October IUI Buddies

I am new to this. So please bare with me. I just had my first failed iui with clomid/bravelle/ovidrel. Clomid thinned out my lining, so RE is switching me to Gonal F with ovidrel. I was wrong to think that the process was going to be easy. That's why I'm here now. I need someone who's going through the same thing as I am. I spent the entire two week wait reading other people's post and driving myself crazy. So I'm happy to be here! Good luck to everyone! :)

Welcome Kaimaka! Sorry to hear the first try wasn't a success but keep your eyes on the prize. Glad you decided to join us. Being here you will realize you are not alone.

I heard Clomid will thin out the lining but I haven't tried it myself. I am on Femara. Try eating pineapple (especially the core) and drink pomegranate juice. You can also talk to your doctor about taking baby aspirin.
May I join? I started my 2nd IUI cycle on Sept 25. Expecting to trigger around Oct 5/6/7. See stats below.

DH says hi to all the ladies! :wave: (isn't he cute :) )
May I join? I started my 2nd IUI cycle on Sept 25. Expecting to trigger around Oct 5/6/7. See stats below.

DH says hi to all the ladies! :wave: (isn't he cute :) )

Hi FirstTry! We'll be in our TWW close to the same time. We can symptom spot together. :)

Tell the DH hi!
MrsT: Good luck this time I hope you little bean sticks. Sorry about your previous loss. Happy Thanksgiving!

Zimmy: I totally understand the cost think. Injectables for us are $3000. We have stuck with Femara because the whole cycle is about $800. I hope him being away isn’t an issue. I didn’t trigger until CD15 and had iui cd17, so you could be ok.

Sweet Lullaby: I took a pregnancy test last night and was BFN. No doubt about it. That would say to me the trigger is out. I am cd25 8dpiui. I have my beta test on Monday.

Kaimaka: I am glad they aren’t trying Clomid again, and getting you on something better. I hope this cycle works for you. I know it is hard, and I drive myself insane when I am on here too much. I have had to set a limit. :haha:I hope you find the comfort and support you need here. If you aren’t just let us know what you need so we can help.

FirstTry: :hi:Hi back to DH. Welcome! I hope this round gets you your miracle.
Hi ladies! I need a little encouragement this morning. I just got back from my u/s to make sure everything is good to go so I can start injections tonight. Well come to find out, my nurse ordered the wrong meds for me, oops! She ordered Gonal-F instead of Bravelle. To make things right, she gave me 7 Bravelle in exchange of the 7 Gonal-F that is getting delivered today. Well, we paid more for Gonal-F. It's $20 more than Bravelle per vial. Oh and by the way, I only need a half dose for 4 days. So I get to use 2 (maybe 3 if I need an extra day on it) of the 7 that was ordered. I'm upset and stressed already and I haven't even started this cycle. :'(
Oh and thank you all for being so welcoming! It really helps to have support. I have no one to talk to about this. Thank you all so much!!!
Hi ladies! I need a little encouragement this morning. I just got back from my u/s to make sure everything is good to go so I can start injections tonight. Well come to find out, my nurse ordered the wrong meds for me, oops! She ordered Gonal-F instead of Bravelle. To make things right, she gave me 7 Bravelle in exchange of the 7 Gonal-F that is getting delivered today. Well, we paid more for Gonal-F. It's $20 more than Bravelle per vial. Oh and by the way, I only need a half dose for 4 days. So I get to use 2 (maybe 3 if I need an extra day on it) of the 7 that was ordered. I'm upset and stressed already and I haven't even started this cycle. :'(

Wow, I can't believe that! That is really unfair and seeing that it was her mistake, you shouldn't be paying for it :( Keep positive - maybe this will be your month, and the mix up won't matter then :)
Zimmy, that's what I'm hoping for. All will be forgiven if the meds work and I get pregnant. ;)
Hey everyone,

I'd love to join you all! I'm on my 3rd IUI (and final). I'm on my 4th day of Chlomid and going in for my ultrasound on Monday. My IUI is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Both IUI's have looked good - had healthy eggs, lots of sperm, etc but no pregnancy yet. I'm hoping this last one works! Good luck to all of you as well!

