*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

Oh and I forgot to ask if this sounds right to anyone else. Before today my belly has always measured spot on for the week that I am. She measured me today and i only measured 32". She told me it is because I dropped. Do you really loose inches when you drop?

I remembered seeing this picture of approximately where your uterus is for what week. 40 is lower than 36. https://labspace.open.ac.uk/file.php/6612/!via/oucontent/course/2732/fig1.jpg This picture shows it too https://www.ufrgs.br/imunovet/molecular_immunology/uterinelevels.jpg
Thought I was in labor today. The past few days I've been having contractions on and off and this morning I lost a nice amount of mucus plug and I'm having some spotting. I went to my appointment this morning for the ultrasound on my thyroid and as I was leaving I started getting really bad pains in my abdomen and I couldn't walk. I called my boyfriend and told him I was going to go to L&D since I was there in the hospital already. Well I wasn't in labor, lol. My cervix was still up high and closed, but they said 2cm dilated. I don't know what they mean by that if they said closed, but maybe they mean I'm not effaced at all. I did test positive for BV again (ugh) my body apparently hates sex.

I had my OB appointment later and she felt for baby and she's way down in my pubic bone area which is why I am having the most terrible pain trying to walk or do anything. It hurts so bad. She thinks baby will be here soon :) She let us feel her head. It was really neat! She said the red spotting I am having is most likely due to my mucus plug or irritated from the BV, she said since baby is moving and everything she doesn't think it's a concern with the placenta.

Hopefully baby soon!! I have a lot to do still but now I can barely move without being in so much pain I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done :(
Is it possible to post a pic from phone on this site?
Is it possible to post a pic from phone on this site?

Yeah it is but you need to upload to an image hosting site first.
at least thats what I have to do.
I upload to photobucket and then I get the picture address for it and just copy paste into the message box :)

Bit time consuming, which is why I don't post photos too often.
so this morning I got really upset because I realized that once baby gets here, I will have to share my time with her. Right now she's all mine! And sometimes she's all her daddy's lol. But I want her to stay in as long as possible now because I want my time with her...
I know what you mean about baby being all mine right now. I'm kind of dreading how overbearing my mom is going to be. She already calls him "my baby" and tells everyone "I'm finally having a boy" (it's me and my sister ...so she has no boys) She keeps trying to get into the delivery room when I've told her multiple times DH will be the only one coming in. She keeps saying "well I don't think he'll be able to handle it so I better come in too" I'm like he'll handle it just fine

Is it possible to post a pic from phone on this site?
Yes, just click on advanced and then the paperclip symbol and choose the pic you want to upload. I don't have to upload it to a different site. I have an iphone...I don't know if that makes a difference
Yay for babies!!! Congrats Mamamac and whigfield! Enjoy your sweet bundles. :)
What are their names?
so this morning I got really upset because I realized that once baby gets here, I will have to share my time with her. Right now she's all mine! And sometimes she's all her daddy's lol. But I want her to stay in as long as possible now because I want my time with her...
I know what you mean about baby being all mine right now. I'm kind of dreading how overbearing my mom is going to be. She already calls him "my baby" and tells everyone "I'm finally having a boy" (it's me and my sister ...so she has no boys) She keeps trying to get into the delivery room when I've told her multiple times DH will be the only one coming in. She keeps saying "well I don't think he'll be able to handle it so I better come in too" I'm like he'll handle it just fine

Is it possible to post a pic from phone on this site?
Yes, just click on advanced and then the paperclip symbol and choose the pic you want to upload. I don't have to upload it to a different site. I have an iphone...I don't know if that makes a difference

OMG!!!! Thankyou! I could never work out how to upload directly to here.
Thought I was in labor today. The past few days I've been having contractions on and off and this morning I lost a nice amount of mucus plug and I'm having some spotting. I went to my appointment this morning for the ultrasound on my thyroid and as I was leaving I started getting really bad pains in my abdomen and I couldn't walk. I called my boyfriend and told him I was going to go to L&D since I was there in the hospital already. Well I wasn't in labor, lol. My cervix was still up high and closed, but they said 2cm dilated. I don't know what they mean by that if they said closed, but maybe they mean I'm not effaced at all. I did test positive for BV again (ugh) my body apparently hates sex.

I had my OB appointment later and she felt for baby and she's way down in my pubic bone area which is why I am having the most terrible pain trying to walk or do anything. It hurts so bad. She thinks baby will be here soon :) She let us feel her head. It was really neat! She said the red spotting I am having is most likely due to my mucus plug or irritated from the BV, she said since baby is moving and everything she doesn't think it's a concern with the placenta.

