*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Congrats jm!

I don't think I've lost any plug yet although do get a fair amount of daily discharge.

I just finished my antenatal classes (NCT) yesterday (except the breast feeding class which is on Thursday) and I do feel more prepared although am still terrified! I'm pretty open to the idea of an epidural purely because the transition stage frightens me! I will see how I go in the pool with gas and air first though (provided baby is in a good position). The only thing that puts me off epidural is the increased risk of a forceps delivery yikes!

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether they will give the baby the vitamin k injection after birth? I want to do it but my DH is wary because of some old research (which hasn't been proven) where there was a link to leukaemia. If we need intervention during birth we will definitely give it but for a natural birth my DH doesn't want to. Just interested in anyone else's thoughts on this really.

Both my girls had vit k, but I've done a lot more research into this time and I've put in my plan that I don't consent to it been administered as long as I have a problem free birth. If there's any trauma then yes I'll agree. And I don't want the drops either as I'm planning to bf again and want to maintain a "Virgin gut". There's a lot of preservatives in the injection so decided against. With my first she had forceps and had a heamatoma on her scalp :-( so she would have got it without a doubt as that's a bleed under the skin. However my second was problem free so if I'd of done research then instead of now (lol) she wouldn't have got it, but I just agreed as my first had it. :)

And yeh epidural can lead to a cascade of intervention as it can cause decels. I was on hormone drip which was pure evil, so ended up with epidural which caused decel which lead to forceps and really it was all due to "policies" so wouldn't agree to any of it now as she was totally happy in there before it all :-( but I didn't know anything back then.

Wow that sounds like a traumatic birth - but good that your second was problem free! Thanks for the info, that's really helpful.
Hi ladies! It's been awhile since I have been on and just got caught up on the last few pages that I have missed.

Congrats on your blue bundle JM!

AFM: Early Friday morning I went into labor. Thankfully the staff, along with my OB, were wonderful and worked very hard at trying to halt contractions. I did have several injections and eventually was sedated in order to lengthen the time between contractions. I am still fairly groggy , but am really happy that my LO is safely growing in my tummy. My OB said that if we can make it to the 34 week mark that would give the baby a better outcome. I am back on bed rest and am going to just try and focus on 1 day at a time.

Oh my goodness, I'm glad your LO is still cooking away in there and hope he or she hangs on until at least 34 weeks:hugs:

Congratulations on your little boy JM:flower:
Busytulip I'm glad they got that under control, and hope baby stays cooking for as long as possible for you!

Jm congrats on the boy!
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I feel your pain! I have gained about 50lbs so far :cry: I have no self control :blush:

Hi ladies! It's been awhile since I have been on and just got caught up on the last few pages that I have missed.

Congrats on your blue bundle JM!

AFM: Early Friday morning I went into labor. Thankfully the staff, along with my OB, were wonderful and worked very hard at trying to halt contractions. I did have several injections and eventually was sedated in order to lengthen the time between contractions. I am still fairly groggy , but am really happy that my LO is safely growing in my tummy. My OB said that if we can make it to the 34 week mark that would give the baby a better outcome. I am back on bed rest and am going to just try and focus on 1 day at a time.

So glad they were able to stop it! :hugs:
So glad baby is still in there busytulip. Hope he stays in as long as possible :hugs:
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I feel your pain! I have gained about 50lbs so far :cry: I have no self control :blush:

I dont have any either. I started off obese so they didn't even want me to gain much to begin with, she even said "no weight gain until at least 20 weeks". The only thing that's slowed it down now is the diabetes. The new diet actually caused me to lose 6 lbs and now I'm gaining again :shrug:
I think i'm so scared because i have no control over it or when its going to happen, i like to be in the know and have everything planned :(
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I feel your pain! I have gained about 50lbs so far :cry: I have no self control :blush:

I dont have any either. I started off obese so they didn't even want me to gain much to begin with, she even said "no weight gain until at least 20 weeks". The only thing that's slowed it down now is the diabetes. The new diet actually caused me to lose 6 lbs and now I'm gaining again :shrug:

Sounds bad but I had kinda hoped that I had it so I would "have" to be on the diet!
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I feel your pain! I have gained about 50lbs so far :cry: I have no self control :blush:

I dont have any either. I started off obese so they didn't even want me to gain much to begin with, she even said "no weight gain until at least 20 weeks". The only thing that's slowed it down now is the diabetes. The new diet actually caused me to lose 6 lbs and now I'm gaining again :shrug:

Sounds bad but I had kinda hoped that I had it so I would "have" to be on the diet!

