*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Busytulip-hope your doing ok. Thinking of you and have my fingers crossed yor baby holds off a few more weeks. Rest rest rest honey :flower:
So, tried a few things this weekend to get baby moving. Hubby and I dtd Friday, Saturday, and last night. Plus I walked Saturday and yesterday. I was so restless last night and couldn't sleep (even worse than before) and woke up feeling horrible this morning (sick at my stomach, just generally feeling ill). Wondering if something will happen soon. 37 weeks today!
Anyone else working up until labor starts? So far my company still hasn't found a replacement for me. I kind of feel like my little guy will be here earlier than my due date. I've also been getting these pains where it feels like someone is taking their nail and scratching the inside of my uterus. These started this morning and so far haven't stopped.
Cntrygrl-it is probably nails like you mention! :) I have had that feeling with all my babies. It's funny to think they have nails, hair etc :cloud9:

Newlywed-yay for 34 weeks!!

Baby3onboard-congrats on getting to full term!! Let me know if any of the things your trying to bring on labour work!
We have our maternity pics later tonight on the beach. I hope it's a nice sunset
Geralyn-enjoy your photo shoot. Hope you get some nice sunset ones :)
Anyone else working up until labor starts? So far my company still hasn't found a replacement for me. I kind of feel like my little guy will be here earlier than my due date. I've also been getting these pains where it feels like someone is taking their nail and scratching the inside of my uterus. These started this morning and so far haven't stopped.

I plan on working up until labor starts. They just hired 2 new people this week one to replace me and one to replace another girl who got promoted so I need to hang in there as long as I can otherwise they'll fall apart if I leave too soon. I work from home tho so much much easier to do then if I had to commute and spend long hours in the office. I'm hoping to make it to October 8th so I don't have to go back until after the new year. Fx fx fx
I will be working until the last possible day as well. I am having a c-section on 10/3 so my last day of work will be 10/2. I kind of actually want to go into labor just to experience it. I keep reading about people losing mucous plug, water breaking, having contractions... I won't be having a VBAC but part of me hopes I get to experience at least part of real labor! I had my dd so early so I never got close to any of that.

I feel bad saying this, because everyone else is so uncomfortable, but while I am uncomfortable *sometimes*, it's just not that bad for me (yet!). I would prefer time go by slowly, I mean I am ready for him to come but not really! I would be happy to keep him baking for a long time if I had to. Maybe I'll be taking my words back in the next week or two, but as of right now I'm content and am happy to deal with the sleepless nights, crazy stabbing pains, peeing every hour... maybe part of it is knowing this is my last pregnancy so I want to cherish it. I guess I am just lucky that it hasn't been too bad on my body yet. Another part of it I think is that is STILL hasn't actually sunk in that I'm about to be a mom of 2. It's so weird to think about.

His movements have been absolutely crazy the last few days! I mean he is all over the place! My entire belly will go lopsided when he shifts around and it really looks like I have an alien inside me (DH's words). LOL and it's uncomfortable but when he's not moving much I wish very much that he would start going crazy again for my own peace of mind. I even recorded my belly the other night, it's so crazy. It's all new to me (since dd came at 30 weeks) and I'm loving it!
^i know what you mean :) I'm uncomfy a lot of the time but still happily pregnant and not wishing it away. I love having a bump and it fed up. I didn't feel fed up until the day before I had my last one and she was 40+4 lol. I think it was a bit of a sign really.
Rcdm, I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel the exactly same way.
This is my last baby too and im in no hurry to get baby out :)
Im so uncomfortable, I have terrible pubic bone pain and pelvis pain along with a list of other complaints but id rather keep baby in till my date at least.
In previous pregnancies I did everything to try bring on labour from after 38 weeks and all it did was upset and frustrate me more when I was still pregnant at 41 weeks.
The most effort ill be doing is walking but that will be to take my kids out during the school holidays to spend time with them before baby arrives if baby hasnt arrived before then.
I'm also in the "last baby" club. I feel a bit sad about it sometimes and other times I think how on earth am I going to cope with two.
I'm so happy to be experiencing pregnancy past 29 weeks but I'm also really ready to be done. My back is getting very sore and doing the smallest things makes me so tired/worn out. I had an OB appointment today, went to Walmart and Costco and then came home. I feel like I ran a marathon and I'm exhausted. I'm very happy to be experiencing it all though and it is so much better than having to visit baby in the NICU.