Hopefully baby soon!! I have a lot to do still but now I can barely move without being in so much pain I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done :(

Mmmmmm. When you dilate there's external and internal they look for I think. So maybe the external part of your cervix is open but internally it's still closed. If that makes sense, maybe they ment that :shrug:. I just remember it been said when I was pregnant last time.
I've got my 36 week midwife appointment today I'm hoping he's grown since last time :)

Also I have been feeling a bit off the last couple of days so I'm hoping I can speak to her about it :)
Starbrites-you could be next by the sounds of things!! :)

Kiki-sorry your not feeling well :flower: hope your feeling better soon, and that you baby has grown.
That would be pretty neat yo_yo :)

It's currently 4:30 AM and I've been tossing and turning all night with restless legs, hot flashes, and nausea. I feel like I should have a fever of 102 but it's only 97-98. So strange. I'm still passing my mucus plug and having some spotting. Baby is very active right now and keeps hitting my cervix and ribs. I don't think I'm going to sleep =P
It's 430 here too and I woke up at 4 to pee and can't get back to sleep!

Good luck starbrites! hope this is it for you!
It's 430 here too and I woke up at 4 to pee and can't get back to sleep!

Good luck starbrites! hope this is it for you!

Must be the night, it's 450 here and I weeks up at 430 to pee and cant go back to sleep. Plus my husband is snoring super loud!

And really after four trips and how much pain I'm in I don't want to go back to sleep.
Star, Newly, and Mushy-- It must be a thing for pregnant women. I'm normally wide awake at that time too.

Kel-- You do start measuring smaller once your baby drops as there isn't as much of him/her above your pelvis.

I have found out that if I switch ends of the bed my acid reflux/heartburn goes away and I'm able to sleep with one pillow. I'm not sure why or how that even works. DH and I dtd last night I had 3-4 good contractions during the night, but that was it.
Oh and I forgot to ask if this sounds right to anyone else. Before today my belly has always measured spot on for the week that I am. She measured me today and i only measured 32". She told me it is because I dropped. Do you really
I remembered seeing this picture of approximately where your uterus is for what week. 40 is lower than 36. https://labspace.open.ac.uk/file.php/6612/!via/oucontent/course/2732/fig1.jpg This picture shows it too https://www.ufrgs.br/imunovet/molecular_immunology/uterinelevels.jpg

Thanks for the pics! That explains a lot!

Thought I was in labor today. The past few days I've been having contractions on and off and this morning I lost a nice amount of mucus plug and I'm having some spotting. I went to my appointment this morning for the ultrasound on my thyroid and as I was leaving I started getting really bad pains in my abdomen and I couldn't walk. I called my boyfriend and told him I was going to go to L&D since I was there in the hospital already. Well I wasn't in labor, lol. My cervix was still up high and closed, but they said 2cm dilated. I don't know what they mean by that if they said closed, but maybe they mean I'm not effaced at all. I did test positive for BV again (ugh) my body apparently hates sex.

I had my OB appointment later and she felt for baby and she's way down in my pubic bone area which is why I am having the most terrible pain trying to walk or do anything. It hurts so bad. She thinks baby will be here soon :) She let us feel her head. It was really neat! She said the red spotting I am having is most likely due to my mucus plug or irritated from the BV, she said since baby is moving and everything she doesn't think it's a concern with the placenta.

Hopefully baby soon!! I have a lot to do still but now I can barely move without being in so much pain I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done :(

It was explained to me that there is an external and internal cervix to measure. I had been dilated 1cm on the external but 0 on the internal. Maybe that is what they meant! Good luck with all the spotting and stuff! Hope it turns into labor (if you want it to! Lol)

I've got my 36 week midwife appointment today I'm hoping he's grown since last time :)

Also I have been feeling a bit off the last couple of days so I'm hoping I can speak to her about it :)

Good luck at your appt! Hope you feel better :hugs:
Hi all, wow there is a lot to catch up on. I think with the replies it does depend on when I'm reading and like someone else said it goes so fast here it's impossible to keep up sometimes! I do read every post though and sometimes feel the same as you guys. I will make more effort though!

La mere - that is a great bump comparison and does look like you've dropped!

Laelani - happy 37 weeks and soldo to anyone moving weeks today!

As for emotions I would say the worst film is Bambi - honestly don't go there, I watched it a few weeks back and was inconsolable afterwards!

