*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Feeling a tad better today. Just very tired. I work full time and take care of my busy little girl in between. It's just exhausting! Phew. 6 weeks until maternity
Midwife appointment went really well he's measuring exactly where he should be :) got to do my birth plan next appointment and the best news is I have a different midwife from now on :D

The only problem I had was I had to press her for info about the whooping cough jab. She said that I needed to have it ideally by 32 weeks and I'm 32 weeks on Monday! Great forward planning by her!
That's terrible Kiki, especially as you had to press her for the info too!

I have my 32 week appointment tomorrow. I love my midwife so always look forward to seeing her, always love to hear his little hb too. Hopefully he is still measuring on track and behaving :)

My dh gave me a beautiful necklace yesterday with the three kids names on it and it has a little star to represent our little one we lost and also my parents named a star for him/her for us and framed the certificate with the co ordinates etc. It was lovely to feel that others were thinking of our little one on their due date as well me and dh.

Is everyone else just so tired all the time?! I had bloods taken at my last appointment so I'm not anemic or anything, just normal third tri tiredness but it doesn't seem to matter how good a sleep I get at night, I'm still tired when I get up! Not long to go now and I'm getting lots of Braxton hicks at the end of each day and he still feels really low down so I'm hoping that means he won't decide to be overdue. Any time after 38/39 weeks I'll be happy for him to arrive, can't wait to meet him now :)
Midwife appointment went really well he's measuring exactly where he should be :) got to do my birth plan next appointment and the best news is I have a different midwife from now on :D

The only problem I had was I had to press her for info about the whooping cough jab. She said that I needed to have it ideally by 32 weeks and I'm 32 weeks on Monday! Great forward planning by her!

Yea, my OB's office didn't mention it until I asked about it (At 28 weeks). The only reason I knew about it at all was because of my friend from work telling me about what was to come in April (She was about 8 months pregnant then). So I knew to ask about it during my third trimester appointment.

I ended up getting mine at the CVS minute clinic instead of going to my primary care for it. It was walk-in and took 45 minutes (including the wait time before being seen and filling out my information/ new patient information once I was seen). No co-pay through my insurance for office visit since it was just a vaccine. If you're tight on time, I'd suggest something like that.
Sorry for the multiple posts thing, I don't know how to quote more than one person in the same posting, lol :haha:! I'm still a forum beginner :dohh:

That's terrible Kiki, especially as you had to press her for the info too!

I have my 32 week appointment tomorrow. I love my midwife so always look forward to seeing her, always love to hear his little hb too. Hopefully he is still measuring on track and behaving :)

My dh gave me a beautiful necklace yesterday with the three kids names on it and it has a little star to represent our little one we lost and also my parents named a star for him/her for us and framed the certificate with the co ordinates etc. It was lovely to feel that others were thinking of our little one on their due date as well me and dh.

Is everyone else just so tired all the time?! I had bloods taken at my last appointment so I'm not anemic or anything, just normal third tri tiredness but it doesn't seem to matter how good a sleep I get at night, I'm still tired when I get up! Not long to go now and I'm getting lots of Braxton hicks at the end of each day and he still feels really low down so I'm hoping that means he won't decide to be overdue. Any time after 38/39 weeks I'll be happy for him to arrive, can't wait to meet him now :)

That's beautiful, I'm glad that your family was able to make that day special. Also, yes I'm tired a lot of the time. I have days where I'm flat out like the first trimester again.

I started measuring around my belly using a centimeter tape, and I found that usually the day after I have a really tired day or a really sore/tired day I'll wake up the next morning having grown several centimeters.

I was EXHAUSTED for 2 days last week and then I measured my bump and it had grown 8 centimeters in 2 days! Usually I'll go up 2 or 3 and then nothing for a week. This time, 8 in two days then I had energy for a day or two and then 2 more centimeters after that. In one week 10 CMs. I always feel justified in having felt tired after these little growth spurts, lol.
I've been feeling really tired lately. I have no energy/motivation to do anything
Here's some of the stuff I made so far for LOs nautical nursery


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Here's some of the stuff I made so far for LOs nautical nursery

That's beautiful stuff!

I'm glad you're starting to feel better jcliff! I hope it stays that way until it's time!

