tbh and this is just my opinion i think they all talk out there arses lol i can understandthe no gluten no salt etc but some things they come out with are utter crap !
What is weaning?
Weaning means introducing a range of foods gradually until your baby is eating the same food as the rest of your family.
Until 6 months, your baby needs only breastmilk or infant formula milk. Around 6 months your baby needs more than milk alone and is able to eat solid foods in addition to breast or formula milk
When to start
At about 6 months babies are ready to be moved onto a mixed diet.
Try giving solid foods when your baby can:
* stay in a sitting position and are able to hold their head steady
* co-ordinate their eyes, hands and mouth - so be able to look at food, grab it and put it too their mouth all by themselves
* swallow their food (babies who are not ready will often push the food back out)
These signs tend to appear together at around 6 months, rarely much earlier, if they are ready for solid food, all three signs will be there.
It is normal for babies aged 3 - 5 months to begin waking in the night when they have previously slept through. It is not necessarily a sign of hunger and starting solids will not make your baby more likely to sleep through the night again
Ive started weaning Macy she loves her food, can sit very straight, she doesnt push the food out and opens her mouth for the food. When she sees it she waves her arms and legs around, she is 4 and half months. However no gluten in her diet. My HV said waking in the night and seeming unsettled after feeds were signs too. I feel my LO is ready and she loves it although, we can get in a mess as her new trick is to blow raspeberries with mouthfuls of puree lol. Each to their own, I dont believe in dreamfeeding, etc etc we all do things differently and will always do what we feel is best for our babies. As Ive mentioned before it wasnt an easy decision for me to wean early as my eldest has coeliac disease, a life long auto immune condition, which means an exclusion of gluten for life. They say now delaying the introduction of gluten can cause CD but I dont know, my daughters consultant at Great Ormond Street said steer clear of it until 7 months, but you can buy GF pasta if you want to make a bolognase or pasta bake. Do what you feels right. Only you know your baby best.
Phillippa - The reasons vary for them recommending 4 months for weaning here (Canada), but they just changed it recently (used to be closer to 6 months). Apparently they've done some studies and found that babies who were weaned later actually developed more food allergies later in life, and babies weaned around 4 months had less allergies.Just one of those things to be taken with a grain of salt. I always planned to wean around 4 months because that's what my doctor has always recommended. All of the guidelines seem to change every day!
I'm changing the subject, hope everyone's ok with that! Leo's not rolled over since Tuesday-I hope he does it again soon as he's only done it once. I think it might have been a fluke where he didn't mean to do it, but it just happened! Anyone else experienced this?