*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I think in crazy- because in actually looking forward to just labouring and getting on with it!!! Lol. 34 weeks only here, and still seems soooo far away. :-(
Well, ladies, my little man is here! Monday night I told hubby to take me for a ride in a bumpy field (grasping at straws) and so he did. Then we dtd before bed. I woke up about 1:40am with contractions. I started timing them and they were 4-6 minutes apart. I woke up hubby and we called my mom to come stay with my boys. We got to the hospital about 3:30 and was 5cm. I wanted to try to go epidural-free. The contractions started getting closer together and didn't seem to let up before the next one started. I was practically crying and was in so much pain. The nurses checked me again and said I was 8cm and it might be too late for an epidural. They called for anesthesia anyway and she managed to get there and give me pain meds through my spine-- but not an epidural. She said I wouldn't need it for that long. Finally the meds made my contractions back off to where they were bearable. However, I had started to hyperventilate during the bad part and couldn't feel my hands, so they had me on oxygen and I had thrown up several times. The nurses said this would make me deliver quicker and were worried the doctor wouldn't be there in time. However, she did get there and after 10-15 minutes of pushing, Joshua Colton arrived. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20in long. My biggest baby! He took to nursing right away and is doing really well with that although last night was rough. It was our first night home and he was up too often to eat. I'm not going to complain too much though, because he's eating. He lost 10oz in the hospital and I'm hoping to bring that back up before his first pediatrician visit on Saturday morning. I don't feel like I handled myself very well during labor, but it was my worst labor yet. I guess because it all happened so fast. About 4.5 hours total. Just wanted to share my story. I will try to keep up with you all over the next few days, but trying to get in somewhat of a routine with 3 kids is going to be hard. Take care!
Baby3onboard-yay!! Congratulations on your little arrival!! :) so glad all went well for you!
Congratulations!!! This is so exciting to see who goes next!
I can't wait until it's my turn! :)
Congrats on the baby! All of my friends due same time as me had their babies! Now just getting impatient ugh
Baby3onboard-- Congratulations on your little guy.

The babies are starting to come closer together now. Can't wait!
Congratulations!!!:happydance: I love his name!

More babies are arriving :D I'm officially handing LO his eviction notice:haha:
My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body parts!!

My armpits were itchy a couple weeks ago. It was driving me nuts. I used Johnson's baby lotion (the pink stuff) and it really helped.

My daughter has also really been acting up. Yesterday was brutal. She's usually such a happy kid so this is something I am definitely not used to. I think she's getting her 2 year molars. My husband picked up some Tylenol for her and she was a lot happier after having it. I was going to take her to Mother Goose this morning (a group where you sing nursery rhymes and play games) but I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus and I'm having trouble walking. My legs are sore, my pelvis is sore and my upper back/neck is stiff. I had a decent sleep last night, only woke up 3 times but each time I was even more sore. Baby must have switched positions while I was sleeping last night or something because I definitely didn't feel like this when I went to bed.

My due date is 1 month from today. :happydance: I feel huge but people keep commenting that my bump is small for being so close.
Hope you are feeling better!

Group b test was negative! Woohoo!!


I'm getting swollen feet too, thankfully it's still warm enough to walk round in flip flops or I don't know how I'd cope.

Laelani- your section date is my due date :D although I'm hoping he arrives before then. Hope you feel better soon too:flower:

La Mere- I've been having a lot of back pain and some tightenings, no plug though just a lot of lovely discharge:sick:

Afm I went to labour ward yesterday as he was hardly moving but the trace was showing he was moving plenty and I was having tightenings too but bugger me if I could feel anything:shrug:
Also had another fluid level check today and there seemed to be hardly any so yay for no more polyhydramnios :D but they want to send me for my THIRD glucose test even though the other 2 were fine :(

It has only hit me today that I am going to be (hopefully) having a baby in 12 days:wacko::dance: I'm so excited!

Hope the swelling gets better and that your scans go well! Odd that they want to check your blood this late in the game!

Finally finished the mobile for LOs nautical nursery. I have a few more projects I need to finish

So cute!

i can't keep up with all the posts in here, but just checking in to say hi

Hi! Hope you are doing well!

Newlywed - it's not a great time to move but it will be good for him to have a job so in the long run it will work whatever happens. Fingers crossed!

Geralyn - cute mobile!

RcdM - wow that labour sounds awful - I imagine I would be tearing my hair out after that long with no progression. I can't help as this is my first pregnancy but if I was her I'd call again for advice. She could try a TENs machine and/or bounce on a birthing ball but these are just from things I've read and not from experience. Ugh.

