October babies due dates and bump colours

Aww, Ali's bedroom is beautiful! Makes me excited to start on our little girl's room!
I finally have my internet connection fixed, so hope to be back on much more. update for those not on the facebook page but mysection has been moved to the 8th sept so I get to meet my baby 2 weeks tomorrow xxx
Lucas was on our list :thumbup: and Olivia is in our top2 but i'm team blue so not just yet hehe.
Littlestars- basket sounds so thoughtful she will be touched lots of thought put in to it :hugs:
:happydance: woo hoo bout sleep mommys angel pleased for you hows your dog?
I love love love the nursery i liked furniture when you put pics on but its even better all together just need your :baby: now
welcome back gash missed you. 2 weeks wow :kiss: how ru feeling?
Im ok, 2 weekss still seems like forever away cause Im so knackered but I think it will fly in. Im back at the consultants next wednesday, then the following monday and Im being admitted the day before so will actually go into hospital 2 weeks today. Im a bity worried about baby being in scbu as its the same gestation my little boy was born at and was in intensive care for a few days with wet lungs but hes great now xxx
Ooh Gash! 2 weeks isnt long at all! how exciting!
Adele, Thanks for asking. Our Dog seems fine today. We have been careful with her the past two days. She's been getting white rice and baby electrolytes. She started feeling better last night but we kept her little doggie bed next to my husband. She slept there all night long without getting up to nudge us she had to go outside quick. I gave her some yogurt to work the intestinal tract and it seemed to help her out. I'll give her a little more today and see how she does.

On a lighter note...I'm DYING for cake! I'd have my husband run to the grocery store but they changed the frosting to a 0 trans fat OIL and call it butter cream...how can it be buttercream frosting when there's no butter or actual cream now?! It LITERALLY tastes like your eating lard.

The good news is that my cousins wedding is this friday. My husband is having filet mignon and I'm having lobster tail. I DO believe the cake will be ritzy and hopefully there will be MORE than enough for this pregnant woman who has been craving cake for days. :rofl:

I like it when we go to ritzy weddings. Who wouldn't want surf and turf is someone ELSE is paying for it?! :shrug: lol No tip needed. :rofl:
what's a ritzy wedding MA!?

i love ali's room... :cloud9:

i put the testers on the nursery wall at the new house last night to check they were what i wanted and i'm 99% sure it's what i want :haha: so we'll start painting next week now..

had a mini melt down yesterday all this talk of crib mattresses :haha: rang my mum crying that she hadn't bought me my mattress yet (she won't let me buy it cos my dad made our crib and it's their gift to do it including bedding/mattress etc.) i probably sounded like a right fruit loop - "but she'll know i'm not ready for her if she came early and i don't even have a MATTRESS FOR MY BABY :cry: :cry:" :dohh: so we're going next weekend lol

and hinted quite badly (ie. outright said it basically) that dad really should be starting on the cot by now if he wants to make one otherwise i could go buy one if he's too poorly/too tired/can't afford it etc. but apparently he's already been measuring up and designing it already so he's starting it v soon.. "but i want her room to be peeeeeeeeeerfect, not wait for the cot to go in :cry: :cry:"

omgoodness i bet my mum thought she had a stroppy hormonal demanding little teenager on her hands again yesterday... :rofl:

we met up for coffee this morning and she said "you know i'll be there to help you the minute the baby is born and you've got nothing to worry about, and she really won't know what colour her bedding is when she's first born or whether her room was perfect in that instant"... :blush: yeah i know, but I WANT IT TO BE PERFECT!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :blush:
Nai, I totally understand. We have idea' in our mind and I think it's more for US than for the little ones.

Ritzy is just another word for expensive and elegant. This wedding stuff is lasting 3 days. One would think it was an Indian wedding. Dinner here, brunch there, wedding here, reception at a castle over there. :lol: The guy she's marrying is nice and LOADED. So there's no real limit to the expense which I'm happy with because of the surf and turf alone. Hey...It's like dining out in extravagance without having to pay for dinner and a tip. They're even having a live band (not that I can dance because I have the stitch in and am WAY too close....I have a whole lot of pressure in my lower back.

