*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

newlywed not sure how it works with the mucous plug and a closed cervix. Hang in there!!

I feel the same way about the thread, I often ask questions that don't get much of a response but I figure it's just because it does move fast like everyone has said and by the time you've caught up the main thing you remember to reply to is the last thing you read!

I have some GREAT news though, I had my growth scan today and the baby most definitely had a growth spurt!! He was in 25th percentile at 18/22 weeks, 15th percentile at 31 weeks, and today he is in the 48th percentile!!! Measuring 6lbs 6oz! I was so shocked. I was going to just be happy if he had maintained his growth rate as long as he didn't slow down, but he is looking to be big and healthy and perfect and we are so relieved.

That's great. :happydance: I was hoping to get another growth scan, but the doctor seems happy after my 31 week scan where he was 4lbs 5oz.

Does anyone else feel kind of sore and itchy "down there"? It's not constant and it comes and goes so I don't think it's a yeast infection. My next appointment isn't until the 25 and I really can't get to the doctor earlier to ask if it's normal or not.
Hahahaha... My ticker still think I am going to have a baby at 36.4 weeks. I guess we will see if it is right, lol, I don't think it is.
Anyone else here have GD controlled with diet?

Mine is still controlled by diet, but my specialist said it gets harder as you get further along
La mere, were waiting for baby to be born to pick a name as well but we have 3 names on our top names list and dh finds something wrong with all but the one I've said all along. I just don't want to go telling people and then we change our minds.

Go ahead and comment of stuff even if it is 5 pages back. Sometimes I do. Or I'll read about something and then 3 days later think oh that's a very good point but the subjects already changed. Lots of time I read everything just like to see what others have to say about it first lol especially when it comes to something I know nothing about lol

Vicky, I thought I was doing good with the stretch marks too until this weekend I've got little purple spots all over my belly now and it itches sometimes. I'm actually remembering the bio-oil now but I probably should have been better with it all along.

Afm, I had the day off work today and I thought my hospital bag was all ready and I actually had everything in the car ready to go until I stopped at a thrift shop while I was out today looking for more maternity clothes and I swear it was like someone dropped their hospital bag off there just for me because I found a rob, nursing tanks, nursing bras, pjs, and a couple maternity shirts. I got it all for $32 and then I went back to target and returned all the brand new stuff I bought and got a refund of almost $80... Talk about a good day. I'm washing everything I bought as I type this.

Nice, I love finding deals!

I feel the same way about posting.
I know I don't reply to everyone but that's cos im on my phone and it gets annoying having to go back and check who said what :p

Im 37 weeks now which means as long as nothing pops up in the next few weeks I can have my home birth!
baby has shifted off my pubic bone and that awful pain has gone finally when I'm walking. Moving around in bed still hurts though.
Not much else exciting happening here, after baby shifted position I had 3 days of feeling like I constantly needed to poop it was rather unpleasant along with 3 days of quite strong bhs...... and I suddenly felt like I needed to get everything sorted.
But all that's gone away now so I think it was just the positional change and my body getting used to it maybe?

Hope you get your home birth!

35 Weeks! And cervix is closed :(

Its a good thing your cervix is still closed at 35 weeks :)
You really don't want a pre term baby.

I definitely dont, but I was hoping all the "knife in the crotch" pains I had been having were actually doing something.
She did say my cervix was soft though, whatever that means?

So this whole time I keep thinking Ive been losing pieces of plug, can you even lose anything with a closed cervix? :shrug:

Not sure about the plug thing, but i have always thought the knife in the crotch feeling was baby hitting the nerve that leads to "down there". I may be wrong though! My lo was spending too much time hitting mine tonight! Lol

newlywed not sure how it works with the mucous plug and a closed cervix. Hang in there!!

I feel the same way about the thread, I often ask questions that don't get much of a response but I figure it's just because it does move fast like everyone has said and by the time you've caught up the main thing you remember to reply to is the last thing you read!

I have some GREAT news though, I had my growth scan today and the baby most definitely had a growth spurt!! He was in 25th percentile at 18/22 weeks, 15th percentile at 31 weeks, and today he is in the 48th percentile!!! Measuring 6lbs 6oz! I was so shocked. I was going to just be happy if he had maintained his growth rate as long as he didn't slow down, but he is looking to be big and healthy and perfect and we are so relieved.

Congrats on the great growth scan!

Re: heartburn ....omg is the acid reflux horrible. I don't actually get the burning in my chest but it's the sensation in my throat that just drives me crazy. I better take out some stock in tums because they're making money off of me lol

Do you think it's a myth that if you have a lot of heartburn/ acid reflux that they baby will have a lot of hair?

I kind of hope she at least has some hair...make this acid reflux worth it lol

I have read that if you have a lot of heartburn you are more likely to have a baby with hair than not! I think i may be having a hairy little monkey! Lol

newlywed not sure how it works with the mucous plug and a closed cervix. Hang in there!!

