October babies due dates and bump colours

I weighed myself about 3/4 weeks ago and had put on a stone and a half!
So 21lbs :shock:

I will it though, I feel sick with mysefl about it and already joined back at teh gym and swim lol

Well after all this talk about gaining, I was down 3 lbs from last weeks appointment. woohoo!

MA - I'll be low carbing too! Just sucks that I can't do my usual hardcore Atkins, near zero carbs. I'm guessing that's a no-go if I'm BFing.

My appointment went well, both babies are doing fabulous. The are in the 50th percentile, fluids were good though one with a little less and apparently both are approximately 2lbs,3oz with baby A slightly heavier than B.

I didn't get any painting done today and after all my adventures today I'm pooped and will not be doing anything tonight.

I did stop by the fertility clinic to get a reprint of some papers I need for insurance. I had been calling them for many days now, leaving messages even. No one answered the phone in the finance department or returned my calls. So I went straight to my doctor's admin and begged for helped. Got the papers I needed finally. Turned out the finance lady is on holiday and no one at reception cared to tell me and she didn't alter her voicemail. Grrrr.
Well, I was trying to remember what everyone said-- but after catching up on several days' worth of posts, I really don't remember much of who said what! Sounds like everyone is doing great though.. which is nice :)

Somebody was asking me about whether I'd decided to go for 3D/4D again.. and I still haven't decided.. lol. I've got the ultrasound appointment for Aug 5th, and I know the lady there will give me a 3D if I ask for it (and pay for it.. ha), so I don't really need to make up my mind yet. The thing is-- even when we got the 3D at 18 weeks, it was sorta... boring. Okay, that sounds terrible, me saying that it was boring to see my baby. No, no.. we LOVEd getting to see him... but the whole session just takes so long.. and eventually we had really seen all we needed to see and it was just more of the same, you know? Maybe that truly sounds awful... but after the initial excitement of getting to see our baby's face, hands, feet, etc... it wasn't that great to see all those body parts again and again for an hour. lol. So I'm thinking maybe I could ask the sonographer to just let us have a quick 10 minute peek, instead of the full hour.

I definitely am looking forward to the U/S though... not just to see LO (which I'm excited about! I really am! I feel like I have to prove that somehow now.. lol)... but also to see where that placenta is at exactly. A few days ago I woke up at 5am with TERRIBLY painful cramps in my lower abdominal area and a very bad, dull backache.. I really just wanted to scream. I felt bad about waking either my midwife or my mom up so early on a Saturday morning, so while I lay there debating what to do for about 5 minutes, the pain slowly went away. Midwife says it's definitely unusual, but since I didn't have any issues afterwards and Baby is still lively and kicking as always, I could wait until the first week of August with the u/s. It was scary though... during those 5 minutes I had to REALLY face for the first time the possibility of going into labor at 28 weeks... Glad everything seems to be okay now though :)

Sooo.. today, I got an amazing deal on a crib, and I'm so excited about it! Went shopping with my mom, and found a $1260 crib marked down to $150! Yes, seriously!It was a floor model, but nothing wrong with it at all... and SO sturdy. Most cribs seem like they might just fall apart when you give them a good shake... this one barely budges. I love it! And I love the design/colors, too. Ahh.. excited now to get started on decorating the nursery!

Anybody else run across some fab deals lately? I also bought 8 dining room tables, 4 bar stools, and a bed/nightstands today... all for amazing prices... shopping with my mom is insane!! I'm normally so, so frugal and can't make myself spend money on things I don't *have* to have... well, I had to have the bed and chairs,b ecause we don't have any and are just moving into our new house... but if it weren't for my mom, I probably would have talked myself out of buying all this stuff by saying that we CAN live with sleeping on plain mattresses, and the hand-me-down crib I got is good enough.. hehe. I'm glad she was there to win out over my ridiculous phobia of spending money, though ;-)

Nice crib MrsK! And that is an amazing deal!! lol, $150 is really low even for some hand-me-down cribs I've seen so I think you really made a good choice.

