*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I'm getting swollen feet too, thankfully it's still warm enough to walk round in flip flops or I don't know how I'd cope.

Laelani- your section date is my due date :D although I'm hoping he arrives before then. Hope you feel better soon too:flower:

La Mere- I've been having a lot of back pain and some tightenings, no plug though just a lot of lovely discharge:sick:

Afm I went to labour ward yesterday as he was hardly moving but the trace was showing he was moving plenty and I was having tightenings too but bugger me if I could feel anything:shrug:
Also had another fluid level check today and there seemed to be hardly any so yay for no more polyhydramnios :D but they want to send me for my THIRD glucose test even though the other 2 were fine :(

It has only hit me today that I am going to be (hopefully) having a baby in 12 days:wacko::dance: I'm so excited!
Oh geez I would hardly call myself super-mom! I feel so lazy most of the time like I should be doing more. I'll be honest I don't know how people do it with 3+ kids and still work full time. We are done after this, DH and I are both pretty career-oriented, so I guess I've just accepted that it's going to be a lot of work to raise a family at the same time. What keeps me going is the idea that it's just temporary and soon the kids will be older and going off to school and I'll miss these times. But also very much looking forward to when they're older and going on family trips and stuff.

I have been itching terribly on my stomach but especially on my boobs, and I try so hard to avoid scratching because once I get started I can't stop! I'll end up scratching so much that I start getting really bad red marks and little red dots that scab up. It's awful. I just try to use lotion and distract myself and eventually forget how itchy I am.

I feel so bad, my SIL is in early labor, she's 39+6 and has been having contractions about 7 min apart for the last 24 hours. She tried to wait until they were closer but was in so much pain. So she went in and was told she's only 1cm dilated and was sent home. She says she's having them in her back really really bad, but the contractions aren't getting any closer together. She's been absolutely terrified of labor this entire pregnancy and she's been in tears since yesterday, saying she doesn't know how she's going to do this. I feel so bad but I don't know what to say! She's had a really rough pregnancy overall. I've tried to be encouraging and positive and help her remember the outcome, but obviously that doesn't ease the pain. She said she took a bath but I don't know that it's helping much. I've never been in labor so I almost feel as if my words of encouragement don't mean much. She's said she's jealous I'm having a c-section and get to skip all the labor... I've told her the c-section is no walk in the park either but this is her first and she's just really struggling. What can I say to help her? If she's in this much pain still 24 hours later, should she go back and be more persistent? Or does she have to just stick it out?
My kids are driving me mad atm but i think its just me being miserable and ratty, as in so tired all of the time and all i want to do is be able to nap or have an hour to myself in peace and quiet :-( totally impossible with a 4yr old and an 11month old who want constant attention, i feel so guilty too as i cant keep up with them at all. I really miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap all afternoon or sit with my feet up and watch tv!
my youngest is so.laid up.atm too and so wont nap as she coughs herself awake.

anyone got any thoughts on itching? I have been having crazy itching under my armpits for over a week. Ive stopped using deoderant, and in showering frequently i don't think it is hygiene related and there is no shaving rash! In fact i haven't shaved in about 3 days to rule that out. It was so bad last night i wwas awake for an hour itching both armpits and had to get up to put cream on to stop the itch. Ive been reading about oc a condition you can get in pregnancy that causes itching that affects the liver but i haven't been able to find a link with itchy armpits just other body parts!!

I spoke to my mw about oc this week as I'd had some itching on my arms & legs, but not soles of my feet or palms of my hands. Mine has actually got better so she's ruled out oc but she did say if it comes back and gets worse to get in contact immediately to arrange bloods. Regular itching anywhere on the body for no obvious cause and with no rash could be an indication of oc apparently so perhaps worth a call to get it checked out?
Vicky- Haha, I know right? Such lovely discharge. :haha: I hope things start progressing for both of us soon. Though, I hate to say it, with it being your first and it being my third.. things might go for me first. :p Nothing is certain though!

RcdM- I am sorry that your sister in law is having such a rough time. I was in labor with my first for 17.5 hours. I was in a birthing pool most of the time, so it wasn't nearly as bad, but I didn't have back labor like it sounds like she is. I was able to deliver both my first and second without any pain relief, so the pain can be handled. I hope she starts progressing more soon.
Finally finished the mobile for LOs nautical nursery. I have a few more projects I need to finish


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Finally finished the mobile for LOs nautical nursery. I have a few more projects I need to finish


So I dont know who remembers my story about my husband and I moving in wwith my in laws because he had an interview that we thought was promising, and then it fell through, so both of us have been unemployed since beginning of july. He's had interview after interview for different places, all of them to just say 'we are considering other applicants'. Today he had an interview that sounds really promising, however it's 3 hours away! They are looking to start immediately and we should know in the next few days. As much as I hope he gets the job, I'm not looking forward to moving at this stage of the game. :wacko:
i can't keep up with all the posts in here, but just checking in to say hi
Vicky- Haha, I know right? Such lovely discharge. :haha: I hope things start progressing for both of us soon. Though, I hate to say it, with it being your first and it being my third.. things might go for me first. :p Nothing is certain though!.