Which also reminds me that I spoke with a friend of mine from high school who also had the stitch. She also had pressure in her lower back and had her baby a week after the stitch came out. I've been guessing that with Amelia and preparing but the Dr.'s keep telling me having had the stitch in will sometimes keep the tissue together for weeks before actual labor until the tissue loosens. This sure is going to be anyones guess when we have her. While I'd LOVE to have her in October, I have this feeling she'll be here mid Sept. I'm guessing two weeks after my shower next weekend. If I'm wrong, I'll be excited because I really want to have her in October.
Don't worry MA, I still have internet! I've been checking in and reading but haven't had much time to post. I'm sure I won't go without internet for too long as my DH needs it for his work. If it's not up and running in our new house right away, we will be at Starbucks or the public library to get our fix!

Well the packers are here and are just finishing up putting everything in boxes. :shock: They are amazing - they do everything 10 times as fast as I would. I don't know how they find the energy. I'm nervous but thankful we have the packers and movers and aren't doing this all ourselves! Phew.

Tonight we clean up 6 years of dirt so I won't be embarrassed in front of our old landlord and hopefully get as much of our security deposit back as possible...
Don't worry MA, I still have internet! I've been checking in and reading but haven't had much time to post. I'm sure I won't go without internet for too long as my DH needs it for his work. If it's not up and running in our new house right away, we will be at Starbucks or the public library to get our fix!

Well the packers are here and are just finishing up putting everything in boxes. :shock: They are amazing - they do everything 10 times as fast as I would. I don't know how they find the energy. I'm nervous but thankful we have the packers and movers and aren't doing this all ourselves! Phew.

Tonight we clean up 6 years of dirt so I won't be embarrassed in front of our old landlord and hopefully get as much of our security deposit back as possible...

I feel all emotional. :rofl: You moving is making me nervous and I'm not even moving! :dohh: :lol: Can't wait until your settled and by then you'll be ready for baby. Can't WAIT to see him! :happydance::cloud9::kiss::flower:

Praying for travel mercies, peace and contentment as you travel cross country to your new home...praying also that everything gets there safely, and that you'll be ready for when baby boy is here. May you also find joy in your new journey in life and be abundantly blessed In Jesus name...AMEN!
Ali's bedroom is so cute! The furniture really looks nice in there. Great job!

Gash - 2 weeks! So nuts! I've already started my countdown until my c-section. 6weeks, 1 day. lol Seems like forever and it's a lot of pressure on me to keep the babies in there since I know the date is perfect for DH's schedule ironically. Are you on bedrest until then or just light duty?

zb5 - yay for movers. I know when we bought this house and moved it kept saying 'this is the last time we're doing this on our own!' We did hire movers but they were paid by the hour so we did a lot of pre-moving and helped on the big day to make things go faster. Next time we hope it will be a military move and then they will pack and unpack, the whole nine yards! I hate moving.

MA - I haven't enjoyed the cakes at the past few weddings I've gone to. It's like people suddenly want to cut costs to the wedding so they go with some lady in the church who claims she can do that cake and then it's just crap. lol My whole entire wedding was done on a tight budget but I did not skimp on the cake - just ordered the right size for the wedding rather than large just to look impressive. It was a black forest cake with buttercream icing incased in bakery made fondant. Not the crap you buy at Michael's that is made by Wilton's. I know the difference!! lol I hope this cake at the wedding will not disappoint you!! *drool*

Nai - we all have a right to our crazy moments, we're pregnant! Hello! Last night I wasn't feel quite right and DH kept asking me to explain. All I could tell him was this: It feels like I have an invisible silcone neck brace on the it's pushing on the back of my neck making me feel weird. DH laughed at me and told me I was nuts. Nice! lol