I feel the same way about the thread, I often ask questions that don't get much of a response but I figure it's just because it does move fast like everyone has said and by the time you've caught up the main thing you remember to reply to is the last thing you read!

I have some GREAT news though, I had my growth scan today and the baby most definitely had a growth spurt!! He was in 25th percentile at 18/22 weeks, 15th percentile at 31 weeks, and today he is in the 48th percentile!!! Measuring 6lbs 6oz! I was so shocked. I was going to just be happy if he had maintained his growth rate as long as he didn't slow down, but he is looking to be big and healthy and perfect and we are so relieved.

That's great. :happydance: I was hoping to get another growth scan, but the doctor seems happy after my 31 week scan where he was 4lbs 5oz.

Does anyone else feel kind of sore and itchy "down there"? It's not constant and it comes and goes so I don't think it's a yeast infection. My next appointment isn't until the 25 and I really can't get to the doctor earlier to ask if it's normal or not.

I have not felt very itchy down there, sore yes though! I am so so swollen down there it is unbelievable!
Been contracting pretty hard off and on since 6pm yesterday. We decided to DTD after not having done for quite awhile and I've been contracting ever since. They are pretty uncomfortable and a bit painful but nothing else is happening and no pattern. I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning for my thyroid and then an OB appointment at 1:15, and I think she'll be doing a cervical check to see what all is going on. Here's to hoping there's a least some progress :)
I feel the same way about posts not being responded too, but I know that I don't do a great job with responses either.

Heartburn, I have it at nighttime but not during the day but it hasn't been getting worse.

It is crazy to think how we will all be Mommys soon! Anyone else feel an influx of emotions the last few weeks? I was watching "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TV and was crying the entire time. :cry: weird.

I continue to have contractions every 3-10 mins since last Wednesday but it doesn't seem to be getting worse so who knows. I have a NST tomorrow so might ask for cervical check. If any dilation they will do the csection. Not sure I can keep up for another 3 weeks if these contractions continue on. :nope:
Starbrites-hope it leafs to something for you :)

Ashaz-I'm really emotional too, think it's normal. The constant contractions sound tiring. :flower: good luck with your appointment.

Had a dream my waters broke! Please come on baby!!!!
It's a good thing your cervix is closed at 35 weeks, you can still lose plug but it also regenerates. I've been losing this time and with my last from 20odd weeks, I've never experienced the full on plug and show. Also the stabbing pains won't effect your cervix only hormonal changes and contractions will do that. Bloody hate the stabby pains though :-(
Also VE's arnt reliable as already said it is only telling you what is happening then and now, I don't really get why they do them like they do for that reason, they could have said you was 3 cm and that wouldn't mean much also as you can be dialated for weeks before labour starts :-/ (most I heard was a lady walking round at 5cm for about 3 weeks).

I'm refusing all VE's this time and no sweeps (yuck) I've been dissapointend with both mine been told I'm only 3 cm then bam fully dialated within the hour! So there's no point IMO, plus no way are they getting me laying down, can't cope in that position :-(
I have been suffering from cramps in my legs a night. I heard eating a banana before bed can help so last night I did and they started later in the night than usual.
I have been suffering from cramps in my legs a night. I heard eating a banana before bed can help so last night I did and they started later in the night than usual.

My mom swears by pickle juice for leg cramps. I've heard about bananas too. Something to do with electrolytes helps relieve them I've heard.
I feel the same way about posts not being responded too, but I know that I don't do a great job with responses either.

Heartburn, I have it at nighttime but not during the day but it hasn't been getting worse.

It is crazy to think how we will all be Mommys soon! Anyone else feel an influx of emotions the last few weeks? I was watching "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TV and was crying the entire time. :cry: weird.

I continue to have contractions every 3-10 mins since last Wednesday but it doesn't seem to be getting worse so who knows. I have a NST tomorrow so might ask for cervical check. If any dilation they will do the csection. Not sure I can keep up for another 3 weeks if these contractions continue on. :nope:

I've definitely been more emotional. I cry so easily now
Ladies I definitely hear you on the heartburn. Luckily mine has subsided to only at night. I sleep propped with about 4 pillows and have Tums and water by the bedside. It isn't nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago though. The acid reflux if I didn't catch it in time would actually made me puke.

Sprite-- With the heartburn and hair thing. I guess it's related to estrogen. I thought it was an old wives tale too, but the ultrasound technician said it's true. Lol my baby has so much hair on his head you could see it in the ultrasound pics.

Newlywed-- I don't know anything about the mucus plug, but I haven't lost any of mine either.

RcdM-- Glad baby is growing well and gaining more weight it sounds like.