As for me I've had a rough day. I've been at my friends funeral today but also had my 36 week midwife appointment (at 36+5) and my blood pressure was sky high, I had protein in my urine and my ankles and feet are really swollen so they think I may have pre-eclampsia. I have to go in tomorrow to be monitored and they may decide to induce me early. I'm really scared about baby being ok, and also am not keen on staying in hospital until the delivery so please keep your fingers crossed for me. It's been such an emotional day and I feel drained.

Thank you :) I again want to say I am very sorry for your loss. I remember how hard it was for me when my father passed when I was about 6-7 months pregnant with my daughter and I had to write his eulogy and sing one of his favorite songs because he had asked me to before passing.

I hope things go well for you with your next appt. I hope you can cook little one for a little longer and that it is just a scare! But, as much as I hate to say it, it does sound like a very possibility is is pre-e. Good luck, dear. :flower:

Thanks everyone yes I'm excited that my baby seems to have grown quite a bit, almost doubled in size, in 5 weeks!! At the same time a little scary LOL.

I want to do a better job at replying to everyone too, so here goes!

Sprite - I had really bad heartburn with my dd very early on, and she was bald until she was 1! In fact she is now almost 2 1/2 and still has very fine baby hair and not a lot of it. I can't wait until it grows in more and I can actually do something with it. And my weight seems to fluctuate really weird too. One appointment I haven't gained anything and the next I'm up 4 pounds. I think it's fine as long as it's not like 5 pounds every single time lol.

Newlywed - I know what you mean about the weekly appointments, although my dr is not an hour and a half away! That must be rough. Luckily you should only have to do it for a few more weeks!

Charmed kitty - oh boy I don't have leg cramps as much as I have foot cramps! They are so bad! It happens a lot, I move or stretch the wrong way and my entire foot cramps up, and it hurts all the way down to my toes. Elsa - I will try the pickle juice thing! That would be awesome if that helps!

Ashaz - I have had a rollercoaster of emotions lately. Some weeks I'm fine, then the next I'm crying about any and every little thing, commercials, videos I see shared on facebook, news articles... not to mention baby shows! I am slightly obsessed with watching labor and delivery stories on YouTube and pretty much cry at every single one.

La mere - re: having to make the capsules yourself - I learned a long time ago that if I want something done, I better do it myself anyway. LOL!! DH is just super forgetful, even if I remind him 80 times to the point I'm annoying him, he will still forget. Drives me crazy.

Loopy Laura - I'm sorry about your friend and that you've had such a rough day. I hate to say it but it really does sound like pre-eclampsia. I will pray that everything goes well. There's really not much they can do, especially with protein in your urine... the only cure is delivery. So unfortunately they probably will want to keep you in until you deliver, and they may decide that has to be much sooner than later, for your own health so it does not turn more severe. Either way you are in good hands and far along enough that everything should be fine if you do have to deliver soon. Keep us updated and hang in there!

AFM, I had my OB appointment today and everything is looking good. My bp has started to creep up a bit but still within normal range. Today it was 120/68, when it's typically been about 108/60-something. My doctor said she's not going to worry unless it gets to the 140's/90's. So here's hoping I make it to my due date. I only have ONE more OB appointment after today, which seems so crazy! My next one will be 9/23, and then my c-section is booked the following week on that Friday, 10/3. I can't believe I am in the home stretch.

The only thing that kind of stinks is that my section is at 6PM. And I can't eat 8 hours prior so all I really can do is have breakfast! It's going to be a long day because I'll be anxious all day thinking about it!

Thank you, I am glad I am not the only one with a forgetful DH! I had to keep hounding him to order my birthing supplies and ended up doing it myself!

Glad to hear all is looking good for you! Can't wait to see your little one, so many of us are in the home stretch now!

Oh and I forgot to ask if this sounds right to anyone else. Before today my belly has always measured spot on for the week that I am. She measured me today and i only measured 32". She told me it is because I dropped. Do you really loose inches when you drop?

Sounds right to me! :) I noticed it with both of mine. My midwife with my daughter kept me pretty informed and was good about answering all my questions and such. I noticed when I was doing my prenatal checks when I was pregnant with my son that around 36 weeks he had started dropping and started measuring a bit behind. This baby has dropped earlier than either my son or my daughter, but it's been a week since I have done my prenatal check.