I tried to get a mattress yesterday, honest I did! I got to Walmart first and checked all three they were offering and they were all soooooo soft. By the time we had also gone to a few other stores to pop in for this and that I was POOPED! So was DD. So we headed home with no mattress. I'm hoping I can go to look again today elsewhere. I really want to get the mattresses so I can put the bedding on properly so the room looks more finished so I can get a better clue as to what I want to paint for the walls. I did get some canvases though so I'm ready to paint. Even got some water colour paper so either way I'm covered. Just need to motivate myself. Hehehe. I got the absolute cutest receiving blanket for myself err I mean the babies.. it's aquas and greens but it's a pattern of a really cute dragon breathing fire to roast his own marshmallow. It just made me smile because of it's cheekiness I had to buy it.
Hello ladies!

Thanks for info on crib mattress. Its funny I worry about that, as I dont even have a crib yet, and since im having baby in my room in a bassinette am not stressing to go buy one until he is born. lol.

Yours- what a pretty room for ALi! Good job!

MA- cake. OMG, its breakfast time and you've just created a new "i need to have this" moment for me! haha. We have a place called the Cake Box which is kinda far from me but i want to go now!

Nai- hope it turns out just the way you want it and quickly!

Little- Good luck with trying for a mattress today again!

Anyone going to use a monitor that detects breathing/ movement for baby?

Also, anyone have cats that they worry about getting to snuggly with baby? I want some kind of monitor that would alarm, say, if the cat got into the basinette or something with him....just not sure what kind.

Anyone else I missed- hello! And happy day to you:)

I am glad today, getting over my OH smoking/ lying issue. Its silly to think that he was lying to be vindictive and evil to me. He was lying as he really just wants to smoke, and maybe feels guilty over it. Of course, if he does it again, then we really have an issue because now he knows how hurt I was over the lies....but it feels good that we are finally talking and enjoying each other again! I missed my partner! Even if now I have to install a camera into his car.....haha kidding.
nypage - I'm just getting a regular monitor, nothing fancy. It is the highest consistently rated one from Babies R US here on the Canadian website. A VTECH with DECT technology.

As for kitties. My cats were curious about the baby stuff when the baby wasn't around last time around but ran far far away when they saw her coming. She cried and was loud and unpredictable and it scared them silly. We never had her sleep with the door open and reprimanded them for going in her room for the 2-3 months before DD arrived to condition them. Other than that we had no problems. It took them about 3 years to come around to DD and even now they are wary of her. Though she did learn that if she sprays catnip spray in her room she can entice them to stay and then she traps them in her room and chases them. lol Good times. I'm sure the cats will be thrilled when they see us bring another two of those 'things' home with us in a few weeks.
Is that one that monitors movement or breathing Little?

I have just one cat, but his way of snuggling is to lie across my neck....and he loves my daughter so so much so has no worries of children....Also, baby will be in our room, and I dont want to close my door as I'd be afraid of closing myself off to my 7 year old daughter ( i always have this paranoid schizo fear of her being stolen in the middle of the night!), so its impossible to keep cat out of the area where baby will sleep. im so scared and dont know what to do!
i think we're getting one for movement and breathing.. but we havent got it yet so we'll see...

signed our tenancy agreement on the new house today, get the keys on saturday, out of the old house by tuesday, really looking forward to be settled and get on with my little princess' room!
Hi ladies,

Concerning monitors, I'm not getting the movement one. It'll throw me over the edge with worry constantly. I've heard from some friends it goes off sometimes and the babies are okay they just moved. We're getting the video monitor by Summer which a couple mommies recommended. Target has it for 150 something.

