October bumpkins 2019

For me it depends on the next couple of appointments.. If baby remains breech then it's a section, if she turns but growth is still declining then induction but if she turns and her growth improves then they might let me wait until I naturally go into labour myself.
Seems like with all these early deliveries it’s going to be more of a September baby group than October :p
Oh wow
I'm hoping not to be induced but it's looking like I will be, currently at my hospital appointment blood pressure was 175/99 after taking it 4 times settled at 166/92, just waiting on Dr now who is not even at the hospital yet! Had my growth scan and estimated weight is 6lb!! He's got a fat tummy lol, so maybe I am growing another 10lber, considering my last ds was only 6lb 15 at 38 weeks when delivered it will be interesting how much he will weigh x
Oh wow! Yeah that BP is pretty high! Hopefully it comes down!
Yes good luck to everyone who is going to be being induced! I can’t believe how fast it’s going girls. I’m sorry I haven’t been very active, this thread is so fast pace I get worried if I post a message il miss people out and then I feel bad lol.

I wasn’t induced with my last pregnancy, I had my son on his due date after a 3 hour active labour, looking back I was very lucky. However at the time I was very overwhelmed and a bit shocked lol.

I’m dreading what this little one is going to weigh, as my son was 9lb 6oz on his due date.

I’m allowed back in the birthing centre, that’s if my blood pressure doesn’t go up or anything.

Is anyone having lightening crotch? As of today I’ve been getting it loads!!! I did not
miss this weird uncomfortable zap of pain in my noonie!! Ha. I don’t remember having it this soon with my son though...


Haven’t really had the lightening crotch yet but as of today the pelvic pain has been constant which makes me think baby has dropped down some! I felt weird last night as far as like the moving baby was doing and so idk! Could be nothing!
For me it depends on the next couple of appointments.. If baby remains breech then it's a section, if she turns but growth is still declining then induction but if she turns and her growth improves then they might let me wait until I naturally go into labour myself.
Ugh so much waiting in pregnancy/ttc! Hopefully baby turns and is growing well!
Seems like with all these early deliveries it’s going to be more of a September baby group than October :p
I’m hoping to hold out until 10/1 at least which would make me 39+1 which is logical based on my last 2! They came at 39+2 (induction started on 39+1) and 39+3 (labor started 39+2)! I’m hoping for 10/3 birthday to be honest, but we’ll see! If baby did come on 10/3 that would make me 39+3!
Update on my appointment today!

BP was good at 118/60
Urine sample was good
My fundal height measurement was 33 which is right on with gestation, however that’s what it’s been for about 2-3 weeks now as well as I haven’t gained weight which has me wondering about baby’s growth. (Not that I’m complaining about no weight gain lol) Here’s why... my other 2 have always measured about 2 weeks ahead with belly measurements even thought they were born less than 7 pounds. So with this one NOT measuring ahead has me wondering if this baby will be even smaller than 6.13 lbs. is this baby growing ok and have enough aminotic fluid because with last baby my amniotic fluid was in the normal range but barely so baby was getting low there and he was also tangled in cord at birth which I know happens and can happen at any time but I’m paranoid I suppose!
Dr didn’t mention any concern with it but we are going to do another growth scan not next week but week after on 9/5! I’m hoping baby is around 5-6 pound range at that scan. If so I’ll be relieved because that’s what my other 2 were!
Thank you! We could have saved the money honestly and used it for diapers and such but this is our last baby and we decided we should do just one more!
I’m so ready to know the gender! I definitely feel less connected to this baby vs my other two because I don’t know gender. Still love it and so excited to meet and see him/her and all of that I just feel like being able to call them by name and stuff let me get closer to them. Idk sounds strange...

Hay hon I'd say you did the right thing because that scan pic is so amazing.
Dont worry about the not gaining much weight hon. I didnt gain much with DD and she always measured a week behind on fundal height. She 5lb 7 at 35+4 weeks but wud of been around the 7 and half lbs marker if I went full term.
Ure growth scan is the day after my growth scan hon Haha. My growth scan and high risk pregnancy consultant appointment is on Wednesday 4th september. It wud I'd been on Tuesday 3rd but had to changed because clinic is shut that day for some reason.
Bet my baby will be weighing about 20lbs hahahaha. I've put on just over 2 stone in this pregnancy so far. I put on over 3 stone with my big baby so I'm hoping this one wont be over 8 and a half lbs. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Sorry to hear about ure pelvis hon. I feel ure pain I'm really suffering to. Baby is still not engaged but he is head down and low.