I have nothing exciting to report really. Got my stroller car seat combo yesterday and my baby shower is on Saturday so looking forward to that!
Cute nursery stuff Geralyn!

I'm feeling tired again now too. Also is anyone else starting to doubt their gender scan? I was told I'm having a girl at my 20 week scan (which I know is the easier one to get wrong) but literally every single old wives tale points to a boy! My linea Nigra goes all the way up to my ribs now and that is supposed to indicate a boy. Everyone who sees my bump tElls me it's a boy and someone did the ring test on me and that came out as boy too! It's making me so paranoid as we have so much girly stuff already! (Mainly presents but still!)
Hi ladies!
Wow missing a whole week in this thread can set you back an hour trying to catch up! Glad everyone sounds like they are doing well, some birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, congrats all! I am at a big milestone too, well I guess everyday is a milestone, but tomorrow I will be 32 weeks - had my dd at 30 weeks so it's very exciting.

Speaking of belly buttons, my belly button is still an innie, I think it was rather deep but getting kind of flat. But the skin on the top part of my belly button HURTS! Like it burns and stings sometimes randomly off and on throughout the day. I feel like I would have relief if it would pop out. I put lotion a lot but it feels like it's being stretched beyond it's means and it hurts so much. I feel relief when I press on it. My dr checked it and said it doesn't feel like an umbilical hernia but will keep an eye on it.

I had my babyshower last weekend which was fun. It was a baseball theme and I got a lot of really cute ideas from pinterest, it turned out super cute. It was a smaller shower so only close friends, maybe 10 people total, but that's all I wanted. I got lots of diapers which was nice, because with my dd's babyshower all I got were clothes, clothes, and more clothes! Lol.

I went out and bought a diaper bag this week, a skip hop duo in gray. I like it and DH won't feel silly carrying it around. I want to get it packed this weekend and I also want to pack my hospital bag this weekend and just leave it in the car. With dd I had nothing with me when I went into triage, I was 30 weeks so obviously wasn't expecting to hear that I was being admitted and having her in 2 days! I just want to be ready.

DH is painting the nursery today! FINALLY!!! Goodness gracious it's been killing me to not have a single thing done with the room. Then we can finally go down this weekend and schedule the carpet installation, and then finally start moving things in!!

Baby is moving a lot, sometimes it feels like he's doing elbow drops on my bladder and it hurts! Getting more stretchy pains here and there and sometimes my belly just feels sore, and it's getting harder to sleep at night with frequent bathroom trips and just not being able to get comfortable. But other than that I really can't complain. This is our last kiddo and I am going to miss being pregnant.
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

I just scheduled mine today as well! It is absolutely normal to schedule it close to your due date as many doctors do not want to schedule it before 39 weeks unless there is a complication because the risk of the baby's lungs being under developed is significantly higher if scheduling too early.

My due date is Nov. 1 but my scheduled c-section is Oct 27 and my doctor said if I'm dialated the week before, she may take her Oct. 24( which I would love!):happydance:
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

Yes mine says they will schedule it for anytime after 39 weeks, and I get to pick the date with the exception of the weekends. So as long as it's available I am picking October 3rd, a day after yours!! I hope I make it that far!

Man I have been sitting at work all day and I just cannot get comfortable, I keep having to sit up, slouch down, twist my back, phew I am ready to go home. And my stomach feels really sore today like I have been doing a bunch of sit ups. :shrug:

AshleyLK where is your profile picture from? I have an almost identical picture of my dd with DH only he's holding her hand and she is pointing up - at the aquarium at La Jolla beach. Is that where you were?
Ugh, heartburn today. I only get it when I'm pregnant but it's driving me nuts. I bought some tums and they seem to help a bit, but only for a few hours. I have a doctor's appointment next week, I am going to mention it to him and see if I can get a prescription for something to help.
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

I don't know how they do it now days, but from what I've heard from my mom I find it odd that they schedule it before your due date or even before you go into labor. She had a c - section with me and it was known from the beginning that it was the plan and she still had to go into labor naturally first.
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

I just scheduled mine today as well! It is absolutely normal to schedule it close to your due date as many doctors do not want to schedule it before 39 weeks unless there is a complication because the risk of the baby's lungs being under developed is significantly higher if scheduling too early.

