*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

La mere, were waiting for baby to be born to pick a name as well but we have 3 names on our top names list and dh finds something wrong with all but the one I've said all along. I just don't want to go telling people and then we change our minds.

Go ahead and comment of stuff even if it is 5 pages back. Sometimes I do. Or I'll read about something and then 3 days later think oh that's a very good point but the subjects already changed. Lots of time I read everything just like to see what others have to say about it first lol especially when it comes to something I know nothing about lol

I like waiting until baby is born, but I also like to feel at least a little bit prepared before hand and with my DH being somewhat stubborn about it, it is hard to really not get my heart set on something then have him veto it. Currently my two favorite names are Paige Elayne Ophelia and Wyatt Gydion Alistair. Hoping he will like them and let me have my two middle names.

I feel the same way about posting.
I know I don't reply to everyone but that's cos im on my phone and it gets annoying having to go back and check who said what :p

Im 37 weeks now which means as long as nothing pops up in the next few weeks I can have my home birth!

Oh, yeah.. I imagine that would get a bit old and be a bit difficult to try to reply to everyone on your phone!

Congrats on 37 weeks and I hope you get your home birth!

I feel the same way about the thread, I often ask questions that don't get much of a response but I figure it's just because it does move fast like everyone has said and by the time you've caught up the main thing you remember to reply to is the last thing you read!

I have some GREAT news though, I had my growth scan today and the baby most definitely had a growth spurt!! He was in 25th percentile at 18/22 weeks, 15th percentile at 31 weeks, and today he is in the 48th percentile!!! Measuring 6lbs 6oz! I was so shocked. I was going to just be happy if he had maintained his growth rate as long as he didn't slow down, but he is looking to be big and healthy and perfect and we are so relieved.

I have that problem myself! :haha: It can get a little annoying, one thing I have found that helps is to use the multi quote button to quote the posts I want to or can reply to.

That is wonderful news! So happy to hear that!

I am so ready to ladies only because I an so ready to meet this new little person... It is so exciting!

Oh, I am with you there and I am not even 36 weeks yet (will be tomorrow)! Baby has dropped considerably already, I feel like a whale (probably look like one by now too, though everyone tells me I still look fab for how far long I am)... I am just so ready to meet my little one. This is the hardest time for me when it comes to staying team yellow is the last few weeks before the birth!

I am slowly catching up and after reading 9 pages I just can't sit in my seat anymore but thought I would throw out a quick update.

37 weeks today! :happydance: Glad to have made it this far! Our little rainbow will arrive September 30th unless he has other plans :p

I know how you feel, sometimes my bottom will be almost numb by the time I get through catching up on previous pages of posts!

Congrats on 37 weeks! Can't wait to be that far myself! (one week from tomorrow, lol)

As for me... Like I mentioned above.. baby had already dropped considerably! (will post the comparison pic) I feel like I am so much farther along than 35+6 weeks! Haha, might as well just say I am 36 weeks with it being so close.

Ugh, so I am kinda aggravated with my DH, lol. I told him long before to make sure his dad ordered the herbs we needed to make my birthing tincture.. well, that didn't happen. We have the herbs, but not enough time to make the tincture. So, next best thing... grind up the herbs to put into caps to take with my prenatals and other supplements. Well, that still has not happened yet either. I guess I will probably just end up having to do it myself... :dohh:


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Re: cramping. I'm def going to try the pickle juice bc I can't have bananas (I have an allergy) and I usually don't get the legs cramps but when I do ...boy oh boy do I get them and they are not fun and you would think with all the calcium in the tums that I would have the covered but nope still getting them on and off.

Re: emotions . I'm very emotional and get upset way too quickly. My doc was 30 mins late for my appt this morning and I let her have it. She prob thought I was a crazy women. But I have a schedule to keep too.

Afm, I did have my appt this morning and aside from her being 30 mins late it went we'll she did check me and said I'm 1 cm dilated and 50 % effaced. She said baby hasn't dropped yet because my cervix is still very high but it's moving in the right direction. She said don't get to excited yet because I could be at this stage for 5 weeks and I thought oh geez I hope not. But I'm cramping now and baby is moving so much like she's well aware I had an exam.

Happy milestones to everyone, it's really getting excited in here now. I def need to get back to work tho bc I'd rather be here reading than working lol
La Mere- I'm also doing two middle names...Collin David Philip. The two middle names are for my FIL and my step father.
Hope your DH agrees to the names...they're both lovely
La Mere- I'm also doing two middle names...Collin David Philip. The two middle names are for my FIL and my step father.
Hope your DH agrees to the names...they're both lovely

Oh, I really love that name! Such a special meaning! And thank you, Geralyn! I hope so too. Our best friend's daughter has two middle names and so does her mother.. technically even DH does, though it's actually a second last name. :haha:
Oh I completely forgot to mention that I gained 5 lbs in one week....how is that possibles? When I was at my appt I overlooked it because I had jeans on today but I just weighed myself on my own scale without my jeans and yep I'll be damned...5 lbs in one week...13 lbs total.

