Sugger every time I’ve looked at your chart in previous months your temp rises haven’t looked good - like ovulation is never very clear. This month it looks awesome. Super obvious rise, and sounds like you have really good symptoms this time too. Huge fx for you this cycle[/QUOTE]
Thanks hon.
I thought that to and really thought I had a progesterone issue but i had that tested after ovulation last cycle and my progesterone was normol and really good.
So not sure why I wasn't getting huge rises.

U can have a slow rise tho and thats classed as normal.
Im 9dpo today.
I was having symptoms. Sore boobs and this is gross and TMI but snotty cm.
But today all symptoms vanished.
I tested yesterday at 8dpo BFN.
But I have not tested today.
With Tommy I had a balzing BFP at 10dpo but I also had lots of symptoms.
So im feeling like I'm going to be out again.
AF is due on Monday.
Won't be trying next cycle but will start trying again in December.
February will mark 1 year of ttc.

I said to my husband maybe its not gonna happen untill Jan which was when we was gonna start trying originally.
Wud be quite funny i wud be in a October due date group again lol.
My nanna is convinced ill be pregnant by Xmas tho so who knows.

I had a dream my neighbour came over and she was holding 5 positive pregnancy tests so not sure what that means but she is ttc as well.
Just hope I get that blazing BFP soon

Heres my chart now.
That dip in temp was at 5dpo so to early for implantation.
I've had no cramps or anything. The sore boobs started at 6dpo and were still sore this morning but now they have stopped hurting and cm has dried up to.