Hey everyone,

I'd love to join you all! I'm on my 3rd IUI (and final). I'm on my 4th day of Chlomid and going in for my ultrasound on Monday. My IUI is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Both IUI's have looked good - had healthy eggs, lots of sperm, etc but no pregnancy yet. I'm hoping this last one works! Good luck to all of you as well!


Welcome Laura R!

Much :dust: to you on this final round!!! :)
May I join? I started my 2nd IUI cycle on Sept 25. Expecting to trigger around Oct 5/6/7. See stats below.

DH says hi to all the ladies! :wave: (isn't he cute :) )

Hi FirstTry! We'll be in our TWW close to the same time. We can symptom spot together. :)

Tell the DH hi!

Great! I'm going in for u/s and blood tomorrow, cd 11. It'll be the first time since cd 3, so I'm excited to see how many follies I have.

What day are you on?
I am on cd13 (well I think 14 but my doctor's office says 13 because my af started late in the day so they said I had to count the next day as cd1).

I just had an ultrasound and blood work today. I have 1 follicle at 20mm on my left ovary. The doctors office said to trigger tonight and I get to IUI tomorrow and Saturday! Yay!
Hello All!! Im very new to this, I am 22 years old and I had my first iui done September 25, and I took my trigger shot Sunday september 23, I also have POCS the only thing wrong with me was having trouble ovulating, They also put me on clomid for days 3-7 i believe. My husband has perfect health, he had great sperm, when they did his semin analysis he exceeded everything through this whole process my doctor and RN told me I was reacting very well to everything, all my blood work has been great and all my US have been great. My doctor said that clomid was working for me so he told me to take my trigger shot and then schedule an appt. for IUI, I had my IUI September 25th(tuesday) and it went perfect no problems at all. I actually did not feel a thing. by September 26(Wed.) evening I started getting so much cramping that ive never felt before maybe because I never ovulated before, SO I called my RN and she told me my body was going through alot because I just had an IUI and my body is reacting new to ovulating. Im also on prometrium with estrace vanginally. My terrible cramping went from Wed. Evening until Sat. now lately Ive been getting alot of pressure and still sum cramping but it's not as bad as before. I've had such bad head aches that come and go Monday my breasts have been getting very sore right now they are so sore i can't even touch them, last night i had pulling feeling inside my belly button,lower back is killing me I go in for my blood test next Wed. October 10th to see if im pregnant. And Im so scared but trying to be very positive hoping this worked. I wanted to know does it look like I have a good chance for my first time?????
Hi EJT22! Well everything sounds very promising! That is how I was feeling and my first IUI worked so stay positive. I know the 2WW is a killer. Are you testing out your trigger?
Hello Ladies! Hope you don't mind that I join your chat. :D

This is the very first time I have ever posted on something like this. I'm 26 and DH is 26 I have been diagnosed with PCOS which Causes me to rarely have a period. We have been TTC for 7 years and never been pregnant. So after so long we finally saw a RE. DH and, I have done all the tests needed, and all have came back great! I'm currently on day two of Femara. I have a u/s next thursday, and if looks good we will be doing our first IUI on Friday the 12th. Ladies I'm so nerves! This whole process has me all excited and scared at the same time. Thanks so much for allowing me to join, and I look forward to all of us having BFPs!!!! God bless!
EJT22 It all sounds great! I will be praying for you! Good luck Wednesday!
Welcome Keeping Faith! It is a very exciting and scary and nerve wracking process! The time building up to the IUI is nothing compared to the 2WW though. Every little twinge will have you poas. LOL! Don't worry. We are all in this together! :)

:dust: to you!!!
Hello Ladies! Hope you don't mind that I join your chat. :D

This is the very first time I have ever posted on something like this. I'm 26 and DH is 26 I have been diagnosed with PCOS which Causes me to rarely have a period. We have been TTC for 7 years and never been pregnant. So after so long we finally saw a RE. DH and, I have done all the tests needed, and all have came back great! I'm currently on day two of Femara. I have a u/s next thursday, and if looks good we will be doing our first IUI on Friday the 12th. Ladies I'm so nerves! This whole process has me all excited and scared at the same time. Thanks so much for allowing me to join, and I look forward to all of us having BFPs!!!! God bless!
Thanks Mrs. T all of the TTC is so scary! Especially when you have been trying for years! All we can do is keep faith, and believe that all will come out Great. Have you done your second iui?
It's in the morning (back to back IUIs Friday & Saturday). :D

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