October 2017 due dates

I'm starting to feel like the 'odd one out'! I never had m/s with any of my previous pregnancies and the closest I've had to it this time around has bee mild food aversions (by 'mild' I mean I don't feel sick if I think of it, I just think "ew no thanks") and an unfortunate predilection for high carb food (anything sugary, potatoes, pasta, bread....). Very annoying as this is my last baby and I was determined to do everything 100% right and not eat anything unhealthy (like I did in previous pregnancies)... I feel very guilty :(
I mean, it's not like I don't have a choice - at least if I felt sick I'd have an excuse - I just feel selfish because I'm not 'forcing' myself to down green leafy veg. and prefer a bowl of cereal or porridge instead!

Baby doesn't start eating from us until 12 weeks though, does (s)he? That's a small consolation, I guess!
Wrinkly, I'd be happy to be the odd one out with you

So far this one is different from the last, way more nausea (had barely any with Grace) but definitely carb loading and eating way more than I should (though that can be directly blamed on the steroids I have to take to maintain pregnancy) I feel like the hulk all the time, hungry and angry. Lol

Can't wait for the 12 week mark so I can wean off and start feeling normal again!
Oh dear, sorry to hear that! How far along are you now? Roll on 12 weeks, eh ;-)
How did it go today - were you able to hear the heartbeat? I wouldn't worry if they struggle to find it, it's probably difficult to find at such an early 'age'... I had my scan last week and the sonographer said "oh, it's stopped" and then "ah there it is again" -!!!?? Surely they mean it skipped a beat or two, as stopping would imply death!

So anyway, try not to worry if you don't hear it and fingers crossed that you will :)

No fetal pole :/ They saw a yolk sac, which they hadn't seen last time. I am thinking I'm earlier than my LMP would have me believe. They drew blood and are drawing blood again on Monday. Tuesday they'll call me to let me know if I'm still doubling HCG. If so, they'll do another ultrasound this week.
Wrinkly, I'd be happy to be the odd one out with you

So far this one is different from the last, way more nausea (had barely any with Grace) but definitely carb loading and eating way more than I should (though that can be directly blamed on the steroids I have to take to maintain pregnancy) I feel like the hulk all the time, hungry and angry. Lol

Can't wait for the 12 week mark so I can wean off and start feeling normal again!

This is me with mac & cheese the past few days :D
Still no ms here. Just beyond tired. And heightened sense of smell.
Ultrasound today, heartbeat seen and heard!! 152bpm!! :)

Hope everyone is well!
Wrinkly, I'd be happy to be the odd one out with you

So far this one is different from the last, way more nausea (had barely any with Grace) but definitely carb loading and eating way more than I should (though that can be directly blamed on the steroids I have to take to maintain pregnancy) I feel like the hulk all the time, hungry and angry. Lol

Can't wait for the 12 week mark so I can wean off and start feeling normal again!

This is me with mac & cheese the past few days :D

Oh phew! Please tell me you're also having pangs of guilt (or not - in which case I shouldn't, either!) ;-)
Still no ms here. Just beyond tired. And heightened sense of smell.
Ultrasound today, heartbeat seen and heard!! 152bpm!! :)

Hope everyone is well!

What's the squiggly thing?! ;) Glad it went well :)
No fetal pole :/ They saw a yolk sac, which they hadn't seen last time. I am thinking I'm earlier than my LMP would have me believe. They drew blood and are drawing blood again on Monday. Tuesday they'll call me to let me know if I'm still doubling HCG. If so, they'll do another ultrasound this week.

Don't get too worried hun, I've just found people on another forum with the same thing and, a week later, there was an embryo and a heartbeat!! Also, at my early scan with my youngest child, they couldn't find anything and said it was probably a blighted ovum. Scroll forwards a week and there she was!

I have irregular periods and they dated me (last week) at 6w6d even though I was 8w by my LMP. Fertility Friend said I ovulated on CD24 and this would tie in with the 6w6d estimate. However, I got a little worried because the gestational sac measured 7w5d so a whole 6 days ahead! Also, the sonographer said the heart stopped when he tried to find the heartbeat but I guess he meant he lost it for a sec...? He found it eventually and it was 148bpm so I shouldn't be worried....should I...??

So anyway, don't stress and I'm sure it'll be fine - sounds like you're probably just a late ovulator, like me! ;)
Wrinkly, I'd be happy to be the odd one out with you

So far this one is different from the last, way more nausea (had barely any with Grace) but definitely carb loading and eating way more than I should (though that can be directly blamed on the steroids I have to take to maintain pregnancy) I feel like the hulk all the time, hungry and angry. Lol

Can't wait for the 12 week mark so I can wean off and start feeling normal again!

