October Bumps

You guys are brave to be reaching all the way up there !!

I think I had lightning crotch tonight. Ouch!! Been feeling more pressure down there too. Does lightning crotch mean the baby's dropped more?

I barely have to reach at all! Her head seems super low and has been for weeks. Which is why I was surprised that I was still only 3/5 engaged at my last appointment the week before last..

Not been able to tell if my cervix is open/soft or anything, mainly 'cause I don't know what it normally feels like! To be honest it does feel like there's just a bit of soft skin between my fingers and her head when I feel it so hoping that's a good sign. I've been getting period pains for weeks now, up until the last day or two it's pretty much only been in the evenings but now it seems like it's just constant, all day long! Although it is worse in the evening.

My bump keeps going really hard too, but not like, for a few seconds/minutes or whatever, like for ages! It's weird..can't really describe it.. It kinda feels like when baby sticks her bum/back out but I know it's not that 'cause it's right across my belly and it doesn't move when I press it in, which baby does!

In terms of waters, I was worried mine were leaking the other day too.. I was just constantly feeling wet - had to change my pantyliner like 6 times in 2 days! And it wasn't like normal discharge, it was much thinner/watery-er! I rang triage though and 'cause I was having some other symptoms (REALLY swollen/sore/itchy down there) she put it down to a yeast infection and just told me to go out and get a pessary for it and told me to ring back if I was still concerned. It's not as bad now to be fair, but I do sometimes feel like I have a little leak, like when you leak discharge / are on your period but it's just so watery! And smells of nothing. Just gonna see how I go on I think and maybe ring triage back if it keeps happening :thumbup:
Aw all you ladies with signs are making me jealous! (Though I know I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow so not really expecting anything yet!)

With my son I went to 42 weeks and had to be induced... and then the induction failed miserably, he just did not want to come out.
Is there any link between babies... so just because he was overdue, does that mean there's a high risk this one will too or is it like a clean slate and this little lady will come whenever she wants to?
In theory every pregnancy is different, however my mw is of the view that some women naturally deliver earlier and others later - perhaps because of cycle length or just anatomy. However my mum had three children - 36, 42 and 31 gestation in that order. She did have some complications in all labours but went spontaneously in all 3. I'm hoping my second doesn't keep me waiting all those extra weeks! IRL everyone I can think of with 2 or more, bar one have birth at roughly the same time, each time.
It's officially due date and the discharge is really confusing me. Something is just telling me it is my water but no real labor start up yet and it's not enough to soak through so I'd feel silly calling the dr. I think I'm gonna wait it out and hope for a big gush. Hah

How is everyone doing?
Kern it sounds promising. First time around my hind waters sprung a leak in a similar way. Call your triage department and explain. They can easily rule it out with a quick examination and swab. I didn't have loads to begin with but there was enough for them to confirm my waters had started to go.

Emzy - I feel like you're going to be next!

AFM - I feel fine. Baby is moving a heap and no signs I'm near. So much so OH wanted to go to a football match today - 4hrs on a train away! Luckily I managed to convince him at 38wks being that far away was pushing it a bit!

I hope you're right 😉 lol but nothing else happening as of yet. Some people have signs for weeks beforehand though don't they and others just seem to all of a sudden go into labour.

Glad you managed to convince your OH not to go football, don't think I'd have let my husband go!
Aw all you ladies with signs are making me jealous! (Though I know I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow so not really expecting anything yet!)

With my son I went to 42 weeks and had to be induced... and then the induction failed miserably, he just did not want to come out.
Is there any link between babies... so just because he was overdue, does that mean there's a high risk this one will too or is it like a clean slate and this little lady will come whenever she wants to?

I have been induced with both of my daughters. After having dd1, my mw said that my chances of going into labour naturally werent as high and I had a higher chance of needing an induction again. As it turend out, I went over again and induction took place. Both were born at 40+12.
I really hope I go myself this time but im not counting on it lol.

I know this isnt the case for everyone though, and I hope your LO comes soon!
Kern my hind waters went at 3am on the Wednesday, confirmed at lunch time by the mw. I had low level back pain on and off through the day but barely noticeable and didnt feel like a contraction or bhs. I also didnt have any big gushes, just dampness throughout the day which didnt soak through pads.