Scary about the cramps though. I hope your placenta moves so you don't have to worry about it. I had a little bleeding this morning (10 minutes before my OB appt, so very convenient!) The OB said everything looked fine, cervix was closed, and now the bleeding is gone, but I did have a moment of panic for a second. Everything seems fine now though, and baby is still super active. :)
Hi Ladies :hi:

Just jumping in on the weight gain discussion. I have gained 25lbs already. But im not that bothered. Im thinking that's only a pound a week, which is normal, right?
I started aqua natal classes yesterday. I really enjoyed my first one, and am hopefully going to go every wednesday until my little girl arrives (or until i get too big for my swimsuit).
After ive had her, Im hoping that a mixture of breastfeeding, walking with the pram, and Slimming World diet will help me to lose the weight easily.

Hope you are all well :hugs:
MrsK - Holy Dealness Batman! The crib is fabulous. I like the two tones. I'm going to end up with one crib being white and the other dark wood since one is mine and the other is donated from my mom. I've been looking at mixed wood colours for ideas to tie things together and plan on staining the raw wood on my change table to dark and then the shelves are white. Anyway, that is one of the nicest two tones cribs I've seen. As for the US's.. truth be told I'm bored of them myself since I get one at least every other week if not more. I love to know that things are good inside me so I like when they review the reports but I get bored watching them search for and measuring the parts.

zb5 - I hope all looks well at your next US, that was a scary experience.

shelleney - I'm so glad you had an appointment immediately following the bleeding. Any ideas on what caused it?

Okay.. for real for real for REEEEEEEEEEEAL.. I'm going to paint today.. lol I feel like such a fraud because I keep saying I'm going to do it but I need to get a move on. I am officially 3rd trimester now and that means officially behind shcedule! It's the only thing on my calendar today though so I have no excuses this time. lol
zb5 - ahh, I'd definitely panic big-time if I had any bleeding. So convenient that it happened right before your appt!

shelleney - I've gained 30, and I know it's not exactly how much I should have gained, but I'm still not too worried... my bff just had her baby a month ago.. and she already lost 46 lbs just by breastfeeding, not doing any exercising at all. I know not everyone is that lucky.. but I'm just gonna pretend not to know that.. haha.

I really wanted to do an aqua class.. but never got around to it because I was too busy, and by the time I'll have time again toward the end of August, it'll probably be too late to start anything like that. I've just tried to go swimming at a friends' pool whenever I can.

LittleStars- oooh, I like your ideas for the nursery! I have an old dresser in dark wood, and am thinking about sanding it all down (um.. making DH sand it down?!), and painting/staining it a combination of white and dark to match the crib. I might just leave it the way it is, since it'll still look alright-- but if I get around to it, I guess a paintjob would make it look a lot nicer.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets a bit bored with ultrasounds.. lol. One thing I LOVE though, which has been happening more and more frequently the last few days.. is when LO sticks his feet and hands out and I can feel them! He usually moves away as soon as I touch that spot.. but at least for a second, I get to "hold" his hands/feet (not really, I know.. but sorta).. and I just love it! LO has been getting a lot more active, too... or rather, I guess he's getting so big that it's impossible for me not to feel all the activity. Thankfully hasn't bothered my sleeping yet-- I don't wake up, no matter how hard the kicks get... yet...!
Littlestars, I think the bleeding was caused by (TMI alert!) straining for a BM. My doctor said that could be it or it could have just been a coincidence. :shrug: I had a lot of spotting in my first trimester, but it had pretty much gone away by now. So I was surprised to see blood, but not completely thrown as I had seen it before, iykwim. It was super convenient that it happened right before my appt, so she could reassure me right away!