Geralyn & Ashaz-- I was watching Fox and the Hound this Sunday and almost started crying my eyes out. I had to look away and concentrate on something else.
Been contracting pretty hard off and on since 6pm yesterday. We decided to DTD after not having done for quite awhile and I've been contracting ever since. They are pretty uncomfortable and a bit painful but nothing else is happening and no pattern. I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning for my thyroid and then an OB appointment at 1:15, and I think she'll be doing a cervical check to see what all is going on. Here's to hoping there's a least some progress :)

Oh good luck! Hope it is doing something !

I feel the same way about posts not being responded too, but I know that I don't do a great job with responses either.

Heartburn, I have it at nighttime but not during the day but it hasn't been getting worse.

It is crazy to think how we will all be Mommys soon! Anyone else feel an influx of emotions the last few weeks? I was watching "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TV and was crying the entire time. :cry: weird.

I continue to have contractions every 3-10 mins since last Wednesday but it doesn't seem to be getting worse so who knows. I have a NST tomorrow so might ask for cervical check. If any dilation they will do the csection. Not sure I can keep up for another 3 weeks if these contractions continue on. :nope:

I get so emotional over everything too! I hate it! Lol. I can't imagine having contractions for that long, you poor thing :hugs:

It's a good thing your cervix is closed at 35 weeks, you can still lose plug but it also regenerates. I've been losing this time and with my last from 20odd weeks, I've never experienced the full on plug and show. Also the stabbing pains won't effect your cervix only hormonal changes and contractions will do that. Bloody hate the stabby pains though :-(
Also VE's arnt reliable as already said it is only telling you what is happening then and now, I don't really get why they do them like they do for that reason, they could have said you was 3 cm and that wouldn't mean much also as you can be dialated for weeks before labour starts :-/ (most I heard was a lady walking round at 5cm for about 3 weeks).

I'm refusing all VE's this time and no sweeps (yuck) I've been dissapointend with both mine been told I'm only 3 cm then bam fully dialated within the hour! So there's no point IMO, plus no way are they getting me laying down, can't cope in that position :-(

Wow that is fast! I don't blame you for refusing.

I have been suffering from cramps in my legs a night. I heard eating a banana before bed can help so last night I did and they started later in the night than usual.

Glad to hear the banana worked a bit!

I have my 37 week appt today. I know i am setting myself up for disappointment but i would be happy to hear that there is some change, even if they tell me i am only 2cm i would be happy with that! I am coming up on when my son was born and i am getting so impatient. In the many years i was ttc #2 when i would think about labor i would think to myself how wonderful not having a date for labor is! The excitement over not knowing when it will happen. Now that i am actually here i am so over that! Even if the date was 3 weeks from now i wish i just knew how much longer i am going to have to put up with this! Lol
Kel-- Lol I just posted on facebook how we're ready for baby to be here. I have an appointment Thursday and hoping to hear something of good news. I wasn't dialated at all last week when the doctor sent me in after falling. I was getting contractions, but felt more like pressure than a pain.
Charmedkirsty-legs cramps are horrible. Hope you find a way to make them go. For me, making sure I don't go to bed dehydrated helps. Also, I put a pillow under my feet now.
I have been suffering from cramps in my legs a night. I heard eating a banana before bed can help so last night I did and they started later in the night than usual.

Calcium! My father In law gets awful leg cramps, and nothing helped, and one of my pregnancy books said take calcium, he takes supplements now and hardly gets cramps!
Me too with the cramps... Lots of water and calcium magnesium supplements.
I am so ready to ladies only because I an so ready to meet this new little person... It is so exciting!
I am slowly catching up and after reading 9 pages I just can't sit in my seat anymore but thought I would throw out a quick update.

37 weeks today! :happydance: Glad to have made it this far! Our little rainbow will arrive September 30th unless he has other plans :p
Geralyn & Ashaz-- I was watching Fox and the Hound this Sunday and almost started crying my eyes out. I had to look away and concentrate on something else.

That movie makes me cry no matter what, seriously saddest Disney movie ever. I don't think I've ever been able to bring myself to watch it a second time!

But as for emotional, I've been pretty normal. Actually this whole pregnancy (minus the overwhelming beginning) I've been pretty dang calm and my emotions are significantly less extreme. Before pregnancy I was constantly crying over stupid things, and now I'm just always happy. Or irritated haha.

I thankfully haven't had any leg cramps (knock on wood) and I hope it stays that way. I used to get them all the time and they're awful. My mom used to tell me to take a shot of vinegar, but no thanks!

Here's waiting for baby #4 sounds like a few of you are in the running!

AFM as of last night I've got the worst pain in my right hip. It's always been there but for some reason last night got it to the point of almost unbearable. For the first time I wanted to not be pregnant anymore. I hope it's just cause I did too much yesterday and the pain goes back to normal pain.

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