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****October 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Oh and Hannah you could go early and we could both go super late, you never know. I was 2 days overdue with DS, and 3 days early with DD so hoping that he/she is here on time ish especially since my parents have flights booked to be here.

I am feeling way more pregnant than I am especially in the pubic area...where you feel all the pressure.

At work and feeling tired and I have only just started. Up 5 times to pee and twice with mad leg cramps. DH was up with the leg cramps massaging my legs for me, bless. I told him to go into the spare room to sleep but he said he felt bad for me and wanted to help. Its nice when they do little things like that, to remind you that they care.
Thanks goddess that makes me feel tons better! And as we all have wet knickers I won't worry anymore lol xxxx
He is coming 9-10 days early anyway but that's still 10 days after all of you are due xx
I seem to be peeing for England right now and I have to sit on the loo for ages til I eventually stop as it seems to trickle on forever lol, I've also felt a lot in my pelvic area, especially walking, Brooklyn literally hasn't stopped moving today so I'm not worried anymore, wouldn't it be nice if we all gave birth within a few days of each other, can't believe how far we've come after everything we've been through xxxxxx
I know, it feels like we are coming into the home stretch now.
Mizcee congratulations!!!! Absolutely thrilled for you and welcome to our first arrival....hope she gets bigger and stronger soon!
Ill be happy if I have Harvey when you all have yours lol just can't have him born on the 11th or 5th October!! Any other time is fine xx
Lol be sure to tell him not to come on those dates:) regretting the balti we had for dinner, major heartburn now! Can't wait to see the back of that xxxx
I had one the other night followed by Zantac lol

Goddess not them dates as my dad died on the 5th and his funeral was held on the 11th so don't want such sad days to be my child's bday xx
My heartburn went eventually and I'm not surprised you want to miss those dates Hannah, today it's been 2 years since my dad died, always a sad day, his birthday was the 2nd and the 14th is when we lost him:( xxxxxx
It's my dads bday this month the 22nd August is a hard month too as that's when he got took into hospital and by this time he couldn't talk or anything from the 5th August it was like we were just watching him die slowly and didn't know why thinking of you today its such a horrible thing to go through xxx
Thankyou xxx I totally understand, my dad wasn't the dad I knew when we lost him either, he still knew who we all were but he wasn't the big strong man I've always known, he used a Zimmer frame cause of all the falls he had and the dementia was gettin full hold, he would never have wanted to still be here in that state, that's the only comfort I have, that he would of wanted to go months before that so it was probably a blessing for him but I'll never get over it, I don't think you ever do, miss him so much xxxxx
I can totally relate it was so horrible to watch and not be able to do anything my dad wouldn't of wanted to be here either they way he was he was only 56 and if he thought he had to live the way he was for years he wouldn't of wanted to be here I miss mine loads too could still pick up the phone to ring him and its 8 years this year xx
I don't think it's ever gunna get any easier Hun, it proper hurts he won't get to meet or hold Brooklyn, my mum was a waste of space as a mum but my dad was an amazing dad and grandad, lived for his kids and grand kids, life's well unfair sometimes isn't it? Would love to pick up the phone and speak to him even just once more, he died before I had a chance to tell him I love him and goodbye xxxxxxx
It is so wrong that good people get taken why don't horrible people die I was pregnant with ds 3 when my dad died I had my kids young so my parents could watch them grow but my dad never got that chance Luc was 3 and Charlie was 14 months but he doted on them while he was here xx
I see, I understand how that would be difficult. I can feel both of your pain ladies.. :hugs:

Your dads would both be super proud of both of you I am sure and the families that you have raised.
I was so panicked with jake cause he was due on the 7th oct but luckily he came early x
Thank you goddess, that's a lovely thing to say, my dad did always say I was a wonderful mum so hopefully I've done him proud xxxxxx
I am sure you have.

Sitting at work, have my diabetes clinic today so leaving work early. Having lunch and baby is bouncing about like crazy.

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