MrsK, I know what you mean about grabbing baby's foot! I poke my belly sometimes and accidentally poked him right in the foot last week. I was worried at first like I shouldn't have poked him that hard! :haha: But mostly I think it's cute. :) It makes me excited for him to come out and I can grab his little feet for real! :)

I haven't had an u/s in 2 months now. I would love to see baby again, but I know what you mean about getting bored sometimes. I did get a little bored during our 20 week u/s when she spent forever measuring things that I didn't even know what they were. :wacko: Mostly I just would like to know that everything still looks fine and healthy with him.
Went to the peri today because I couldn't breathe overnight. Thinking it could be the 100 degree weather here in Central NY. They prescribed an inhaler and I can NOW breathe!

Also they weighed me and I have only gained 13lbs since the beginning. Luckily I'm not harming the baby and as I said before, I'm plus size so I shouldn't be gaining too much weight as all you healthy mommies. I've been a REAL stickler with keeping watch of what I'm eating and not overdoing it because I just don't want to gain too much more. I figure when all is said and done I'll have to lose 70lbs ((shriek)) So gaining 13lbs is scary for me, but I know I'm giving Amelia the nutrients she needs. :winkwink:
Hi Ladies,
I have a quick check in at my Dr.s tomorrow. I haven't had a huge appetite this month but the prior month I gained 5 lbs in four weeks :nope: so I think my weight gain is around 20 lbs (but I will find out for sure tomorrow). I wasn't tiny to begin with and had some weight I wanted to loose before getting pregnant so now I am going to be challenged to get back in shape.

Other than that not too much new going on here... work is a bit of a disaster and I am trying to get things ready for me to leave but it just feels like a giant up road battle...

The baby room is painted but I haven't done the separating boarder yet (I will post pics as soon as I do!! :)). I am on my feet and very active at work so I haven't had much energy when I get home and have been laying low on my days off.

Hope everyone has a good rest of their day!! :flower:
Hi Ladies,
I have a quick check in at my Dr.s tomorrow. I haven't had a huge appetite this month but the prior month I gained 5 lbs in four weeks :nope: so I think my weight gain is around 20 lbs (but I will find out for sure tomorrow). I wasn't tiny to begin with and had some weight I wanted to loose before getting pregnant so now I am going to be challenged to get back in shape.

Other than that not too much new going on here... work is a bit of a disaster and I am trying to get things ready for me to leave but it just feels like a giant up road battle...

The baby room is painted but I haven't done the separating boarder yet (I will post pics as soon as I do!! :)). I am on my feet and very active at work so I haven't had much energy when I get home and have been laying low on my days off.

Hope everyone has a good rest of their day!! :flower:

Sweetie, your beautiful!:flower: I wouldn't worry too much about the loss. Babies usually take what they need. I have no doubt you and the other dear girls will lose all that you've gained. I'm sure it will be a bit challenging, but you'll get it off. The most important for us all is a healthy baby/ies.

Didn't mention to everyone that while I was in the Dr.'s office they gave me a surprise sono because we couldn't get Amelia's heart. That freaked me out! At any rate, they whisked me out for a sono and my husband had an episode that's becoming quite regular. Flushed, feels like his blood pressure is high, sweaty, etc. Before I got into the appointment he started feeling weird so I had him take 3 of my glucose tablets without checking his bloodsugars. Just looked like a hypoglycemia episode. He took 3 of them. When I got back into the room, he was doing better, but the nurse and perinatologist had HIM on the examining bed with cold packs on him. :blush::dohh::haha: Got him out in the car and he was doing better. Tested him and he was 128 which is good after a meal. That tells me he's had another hypoglycemia issue and his levels were most likely in the 60's. I guessed he's type I diabetic and he's going in for a Glucose Tolerance test in the morning but HE seems to think his pancreas is working overdrive and he's NOT type I. (he's an RN) So this is anyones guess...but what does one do if ones pancreas is working overdrive? No matter what he eats....even the fact that he's been eating every two hours now...he's been having lows. It's VERY concerning!:dohh::wacko:
Hi girls! Sorry to hear we are all so afraid of our weight gain. Im very scared also, and think of it all the time, but feel guilty of being so aware of it at the same time. Plus, I don't want to mention it much, as my daughter would pick up on my concern for weight and maybe start her own concerns too early. I've gained about 10 lbs, depending on the day. I was about 15 over though prior to BFP so thats adding onto what I already wanted gone!!!ikes.