Lol well I am glad you didn't, it sucks!
Now that it's getting closer, I am getting really nervous about labour. It almost seems easier to just schedule a repeat c-section because then I know what day he'd be born and I don't have to be wondering when I'm going to go into labour, what it's going to be like, how much it's going to hurt....etc. This is not my plan at all though and I am going to try very, very hard to have a vbac, I'm just getting scared.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I am going to ask him if there's a specific week he won't let me go over. With having a previous c-section and preemie, I don't know if he will end up letting me go overdue or if 40 weeks is the longest I can go. I'm hoping he comes on his own in about 4 weeks. I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I'm so uncomfortable, he's been attacking my bladder now that he's dropped, I have really bad heartburn, I'm exhausted and have had enough. I will take this any day though over visiting my baby in the NICU.
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I had to weigh in on this -- I hear you loud and clear!!!! I moan and groan to myself every time I catch myself in the mirror when I'm changing or whatever the case may be. I have gained A LOT!!! I was 119lbs at 6 weeks pregnant and at last weigh in almost 3 weeks ago I was 164.5lbs and growing constantly. I have stretch marks on my thighs, legs, bump, and even breasts! It's insane!!!! :dohh: Hopefully some bio oil will help post birth. Also I've been putting cream on daily and even stuff for reducing stretch marks and nothing :(

Hi ladies! It's been awhile since I have been on and just got caught up on the last few pages that I have missed.

Congrats on your blue bundle JM!

AFM: Early Friday morning I went into labor. Thankfully the staff, along with my OB, were wonderful and worked very hard at trying to halt contractions. I did have several injections and eventually was sedated in order to lengthen the time between contractions. I am still fairly groggy , but am really happy that my LO is safely growing in my tummy. My OB said that if we can make it to the 34 week mark that would give the baby a better outcome. I am back on bed rest and am going to just try and focus on 1 day at a time.

Wow that's scary! Glad they were able to get things under control and LO is safe and secure in there! Hopefully this is just a minor bump and that things will be smooth from here on out. My mom said with me she went into labor really early on and they stopped it and then I ended up coming late. :)
Thank you! I agree time is flying! Ic. Any believe yo hall are getting ready to have babyies your arms! :)
Newlywed, I caught a grimpse of myself in a full length mirror today too and thought ....oh boy too but I've only gained 8 lbs so far so hopefully the weight comes off easy I'm just worried about having a "gut" afterwards. I was overweight to begin with so it's going to happen.

Jmandrews, congrats on the boy wow 16 weeks already that went fast. Crazy!

Re: vitamin k shot, they mentioned it at the hospital tour but I just thought it was standard so I guess I better look into it.

The weather was soooo beautiful here today and it's supposed to be all week and I am sooo looking forward to the fall weather and it not being hot at all. This whole past week was miserable weather here so today was awesome. I still have this nagging cough and a runny nose and itchy throat that I just can not shake and it is driving me nuts because I do not want to take anymore cold medicine then I already have so that's not fun. And everytime I cough my stomach muscle hurt and I get pains in my cervix so ...yeah...not fun.

Oh a happier note my sil just announced she's pregnant today and I am so happy for her. Even thought we don't get along I felt bad for her having a miscarriage and I had even said to my dh last week that I'm suprised she's happy for me and bought me so much for my baby shower and that I hope she gets pregnant soon bc she deserves it. And yep she announced it today so very happy for her. I can't wait to find out what she's having I think this might be what we need to give us something in common.
Ugh, made the mistake of looking in a full length mirror at my naked bod. Sick. Even my stretch marks have stretch marks! I've gained 36 lbs, most of that being in the first half of pregnancy =( I even have massive ones, I'm surprised my skin can even stretch like that! Like, 1/2" wide and a couple inches long! Icky icky! How am I ever supposed to feel sexy again??? :wacko: :cry:

I feel your pain! I have gained about 50lbs so far :cry: I have no self control :blush:

I dont have any either. I started off obese so they didn't even want me to gain much to begin with, she even said "no weight gain until at least 20 weeks". The only thing that's slowed it down now is the diabetes. The new diet actually caused me to lose 6 lbs and now I'm gaining again :shrug:

Sounds bad but I had kinda hoped that I had it so I would "have" to be on the diet!

