*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I had six months off with my company in the US. About four of those months they paid for as well. I went back to work after those six months for about 10 days and my daughter was not happy to say the least...she wouldn't take a bottle for my mom or anything so we decided as a family that I should stay home with her. Financially we took a hit but fortunately we manage just fine. I am actually more worried about my future professional prospects by taking this time from my career. I tried to use my husbands new version of Microsoft Word the other day and realized how out of touch I am with the business world as it was way different than the one I used just two years ago when I worked.

The business world changes so fast and I am sorta feeling like I am being left in the dust :(. I however firmly believe spending moments with my child in these formidable years is more important than time in an office; so I know we made the right decision.

As far as only having 12 weeks off...I too think that is ridiculous.
Midwife appointment went well :) little one is still small but midwife not worried at this stage. He is 1/5 engaged I know it's not a lot and he can go in and out but it's progress hehe :)

I've got my health visitor home visit today too so fingers crossed for that :)
I had a question. How are the rest of you ladies doing your maternity leave. In the US we get 12 weeks, but disability will only pay for 6 weeks (natural birth) and 8 weeks c-section. How are you handling the rest of the unpaid time?

I'm lucky that I can use sick time that I have saved up over the years for my leave. I've been with my district 8 years so I have loads of sick leave saved up. I'm taking my leave paid for 5 months (working until she comes out!).

I don't know how people do it with just 6 weeks paid by disability. The thought terrifies me! Good luck to those doing it that way.
I am swollen big time too, I hate it. It's starting to get cool here and I can only wear flip flops. Does swelling go away immediately?

anyone know how mamamac and the twins are doing? I wasn't sure if maybe I've missed a post somewhere..

If it gets too cold can you wear Uggs? They are pretty roomy, lol. I looked at my sweater uggs yesterday and said. Uuuuuuuugh (;) lol) too early, not cold enough yet where I am.
Swollen feet here too. And a toddler being hard work!

Anyone else with children already finding them being harder work? My youngest is two and keeps being really naughty-she used to be so well behaved!
Yep I have a mischievous 2 year old too. Make that a clingy one as well. Not great when it's starting to get really hard to pick him up and carry him far!!

My feet are starting to swell now too, good job my maternity leave started today!

So sorry about your friend Laura but glad your bp is improving.

I have to own up to being awful at interacting on this thread. I read everything but often that's 5 pages in one go & any valuable input I have has already been said.
Swollen feet here too. And a toddler being hard work!

Anyone else with children already finding them being harder work? My youngest is two and keeps being really naughty-she used to be so well behaved!

My youngest is alot of a madam of late!! Eldest I can sort of talk to and she will (semi) do as she's told. But the youngest wow, hard work at times lol.
Elsa-- I've been with my company for 8 years as well. Unfortunately it's a company owned by one family. You have 2 weeks paid vacation and that's it. There's no accumulation of sick time or anything. We haven't decided on if I'll be taking 6 or 8 weeks off. I hate the thought of having him away from me that soon.
My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body parts!!
Lauraemily and ljo1984-it's reassuring to know it's not just my lo acting up. Feel so guilty not being able to run around after her the way she wants.

It is hard to keep up with our thread. But if you look at our post count, it's easily one of the most chatty on the groups page! We have over 7000 posts! Now that's a lot to keep up with :haha:

Cntrygirl-that sounds tough having only a short time off after birth-hope you manage to get the full 8 weeks.
My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body parts!!

Must be hard with 2 so young. Don't feel bad resting up :flower:

The itchy armpits is an odd one if you haven't shaved recently. I know my skin is personally more sensitive, and I get bad shaving rashes when I shave, and I sweat more easily which an cause my armpits to be irritated. I would ask your midwife about it honey.
Kiki-glad midwife appointment went well, and good luck with the health visitor one later. They don't do those visits pre baby around here-shows how it differs across the uk.
My bump hasn't grown either. I'm measuring 36 weeks but my midwife is not concerned too. I can't see how my bump could physically get bigger personally!
I am swollen big time too, I hate it. It's starting to get cool here and I can only wear flip flops. Does swelling go away immediately?

anyone know how mamamac and the twins are doing? I wasn't sure if maybe I've missed a post somewhere..

If it gets too cold can you wear Uggs? They are pretty roomy, lol. I looked at my sweater uggs yesterday and said. Uuuuuuuugh (;) lol) too early, not cold enough yet where I am.

I never thought of that! I would hate to buy new shoes so late in the game though. we have had nights down in the upper 20s f! Brr!
I am swollen big time too, I hate it. It's starting to get cool here and I can only wear flip flops. Does swelling go away immediately?

anyone know how mamamac and the twins are doing? I wasn't sure if maybe I've missed a post somewhere..

If it gets too cold can you wear Uggs? They are pretty roomy, lol. I looked at my sweater uggs yesterday and said. Uuuuuuuugh (;) lol) too early, not cold enough yet where I am.

I never thought of that! I would hate to buy new shoes so late in the game though. we have had nights down in the upper 20s f! Brr!

I bought some shoes with memory foam in the soles-bliss to walk on with my swollen feet. I felt the same about having to buy new shoes so late on in pregnancy, but needs must. Hope the swelling goes soon
Finally all updated. Glad things are looking well for everyone and that it won't be long until all of our lovely little babies will be here!

