*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Haha I wish I had a nice mil.
Mine is the polar opposite to me and is everything I dislike in a person.
Just hearing about any new selfish thing she has done makes me cringe.
I get on with the nana in law and we go shopping once a week and she will usually have a vent to me about her daughter which is quite weird but its not just me who is fed up with the mil so I don't feel so bad :p
I dont think the nana in law knows I dislike the mil. Ive never outright said it and I barely say anything negative I just let her vent and agree with her.
Did the glucose test make anyone else crash a few hours later? I was watching TV and fell asleep on the couch and only woke up when my daughter woke up from her nap.
Yup I took a nap when I got home and I am still tired now

Alsoooo... whats plan of action for after having babys?

I'm coming home and banning visitors until i'm ready to have them, OH doesn't agree with this and wants everyone there all time he loves visitors but i've put my foot down and said no point blank! Dogs have to get use to a new baby, we do and i'm breastfeeding so want to get hang of that without everyone passing baby round like pass the parcel!
I agree. I don't want a lot of visitors but my mom already is annoying me saying how all my aunts and uncles will want to come and do I want her to stay with us after the baby is born. I feel like DH, baby, and our dogs, and I need to get into a routine. I know she's trying to be helpful but I really don't want her staying with us.

I had my midwife appt this afternoon and she said I've gained almost 30 lbs! She said it's too much and I need to start walking more and watch my diet. I guess stuffing my face at the all inclusive resort on vac a last week didn't help. oops And then of course I almost cried getting in the car bc I feel like a fatass now
My mil can be great one minute and a real pain the next. I guess she's not bad compared to others but she's just not the kind of person I would normally associate with, we don't really have anything in common. We've never properly fallen out or anything though so it could be worse. Although she did say she hate the name we chose for ds (we called him that anyway and now claims she never said that!) and she also doesn't like the name we've chosen this time but oh well.

On the visitors thing, I have a huge family and I'm used to a lot of people being about and it doesn't bother me. We had loads of visitors from both sides of the family not long after being home from hospital with ds and dd and it'll probably be the same again. Every one is different though and I totally understand families who want quiet, private time after the birth.
I don't want everyone round so quick either. Aldo having a home birth and won't be announcing in a rush! Although it's #3 for us and I'm sure the novelty will have well and truly worn off lol. People didn't rush round second time as they did first time.
Stacey, we sound like the same person right now....everyone annoys me...with the exception of my MIL she passed away in January and I'm missing her terribly right now even tho I know she would give me so much grief. She really tore into my SIL two years ago when she had her son. MIL gave birth to 6 babies with no epidural, one at home so she knows everything and poor SIL knows nothing...watching it from afar it was entertaining but not so sure it would be nice to be the one experiencing that.

I'm taking most of my agitation out on dh because well he's the only one around. We went to get our 3d scan yesterday and and I looked over at him so excited to see the baby in 3d and he actually had his eyes closed with his head down. I could have killed him. I yelled at him the whole way home. And his defense was that I told him it would only take 20 minutes and the girl took an hour and half. Ok so he might be right but still majorly annoying.

We haven't picked a name yet either. We have a couple contenders but nothing that I am in love with. I think we need to see her first before we decide. But that is the only thing people ask us..what are you having and what's the name like geez I don't even know you...why do you care. Lol even if I did know the name I wouldn't tell people because EVERYONE was so judgmental when my SIL names her son, I felt so bad for her.

Dh doesn't want anyone at the hospital he says it's a very private time and I don't need to be worried about what time so and so is getting there. I feel kind of bad about that because I was there for both of my nieces births and when my sister heard him say that her face just dropped so I'm going to wait until it gets closer to talk to her about it. I'd prefer not to have too many people over after baby either for the same reasons, I need to get into a routine. We might do something with people once a month, I think that's plenty otherwise they can wait for pics.
I am glad I have a nice MIL. She does everything she can for my daughter and loves to spoil her. She's already started spoiling the baby and he's not even born yet. She asked for a list of everything we need to buy still and she will start picking things up. She already started buying things just from me telling her a few things we still need to get.

