****October 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Well dh didn't like her at all! She was quite rude at one point and he was quick to point that out so it didn't go quite so well, she was telling us we should get a free check on the house done by the fire brigade as its a service they now offer and Adam (dh) said my dad will do that as he was a firefighter for yrs and she tried telling him basically that wasn't a good idea and we should use the fire service as they're impartial, as Adam pointed out his dad would hardly not say about something of concern when it's about his grandson, honestly! She then went on to tell Adam what's expected of him whilst I'm breast feeding which I felt was completely patronizing, as a grown 25 yr old man he's perfectly capable of knowing its down to him to look after Casey and prepare a meal while I'm feeding, he already does that anyway, all in all not impressed! She must of known she was in the wrong as she said she hoped she hadn't offended him about his dad before he left, she was v helpful about breastfeeding at least and with one phone call got Casey's speech and language app for the 13th of August so I'm grateful for that but she wasn't joking when she said she speaks before thinking! Xxxx
Mine wasn't even that helpful lol told me jakes speech was immature but the nursery he is at days he is advanced my middle 2 have had speech therapy done wonders for Charlie even after a couple of ten minute sessions when you watch them working with them they don't really seem to do much but it works but luc was a great talker and jake aint to bad so I thought you cheeky cow!!! I couldn't do with yours in my house to tell my oh to not be a dick about stuff once baby comes I'm pretty sure he thinks its going to be a walk in the park which of course unless we get a baby who is a fantastic sleeper never gets wind and never cries it will be but let's be realistic that aint going to happen lol your dh sounds great and as you have had casey he will know that its not an easy ride xx
Sounds like quite the experience with the health visitor...

I thought about doing that for awhile.
How is everyone?? All good I hope I still have no voice the heat is slowly killing me and the spd is really bad I have never had sore hips before but I'm waking up loads with them now :( I have lost 4 lb in 2 days that really can't be good!!

Just been reading a thread on breast or bottle feeding I had commented then it got a bit rowdy cause people don't like others opinions but at the end of the day its an opinion everyone has them and no one should let them bother them don't you agree?? Xx
Totally agree.

I wanted to bottle feed Euan but decided to give breast feeding a try. I was blown away by how much I loved it but with pcos I wasn't able to produce enough so did combination feeding. I felt so guilty for months and months. The majority of moms bf over here and I had many comments while bottke feeding that almost had me crying.

With livi I hoped I could bf better with no formula and managed it till she was around 16w, I was seeing the bf ckinic docs and I make about 2-2.5oz every 4 hours so not enough. Had to start formula with her then and it was hard.

Dh thinks I should just bottle feed from day 1 this time to save myself the pain but will definitely bf again primarily for the convenience and the fact that its free.

I would never judge a mother for her choice. I was bottle fed, hubbt was bottle fed and formila now is so much bettet than it was then.
Oh had my diabetic appt today. Dont have to go back for 3 weeks and just need to do bs once a day. Yay.
Yay for not having to go back for a while!!

I started breast feeding all of mine luc was the easiest then Charlie was never off the boob and he gave me thrush on my nipples I tried to carry on feeding but it hurt so much so had to stop so only done 3 weeks with John it was 3 weeks also as I couldn't fit him in around nursery runs he would be screaming the whole time so stopped and with jake I wanted a drink so only done 2 weeks John and jake being big babies needed topping up anyway the hospital had warned me they might!!

With Harvey I'm going to try and do as long as possible cause its free and convenient and will hopefully help losing weight x
I got my information package yesterday from my health authority, I had to register online with the hospitals that I might give birth at, I was fuming reading it.

Very militant pro BF views that make you feel like shit.

Lists of reasons why you need to BF, baby will get diabetes, cancers, bla bla bla if you don't and telling you how bad formula is for your baby. I want to BF but talk about guilting first time mums into it..what if you can't it just leaves you feeling like a failure.

There were also lists against co-sleeping.

Pretty ridiculous these days.
What's co sleeping??

