morning, noon and night. I haven't thrown up yet, but i still feel like i'm gonna.

first appointment is tomorrow at 10:30. wish me luck ladies!
Armywife, if you're concerned then call your doctor... But you're right, brown blood is old blood, and generally speaking if it's brown and there are no major cramps, it's usually nothing to worry about. I had one bit of brown blood the other day, but it was after several hours of walking (more than I usually do) and it was only when I wiped and not a drop since... I also didn't hae any cramping or anything so decided to wait and see, and three days later there's been nothing more... I hope it's the same for you!!!

Thank you! Today I haven't seen as much if any, so I think all is well. :)
I was one of the members in the "we don't ahve morning sickness yet club".

not anymore. UGH. morning, noon and night. I haven't thrown up yet, but i still feel like i'm gonna.

first appointment is tomorrow at 10:30. wish me luck ladies!

Good Luck Phantom!! Let me know if he gives you any tips for the nausea........
I was one of the members in the "we don't ahve morning sickness yet club".

not anymore. UGH. morning, noon and night. I haven't thrown up yet, but i still feel like i'm gonna.

first appointment is tomorrow at 10:30. wish me luck ladies!

Good Luck Phantom!! Let me know if he gives you any tips for the nausea........

will do!!!!! ahhh! i'm so nervous i hardly slept
Phantom ~ Hope all goes well...

At the moment my sickness has eased slightly, making sure I don't get hungry... But I've had headaches from hell instead of the sickness...

Plus OH has started laughing at me, I have gone so fat! I have started wearing maternity clothes from when I was expecting DD, can't get my normal clothes on at all...

Mind I did get fat from the neck down when I was expecting DS, I have a feeling I gonna have a boy...

Hope we all start feeling better soon...
I'm having achey knees today! So soon??! I haven't been taking my extra calcium lately since my stomach has been so yucky, so that might be the issue... Or loosening ligaments? Crazy hormones!
I was one of the members in the "we don't ahve morning sickness yet club".

not anymore. UGH. morning, noon and night. I haven't thrown up yet, but i still feel like i'm gonna.

first appointment is tomorrow at 10:30. wish me luck ladies!

Good Luck Phantom!! Let me know if he gives you any tips for the nausea........

i posted a thread over in 1st trimester. "My 7 week Appointment"

not anything to interesting but check it out :)
Phantom I'm going to read your thread in a minute, I'm so nervous, my appointment is tomorrow afternoon and I just dont know what to expect.

I've not had the nausea since 7 weeks but I have been trying to eat small amounts regularly so I dont feel sick. I really dont want to eat most of the time so end up having to force myself and it doesnt help that I've had a really bad cold for the past 2 weeks and cant seem to stop coughing.

I had a bit of a scare yesterday too - my dog rushed past me as I was walking up the stairs and I didnt know he was there and fell down about three stairs and now have a massive green-blue bruise on my bum - it really hurt but scared me more than anything else, but I'm thinking it cant have done any damage can it? being so early on? I think I'm just being paranoid and I'm sure everything is ok.

On a lighter note, I made chicken pie for my tea and it was soooo good! I've not wanted to eat anything lately and have had no preference for any type of food - it all made me feel sick but that really hit the spot (it's the Jamie Oliver one from his 30 minute meals) and OH didnt eat most of it so I can have some more tomorrow (I know I'm sad getting excited over pie lol).
we saw our little cookie today <3
i was bleeding and cramping so we got taken for an emergency scan...... everything was ok the bleeding was from something else, and little cookie was growing fine, and we saw the heartbeat flashing away :)
Irish Girl--- I was only 5 weeks or so and i had my first spill. i dodn't even get a bruise but i was crazy worried. my dog had sloshed some water on the floor and i slipped on it going past it and fell on my butt.

sam- is it bad that i "wish" i had some sort of something not normal (but of course end up being nothing) so i could see my little CriKee. Cause AHHHHH, my first scan isn't until 19 weeks, I don't know how I'm gonna last. :(

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