AFM - We have a new and final C-Section date of September 30th, however, I am not convinced that our little guy will stay in there that long. A week or so ago I had a bunch of BH and had to go visit L&D and they said everything was closed and that we should be fine. Well I started losing bigger amounts of mucus plug yesterday (I have been losing plug for weeks but just little tiny amounts at a time) and now today I have the BH again. So we will see how long he decides to stay put. Yesterday I felt very unwell and stayed in bed literally all day. Today I am feeling a little better and hopefully will be able to stay out of bed.

How's everyone else doing today?
Midwife appointment went well :) little one is still small but midwife not worried at this stage. He is 1/5 engaged I know it's not a lot and he can go in and out but it's progress hehe :)

I've got my health visitor home visit today too so fingers crossed for that :)
In my maternity notes it says 1/5 or 0/5 = deeply engaged.

I had my MW appointment today. She is 3/5ths engaged.
I have such a new found respect for women that work through their pregnancy. I used to think it was no big deal, and it really couldn't be that hard. I'm SO glad I never told any one that, cause damn I would have been such an ass if I did! I thankfully haven't had to work this pregnancy, and I can barely handle it. I'm so tired all the time, and keeping up the house or cooking for my husband. And here's RcdM over here being a super mom! I'm with sprite on this one, I'm going to use you as motivation!

I also don't know how women in America manage with only 12 weeks, and from what I understand a lot of women can't even afford to take the whole 12 weeks so it ends up being shorter. I am very thankful that my husband makes enough to allow me to stay home!

Laura I'm glad things are looking better, and I hope it stays good for as long as baby needs to.

My husband got me sick! It's just started today and it's only going to get worse. I already don't want to do anything, and now I don't want to do anything 100% more!

Hope you feel better soon!

Started my maternity today. I love my job so it was kind of sad! I'm hoping to spend the next week with some one on one with my daughter until baby comes. I'm already starting to have anxiety about having two.

Hope you have a good time with your daughter!

Midwife appointment went well :) little one is still small but midwife not worried at this stage. He is 1/5 engaged I know it's not a lot and he can go in and out but it's progress hehe :)

I've got my health visitor home visit today too so fingers crossed for that :)

Glad your appt went well and that things look good :)

My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body

Maybe call your midwife about the itching?

I have been very fortunate that i have not had to work since my ds was born! And with him being 8 years old it is pretty easy for me to relax when i need to. I feel for you ladies with little ones and who have to go back to work too quickly. :hugs:
My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body parts!!

My armpits were itchy a couple weeks ago. It was driving me nuts. I used Johnson's baby lotion (the pink stuff) and it really helped.

My daughter has also really been acting up. Yesterday was brutal. She's usually such a happy kid so this is something I am definitely not used to. I think she's getting her 2 year molars. My husband picked up some Tylenol for her and she was a lot happier after having it. I was going to take her to Mother Goose this morning (a group where you sing nursery rhymes and play games) but I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus and I'm having trouble walking. My legs are sore, my pelvis is sore and my upper back/neck is stiff. I had a decent sleep last night, only woke up 3 times but each time I was even more sore. Baby must have switched positions while I was sleeping last night or something because I definitely didn't feel like this when I went to bed.

My due date is 1 month from today. :happydance: I feel huge but people keep commenting that my bump is small for being so close.


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I am swollen big time too, I hate it. It's starting to get cool here and I can only wear flip flops. Does swelling go away immediately?

anyone know how mamamac and the twins are doing? I wasn't sure if maybe I've missed a post somewhere..

Oh, I hate it too. I've hardly ever had sweeling in my previous pregnancies. Not saying I didn't, I just don't remember it being quite so much. I think I have just been trying to so too much lately. It's hard for me to find shoes that fit right and comfortably right now....

Swollen feet here too. And a toddler being hard work!

Anyone else with children already finding them being harder work? My youngest is two and keeps being really naughty-she used to be so well behaved!

Oh, yes! My oldest is almost 4 and my youngest is almost 2. They have both been extremely fussy, clingy and just general pains, lol. Hoping it eases up soon.. but it's nice to know that it's not only my LO's.

Finally all updated. Glad things are looking well for everyone and that it won't be long until all of our lovely little babies will be here!

AFM - We have a new and final C-Section date of September 30th, however, I am not convinced that our little guy will stay in there that long. A week or so ago I had a bunch of BH and had to go visit L&D and they said everything was closed and that we should be fine. Well I started losing bigger amounts of mucus plug yesterday (I have been losing plug for weeks but just little tiny amounts at a time) and now today I have the BH again. So we will see how long he decides to stay put. Yesterday I felt very unwell and stayed in bed literally all day. Today I am feeling a little better and hopefully will be able to stay out of bed.

How's everyone else doing today?

I hope you keep feeling better and little man stays put till your section date! I am doing pretty well, but I think my body is kicking into preparing for labor! I've been having a lot more intense Braxton Hicks, some lower back pain... and (sorry for TMI!) really soft, almost runny bowel movements. :blush: Haven't started losing any of my plug yet, but did notice a tiny bit of mucusy discharge that was slightly tinged with old looking blood.

Hope everyone else is doing good!

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