Haha most likely but a girl can dream eyy:winkwink:

RcdM- your poor SIL, that is literally the labour I am dreading- hope it's all over soon for her!

Geralyn- that's so cute!

Newlywed- wow the idea of moving sounds incredibly stressful, fingers crossed it's good news:flower:
Newlywed - it's not a great time to move but it will be good for him to have a job so in the long run it will work whatever happens. Fingers crossed!

Geralyn - cute mobile!

RcdM - wow that labour sounds awful - I imagine I would be tearing my hair out after that long with no progression. I can't help as this is my first pregnancy but if I was her I'd call again for advice. She could try a TENs machine and/or bounce on a birthing ball but these are just from things I've read and not from experience. Ugh.

Vickyandchick - glad things were looking good although that's annoying about having to do more glucose tests.

As for me I feel horrendous today. My feet were so swollen earlier they were painful and I could barely walk on them but I don't have time to keep them elevated. Now tonight my upper legs and hips have gone and I couldn't even stand on one leg to change my trousers! I've also been getting a few cramps in my belly. Is this what it's going to be like from now on or is this just a bad day?! I have had bad days like this before and it's got better so sincerely hoping that tomorrow is better, otherwise I will struggle to walk anywhere soon! Thank goodness for only one more day of work! I feel like I'm about 100 years old.

To remind me of positive pregnancy things this was my bump at 35+3 days which I just haven't had chance to upload until now. That was almost 2 weeks ago and I feel much bigger now.


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Vicky- Oh most definitely! :haha: I am probably dreaming when I think about going anytime soon, lol.

Geralyn- That's adorable!

Laura- You're bump is so adorable! I hope the swelling eases for you soon. My swelling is still hanging around but at least it doesn't seem to be getting any worse....
Hi guys sorry I'm not going to respond much today I feel miserable. I read through everything and it looks like most have been commented on already I dont have much to add other then sorry to all those feeling miserable too and it won't be long now before we have baby in hands and can complain about something else so just trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

I had to get bloods taken on my lunch break to check my thyroid to make sure it's not high again. I should get those results by Tuesday when I have my next appt. so I was feeling good earlier and I decided while I was out I would stop and get lunch at a place called salad works. There is only one location near by and I hadn't had it in awhile, well it completely thru my whole day off. I was 30 minutes late coming back so I had to work 30 minutes late and was behind on my work all day. Ugh. After I ate I had the worse gas pains you could possibly imagine. My lower belly is soooooo sore right now. As soon as I go I to labor I'll be at the hospital looking for the epidural for sure bc if gas pains can be that excruciating I don't even know how I'd handle labor pains, yikes!!
Loopy Laura - your bump is so cute! So sorry you're not feeling that great today. I had really bad swelling with my dd but not with this one, which is weird because this one I'm fully pregnant in the summer and with her it wasn't nearly this hot! I hope you feel better. My boss said when she was pregnant, her feet were so swollen that they were swollen on the balls of her feet! She said she could barely walk and all she could wear was her husbands flip flops lol.

Lauraemily - I haven't heard much about itching in odd places, sorry I didn't read your post thoroughly the first time. I would ask your doc about it too! Maybe there is a better cream they can prescribe or something that can take the itching away more permanently.

newlywed - I hope everything works out for your husband with the job. I'm sure it wouldn't be that fun to move at this point, but at the same time quite a relief for him to start working again.

So good news on my SIL, her water broke a few hours after getting out of the tub and she's now been admitted! She is dilated to a 3 and just got an epidural and is feeling "amaaaaaaazing" lol (her words!). So happy for her as she's really been in so much pain the last 24 hours. She's trying to rest now, I hope it's one of those things where she can just nap and wake up and be at a 10 and ready to push! Lol. We're planning to go down to the hospital later when I'm off work and she tells us we can come of course. I think seeing her have her baby will make things seem SO much more real for me.

I was having really bad stabbing pains down low in my belly earlier and I was a little worried. Turned out I just had to go #2... really bad... I feel so much better now! Haha!
Hey ladies.
Glad that it sounds like everyone is progressing so well.

The maternity and updated photos look great - everyone looks so beautiful (despite how we feel) :flower:

The mobile in the nautical room is too cute.

