October Bumps

Apparently so Paris. My mw didn't expect me to make it to my last appointment and it looks like I'll be at my Wednesday one too. :( Cold is improving so hopefully I won't be too troubled by it in labour IF this baby decides to arrive any time soon.

What is annoying me though (and apologies in advance for the huge rant) is my OH and my sister. My mum was always going to have DS when I was in labour but is away for the next four days. My sister is back up for these days. Now she's being a flaky, pain in the backside AND OH has decided that his mum will be having DS. Apparently we are to call them when I'm in labour, drop him off at theirs and go to the hospital. Which by the way is NOT the place I want to deliver at. I'm furious that he reckons he won't be driving me to the centre I want to be at, because we don't have time, but he will leave me when I'm in labour and drop our son off at theirs and risk me being at home, or driving in a car on an unnecessary journey. The plan was to take our son in the car with us and have my sister / mum meet us at the centre - so no delays or extra journeys. He made some comment that if I'm starting to push, he won't be driving on a motorway. If I'm starting to push, I'm calling an ambulance and delivering at home!! Honestly, while I worry that I might leave it too late, I don't think I won't realise I'm in labour until the baby's head out, just that I won't be settled in to a room and have a chance to speak with my mw before its time to begin pushing. May I add as well I pushed for 5 hrs with my son. Baby 2 is unlikely to fly out!! Grr! He is just pushing so many buttons right now. Refuses to make name suggestions and seems to think he is making all the decisions about how I labour and what happens after. I'm tempted to call a cab and get myself and DS there and leave him to it!
Notnic, I am sorry you are going through a stressful time. That's tough when your previous plan suddenly falls apart! Is the center really that far away? Did you have a fast labour last time? I think it is ultimately up to you (and not your husband) where you deliver. I think that is SO important. You must feel comfortable wherever you decide to have your baby. I hope everything works out and your dh comes around to support you.

I have a bit of the opposite problem...my mom showed up unannounced at the hospital last time and seems to think that she's going to be there this time too! My dh and I really want it to be just the two of us and I have no idea what to do. I know I should just tell her that we don't want her to be there but I have no idea how to word it without sounding rude. I'm afraid though that if/when I tell her I'm in labour she'll be there in a flash! I also don't want her watching ds (rather my dad and stepmom) but know she'll make a huge scene if I tell her otherwise. Oh family!
No the centre is pretty close - about 30mins and actually because it is a motorway drive, at some points in the day quicker than the hospital which is 15mins away. The problem is OH works about 60-90mins away. My labour wasn't especially fast, but my 1st stage was 5hrs 40mins and DS wasn't in a favourable position so I progressed much better than they anticipated. This time they have told me I will probably have a much quicker delivery especially as this baby is where they want it to be. Also because it was a back labour I'm worried that this time the contractions won't feel as strong to me as they did the first time, so I won't appreciate it's time to call OH.

Sorry to hear you are stressed too. I guess you could always not tell her when you're in labour, but that's probably going to cause a problem later on. Does your hospital have a policy on visitors / birth partners which you can blame? Big hugs to you xx
(My ticker is a day out) but it's my due date today.... Off to the midwife for a sweep at 1pm, praying it will be possible and my cervix will be favourable!! :D been having loads of pressure and period pain and BH so fingers crossed! Good luck to all u ladies still in the waiting game xxx
(My ticker is a day out) but it's my due date today.... Off to the midwife for a sweep at 1pm, praying it will be possible and my cervix will be favourable!! :D been having loads of pressure and period pain and BH so fingers crossed! Good luck to all u ladies still in the waiting game xxx

Ah good luck!
Well I had my scan and nst, baby is very happy in there and they arwnt inducing me any earlier than they normally would. I have to go in on the 23rd at 8pm if baby isnt here by then. I will be 40+11then.

Baby isnt engaged but I still got a sweep (didnt think they did that?) Im 1-2cm and cervix is soft, but still posterior and thick. The sweep wasn't uncomfortable at all which was a surprise! I doubt it will do anything seen as babys head was still very high but at least she tried!

Also surprised to hear that apparently my baby has 'a good bit' of hair because my other two had almost none!
No the centre is pretty close - about 30mins and actually because it is a motorway drive, at some points in the day quicker than the hospital which is 15mins away. The problem is OH works about 60-90mins away. My labour wasn't especially fast, but my 1st stage was 5hrs 40mins and DS wasn't in a favourable position so I progressed much better than they anticipated. This time they have told me I will probably have a much quicker delivery especially as this baby is where they want it to be. Also because it was a back labour I'm worried that this time the contractions won't feel as strong to me as they did the first time, so I won't appreciate it's time to call OH.

Sorry to hear you are stressed too. I guess you could always not tell her when you're in labour, but that's probably going to cause a problem later on. Does your hospital have a policy on visitors / birth partners which you can blame? Big hugs to you xx

Yes, I would very much prefer not to tell her and give her a call after I've had the baby. I've been told that the nurses at the hospital can be pretty good at getting rid of anyone you don't want right there in the birthing suite so that might be our only option! My dh is a lovely person but too tame to say anything.