MA- are we sure its not that your hubby is having some anxiety/panic issues at certain times? Sounds like a few i've had before. Im sure you guys know best, but just think some men(even RN) don't handle their wives in a medical situation very well, and it makes them nervous, or worse than just nervous. Hope he is ok, and i am glad your baby got to be seen and that all is ok....it is ok, right? You never mentioned the results!

ZB- so glad the bleeding was nothing! I hear ya on the 1st tri bleeding, I did the whole time pretty much, but would think seeing some now would really freak me out. At least we are further, bleeding in first trimester always had me convinced baby wouldnt survive. So thankfuL!
zb, nypage - I had bleeding too 1st trimester. Everytime it was just stopping and clearing up and I thought I was in the clear it started again. It was so scary but thankfully because I was at a fertility clinic I was able to go in for many an US to reassure me.

MA - Hope DH is okay and whatever it is it is something managable and at best something temporary. I thought that he was panicking too when I read the description! Let us know how he's doing.

Guess what???

I painted yesterterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took forever since I had to shift a bunch of little things that were still in the supposedly 'empty' room. Then wash the molding, put on the painters tape and remove sticker decals from when DD was in there. After that was all the plastering of various holes from pictures and lights and then the knicks from DD. After finally sanding it all down I was ready! I got one layer of edging done and one layer of rolling done. Today I have my mom coming over and she's going to lend a hand and either do the edging or the rolling to speed me up. Yay!!!!!! Once that's done I've gotta get started on laundry to get ready for going to MIL's trailer tomorrow for the day and then on Sunday I have to pack up for a week vacation at a cottage. And if I'm really lucky I might get a little cleaning of the rest of the house in there. I hate going away and elaving the house in a mess, reminds me of the time that my family went on vacation and when we came back we'd been robbed. The police thought that the robbers had been searching for something specific in my brothers room but it was because of the state of his room! lol
You sound busy Little! I know all about leaving a house. We had some days off this week and came up north 3 hours away, but debated not going because of the renovations on our bathroom and bedroom, our house is in shambles. I didn't want to leave it like that, but we wanted the break so here we are! Its worth the down time though the lake is so relaxing and having a blast. Hope you get everything done for your cottage vacation but if not, don't fret. It will all get done some time:)
Littlestars- you just reminded me of all that I still have to do. We "allowed" my husband's brother to move in when we bought the house, with the understanding that he had 6 months to find a place to live. Fast forward to Feb. He was still here so I had to tell him that I was pregnant and at that time I was still carrying twins and that he needed to get out. Fast forward again to this month and he is finally moving out in 5 days. That is if he ever gets his crap packed. I'm pretty sure the walls are doing to be in need of major repairs so I have my hands full getting that room in order.
WTG Littlestars! :happydance: Your another step closer. Can't WAIT to see it when it's done!

AFM: Finally had Doug's Glucose Intolerance test. He was low at fasting which I already expected and then during the process he got to 185 and a half hour after his testing he was fixated on getting to work. I could see BAD signs so I had to stop at a restaurant while arguing with him WHY we needed to be there. Good thing I did. We had to get him orange juice. He was 60 and going lower quickly. It took him about an hour to get stable. Needless to say he's been off work today.

We're not sure if stress is the underlying cause here. Lord knows our lives haven't exactly been stress free since Jackson passed away almost 2 years ago. He's been bottoming out frequently and it's been scary. Especially when he drives! He's been pairing small meals with protein and complex carbs and this STILL happens. Something is causing his pancreas to work overtime. He doesn't think it's type I because the pancreas wouldn't work at all. It's Def. not what I have or he'd have MUCH higher levels. Worse case is cancer....when he told me that I had to hide my fear and emotions. I'm thinking if it were that, we'd KNOW because he's been to the hospital several times for this over the course of 3 years.