I've got my 36 week midwife appointment today I'm hoping he's grown since last time :)

Also I have been feeling a bit off the last couple of days so I'm hoping I can speak to her about it :)

Hope you are feeling better and that your midwife has some answers for you or can help you figure out why you've been off.

Thought I was in labor today. The past few days I've been having contractions on and off and this morning I lost a nice amount of mucus plug and I'm having some spotting. I went to my appointment this morning for the ultrasound on my thyroid and as I was leaving I started getting really bad pains in my abdomen and I couldn't walk. I called my boyfriend and told him I was going to go to L&D since I was there in the hospital already. Well I wasn't in labor, lol. My cervix was still up high and closed, but they said 2cm dilated. I don't know what they mean by that if they said closed, but maybe they mean I'm not effaced at all. I did test positive for BV again (ugh) my body apparently hates sex.

I had my OB appointment later and she felt for baby and she's way down in my pubic bone area which is why I am having the most terrible pain trying to walk or do anything. It hurts so bad. She thinks baby will be here soon :) She let us feel her head. It was really neat! She said the red spotting I am having is most likely due to my mucus plug or irritated from the BV, she said since baby is moving and everything she doesn't think it's a concern with the placenta.

Hopefully baby soon!! I have a lot to do still but now I can barely move without being in so much pain I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done :(

Sounds like this could be it for you! Good luck! Sending lots of good vibes your way!


AFM: I am 36 weeks today! Yay! Omg, I can't believe how close I am now. I am so ready to start seeing signs of impending labor. First good sign of course is that baby has dropped and is moving into position, been head down since about 34 weeks. Want to start seeing some of my plug, lol. I've been sleeping a little better the past couple nights, which is so nice. Been peeing a lot more, more sciatic pain and hip and pelvis pain along with some pretty nice and strong Braxton Hicks.

Trying to get everything back in order around the house, already got all the baby clothes and blankets and my cloth diapers washed and ready to go. Waiting on my birthing supplies to ship out and arrive, need to gather towels, sheets and a few other odds and ends for the birth. I forgot how much work it was even before you go into labor! LOL! I love it though, one of the reasons I actually eventually want to become a midwife..

I will be taking 36 week pictures later today. Will hopefully get to do some maternity pictures next week, would lover to get some with me and the kids and DH.. and my very, very close friends... but don't know if it will work out the way I want it to. Things in life rarely do, it seems.

I hope that everyone else is doing well! I can't wait to hear any updates about new babies! <3<3<3
Oooh wow I think I just went through 9 pages so sorry if I miss anyone out! :)

I've noticed that I wake up around 4am too and usually can't get back to sleep until about 6ish, that combined with the constant urge to pee and looking like a flailing turtle when trying to get out of bed is not fun:haha:

Kel- my midwife said you usually measure less when you drop, I'm measuring 1cm less than last time

StarBrites- sounds promising, hope this is the start of things for you!

Kiki28- hope you feel better soon and all went well at your appointment.

Loopy Laura- so sorry for the loss of your friend:hugs: Hope everything is going okay baby wise and if it is pre-e then everything turns out fine.

RcdM- great news about your LO, glad to know they've caught up:dance:

Sprite- I've had no heartburn at all and have been wondering if he's going to come out bald, OH and I looked like werewolves when we were born so maybe not:haha:

Afm- had my 38 week appointment today. Baby is 4/5ths engaged and sooo low down in my pelvis his shoulders knock against it but his body and legs still take up most of my bump. I'm measuring 1cm less than last time but I don't look like I've dropped at all:shrug: Maybe it's cause he's big and super long.
Got another scan tomorrow to check fluid levels and baby's size (I think)
Less than 2 weeks to gooo:dance::happydance:
La mere, it is hard work getting ready for baby isn't it. I'm not doing the whole home birth thing but I just feel like I have no mental capacity right now. I have so many things on my mind it's tiring. Dh has been making dinner for me this week because I'm too exhausted to even go out to dinner. Working all day and then sitting down to watch tv is exhausting. I don't know how people who have toddlers do it.

I was trying to make it until oct8th to go out on maternity leave but I seriously don't think I'll make it that long. Just the exhaustion alone is hard. When is everyone else going out on maternity leave? I'd go out today but it seems like everyone I know IRL worked straight up until they went into labor....silly people I tell you.
Vicky - I'm with you on the flailing turtle thing...it's so hard to get off the couch or out of bed now

Sprite- I don't know how people work up until their due date! Luckily I've been done since June. I'm a teacher and had the summer off and did not go back this year since I plan on being a SAHM

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