My due date is Nov. 1 but my scheduled c-section is Oct 27 and my doctor said if I'm dialated the week before, she may take her Oct. 24( which I would love!):happydance:

It makes complete sense to schedule the C-Section fairly close to the due date I just really wasn't sure if that was normally the plan or not. I don't know anyone who has had a scheduled C-Section. Everyone I have known that had one it was an emergency one after they were in labor already.

If you have your delivery on October 27th that is my parent's anniversary! So a great day! :)

Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

Yes mine says they will schedule it for anytime after 39 weeks, and I get to pick the date with the exception of the weekends. So as long as it's available I am picking October 3rd, a day after yours!! I hope I make it that far!

Man I have been sitting at work all day and I just cannot get comfortable, I keep having to sit up, slouch down, twist my back, phew I am ready to go home. And my stomach feels really sore today like I have been doing a bunch of sit ups. :shrug:

AshleyLK where is your profile picture from? I have an almost identical picture of my dd with DH only he's holding her hand and she is pointing up - at the aquarium at La Jolla beach. Is that where you were?

Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?
We just got back from our breastfeeding class a little bit ago and I'm really glad we took it. A lot of people say they are pointless but both me and boyfriend learned a lot! There were 5 couples and one girl by herself but she is in our childbirth class and her husband comes to those with her. I highly enjoyed going. There is so much wrong information out there and it was great to find out what was and wasn't true about breastfeeding/pumping.

So in a video we watched there was a lady making a chicken salad sandwich, naturally we went to the store after the class and I bought a chicken salad sandwich.. and it was the first one I've eaten all my pregnancy and it was sooo good. I love satisfying cravings.

The other day I was lying down and saw this part above my belly button to the right moving up and down in a rhythm like a heartbeat and when I'd lay my hand there I could feel my belly moving up and down. I knew it wasn't hiccups because those feel completely different. So I looked it up and apparently it was baby practicing breathing and I was actually able to see her taking practice breaths. It was very neat.

Hope everyone is doing well. I have a lot of pressure down below today. Getting up and switching positions hurts between my legs so bad. I also have a crazy amount of increased discharge so I will be asking for a swab on Monday at our next appointment to make sure it's not an infection. I also lost a little bit of my mucus plug the other day. So much happening down there!
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

Yes mine says they will schedule it for anytime after 39 weeks, and I get to pick the date with the exception of the weekends. So as long as it's available I am picking October 3rd, a day after yours!! I hope I make it that far!

Man I have been sitting at work all day and I just cannot get comfortable, I keep having to sit up, slouch down, twist my back, phew I am ready to go home. And my stomach feels really sore today like I have been doing a bunch of sit ups. :shrug:

AshleyLK where is your profile picture from? I have an almost identical picture of my dd with DH only he's holding her hand and she is pointing up - at the aquarium at La Jolla beach. Is that where you were?

That photons from my husband and daughter at Sea World in San Antonio Texas. When we went, I had no idea about the whole "blackfish" movie (not sure if it was out yet). Anyway,not a fan of animal cruelty although all the animals looked well cared for in this facility! Such a cute pic anyway!
Our C-Section has been booked!! Finally. Such a sigh of relief. We will be delivering October 2nd @ 9:30am!!!

My question to those of you who may have had a C-Section scheduled before, do they usually schedule it so close to your due date? My C-Section date is just 5 days before my actual due date. Is that normal?

I don't know how they do it now days, but from what I've heard from my mom I find it odd that they schedule it before your due date or even before you go into labor. She had a c - section with me and it was known from the beginning that it was the plan and she still had to go into labor naturally first.

I think the doctors schedule them rather than waiting for the onset of labor for a variety of reasons. One reason is probably because they would rather perform a c section at 830 am on a Tuesday rather than 2:30 am on a Sunday morning...so for ease of scheduling. Also many women want the doctor they have been seeing for the duration of their pregnancy to perform the surgery rather than just whoever the doctor that is on-call. That way you guarantee to see your doctor. Also, doctors probably do not want to see a c-section baby go past due because the baby would be on the larger side, thus the c-section incision would have to be larger. I'm sure there are many other reasons scheduling a c-section is standard protocol these days...
Booked our maternity shoot for sept 8 at the beach by us. Also already have newborn pics booked.
Got my baby shower tomorrow , expecting lots of people I do hope the rain stays off .

Better get out today and get organised so much to buy ,

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