Headed to my monthly ob appointment, it cant come fast enough im dying to hear lo's heart beat, I am deff. going to purchase a Doppler. I havnt felt the baby move yet, sometimes I wonder if I have felt something, and think no no that's not it, I will know 100% when I feel it, that- that was a kick, but maybe im wrong? this is my second baby but my daughter is going on 13 yrs old so this all feels brand new to me. night before last I had a dream I had an extremely hard labor and woke up before I was even dilated past one, then last night I dreamt I went to the bathroom and was covered in blood and was miscarrying.
my nerves are shot, im sure its just over worrying but im scared. why am I not feeling the baby move yet? I don't really have a bump yet either, my stomach is getting harder but im not really showing.
rrr anyway im off to the docs to hopefully put my mind at ease. wish there was a way to just turn my brain off sometimes! lol