We did go away this past weekend tho and we ate out everyday but I didn't think I ate THAT much!!!
Hi all, wow there is a lot to catch up on. I think with the replies it does depend on when I'm reading and like someone else said it goes so fast here it's impossible to keep up sometimes! I do read every post though and sometimes feel the same as you guys. I will make more effort though!

La mere - that is a great bump comparison and does look like you've dropped!

Laelani - happy 37 weeks and soldo to anyone moving weeks today!

As for emotions I would say the worst film is Bambi - honestly don't go there, I watched it a few weeks back and was inconsolable afterwards!

As for me I've had a rough day. I've been at my friends funeral today but also had my 36 week midwife appointment (at 36+5) and my blood pressure was sky high, I had protein in my urine and my ankles and feet are really swollen so they think I may have pre-eclampsia. I have to go in tomorrow to be monitored and they may decide to induce me early. I'm really scared about baby being ok, and also am not keen on staying in hospital until the delivery so please keep your fingers crossed for me. It's been such an emotional day and I feel drained.
Oh I completely forgot to mention that I gained 5 lbs in one week....how is that possibles? When I was at my appt I overlooked it because I had jeans on today but I just weighed myself on my own scale without my jeans and yep I'll be damned...5 lbs in one week...13 lbs total.

We did go away this past weekend tho and we ate out everyday but I didn't think I ate THAT much!!!

I have crazy weeks like that - baby is going through a growth spurt and it will all balance out - don't worry :thumbup:
Thanks everyone yes I'm excited that my baby seems to have grown quite a bit, almost doubled in size, in 5 weeks!! At the same time a little scary LOL.

I want to do a better job at replying to everyone too, so here goes!

Sprite - I had really bad heartburn with my dd very early on, and she was bald until she was 1! In fact she is now almost 2 1/2 and still has very fine baby hair and not a lot of it. I can't wait until it grows in more and I can actually do something with it. And my weight seems to fluctuate really weird too. One appointment I haven't gained anything and the next I'm up 4 pounds. I think it's fine as long as it's not like 5 pounds every single time lol.

Newlywed - I know what you mean about the weekly appointments, although my dr is not an hour and a half away! That must be rough. Luckily you should only have to do it for a few more weeks!

Charmed kitty - oh boy I don't have leg cramps as much as I have foot cramps! They are so bad! It happens a lot, I move or stretch the wrong way and my entire foot cramps up, and it hurts all the way down to my toes. Elsa - I will try the pickle juice thing! That would be awesome if that helps!

Ashaz - I have had a rollercoaster of emotions lately. Some weeks I'm fine, then the next I'm crying about any and every little thing, commercials, videos I see shared on facebook, news articles... not to mention baby shows! I am slightly obsessed with watching labor and delivery stories on YouTube and pretty much cry at every single one.

La mere - re: having to make the capsules yourself - I learned a long time ago that if I want something done, I better do it myself anyway. LOL!! DH is just super forgetful, even if I remind him 80 times to the point I'm annoying him, he will still forget. Drives me crazy.

Loopy Laura - I'm sorry about your friend and that you've had such a rough day. I hate to say it but it really does sound like pre-eclampsia. I will pray that everything goes well. There's really not much they can do, especially with protein in your urine... the only cure is delivery. So unfortunately they probably will want to keep you in until you deliver, and they may decide that has to be much sooner than later, for your own health so it does not turn more severe. Either way you are in good hands and far along enough that everything should be fine if you do have to deliver soon. Keep us updated and hang in there!

AFM, I had my OB appointment today and everything is looking good. My bp has started to creep up a bit but still within normal range. Today it was 120/68, when it's typically been about 108/60-something. My doctor said she's not going to worry unless it gets to the 140's/90's. So here's hoping I make it to my due date. I only have ONE more OB appointment after today, which seems so crazy! My next one will be 9/23, and then my c-section is booked the following week on that Friday, 10/3. I can't believe I am in the home stretch.

The only thing that kind of stinks is that my section is at 6PM. And I can't eat 8 hours prior so all I really can do is have breakfast! It's going to be a long day because I'll be anxious all day thinking about it!
LoopyLaura-- Hoping everything turns out okay with the doctor visit tomorrow. It could just be a fluke with all the stress of your friends funeral.