Oh lovely
im now on insulin and they are looking at inducing me at 37 weeks x

Awww hon bless ya. Seems like a few of us are being induced early now. I'm hoping my induction will be the day I hit 37 weeks but I've been told it will between 37 and 38 weeks but I'm going to push for 37 weeks because I'm in agony. Shud get my actual induction date at my next appointment on 4th sep[-o<
I'm hoping not to be induced but it's looking like I will be, currently at my hospital appointment blood pressure was 175/99 after taking it 4 times settled at 166/92, just waiting on Dr now who is not even at the hospital yet! Had my growth scan and estimated weight is 6lb!! He's got a fat tummy lol, so maybe I am growing another 10lber, considering my last ds was only 6lb 15 at 38 weeks when delivered it will be interesting how much he will weigh x

Awww hon that is high. Is urine showing any signs of protein? Hopfully ure BP will come back down again and u dont develop pre eclampsia and u wont have to be induced. I'll keep it all crossed for you hon because pre eclampsia is horrible.
For me it depends on the next couple of appointments.. If baby remains breech then it's a section, if she turns but growth is still declining then induction but if she turns and her growth improves then they might let me wait until I naturally go into labour myself.

Dont worry hon they can turn anytime u still have time for her to turn and I hope she does. Also hope she has a huge growth spurt and is good healthy size. [-o<

I had another really painful night last night. And have spent another day resting on the sofa. I'm starting to get really frustrated with myself because all I want to do is nest but i physically can't do it because I'm in agony.
I'm up the hospital tommorow again to be monitored and have yet more bloods taken. Will find out last weeks bile acid levels. I've been getting itchy again so wondering if they have jumped up?
They went up really up really night at 34 weeks with DD and was induced a week and half later so be interesting to see what happens this time. Hopefully they will remain stable because I really want to get to 36 37 weeks this time. But it all a wait and see what happens.

Providing they stay low I'm gonna push for 37 weeks induction because this pain I'm in is awful and effecting my mental health. I keep crying because of the pain. I'm using crutches now but dont think they will help much.
Its gonna be hot here this weekend and I'm dreading it.
Sorry about all my typos ladies u use my phone and it does auto correct and puts in different words it's so annoying lol
Hay hon I'd say you did the right thing because that scan pic is so amazing.
Dont worry about the not gaining much weight hon. I didnt gain much with DD and she always measured a week behind on fundal height. She 5lb 7 at 35+4 weeks but wud of been around the 7 and half lbs marker if I went full term.
Ure growth scan is the day after my growth scan hon Haha. My growth scan and high risk pregnancy consultant appointment is on Wednesday 4th september. It wud I'd been on Tuesday 3rd but had to changed because clinic is shut that day for some reason.
Bet my baby will be weighing about 20lbs hahahaha. I've put on just over 2 stone in this pregnancy so far. I put on over 3 stone with my big baby so I'm hoping this one wont be over 8 and a half lbs. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Sorry to hear about ure pelvis hon. I feel ure pain I'm really suffering to. Baby is still not engaged but he is head down and low.

Oh lovely

Awww hon bless ya. Seems like a few of us are being induced early now. I'm hoping my induction will be the day I hit 37 weeks but I've been told it will between 37 and 38 weeks but I'm going to push for 37 weeks because I'm in agony. Shud get my actual induction date at my next appointment on 4th sep[-o<

Awww hon that is high. Is urine showing any signs of protein? Hopfully ure BP will come back down again and u dont develop pre eclampsia and u wont have to be induced. I'll keep it all crossed for you hon because pre eclampsia is horrible.

Dont worry hon they can turn anytime u still have time for her to turn and I hope she does. Also hope she has a huge growth spurt and is good healthy size. [-o<

I had another really painful night last night. And have spent another day resting on the sofa. I'm starting to get really frustrated with myself because all I want to do is nest but i physically can't do it because I'm in agony.
I'm up the hospital tommorow again to be monitored and have yet more bloods taken. Will find out last weeks bile acid levels. I've been getting itchy again so wondering if they have jumped up?
They went up really up really night at 34 weeks with DD and was induced a week and half later so be interesting to see what happens this time. Hopefully they will remain stable because I really want to get to 36 37 weeks this time. But it all a wait and see what happens.

