Why the 12th?! There's been so many weird signs that our bubs is gonna come on September 12th (just silly things, people's dreams etc) right from the start of this pregnancy, and you just happen to guess that someone on this thread will give birth on the 12th
Why couldn't you have said 13th or 11th hahaha xx
I'm not sure TBH, maybe because 12/09/12 is a "nice" date when you write it down. I think mine's going to come on 21/10/12 because I think that looks nice written down too lol. DS keeps saying she's going to come on daddy's birthday which is 16/10 so wonder which is better: mother's intuition or sibling bond???
There is nothing wrong with 30, although I did spend the year in denial that I was 30 as I had a one month old baby on my 30th birthday so didn't really celebrate or get any real presents etc (don't feel too sorry for me though, I did get a very thoughtful and relatively expensive mother's day gift). For anyone who can't be bothered to do the maths from my ticker that now makes me 32 which is fine, I'm kind of over being old now
After I've been whinging that I feel massive this time I decided to depress myself even more and look at last time's bump pics to compare. Guess what? There isn't much in it I don't think now. It look a lot longer for me to be showing properly the first time but... well, see what you think.
Apologies for the exposed bump pics, it was the one I had from last time which I thought I could most easily replicate for comparison.
White top, no head is pregnancy 1, grey topwith the phone over my face is this time.
*Edit* actually looking side by side like that this one is bigger, but not as much as it feels like it is!