Goddess, I had a very painful varicose vein in my labia with ds 4 so I'm sure I'll get the same a bit further on! I doubt very much if my mw will believe me that I was feeling baby so early then, if its unusual at 14 weeks what would she make of 10! I wasn't 100% til I was 12 weeks but watching the scan and feeling baby move in time as I watched there was no kidding myself anymore, now baby moves most of the day it's got much stronger and I can feel baby turn and now little taps. I've got mw in a couple of weeks. Yes they told me what they look for in the blood which is raised hcg levels and a protein, low levels of I think, wouldn't show up on a scan, what will you do goddess? I really thought at 41 I'd be doomed to be high risk! Xxxx