RcdM-- It has to feel so nice knowing when baby will be here. If only babies naturally arrived on their due dates. I was watching One born every minute and one of the nurses described getting to your due date and not having a baby as "waking up christmas morning and there not being any presents".
Hi all, wow there is a lot to catch up on. I think with the replies it does depend on when I'm reading and like someone else said it goes so fast here it's impossible to keep up sometimes! I do read every post though and sometimes feel the same as you guys. I will make more effort though!

La mere - that is a great bump comparison and does look like you've dropped!

Laelani - happy 37 weeks and soldo to anyone moving weeks today!

As for emotions I would say the worst film is Bambi - honestly don't go there, I watched it a few weeks back and was inconsolable afterwards!

As for me I've had a rough day. I've been at my friends funeral today but also had my 36 week midwife appointment (at 36+5) and my blood pressure was sky high, I had protein in my urine and my ankles and feet are really swollen so they think I may have pre-eclampsia. I have to go in tomorrow to be monitored and they may decide to induce me early. I'm really scared about baby being ok, and also am not keen on staying in hospital until the delivery so please keep your fingers crossed for me. It's been such an emotional day and I feel drained.

Fxd everything turns out all right! How scary :hugs:

Oh I completely forgot to mention that I gained 5 lbs in one week....how is that possibles? When I was at my appt I overlooked it because I had jeans on today but I just weighed myself on my own scale without my jeans and yep I'll be damned...5 lbs in one week...13 lbs total.

We did go away this past weekend tho and we ate out everyday but I didn't think I ate THAT much!!!

13 lbs is not bad :) I hear you on the big gain though!

Just got home from my appt. 2cm dialated, so i'm happy about that! :happydance: -1 station and 50% effaced, I don't know what the numbers were on those last time so i can't compare but all in all I'm happy to know something has changed. She felt a contraction while i was laying there but said i need more contractions to bring him farther down because my cervix is still facing towards the back. The big thing to bring on contractions she told me was nipple stimulation! Then sex, then walking.
Oh and I forgot to ask if this sounds right to anyone else. Before today my belly has always measured spot on for the week that I am. She measured me today and i only measured 32". She told me it is because I dropped. Do you really loose inches when you drop?
Thanks for the comments re pre-eclampsia. I will keep you posted.

RcdM - so glad everything is looking good for you this time round.

Kel - I have no idea about losing inches when you drop but I'm sure if the midwife wasn't concerned it is ok
They measure cm here but yes you can lose in measurement when the baby drops into your pelvis :) that's why I was measuring slightly behind at 34 weeks as baby was in my pelvis at the time (in and out like a yo-yo!!) xx
Loopy Laura- hope everything is ok and you don't have to stay at the hospital
They measure cm here but yes you can lose in measurement when the baby drops into your pelvis :) that's why I was measuring slightly behind at 34 weeks as baby was in my pelvis at the time (in and out like a yo-yo!!) xx

I meant cm! Lol
I measured 30.5 last week and I was going to ask the same question to my midwife this week... I will let you know what she says Kel.
Oh and I forgot to ask if this sounds right to anyone else. Before today my belly has always measured spot on for the week that I am. She measured me today and i only measured 32". She told me it is because I dropped. Do you really loose inches when you drop?

Sounds logical to me. Maybe what's why my doc says I haven't dropped yet, bc I'm still measuring spot on.
Oh I completely forgot to mention that I gained 5 lbs in one week....how is that possibles? When I was at my appt I overlooked it because I had jeans on today but I just weighed myself on my own scale without my jeans and yep I'll be damned...5 lbs in one week...13 lbs total.

We did go away this past weekend tho and we ate out everyday but I didn't think I ate THAT much!!!

I have crazy weeks like that - baby is going through a growth spurt and it will all balance out - don't worry :thumbup:

So glad to read this, I have been the same weight for a couple weeks so this makes me feel better
As for me I've had a rough day. I've been at my friends funeral today but also had my 36 week midwife appointment (at 36+5) and my blood pressure was sky high, I had protein in my urine and my ankles and feet are really swollen so they think I may have pre-eclampsia. I have to go in tomorrow to be monitored and they may decide to induce me early. I'm really scared about baby being ok, and also am not keen on staying in hospital until the delivery so please keep your fingers crossed for me. It's been such an emotional day and I feel drained.

Sorry to hear about your rough day/funeral/ and high bp. That sucks. Hopefully your monitoring tomorrow goes well and you get the best outcome for baby to be happy and healthy
so this morning I got really upset because I realized that once baby gets here, I will have to share my time with her. Right now she's all mine! And sometimes she's all her daddy's lol. But I want her to stay in as long as possible now because I want my time with her...

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