Cake.....littlestars, I'm sure this cake won't be made by someone from the church. This guy is LOADED and spares no money! He's a lawyer for a massive bank company in New York City and also delves into investments. Their registry was crazy :wacko: One thing they had was a crystal cake and spatula set that cost 350.00. I actually splurged for two cake pans that cost us 50.00 bucks I could have bought at walmart for 5.00 a piece. :rofl: I hope she'll make us a cake with it. :rofl:

Honestly she deserves to be happy. She caught her ex in bed with someone else and it was DEVISTATING! She loved him so much and he hurt her. This guy she met in NY City where she resides and he's from our hometown in CNY. They never met before and it seems they have a lot in common and he's a REALLY nice guy. The money aspect really has no relevance but I'm finding it GREAT that there's all these luxeries with the whole affair tomorrow. I've opted out of the next days functions including brunch because it's too much. I'm exhausted and am feeling SO much pressure in my lower back and abdomen. Gee, you'd think "I" was having twins with all this pain! :wacko:

I AM looking forward to the cake though. I hope I can sneak up for a few slices. :rofl:
she's never met the man she's marrying!?!
she's never met the man she's marrying!?!

No silly, :rofl: She never met him until they both met in New York City but they both grew up in Central NY 5 hours away in the same hometown. They just never meant until YEARS later. The whole story is quite cute really.
LittleStars, love the basket idea! I always like giving more unusual but useful gifts.. the kind of stuff you don't get 10 others of at the baby shower ;-)

Love the nursery! So cute! Can't wait to finish mine up in the next few weeks.. Today I put up three blank canvases.. lol.. I still want to paint some jungle animals on them, but since I haven't gotten around to it-- I hung them blank to at least "sort of" see what it will look like. ha!

I know it's a little silly how we all want the nursery to be perfect-- it's not like LO will know! Especially because mine will be in our room for the first few months.. so why am I so crazy about getting this nursery finished?! *facepalm*

Zb5 - hope you have a great move! I'm sure it's exciting, even if it's exhausting!

MA - ooh, the wedding sounds wonderful! I myself am not the kind of person who can stand to spend tons of money on a single day like that, and tried to stay within a pretty small budget.. but I'd love to attend a really fancy wedding with lobster dinners and live bands someday.. sounds lovely!! Hope the wedding cake is really good.. My mom does wedding cakes professionally, and always complains how people never cut the cake until the very end.. and by then, hardly anyone wants to eat it. So all her hard work gets admired but not enjoyed!

Nyp - If baby will be in the room with you, I don't think you need to worry about the cat too much.. Most mothers are very aware of their babies, even in their sleep-- if the cat jumps into the bassinet, I think you'd notice.. unless the bassinet won't be close to your bed.

I've been buying tons of cloth diapers these last few days! It's like I just can't control the urge.. lol.. they're all sooo cute! I'm buying a lot of different brands so I can try them out and see which ones I like best/which ones fit LO best. I really need to stop buying them, though.. otherwise I will have too many different ones and won't know which ones to buy more of.. hehe.. OR I won't have money to buy more of the ones I really like ;-)
The DECT technology is just the sound/distance quality. I couldn't do the movement one and the camera one isn't really of interest to me. My sister's husband is setting up a videocam for the nursery so he can 'spy' while on the road. He travels a lot for work. Creepy! lol I feel sorry for my sister.

As for the cat.. nyp - are you sleeping baby in a play yard? If so you could try spraying some of that apple spray to deter cats and also put a bug netting on the top and it would also deter the cat. Set it up early so the cat can investigate and learn it's lesson.

MA - my DH and I for years had near misses of meeting. He worked at a donut place I used to go to, he did a co-op placement at the same place I did but different department and then he was a security guard for Nortel while I worked there as a project assistant, he even knew the guard I had a crush on! lol But if we had met when he were younger it would have never worked for us. I'm 3.5 years older and when I met him at 25 I felt mildly concerned about the age difference so it definitely wouldn't have worked earlier. I guess things are just meant to be!

Still no mattress for me. I was only able to convince DH to go to one store with me to look before he was bored and wanted to go home. DD sided with him so I was out of luck. I'll have to try again tomorrow!

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