Vickyandchick - glad things were looking good although that's annoying about having to do more glucose tests.

As for me I feel horrendous today. My feet were so swollen earlier they were painful and I could barely walk on them but I don't have time to keep them elevated. Now tonight my upper legs and hips have gone and I couldn't even stand on one leg to change my trousers! I've also been getting a few cramps in my belly. Is this what it's going to be like from now on or is this just a bad day?! I have had bad days like this before and it's got better so sincerely hoping that tomorrow is better, otherwise I will struggle to walk anywhere soon! Thank goodness for only one more day of work! I feel like I'm about 100 years old.

To remind me of positive pregnancy things this was my bump at 35+3 days which I just haven't had chance to upload until now. That was almost 2 weeks ago and I feel much bigger now.

Cute bump!

Hi guys sorry I'm not going to respond much today I feel miserable. I read through everything and it looks like most have been commented on already I dont have much to add other then sorry to all those feeling miserable too and it won't be long now before we have baby in hands and can complain about something else so just trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

I had to get bloods taken on my lunch break to check my thyroid to make sure it's not high again. I should get those results by Tuesday when I have my next appt. so I was feeling good earlier and I decided while I was out I would stop and get lunch at a place called salad works. There is only one location near by and I hadn't had it in awhile, well it completely thru my whole day off. I was 30 minutes late coming back so I had to work 30 minutes late and was behind on my work all day. Ugh. After I ate I had the worse gas pains you could possibly imagine. My lower belly is soooooo sore right now. As soon as I go I to labor I'll be at the hospital looking for the epidural for sure bc if gas pains can be that excruciating I don't even know how I'd handle labor pains, yikes!!

Hope your bloods come back normal and hope you are feeling better!

Well, ladies, my little man is here! Monday night I told hubby to take me for a ride in a bumpy field (grasping at straws) and so he did. Then we dtd before bed. I woke up about 1:40am with contractions. I started timing them and they were 4-6 minutes apart. I woke up hubby and we called my mom to come stay with my boys. We got to the hospital about 3:30 and was 5cm. I wanted to try to go epidural-free. The contractions started getting closer together and didn't seem to let up before the next one started. I was practically crying and was in so much pain. The nurses checked me again and said I was 8cm and it might be too late for an epidural. They called for anesthesia anyway and she managed to get there and give me pain meds through my spine-- but not an epidural. She said I wouldn't need it for that long. Finally the meds made my contractions back off to where they were bearable. However, I had started to hyperventilate during the bad part and couldn't feel my hands, so they had me on oxygen and I had thrown up several times. The nurses said this would make me deliver quicker and were worried the doctor wouldn't be there in time. However, she did get there and after 10-15 minutes of pushing, Joshua Colton arrived. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20in long. My biggest baby! He took to nursing right away and is doing really well with that although last night was rough. It was our first night home and he was up too often to eat. I'm not going to complain too much though, because he's eating. He lost 10oz in the hospital and I'm hoping to bring that back up before his first pediatrician visit on Saturday morning. I don't feel like I handled myself very well during labor, but it was my worst labor yet. I guess because it all happened so fast. About 4.5 hours total. Just wanted to share my story. I will try to keep up with you all over the next few days, but trying to get in somewhat of a routine with 3 kids is going to be hard. Take care!

Congrats on your baby boy!
Just had the health visitor visit she missed the appointment yesterday so she came today instead. She just asked a load of questions about our family history and any problems. Asked how prepared we were and things like that. Got some more leaflets and his red book too. So I don't think it was anything really to worry about!

Braxton hicks are back this afternoon so am going to try and have a nap to try and get them to wear off a bit!
Well, ladies, my little man is here! Monday night I told hubby to take me for a ride in a bumpy field (grasping at straws) and so he did. Then we dtd before bed. I woke up about 1:40am with contractions. I started timing them and they were 4-6 minutes apart. I woke up hubby and we called my mom to come stay with my boys. We got to the hospital about 3:30 and was 5cm. I wanted to try to go epidural-free. The contractions started getting closer together and didn't seem to let up before the next one started. I was practically crying and was in so much pain. The nurses checked me again and said I was 8cm and it might be too late for an epidural. They called for anesthesia anyway and she managed to get there and give me pain meds through my spine-- but not an epidural. She said I wouldn't need it for that long. Finally the meds made my contractions back off to where they were bearable. However, I had started to hyperventilate during the bad part and couldn't feel my hands, so they had me on oxygen and I had thrown up several times. The nurses said this would make me deliver quicker and were worried the doctor wouldn't be there in time. However, she did get there and after 10-15 minutes of pushing, Joshua Colton arrived. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20in long. My biggest baby! He took to nursing right away and is doing really well with that although last night was rough. It was our first night home and he was up too often to eat. I'm not going to complain too much though, because he's eating. He lost 10oz in the hospital and I'm hoping to bring that back up before his first pediatrician visit on Saturday morning. I don't feel like I handled myself very well during labor, but it was my worst labor yet. I guess because it all happened so fast. About 4.5 hours total. Just wanted to share my story. I will try to keep up with you all over the next few days, but trying to get in somewhat of a routine with 3 kids is going to be hard. Take care!