I remember when I had ds1 I was only 17 and they were all ready to give me the why you should bf speech and I said oo I already decided to do it they even had me talk to women at a breast feeding workshop afterwards due to me being so young and took straight to it they thought it may make others do it or help them I felt really stupid as most of the women were a lot older than me and I thought they might think I'm patronising them!! Plus I had a super good baby he went 4-5 hrs during the day and slept all night from 11-8 so of course it was easy but with ds2 I could of cried in fact I did cry a bloody lot cause he wouldn't be put down just wanted to be fed all the time I was so tired and he cried so much I honestly can see why some mothers won't do it!!! Still it didn't deter me that much as I'm now on to number 5 and bf them all for a while

Your right though they do make you feel like a failure over here too and make you feel like your not doing your best for your baby which I think is unfair its a personal choice some women see boobs as a sex things and don't want to use them the feed their babies others find the feeling weird there is loads of reasons behind people's decisions to bf or ff x
Hi ladies sorry to disappear but swapped phones and have no data at mo so I might be a bit on and off, hope youre both ok, haven't heard from the hospital and its been a week now so am hoping glucose test was neg but gunna ring docs tomorrow see if they have results in xxxxx
I'm sure they will be fine oasis they get them back within hours 24 at most so they would of been in touch by now xx
I would think the fact that you have not heard anything yet is probably a good sign.

CO-sleeping is when you have your baby in bed with you.
I used to bring the others in when breast feeding lie on my side and just pop them on if I was really tired I have read stories about people lying on their babies think that's what really puts me off and the fact that they get to used to it as I was by myself when I had ds4 I let him in my bed loads was a nightmare when I met oh trying to get him in his own bed so ill be letting Harvey stay in his own cot from the start I'm not against co sleeping as it is easier sometimes but I have done it like I say and jake has only just started sleeping through most nights so won't be in a hurry to do it again x
I find that I co-sleep for the first couple of weeks. I have a little bed thing that you can put into yours which helps..after a couple of weeks I popped them in a standing bassinet at the side of the bed which was fine but I did sometimes fall asleep while nursing still.

I need to buy a new bassinet actually, or thinking about putting he/she straight into a crib I am not sure. Livi is still in the crib I just need to get round to buying her a toddler bed.

Need to do that soon.
I've had the day from hell by 10am jake had drew all over my walls and generally been a pain in the backside went to docs totally had a break down in front of the doctor then came home started getting really painful contractions been up the hospital I'm dehydrated and may have a urine infection cervix is closed so sent home to go back if they get worse all I want to do is sleep x
Oh Hannah, sorry youre still unwell, those contractions must have been scary so glad all is ok and your cervix is closed, hope you can get some rest, it is hard with the kids, we've not got long to go now. I ended up ringing my midwife as i wanted to check my 28 week bloods they took at the same time as the gd test especially my iron and it was great news neg for gd and iron really good levels. Xxxxxx,xx
I'm getting my bloods done on the 8th I'm still getting pains can't remember them being this bad though its ripping through my belly but getting further apart now so that's good!!
My nice GP thinks I'm depressed I was like wouldn't you be if ya had no voice hardly after 2 weeks and everything else that's went on if there wasn't such thing as bad luck id have none at all lol I'm just so tired my hips hurt and can hardly open my legs even turning over it a chore in bed cause of the pain and this heat seriously wants to do one its far to hot and really muggy too no air at all we need a big thunder storm to clear the air then it maybe a bit better!!!

Anyways great news on ya results and how are you coping with the heat x
I'm getting my bloods done on the 8th I'm still getting pains can't remember them being this bad though its ripping through my belly but getting further apart now so that's good!!
My nice GP thinks I'm depressed I was like wouldn't you be if ya had no voice hardly after 2 weeks and everything else that's went on if there wasn't such thing as bad luck id have none at all lol I'm just so tired my hips hurt and can hardly open my legs even turning over it a chore in bed cause of the pain and this heat seriously wants to do one its far to hot and really muggy too no air at all we need a big thunder storm to clear the air then it maybe a bit better!!!

Anyways great news on ya results and how are you coping with the heat x
Oh no. Sounds awful Hannah. Glad to hear the contractions are lessening. I guess they did a urine specimen, hope you get the results soon. Dehydration makes my uterus contract too. If I don't drink enough in the day I have 2-3 hours of painful contractions at night time with the irritable uterus thing. You are sounding like your really struggling, its so hard having other kids and other things to do when you just want to lie down.

Great news on the results Oasis, thought they would be ok since you had not heard anything yet.
Goddess I'm ready to give up I said to oh this morning I'm defo not having any more I can't put myself through this again its too much x

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