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****October 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Hope you get on ok:) I've had the same today movements seem even stronger and I've had a couple of painful digs in my ribs which made me jump lol xxxx
Harvey has only moved today when I have ate something I'm getting loads of pressure in my bum and back which is really hurting xx
I tried bending over to wash the dog earlier in the garden, should have waited for dh, back been hurting since, been lucky this pregnancy as not had a bad back it's more my hips at night, I wake every hour gave to get up walk about til pain goes and swap sides, was exactly the same every pregnancy xxxx
My back hasn't been as bad as usual tbh and I've never had bother with my hips until now I have to turn loads during the night cause of the pain every time I wake up I have the same routine hobble to the toilet walk back and then lie on the other side x
I have feet popping out my right side or under ribs that I keep pushing back in. Clinic was fine. They don't want to see me again. She said my sugars are so good that I can.almost treat it like I don't have GD but not to forget and eat crap. I have put on no weight in 3 weeks infact a lb less so they were concerned about that.
Me too Hannah exactly the same, awful isn't it, also I feel like I can't breathe now sometimes when I lay down, hips and heartburn bother me most xx
Goddess I haven't put any weight on in about the same 3/4 weeks, I read you should be putting a lb a week on now but I've been the same last few weeks its not moved so hope all is ok. Fantastic news about the clinic though, great that you've done it just through diet, maybe the fact I don't eat any junk food or takeaways is why I'm not putting much on? When we have curry dh makes it cause I don't really eat much meat so we have Quorn which is a meat substitute. Can't believe my scan is tomorrow, best get some sleep, normally I'm out for the count by 12 but tonight I'm wide awake! Xxx
Good news on the gd front goddess xx

Oasis hope scan goes ok!! I eat loads of shit cause that's all I fancy at the minute but still lost the weight if I didn't drink lucozade (total craving) and eat takeaways I would of lost loads more weight!!! I also don't really eat alot of meat if we get a takeaway I take the meat out and eat the veg oh eats my meat I've never really been a meat lover but I do loves steaks x
I have eaten quite healthily this pregnancy way more than the other 2. I have PCOS and my hormones are buggered...I find that during pregnancy because your hormones are higher i dont gain much weight at all which is quite nice.

I did take the kids out for ice cream last night after dinner, as Euan has behaved well for a few days so it was a treat for good behaviour..we are trying to reward him when he is good and taking away when he isn't. I did cave and had a belgian waffle with some vanilla ice cream and omg it was absolutely fab and i am not really an ice cream fan.

Been awake since 4am this morning so feel a bit sick and have a bit of a headache. My colleagues are taking me out today for lunch at a really nice restaurant as we are all on vacation starting next week alternately so we wont all be together. I cant be bothered as i feel a bit crappy but I am sure it will be fine.
That's nice of them hope you perk up a bit xx

Well I got weighed this morning and in total I've lost 1st 4lbs went to my friends today and she says you can really tell I still feel like a whale and I'm pretty sure I don't look any thinner and if I do I don't feel it xx
Sorry girls been so so busy today, scan went really well, once again Brooklyn was in the wrong position but this time it only affected the pics not their measurements, all we've got are two face on skeletal pics, but all was well they said and he's growing we'll, estimated weight of 4lb 6 but as you know they can be wrong, she said if he grew at this level I'd have a 7 and half pounder, yeah rite!! Lol but you never know I can hope:) on the downside my blood pressure was high, we spent all after in town and it was a bit of a rush to do everything inc getting dd 12 uniform then I had to drop something off about 10 mins from hospital and we were running a bit late so walked it, was all a bit uphill and I was v slow today, I literally got called straight in as soon as I walked in, but they did it again after the scan and it was still high so told me I had to get it done at mw tomorrow, worried now, I have a bit of a thing about getting it done going back to when I was pregnant at 18 and got stressed before an antenatal app and my blood pressure was high, I had two midwives sent to my house threatening to take me into hospital if it didn't go down which just frightened me more and it was high again. Ever since then I've hated having it done in case I start panicking again and pushing it up:( xxxxxxxx
Don't panic about it you know its normally ok look at mine the other week had every bloody symptom of pre eclampsia and its turned out to be nothing yet anyway x
Thanks Hannah, I wish I didn't have such a hang up about getting it done but it all started so long ago, I was all on my own at the hospital and only 18 and got really worried for some reason and that made my bp high, but I think my mw said the bottom reading is the one they're bothered about more as the top one can be affected by stress, feel like I'm in a catch 22 now whereas I'm worried it will be high and the worry makes it high! Will do my best to try and relax I swear I have white coat syndrome, minute i step in hospital, dentist, docs or a clinic I get anxious! Xxxxx
Is there no way you midwife would do home visits?? Mines been great doing home ones during the holidays and that plus she knows how hard it is for me getting around!! Oh also bought a bp monitor from asda only cost £15 and its electronic maybe you could look into getting one and doing your own morning and night then you know if you need to worry xx
I was hoping she'd say she'd pop in but she's absolutely chocker with app tomorrow so I have to go there which is a 15 min walk and that's likely to raise my bp but I do walk there usually so I'm hoping it was just today, so annoyed I've just got a new iPhone and I'd got up to level 165 on candy crush on my old phone so has start again, got up to level 65 on this phone in two weeks (had pay twice) and was looking up bp on google and must gone on dodgy site and had reset my phone and I forgot it takes off apps:( all that playing for nothing lol, had reset it it went well weird, freezing, touch screen not working, it's fine now xxxxx
There is a way around the paying twice and I'm up to level 306 now on candy crush x
I gave up candy crush awhile ago.

The top number of blood pressure is when your heart is working..the bottom numberis when your heart is at rest.

Try to relax and explain to the mw about it. They can take that into account when recording your measurement. Hope it's ok.

Hope your little man is a 7.5lber....
Wow I think I'd be up there with you Hannah if I hadn't had start again twice! How do you get round paying twice? This will be the third time now ill be paying xx

Thanks for that goddess I will explain to her tomorrow. I just hope I don't get too worried before:( I would love a 7lber but I don't think I'll get one but you never know! Xxxxxx
With your iTunes account don't make a new one just sign in with your old one then every app you have had will be available I've put loads of apps on Lucs iPhone by logging in as myself downloading it to his phone then logging out also done it to my mams x

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