Congratulations! My mom always had fast labour and said that that there were the worst because they were so intense. You did amazing! Enjoy your little boy!
Just had the health visitor visit she missed the appointment yesterday so she came today instead. She just asked a load of questions about our family history and any problems. Asked how prepared we were and things like that. Got some more leaflets and his red book too. So I don't think it was anything really to worry about!

Braxton hicks are back this afternoon so am going to try and have a nap to try and get them to wear off a bit!

Yeh sounds pretty standard :) mine was moaning about the new paperwork they have and type questions they have to ask. Lol.
Congrats Baby3onboard!

I can't believe I will be 36 weeks tomorrow. Getting soooo close to 37 weeks. I never thought I'd make it this far. I need to finish packing my hospital bags this weekend and make a list of the last minute things I need to put in on the way to the hospital.
Congrats baby3onboard! That labour sounds intense but good it was over fairly quickly and great that he's feeding well!
Geralyn I love that mobile! You made it? It's very lovely, I would totally buy that!

Newlywed, I understand the stress of having to move so far away, but in the end it will be better. My husband is being sent 6 hours away from where we are now for work at the end of November. Where, thankfully I wont be pregnant I will still possibly be recovering from giving birth and have a newborn. And we don't know how we are going to do it.

Laura, you look wonderful! I'm sure just as wonderful, even if your bump has grown a bunch since then. Do you drink plenty of water? I get more puffy if I realize I haven't drank as much water as I should. But, in regards to pregnant swelling I've been pretty lucky anyhow and haven't had anything major unless it's a humid day.

Starbrites my MIL is coming on October 2nd to be there for me and she's pretty much going to be my maid haha. She's already said though, that she's there to help me with anything I need help with. It's really nice to have that support.

Congrats baby3onboard! Sorry the labor wasn't the best, but you've got your lovely baby boy!

AFM I am still sick! I thought yesterday was going to be the worst day, but then I woke up today and realized, nope! I have so much to do and no energy or motivation to do it. Thankfully due to two nights of very little sleep I was able to get a good amount of sleep last night so I actually feel a little more awake than I have been, but it's all wasted energy, because when I stand I get dizzy.
Mushy, I'm actually really glad she's coming because she is a NEAT FREAK and will probably help us clean top to bottom lol. I just wanted to clean it up a bit before she got here because it's pretty messy, there were lots of dishes to be done! :)
Geralyn I love that mobile! You made it? It's very lovely, I would totally buy that!

Newlywed, I understand the stress of having to move so far away, but in the end it will be better. My husband is being sent 6 hours away from where we are now for work at the end of November. Where, thankfully I wont be pregnant I will still possibly be recovering from giving birth and have a newborn. And we don't know how we are going to do it.

Laura, you look wonderful! I'm sure just as wonderful, even if your bump has grown a bunch since then. Do you drink plenty of water? I get more puffy if I realize I haven't drank as much water as I should. But, in regards to pregnant swelling I've been pretty lucky anyhow and haven't had anything major unless it's a humid day.

Starbrites my MIL is coming on October 2nd to be there for me and she's pretty much going to be my maid haha. She's already said though, that she's there to help me with anything I need help with. It's really nice to have that support.

Congrats baby3onboard! Sorry the labor wasn't the best, but you've got your lovely baby boy!

AFM I am still sick! I thought yesterday was going to be the worst day, but then I woke up today and realized, nope! I have so much to do and no energy or motivation to do it. Thankfully due to two nights of very little sleep I was able to get a good amount of sleep last night so I actually feel a little more awake than I have been, but it's all wasted energy, because when I stand I get dizzy.

Thanks! I am drinking water but probably not enough as I should be. The only thing that seems to help is elevating my feet and having a cold compress on them. Sorry to hear you're still sick - that's not nice this late in the pregnancy :hugs:

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