I know people are going to want to visit us after the baby is born and I am ok with that. Everyone wanted to visit our daughter after she was born and she was in the NICU where only one person could go in at a time. I am hoping the baby is born before Thanksgiving, which in Canada is the week before my due date. That way people can meet him then since we will already be getting together.
So I am a proud gerbil mamma, and 2 that we have are sisters and we keep then in thr same cage. We have had them close to a year now, and hubby called me today while I was out, he went to clean their cages and one of the sisters killed the other :( I am a mess :(
:-( aww newlywed. So sorry honey. I had gerbils when I was younger t and I was distraught when one died, so u know how you feel :hugs:
Stacey-can see why some of what you mentioned annoys you. Especially your ohs best friend. Sounds rather immature to me :dohh:

As for you mil, she's totally in the wrong being rude to you. With the tigger stuff, just humour you step mil and only put it in when you see her-you can take it off as soon as she's out the door. I had a really awful babygrow from a friend once, with a clown on it that looked like that one out of the Steven king film, but to save her feelings I put it on dd1 when she visited and it meant a lot to her.

I sound really horrible but shes bout 20+ outfits of tigger, i'm thinking of taking a few back to exchange them she wont even know, i'm grateful for every little bit of help but shes acting like baby is hers when hes mine, shes even tried naming him and is planning on taking him away on holiday for a week next year when hes my baby, its really getting to me now x

Yikes! That's excessive!! No you don't sound horrible at all-at that amount all your baby would wear is orange stripes for the first few months! It's hard-I mean, obviously she's excited, but she's ott!

Does she not have children of her own? It's tough when someone's overbearing and taking over (even if they don't mean to) like that.

As for the holiday thing-definitely put your put down and be firm now on that before she assumes it's happening honey
30 week bump! No make up and super tired, but smiling anyway! Oh yeah and that is my daughter! :) :thumbup:


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30 week bump! No make up and super tired, but smiling anyway! Oh yeah and that is my daughter! :) :thumbup:

You look fab and your daughter is adorable! She looks very excited to have a little sibling :)
I think for our second daughter we are going to name her Ava Kate. In the south it is pretty common to have two first names so I might end up putting another name in there if I can find one that goes with it :)

I am very fortunate to have good in-laws. My mil stepped on my toes just once and I held my ground and going forward she never crossed the line again with me. We can bicker and get irritated with one another but it's nothing that we don't get over.

My own mother on the other hand...that's another story. I told her one name I liked and she said she had a "********" cousin with that name. Well for one that was the first time I ever heard of such a cousin and I just think she was being psycho and didn't want me to name her that. But seriously who says something like that? Lord help her....she can be quite rotten sometimes. After that I told her we are not discussing names and she won't know what the baby's name will be until she is born. Nipped that little problem in the bud real quick!
I'm not sharing names either lol, I'm been really mean this time around! Not many know my due date, I'm team yellow and not sharing names mwah ha ha.
Lol I understand the difficulty with names! DH and I are both teachers. You'd be surprised how many names get shot down that way. "Oh heck no, I had a total turd in class with that name!"

I also understand the waiting until the baby is born to share it --you'd think most people would have the sense to keep rude opinions to themselves after baby is already named that! But, we were over at DHs grandma's house right after his cousin had a baby. She told us the name, and DHs grandma said, "Oh, that's awful. She'll hate you." I was in shock!!! All the poor girl could say was, "I liked it." DH shot his grandma down immediately, and she shut up. I just couldn't believe she did that!! Some people have no filter lol.
Lovely pic Jcliff! What a gorgeous daughter you have :) Do you have a pool?! Jealous!!
JCliff you look fab and your daughter is beautiful :)

I don't want a lot of visitors at first, my family will probably come round after a few days but I know they won't overstep any boundaries and will make me lots of cups of tea:haha:

Is anyone else possessive over their baby already? He's not even here and I feel like I don't want people around him:blush: One of my sisters friends was round the other day and she said she was so excited and couldn't wait to meet him, I just stood there like who said you're coming anywhere near my baby. I feel terrible about it cause I've felt it when my own friends have said it too like once he's born they'll all be straight round and I don't want that. He's my son and I just want him all to myself for a while. Please tell me I'm not crazy lol
Please tell me some of you are getting annoyed over small things?!?!?!

MIL - speaks to me like crap constantly and is so controlling

Step-MIL - insist on buying tigger stuff for baby knowing i hate tigger and tacky clothes!!!! Shes 40+ and has an obsession with a disney character!!!

