I hate the perinatal office I go to!! Sadly there is no other that is nearby and the one two hours away just agrees with the protocal this office has given. Second time I've had a visit that last 3 hours long with much of it waiting. THEN for the second time I've been disappointed by the fact that the origional Dr. I said I'd allow work with me wasn't there. Instead I got the midwife. She's better than some in that office, but sorry, with the major issues I have, I don't trust her feedback as last pregnancy the nursing staff totally ignored the issue of bacterial vaginosis until it was too late as did they ignore the lost mucus plug.
Would you believe the lady that takes my bloodpressure was a total jerk?? I told her that I needed the small cuff per chart and she told me to "calm down". When she put the origional cuff on it was loose and gave me a bad reading. When asking her to try again she told me to calm down again. I wanted to hit this old bat!! Are you kidding?? I've been waiting for 3 hours out in the waiting room, I also KNOW my body. You only know whats on my chart dear!!!
I'm known by the nurses as a B*#ch. Sadly because I'm trying to be proactive and won't allow any mess ups this go around. I heard them out in the hallway say to each other, "she refuses to have the speculum exam". Pickle pusses!! Of COURSE I refuse it. I'm not giving any reason for my cervix to dialate. If you need a swab test, get your gloves on, part the lips and go on in, but absolutely NO SPECULUM test!!
Anyways, my husband ended up calling in late for the second time and when we got home while my husband was racing to dress for work I had forgotten that I put soda in the freezer for a dinner guest yesterday. Since I don't drink soda I forgot about it. We got home and the whole thing exploaded in our freezing busting the door wide open.
What a DAY!!!
I'm laughing at the last part because it was honestly funny, though it was really at a time we were in a hurry.
Got a pic of the baby today, heartbeat is great and I'm just praying for the next 26 wks to go buy without a hitch.
No gender though yet as baby is head down at the moment so it made pics a bit harder. We did get a cute pic of the baby's hand and I keep thinking it's his or her way of saying "mom, I'm okay, everything is going to be alright with me". It just warms my heart!!
My cervical length went from 39 to 37. It has me slightly on edge as I'm not sure if this is a normal change or if this is a step toward incompetant cervix.
I start the 17P injections in two weeks and they put them on order this week.
These may be HUGE because I can't get photobucket to work today to resize.