Lol well I am glad you didn't, it sucks!

Thanks, and I'm sorry you are going through this :hugs:
Busytulip, how scary!!! I'm so glad everything was able to be handled. Rest up and take it easy! Will be praying for your LO to stay put a few more weeks!
Busytulip - that is scary! Glad they were able to stop labor for now! Fx for you to make it to 34 weeks at least!

JM - congrats on team blue!!!! :) so happy for you!

Scared of labor? - I'm nervous about it, mostly because I know I'm going to have to fight to avoid interventions if they aren't truly needed, but I'm feeling a lot better about it all. I found a Facebook group all about birthing multiples naturally and have been getting a lot of great advice from other twin mamas. For now DH and I are just saying prayers that in the moment we'll know what is best for our Babies and know which interventions to decline and which, if any, we should allow.

As for the pain....That I am scared of! But to prepare I've been doing daily meditations and breathing exercises and visualizing the labor process. I may totally be that girl who screams for the epidural after the first real contraction! But I'm hoping I'm tougher than that! Haha we will see.... Really open to whatever as long as I'm fully informed and making the best decisions I can for me and the twins!

Today I've been miserably uncomfortable. Low back pain has really set in this week as well as the return of tailbone pain. I'm not sleeping well at all anymore and just want to crawl right out of my skin! As much as I want these babies to stay put a few more weeks at least, I'm seriously soooo done being pregnant!

Tomorrow I have a doc apt and finally another ultrasound! Can't wait I see my babies and find out what position they're in. Hopefully they're both head down.

Today I dragged my DH out to take a few belly photos incase these buggers come early and we don't get a chance to do more professional ones.

If you'd like to see them here is a link to my blog post:


Hope everyone's had a good weekend!!! We're almost there!
I think i'm so scared because i have no control over it or when its going to happen, i like to be in the know and have everything planned :(

Lol I'm totally the opposite, hubby said yesterday wouldn't you just like to have a date and time so you know when it'll happen! But the though really shits me up ha ha. I prefer it just to happen so I can get onto it otherwise I think I'd be a nervous wreck lol.
I start maternity on the 22nd. Hoping I even make it that far! It's even hard to walk now, yikes! So much is going on. We close on our new house soon, hopefully before baby. Trying not to stress but it's hard!
BusyTulip - Glad things got stopped. There was a girl in the third tri group who is now 38 + something who went into early labor at 32 weeks and they had been able to stop it at the hospital. Hopefully it was just a fluke for you and the rest helps. FX'd that the little one stays in a while longer still :).

It's so odd, at my last appointment (34 + 4), my OB said "you've made it to an important milestone, if you go into labor now we won't intervene. Babies do alright at this point.

That comment made me realize how close to the end it really is. My husband finally moved his computer desk and hobby stuff out of the old office/ now almost baby room. I went out and bought an Ipod touch (my old video nano was broken for years now), and I put all my music and labor soundtracks on it for my relaxing environment at birth. We also bought our flameless candles for the room that we labor in.

Our baby shower is next Sunday (at 36 +1, and I'm already feeling like I have strapped a watermelon to my torso). I'm excited to see what they have planned for us (and nervous because it's my sister-in-law and she loves cheesy games).

As for maternity leave, I feel like I did things inside out! I'm a public school teacher in an inner city high poverty neighborhood in Boston. I had the summer off and just went back to work last week. I'm planning on working and getting my little guys/girls settled into routines for the first few weeks of school until the baby comes. Then my long term sub will take over after I go into labor.

Let me tell you, after lying around and preparing stuff all summer it's a shock to the system to go back into full gear of 10 hour days on my feet (with no naps)!

I'm still trying to read and keep track of our bumpkins group as much as I can, but I'll be posting a little less due to exhaustion by the end of the day :). Hope things continue to go well for us in our little group!
Aww JM-congrats on a little boy gender news!! How exciting :)

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