Oh back labour! You must be very happy that baby is in a good position this time. I had the same thing with my first and it was a pain I don't ever wish to experience again. I hope you are right about contractions not feeling as strong :haha: But do hope you make it to the hospital in time :)

For those of you ladies who've had sweeps, how was it? I've heard some women say it was excrutiating and others say it wasn't bad?
I'm happy as long as baby stays that way. F was never officially back to back until labour, so I know how much those wotsits can turn when they're on their way down ;) While labour was very painful, I had kind of accepted that pain as a benchmark. I don't know any different and it would br far worse to have a good delivery first time around and then a b2b one a second time. Do you have an appt tomorrow?
Hey ladies. I don't think I'll ever experience a vaginal delivery, and I'm a little down about it. My son was born via csection after an awful 3 day failed induction. Due to gestational diabetes I'm not allowed to go past my due date which technically is October 17th (Friday). I'm having a scheduled csection this Thursday at noon on my mother's birthday.... I'm mostly annoyed because my obgyn is going out of town all next week. She never bought this up until recently and i feel like she should have told me! I don't want a csection this time because I have a 2 year old. He needs me too. With a csection he won't be able to wash his hands properly or God forbid there is an emergency. Additionally I want to know what it's like to deliver a child. With one of each we have ZERO plans to have another so this is my last chance. I've had some BH but nothing significant. I'm not uncomfortable and I generally like being pregnant.
I have an appointment Thursday morning and will be a day shy of 40 weeks. I'm assuming they will ask if I want a sweep?

Maybe1day, have you talked to your doctor about a possible VBAC? Have they given any concrete reasons why you have to have a csection? I'm sorry you feel disappointed. I'm sure you probably already hear it a lot but at the end of the day all that matters is that your baby arrives safely and all is well. I might be wrong in my assumptions (so please tell me if I am wrong) but I think the US has quite a high rate of csections and seem to have the business of birthing on their watch. It seems that it's what is convenient for the doctor more than it is for the patient. Really hope you can work something out :hugs:
She is willing to let me have a vbac but I'm running out of time. She is only giving me until my due date which is Friday. The only way is if I go into labor tonight which is really unlikely.
Update: Baby Conner Edward arrived at 0200 on 10-15-2014 (The date I predicted from the beginning). I did not need induced, but did finally get an epidural (kinda lol) He was 19 inches long and weighed 7 lbs 8 . 6 oz. I will post a birth story in the proper place here soon :) I am totally in love and can't wait for my daughter to meet him! Good luck ladies... I will keep an eye out for everyone's good news :)

Officially going backwards. :( Baby has popped out and is no longer fully engaged. I also have a chest infection and have got antibiotics. I'm truly fed up now and almost certainly going over. Also won't have a scan as I'm now measuring 38wks again - though I know I haven't grown. It's where baby has popped up. Beginning to hate seeing everyone. By 8am this morning I had two texts and had 6 people do the 'oh you're still pregnant' thing to me. Feel like curling up in bed and waiting for it to be finished. :(
Caitlyn huge congratulations :)

NotNic - Not going to give you the whole "chin up, it's almost over" shpeel, as I know you probably feel like total rubbish and are going to hit the next person that says it to you!
So instead... sending you hugs.
Thanks Sunseal. Common sense tells me that I won't still be pregnant in 3 weeks time. It's just the mw telling me she'd be surprised to see me at my 38wk appt and I've now just booked my 41st one. Very depressing. I've declined a sweep at my 41st appt (they don't do it sooner here) and got given my induction date. I won't be formally booked in though until my next appointment. Has anyone got any more good news up cheer me up?
Big congrats Caitlyn-what a sweet baby!

So I am feeling uneasy and down after my appointment today. I am 40 weeks and no sign of baby. Not the faintest twinge, no lost plug, nothing! Instead I was given a fetal assessment for a week from now to check that my placenta isn't degrading, and talk of induction came up which I was told carries a higher rate of csection :( not what I wanted to hear. I just want baby to be here and to go into labour naturally. The whole talk of induction really scares me. After going into labour at 39 weeks last time I feel like baby is never going to come on their own. Sorry for the rant!

Notnic, for both being former 39 weeker's, where are our babies?? I am sorry you are feeling down and dealing with constant inquiries :hugs: My mom has called me 4 days in a row now and it's hard not to get annoyed by it.
I'm right there will you girls! Due date today.. no baby in sight! But, apparently they come when they want to, unfortunately. :/ I've booked in my 41 week appt too, NotNic, they also scheduled me for a non-stress test to check on baby next week, too. I'm just hoping he comes before that! Let's cross our fingers that our babies to arrive soon! They'll come when we least expect it!

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