In regards to little ones acting up....yes! I have a 3 year old daughter and the last 2-3 weeks have been really challenging. I know that I have not been as patient, but I also feel that she is trying to play my husband and I against each other and her sleeping has taking a turn for the worse. She has never been the worlds best sleeper but she has been waking up nightly about 4-5 times weekly now. I just try to remind myself that as many changes that I am going thru - she is going thru just as many and doesn't have the knowledge or maturity to know the difference. So instead of getting frustrated with her - I have been trying to do more 1:1 things with her like treasure hunts, arts and crafts, etc. Since that change, she has been MUCH better behaved.

AFM: Still contracting about every 10 minutes or so for >1 week now). Agh. I hate that I don't dilate b/c otherwise they would have already taken him via csection but just knowing that he is able to bake a little bit longer is all worth it. I will be 37 weeks on Monday (whoohoo full term) so then would feel safer if he had to come early. I have a NST, doc visit and AFI (to see if fluid has gone down any) tomorrow so hoping to find out more then).
My mom will be here either later tonight or early tomorrow (she's driving from Washington state) and I'm trying to get the kitchen and living room cleaned but every time I start doing anything I get really crampy and start contracting :(
oh, that is so wonderful that your mom is coming out!!!
Newlywed - That sounds extremely stressful! I hope that everything works out. Even though moving while pregnant or with a newborn is super stressful and not fun at all it does beat the alternative of staying unemployed :) So fingers crossed he gets the job! :)
So good news on my SIL, her water broke a few hours after getting out of the tub and she's now been admitted! She is dilated to a 3 and just got an epidural and is feeling "amaaaaaaazing" lol (her words!). So happy for her as she's really been in so much pain the last 24 hours. She's trying to rest now, I hope it's one of those things where she can just nap and wake up and be at a 10 and ready to push! Lol. We're planning to go down to the hospital later when I'm off work and she tells us we can come of course. I think seeing her have her baby will make things seem SO much more real for me.

I was having really bad stabbing pains down low in my belly earlier and I was a little worried. Turned out I just had to go #2... really bad... I feel so much better now! Haha!
Bare with me guys I'm trying this multi quote feature out! it's a bit difficult on the ipad. Would probably much easier on the laptop....but anyway

Yay rcdm, so glad your sil was admitted and got her epidural. I'm sure she's super happy now. And I'd imagine this is going to make everything feel super real for you now.

Same thing happened to me today too once I went #2 I was fine. So glad u feel much better.

AFM: Still contracting about every 10 minutes or so for >1 week now). Agh. I hate that I don't dilate b/c otherwise they would have already taken him via csection but just knowing that he is able to bake a little bit longer is all worth it. I will be 37 weeks on Monday (whoohoo full term) so then would feel safer if he had to come early. I have a NST, doc visit and AFI (to see if fluid has gone down any) tomorrow so hoping to find out more then).
Oh boy ashaz, that does not sound like fun but I agree the longer you let baby bake the better and so glad 37 weeks is coming up on Monday then you'll have some peace of mind if baby needs to come it can. Good luck with the contractions tho....ouch!

My mom will be here either later tonight or early tomorrow (she's driving from Washington state) and I'm trying to get the kitchen and living room cleaned but every time I start doing anything I get really crampy and start contracting :(

Aww take it easy starbrites, I'm sure she'll understand if the house is not perfect when she arrives....it'll give her something to do. If my mom was coming I would certainly put her to work lol sadly she's not lol
Newlywed-I have my fingers crossed your husband finds a good job soon. Must be stressful for you guys, but the right one will come along :flower:

Vickyandchick-so glad all was well with your baby and your fluid levels seem better. Weird how they still want to test your glucose so near the end, but I guess they are being over cautious. Exciting to think your baby is so near to being born now :) yay!

Fides-hi! Hope our doing well. This thread is hard to keep up with as we all love to talk! :haha:

RcdM-your poor sister :-( hope she makes progression soon and has that baby. Just keep reminding her she gets a lovely baby at the end of all this.

Geralyn-love the mobile! So cute :)

Loopylaura-such a cute bump. Pregnancy suits you :)
I know what you mean about gas pains - sorry for TMI but my bowel movements are so much more regular now as otherwise I'm in pain!

RcdM - glad your sister got her epidural and hopefully it will go smoothly from now on. How exciting to have a new baby in the family so close to yours! I have two sister in laws due in October also so I'm expecting news from them any day now too! It was reassuring to hear about your bosses feet so thank you!

Ashaz - sorry to hear you're going through contractions. Fingers crossed baby stays put until Monday.

Sprite - hope you feel better soon. I don't even know how to do the multi-quite thing and I use an ipad. May try it later! I agree on the epidural though, I don't think I will be able to cope with labour pain!
I'm sure you ladies will cope fine with labour pains :flower:

Everyone had me down as someone who wouldn't cope with it well, but I managed it just fine. I think when your in labour your just so ready to have that baby, you push on through the pain and focus on what's at the end of it all. Each contraction is one nearer to your baby :cloud9:

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