Then at just before midnight my fore waters popped and contractions started 15mins later. If I was a betting lady Id put money on it being your hind waters. Give them a call. I think the examination which is like a smear test - not a sweep or anything that invasive, took seconds, we got the results almost straight away and I was booked to be induced the following day - though didnt need it.

Honestly Emzy - I couldn't believe he asked me! Could you imagine if I started as he boarded the train up? It would have been hours with me at home with a toddler as a birthing partner :haha:
I think I might call, after the football game. Haha. It's still slowly leaking, barely noticeable but I did a smell test and it's def not urine. Had a sweet smell, almost like candy or chocolate, when I googled people described it as an almond like smell and that's exactly it, like almond milk almost!

Last night I had some intense bh that took my breath away, not from pain but the tightness felt like it came all the way up to my diaphragm. It never hurt or got regular so I slept it off. That'd be awesome if these mean he is coming soon!
Aw all you ladies with signs are making me jealous! (Though I know I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow so not really expecting anything yet!)

With my son I went to 42 weeks and had to be induced... and then the induction failed miserably, he just did not want to come out.
Is there any link between babies... so just because he was overdue, does that mean there's a high risk this one will too or is it like a clean slate and this little lady will come whenever she wants to?

I have been induced with both of my daughters. After having dd1, my mw said that my chances of going into labour naturally werent as high and I had a higher chance of needing an induction again. As it turend out, I went over again and induction took place. Both were born at 40+12.
I really hope I go myself this time but im not counting on it lol.

I know this isnt the case for everyone though, and I hope your LO comes soon!

I have a feeling this little lady is going to make her grand entrance via section at 41 weeks then haha, especially as as it's a VBAC I'm not allowed all the drips and stuff for an induction.. it'll literally be sweeps and pessary I think, and maybe if I'm looking relatively favourable breaking my waters.

Kern, I would call! Not that I would know from experience, but from what I've read, it definitely sounds like your waters may well be slowly leaking. Really hope it's your time soon! But.. I do think EmzyJA is gonna beat you to it! ;)
Kern- I agree... sounds like what happened to my friend and it was her hind waters... good luck!

I am feeling very crampy today and had a lot of jelly like discharge. Nesting like crazy. I have taken bleach cleaner to EVERYTHING!! I have my sweep Monday morning so maybe the middle of the week... we will see :)

Keeping my fingers crossed for all my fellow October Bump Mommies!!
Aw all you ladies with signs are making me jealous! (Though I know I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow so not really expecting anything yet!)

With my son I went to 42 weeks and had to be induced... and then the induction failed miserably, he just did not want to come out.
Is there any link between babies... so just because he was overdue, does that mean there's a high risk this one will too or is it like a clean slate and this little lady will come whenever she wants to?

I have been induced with both of my daughters. After having dd1, my mw said that my chances of going into labour naturally werent as high and I had a higher chance of needing an induction again. As it turend out, I went over again and induction took place. Both were born at 40+12.
I really hope I go myself this time but im not counting on it lol.

I know this isnt the case for everyone though, and I hope your LO comes soon!

I have a feeling this little lady is going to make her grand entrance via section at 41 weeks then haha, especially as as it's a VBAC I'm not allowed all the drips and stuff for an induction.. it'll literally be sweeps and pessary I think, and maybe if I'm looking relatively favourable breaking my waters.

Kern, I would call! Not that I would know from experience, but from what I've read, it definitely sounds like your waters may well be slowly leaking. Really hope it's your time soon! But.. I do think EmzyJA is gonna beat you to it! ;)

Well, here is some good news then! I never needed to drip or anything the second tjne. I got taken in (9pm on thurs) and given a dose of gel and a sweep, and I went into labour myself at 9.30am friday. She was born at 11.16am in the pool. No intervention needed :D
Kern, does sound like waters. I read somewhere that you if you can't stop the trickle by doing Kegels it's waters. Also if you have a trickle- lie down for a bit. If you're still trickling when u get up it's likely waters too.

Thx for the cervix info. Amazing that you can feel the baby's head from up there too!
Aw all you ladies with signs are making me jealous! (Though I know I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow so not really expecting anything yet!)

With my son I went to 42 weeks and had to be induced... and then the induction failed miserably, he just did not want to come out.
Is there any link between babies... so just because he was overdue, does that mean there's a high risk this one will too or is it like a clean slate and this little lady will come whenever she wants to?

