Can I join please...
I am Joanne, and I am almost 39. I have had 3 early losses and my last one was Nov last year. I have 2 children.
I am currently 5.3 days pregnant according to US but not sure how accurate that it..i thought I was 5.5 days. no big difference.
I have been having bleeding since Wed night and l had some tests today...I have a closed cervix, US was consistent with early pregnancy at 5w3d no foetal HB yet. I have a repeat scan next week.
Hcg Monday -4376 Thursday - 9125 Friday - 12000
I am happy that the betas are rising...just hoping that everything is going to be ok this time around. Wishing you all the best of luck and a H&H 9 months. Heres to lots of October 2013 babies.
I did have a EDD of October 6, but now I think it might be around October 7-8. We will see.