The doctor says he won't let me go past my due date so I have maximum 40 more days. If I don't go into labour on my own, I will be induced on/around October 18. I'm hoping he comes before October 11 since that weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada and it would be nice for my husbands family to be able to meet him while they are already here (since they live 2.5 hours away and we only see them 3-4 times a year).
Glad I'm not alone! I am so going to miss being pregnant. I remember really missing it after I had dd too so I know even though I am 4000% sure I don't want any more kiddos, I know it's going to be hard. I remember I really missed feeling her move, resting my hand on my belly all the time, knowing she was with me wherever I went. But I'm also ready to feel like my family is complete and starting to grow together.

Oh I was going to say I went swimming for the first time in a while on Saturday at a friends and I hung over a big floating noodle thing and let my body hang down, and it felt SO good on my back! It took all the pressure off my spine and it even popped a few times. It was amazing lol I wish I had a pool so bad.

BUT I ended up getting foot cramps like 4 times in the 40 minutes I was in the pool, I could barely stretch them out and it hurt! And today my feet are sore like a bruised or pulled a muscle. That part wasn't fun.
I can't say that I will miss being pregnant, but it does make me a bit sad to know that this is 99.9% for sure our last one. We have talked before about adopting #3, but that would be several years down the road. But even though we are pretty sure we don't want to have any more naturally, when my doctor asked about "permanent solutions" at an appointment a few months ago, I couldn't say, "yeah, go for it!" DH and I are both only 32, so I know we have time to have more if we decide to...so something permanent just felt too extreme to pull the trigger at this point! I assume she asked since I am having a c-section, so it would be an easy procedure to do simultaneously.

I did miss movement after having DS#1, and I know I will again this time, too. I don't know how many times after he was born that my hand would fly to my stomach...only to realize I was feeling movement that was gas and not a baby, as I was holding him lol. Habit! : )
This is #1 for me, but I love being pregnant (even though I'm uncomfortable ). I know I'll miss it. Movement especially ! I assume I'll have another, but you never know what's in the cards I guess.
Same here Elsa, I hope we can have more but it took us so long to get pregnant this time that I really feel like I appreciate this pregnancy because if it never happens again these will be my only moments. So I want it to last as long as possible.

I'm actually suprised no one in the group has given birth yet. We have a bunch at 36&37 weeks already so I thought it would be just around the corner for someone but I guess not. I have my 36 appt tomorrow morn and I am sooo excited. I think they'll check my cervix and I'm excited to see if anything is happening. My bils gf had her baby in July and she was 4 cm dialated for 2 weeks before her water broke at 37 weeks so I was kind of expecting that we would have at least one person go early....but not too early of course
Sprite, I keep thinking the same thing! Every time I get on here, I expect to hear a delivery story. : )

By the way, my best friend and her husband tried for 3 years for #1. She is now pregnant with #2 after only 3 months of trying. So, you never know--"next time" may be a lot easier than you anticipate. : ) I hope it is if that is what you decide you want!
Sprite, I keep thinking the same thing! Every time I get on here, I expect to hear a delivery story. : )

By the way, my best friend and her husband tried for 3 years for #1. She is now pregnant with #2 after only 3 months of trying. So, you never know--"next time" may be a lot easier than you anticipate. : ) I hope it is if that is what you decide you want!

I am also thinking the same thing! So many are so close I'm really shocked not one has had their baby yet! Not that I want someone to go early, but statistically shouldn't someone have already?

My doctor was even telling me about a woman who had tried for years to get pregnant and finally did after medical intervention of some sort - I don't recall which. And assumed that she would have just as hard of a time for the next one that she didn't bother with any kind of birth control post birth and was pregnant again by her 6 week checkup.

This is also my first, and I don't want it to be over soon. I really like being pregnant! I love the way it feels having him move around, and just knowing he's in there and he's all mine right now. I am not ready to be done, and I really hope he stays there for as long as he needs!

My MIL is here, keeping watch over me while my husband is out of town. There's nothing wrong with me, but my husband is a worry wart and didn't want to leave me alone. She's kind of got a like, what I call her " magic joo-joo" where she can feel your baby and his/her personality and what they're going to be like when they're out. It's usually not towards the end of pregnancy, so I was super excited for her to come and use her magic joo-joo and tell me what kind of baby/kid I'm going to have. She told me she finally felt him today, but it was super brief :( not enough to get a clear understanding of who he will be. She said the main feeling she got was that he's going to be a lot like my husband. I'm hoping he presents himself to her more before she leaves.

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