I have been induced with both of my daughters. After having dd1, my mw said that my chances of going into labour naturally werent as high and I had a higher chance of needing an induction again. As it turend out, I went over again and induction took place. Both were born at 40+12.
I really hope I go myself this time but im not counting on it lol.

I know this isnt the case for everyone though, and I hope your LO comes soon!

I have a feeling this little lady is going to make her grand entrance via section at 41 weeks then haha, especially as as it's a VBAC I'm not allowed all the drips and stuff for an induction.. it'll literally be sweeps and pessary I think, and maybe if I'm looking relatively favourable breaking my waters.

Kern, I would call! Not that I would know from experience, but from what I've read, it definitely sounds like your waters may well be slowly leaking. Really hope it's your time soon! But.. I do think EmzyJA is gonna beat you to it! ;)

Well, here is some good news then! I never needed to drip or anything the second tjne. I got taken in (9pm on thurs) and given a dose of gel and a sweep, and I went into labour myself at 9.30am friday. She was born at 11.16am in the pool. No intervention needed :D

Oh really? That is good news! Thanks :p Keeping my fingers crossed.
How is everyone this morning?
No change. Think I'm going backwards! Baby is moving a lot and I think in even more of a b2b position. My friend had her baby yesterday and its making me impatient. I really liked being pregnant this time and we're not sure if this will be our last. Don't want to wish it away but I'm excited to go into labour. Every day feels a bit like the lead up to Christmas!
I'm still here and still waiting. Had a bad nights sleep last night as woke up with some pains and had backache but today it's as if all these signs were in my head and my body feels fine. I do keep thinking I feel damp down below but not getting much on my pads (not that I can tell really anyways)

One more week until due date for me, as long as he comes within this week I'll be happy 😉 really don't want to go overdue. Oh and one more thing, my boobs have had a nice growth spurt and are leaking more, hopefully another sign of getting ready (although I say that about everything these days lol)

Aww NotNic, lots of my friends have had babies the past few weeks and it's driving me mad as making me want to meet my little one so much more!! Although I did almost have a panic attack last night wondering how I'm going to manage with another.
Waking up and looking at ya bump and thinking oh my bump still there boooo .
I'm so ill with flue symptoms . My mil is coming round today who is a pain in the arse . So I'm so not in the mood .
Iv also got lightning crotch like no othe rough . Hope I go soon .
Well ladies being admitted to ante natal ward now for another steroid tonight and due to lack of movement and fluctuations with her heartbeat I'm having a c section first thing in the morning. Kinda wish I had even a short list of names now.
Well ladies being admitted to ante natal ward now for another steroid tonight and due to lack of movement and fluctuations with her heartbeat I'm having a c section first thing in the morning. Kinda wish I had even a short list of names now.

Aww good luck!! I'm sure you'll think of a name :flower:
Oh my God, people are driving me INSANE. WHAT are the chances that I'm gonna go into labour and not let you know?!?!!!??! YOU'RE MY BIRTH PARTNER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!

My mum is the worst, closely followed by my stepmum, and now other people are starting to trickle in with the texts/messages/phone calls!! I ignored the 1035th "Just seeing how you're doing" text from my mum before and so just got a phone call off her checking I'm OK 'cause she rang my mobile (was on it) and my landline (mustn't have heard it) and thought I may have been rushed off to hospital. Seriously, WHAT are the chances of that????? She knows I'm going to let her know if anything happens. At the very least my OH would let her know.

And now there's people betting on how overdue I'll go.

GRRRRRR!!!! I wish I could turn my phone off and go into hibernation until she's here.
Well ladies being admitted to ante natal ward now for another steroid tonight and due to lack of movement and fluctuations with her heartbeat I'm having a c section first thing in the morning. Kinda wish I had even a short list of names now.

Good luck! Please update us when you are feeling up to it :)

So I spent all day yesterday with lower back pain and cramping. I came home and did some cleaning and soaked in the bath and then went to bed. I was up a few times throughout the night and noticed I was having some contractions... not really painful just noticeable and a lot of pressure. I had a couple that actually woke me up :) now I am up for the day and feeling.... nothing :( other than a little more mucous plug on the toilet paper.

Oh well.... gonna keep super busy today with finishing up the house and then tomorrow I have my sweep so I will update then with any progress I may have made.

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