This is me with mac & cheese the past few days :D

Oh phew! Please tell me you're also having pangs of guilt (or not - in which case I shouldn't, either!) ;-)

no guilt here at all! I try not to brag about it though because with my oldest I was so so sick the entire pregnancy and I know that it's super unfun!

I would say enjoy the smooth sailing!
How did it go today - were you able to hear the heartbeat? I wouldn't worry if they struggle to find it, it's probably difficult to find at such an early 'age'... I had my scan last week and the sonographer said "oh, it's stopped" and then "ah there it is again" -!!!?? Surely they mean it skipped a beat or two, as stopping would imply death!

So anyway, try not to worry if you don't hear it and fingers crossed that you will :)

No fetal pole :/ They saw a yolk sac, which they hadn't seen last time. I am thinking I'm earlier than my LMP would have me believe. They drew blood and are drawing blood again on Monday. Tuesday they'll call me to let me know if I'm still doubling HCG. If so, they'll do another ultrasound this week.

That's all we've seen so far as well! yolk sac! I'm due the day after you!

Try not to worry, these little beans will hit a point where all of a sudden everything is there!
Checking in to say hi and see how everyone is doing!

My daughter is currently putting toys out the dog door while I listen to this podcast. Has anyone else been following Serial? The Adnan Syad case from Baltimore in 1999? I listened to it a while ago but just heard that they've re-opened the case so I'm relistening to it to catch up! I am so sucked in!

We have our repeat scan tomorrow...hoping to see a heartbeat because I'm getting a little ansty!
Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

I'm beyond shocked. My cousin who has a 1.5 year old is also pregnant with number two and is due in July. NOW her sister announced that she is pregnant with number two as well and she is due a month before me.

Lol they don't even know I'm pregnant yet.
Last year she was pregnant too and had baby number one in May. Another cousin was also pregnant and gave birth a week before me.
So in two years time... 6 new babies in our family.

Holy ... shit. :haha:
No fetal pole :/ They saw a yolk sac, which they hadn't seen last time. I am thinking I'm earlier than my LMP would have me believe. They drew blood and are drawing blood again on Monday. Tuesday they'll call me to let me know if I'm still doubling HCG. If so, they'll do another ultrasound this week.

Don't get too worried hun, I've just found people on another forum with the same thing and, a week later, there was an embryo and a heartbeat!! Also, at my early scan with my youngest child, they couldn't find anything and said it was probably a blighted ovum. Scroll forwards a week and there she was!

I have irregular periods and they dated me (last week) at 6w6d even though I was 8w by my LMP. Fertility Friend said I ovulated on CD24 and this would tie in with the 6w6d estimate. However, I got a little worried because the gestational sac measured 7w5d so a whole 6 days ahead! Also, the sonographer said the heart stopped when he tried to find the heartbeat but I guess he meant he lost it for a sec...? He found it eventually and it was 148bpm so I shouldn't be worried....should I...??

So anyway, don't stress and I'm sure it'll be fine - sounds like you're probably just a late ovulator, like me! ;)

It's weird because I had to take clomid to ovulate but I never got a positive ovulation test... so I have no clue when. I keep telling myself the dr is a ninny and I'm fine. I'm getting bloodwork back today with my second HCG. Friday I was over 13,000!

Thanks for the reassurance :)
We had a heartbeat today.

I'm so thankful to have gotten to see it.

Now roll on second tri so I can get off these steroids and breath easier ❤
Congrats Stucki!

Sorry about not responding to everyone in detail, I'm seriously too weak right now although I try to keep up. I'm truly sorry!
I fainted this morning and got sent to the hospital. Now officially have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. And have been given a cocktail of medications to take every three hours or I'll have to be admitted. :cry:
I hope the medications will work because I can't be admitted (the other one I've been taking for about a week didn't work whatsoever). My SO works long hours and I have a five month old to take care of. :nope:

On the other hand, got to see baby again and he/she was dancing away in there like a champ! :cloud9:
Bla bla sorry to hear about the HG, I hope the meds help:hugs:
No worries hun, keep us updated.

I'm still amazed that I'm pregnant (fingers crossed it lasts!) as I have a short luteal phase and, if I ovulated on CD24, with my cycles being anything fro 27 to 31 days, that would make my luteal phase between 3 and 7 days long!!!

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