Stress is something that "could" be the issue...however there HAS to be another issue that's the underlying cause because I'm not really sure if it could cause low bloodsugars. He also has issues of tachyicardia...which IS a symptom of stress. I don't know, for an RN, he isn't very good at communicating what his symptoms always are...I'm confused if stress is a part of this. Like you said, it DOES sound like panic attacks but what about the low bloodsugars all the time along with the sweating, fainting issues? :shrug: It's confusing!

Poor guy. I let him sleep when he got home. I'm all freaked out lately. I haven't been able to sleep since getting into 3rd trimester. First it was acid reflux keeping me up, then finding the right position, anxiety, now it's the flippin heat and a bit of anxiety from the unknown.

So we wait for a call and I think he'll end up seeing my endochrinologist who I'm confident will have the answers. He's my ONLY Dr. I trust here. He won't touch me while I'm pregnant though...I miss him dearly!

This weekend we're going to the beach. I figure it will be a nice time and hopefully stress free for Doug. What's on everyone elses agenda this weekend?
MA - Scary stuff! I am so glad that you guys are getting to the bottom of this before the baby comes. It's funny to me that he's an RN and you seem to be the one on the ball but they always say that doctors make the worst patients so it would stand to reason that RN's wouldn't be much better. :)

Second coat of paint on the walls!!!!!!!!! The room looks so nice and calming. I was a bit worried yesterday I'd somehow picked the wrong colour hue. Especially since I was painting over the lightest ice pink ever. But now I love it!! I can't wait to decorate once I've come home from vacation and will definitely post pictures once done. Just can't decide if I'll order sticker decals for the walls or do the 3-d butterflies I found. I'm a little concerned on how they attach to the wall and also if toddlers would grab them off the wall down the road.

Anyway, I'm off for dinner out tonight. I convinced DH we should go out to celebrate the start of his holiday but secretly I just don't want to cook.
haha, LittleStars.. I don't feel like cooking these days either! Who wants to stand in a hot kitchen when it's already much too hot and our bellies are getting so freakin' heavy? After a few hours on my feet, I feel like I just can't carry my belly around anymore because my muscles get so sore. Glad you got it painted! Can't wait to see pictures!

MA- that's scary-- hope the dr's figure out what's up and can help your husband regulate his blood sugar. I don't know much about diabetes, but it sure doesn't sound so good!
MA, is it for sure that the anxiety issues can't affect blood sugar? It seems like no, but over stress or heart conditions cause too much of certain hormones released in the body so maybe it can somehow link to low blood sugar. May be a dumb idea, just trying to work it out. Hope you guys can relax and get excited for baby, you've worked so hard to get there! I also have huge acid reflux issues and am beginning to feel scared about esophageal erosion! It's such hot acid feeling in my throat. Ick!
MA, is it for sure that the anxiety issues can't affect blood sugar? It seems like no, but over stress or heart conditions cause too much of certain hormones released in the body so maybe it can somehow link to low blood sugar. May be a dumb idea, just trying to work it out. Hope you guys can relax and get excited for baby, you've worked so hard to get there! I also have huge acid reflux issues and am beginning to feel scared about esophageal erosion! It's such hot acid feeling in my throat. Ick!

After my last post, I went and researched. Your right! there's a hormone that releases too much insulin in the body. It can...and sounds like is an issue. We're going to check into it and also have him tested for a couple other issues that can be caused. One is a genetic hormone issue, another is a cyst of the liver or kidney and the last is of course cancer....later two I'm hoping it isn't. I hope it's as easy as stress and we just deal with it with exercise, eating, weightloss and maybe a yoga class or two (though he doesn't like it and doesn't believe in it). We shall see. Thanks ladies!:winkwink::thumbup:

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