OH 'bestfriend' - waster, the only reason he come to my and OH engagement party is because OH paid for all his bloody drinks and now hes split up with his gf him and OH are planning all this stuff together and OH thinks hes been godfather to my child, i do not think so, hes one of the worse role models to have, he constantly gets drunk and is a womaniser!!!! Its been 3 days they've been back in contact and i'm 2nd best already to this idiot.

Yes, people irritate me beyond belief. I spend most of my day silent cause as thumper out of bambi said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all":haha:

Yes I am the same way! Every little thing people do and say irritates me beyond belief and in turn irritates OH because he has to listen to me complain about it all over and over again ;)

Alsoooo... whats plan of action for after having babys?

I'm coming home and banning visitors until i'm ready to have them, OH doesn't agree with this and wants everyone there all time he loves visitors but i've put my foot down and said no point blank! Dogs have to get use to a new baby, we do and i'm breastfeeding so want to get hang of that without everyone passing baby round like pass the parcel!

Since we are having a schedule C-Section (at some point :doh:) we will be in the hospital a few days for recovery, mostly for myself. I do not mind people coming to the hospital to see us so we will be announcing the baby right away. We will tell people they can come by the next day and not same day though as I will need the rest as will baby. I would rather people visit us in the hospital rather than when we are home to get it out of the way. Once we get home we will only be here a few days and then OH's family is coming for a visit and we are going to a place about 40 minutes away right on the ocean to stay there with them for a week and then right after that we move to my parents place. Sounds like a lot but it really isn't as much as it seems and it will be super relaxing. :) I cannot wait.
JCliff you look fab and your daughter is beautiful :)

I don't want a lot of visitors at first, my family will probably come round after a few days but I know they won't overstep any boundaries and will make me lots of cups of tea:haha:

Is anyone else possessive over their baby already? He's not even here and I feel like I don't want people around him:blush: One of my sisters friends was round the other day and she said she was so excited and couldn't wait to meet him, I just stood there like who said you're coming anywhere near my baby. I feel terrible about it cause I've felt it when my own friends have said it too like once he's born they'll all be straight round and I don't want that. He's my son and I just want him all to myself for a while. Please tell me I'm not crazy lol

That's completely normal. You carry them 9 months, and I think you feel immensely protective over them.

I have this thing where I don't want my baby being handed around loads of people, and people kissing their faces and touching them spreading germs!

I remember this woman with dirty nails touching dd2s hands when I turned around in the supermarket-Ergh!
Wow lots to comment on since yesterday! :)

Love all the bump pics ladies! Will post one of my own in a bit :)

Tulip - yay Bump Buddies! :happydance: Happy 26 weeks today!

Geralyn - weight gain sucks. I was doing so good till that week I jumped 9 lbs! Now I'm sitting about 25 pounds up from my start weight. Just do what you can do and remember it's for a good reason. Try to eat healthy and get a bit of exercise in but don't over stress yourself about weight. :hugs:

Newlywed - :hugs: I'm so sorry about your gerbil. I'm a major animal lover. I'm pretty sure I love my FurBaby (chihuahua) like one of my kids! If something happened to her I'd be devastated. :(

Being annoyed - OH yeah! Everything irritates me now! Especially with the heat. I'm a nanny and my poor little nanny kids get on my nerves big time and it's so not even their fault. They're awesome! I'm just so irritable now. I have to really watch myself to keep it in check.

As for MIL - mine is pretty good but she's very strong willed and stubborn. One of those people you do not piss off or she will hold the grudge forever! Literally! She spoils the grand kids rotten which is a pain. You try to teach them some responsibility and she swoops in to save the day rather than let them face the consequences of bad choices. That is going to really bug me I'm sure. She also takes my step kids the whole summer to her trailer 3 hrs away. I've never understood how DH's ex wife is cool with this. Id miss my kids way too much! There no way my kids are leaving all summer long. I have a feeling my mil will hate me over that one. She can have them for a week or two when they're old enough but that's going to be awhile. She's been taking my step daughter the whole summer since she was two or three! Not happening with my babes!

My other big issue which I'd welcome some advice on is that my mil smokes. I can't stand it and think it's so disgusting! I don't want that around my kids. How do I deal with that without totally offending her? She won't smoke around them when she visits as we don't allow it in our house but she and her husband smoke in their home. I'm never going to be okay with my kids spending much time there. I can't stand to be there more than a quick a visit. How do you handle those situations where close family chooses those things and you don't want your kids around it?

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