Providing they stay low I'm gonna push for 37 weeks induction because this pain I'm in is awful and effecting my mental health. I keep crying because of the pain. I'm using crutches now but dont think they will help much.
Its gonna be hot here this weekend and I'm dreading it.

Thanks hun, I've had pre eclampsia 2 times previously so already high risk for developing it again, urine is clear thankfully though I know how quickly it can come on x
Looks like a few early induction/ c-sections now. I can't believe how fast time is going by. Pretty soon we'll all be posting about labor signs. As for me I'm hoping to go into labor naturally but I'm really hoping I'm not still pregnant in November. If I'm not super uncomfortable by then I'd like to have a Halloween baby since it's my dads birthday and would be a really fun day with 2 birthdays and Halloween to celebrate every year. 31 weeks today and finally in the single digit count down. :D
Wow loads to catch up on. I'll have a read through later.

This date next month will be my c section :cloud9: I'm not nervous at all I'm so ready to meet this baby and see if we are team pink or blue (I honestly keep changing my mind which makes it so exciting)

I'm part of the September due date and 3 babies have already been born one is being induced tomorrow so I say a few oct babys will be here in September.

Looking at everyone's signatures and seeing the baby is nearly at the end of the sig.. I remember when we where at 5 weeks just wanting to get to 12-13 weeks.

I haven't done this in a while but does anyone need the front page changed?

Yet to fix a date for csec, but no waiting for natural labour for me due to BP issues/resistance in uterine artery.
If BP is in control and baby's growth remains fine, then csec at around 38-39 weeks

No induction too as in my last pregnancy I denied it and I am not too keen on it as well.

33 weeks today.

Going to work has become such a drab. There is no work for me to do so it is boring but if I don't go, I burn my leaves balance which I want to use max after baby is here. Boss is being such an assh*** too..

I hve got 4 weeks to go to complete 37 weeks.. around 18 days of work!! So taking each day as it comes... Growth scan next Saturday (31st)
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Hey everyone :) sorry to hear about some of your blood pressure troubles! I hope they pass and don't affect you LOs <3

As for me we are 31 weeks tomorrow. We had a growth scan at the mfm on Wednesday and baby boy is 47th percentile, has a full head of hair, and we got this cute profile of him eating his hand!!!! :cloud9: he is on track for about 7lbs at birth.

Our shower is this weekend, we have a 3d/4d scan booked for Sunday, and we're going to start painting his room on Tuesday.

64 days!

So exciting to hear about everyone’s delivery plans! And your scan is so cute Nolimit :)

I came to the realization yesterday that I’m 99% sure no one is throwing us a shower this time around - which is fine because it’s our second baby and they’re both boys anyways. But I did stress out a bit because since having DS1 we moved across the country and got rid of everrrrything from when he was a newborn. So we need a lot of big ticket items like a bassinet and a swing, crib, baby bathtub etc. Plus the boys were born in opposite seasons and the winters here are so much colder than in Vancouver, I have to stock up on winter clothes for both boys.

Anyhow, DH and I will sort it out - I’ve been starting to buy things second hand and we’ll make a trip out to IKEA early September to buy some of the bigger things as well. I guess I shouldn’t have expected a shower as I don’t think it’s as common for 2nd babies, but I’m like well we’re almost at 32 weeks and no shower has been talked about so I’ve got to get a move on in preparing for this baby!!
Attempting to potty train my 19 month old this weekend at almost 34 weeks pregnant! Not sure what I was thinking! We’re about 50% at the end of day 1! Let’s hope day 2 gets better!
My 21 month old started himself training 5 weeks ago, only when we are at home but he's on the potty when he needs to go, he's not ready for when we are out yet but hopefully won't be long x
Good luck with potty training! You are both very brave doing it while heavily pregnant! I’m not sure id be able to haha. My son didn’t potty train until he was 3! I kept trying before then and he had no interest what so ever, and then I tried again after his 3rd birthday and it was pretty much over night! - still haven’t mastered night time though. X
Good heavens Brit.. potty training is so stressful lol.. good luck with it..

Had BP checked today.. 125/78 so looks good... I am avoiding excess sodium and amping up potassium rich foods so guess that is helping.. still hve to go 2X week monitoring..

Growth scan nex Saturday at 34weeks..and if all goes ok with this one, then no more scan needed and csec on Oct 1 (tentatively) when I'll be 38+4 :baby:

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