October IUI Buddies

Wow Mrs T how exciting! Keep us posted! Sending prayers your way for that big BFP! ;)
Hi everyone,

I am having my first IUI in a couple of weeks with Clomid and trigger shot. Mind if I join?

DH is getting SA on Monday and I am getting a lap & dye first to make sure my tubes aren't clogged. Then another week and I have my first follicle scan!

I took Clomid for 2 rounds with no success and DH has issues 'finishing' after 1 BD. I think it is all mental though because he never had issues before I went off the pill.

Been TTC since January.
Sadangel Welcome!!! Good luck on all your test! Waiting for the IUI is always nerve wrecking. ;):wacko:
I am new to this. So please bare with me. I just had my first failed iui with clomid/bravelle/ovidrel. Clomid thinned out my lining, so RE is switching me to Gonal F with ovidrel. I was wrong to think that the process was going to be easy. That's why I'm here now. I need someone who's going through the same thing as I am. I spent the entire two week wait reading other people's post and driving myself crazy. So I'm happy to be here! Good luck to everyone! :)

Welcome Kaimaka :) Its hard isnt it...waiting for each cycle...then the TWW. I know what you mean, its good to be able to relate to others in the same boat.

May I join? I started my 2nd IUI cycle on Sept 25. Expecting to trigger around Oct 5/6/7. See stats below.

DH says hi to all the ladies! :wave: (isn't he cute :) )

Welcome FirstTry : what a positive and great forum user name!! Hope you did get ur BFP on ur first try :)

Hi to ur DH :)

Sweet Lullaby: I took a pregnancy test last night and was BFN. No doubt about it. That would say to me the trigger is out. I am cd25 8dpiui. I have my beta test on Monday.

How exciting.. will you be trying to test again? I remember at 8DPO i had no lines.. but at 9 or 10DPO it was very faint.

Hey everyone,

I'd love to join you all! I'm on my 3rd IUI (and final). I'm on my 4th day of Chlomid and going in for my ultrasound on Monday. My IUI is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Both IUI's have looked good - had healthy eggs, lots of sperm, etc but no pregnancy yet. I'm hoping this last one works! Good luck to all of you as well!


Hi Laura R :) My FS says usually by the 3rd time, IUI works :) hoping thats what will happen to you

I am on cd13 (well I think 14 but my doctor's office says 13 because my af started late in the day so they said I had to count the next day as cd1).

I just had an ultrasound and blood work today. I have 1 follicle at 20mm on my left ovary. The doctors office said to trigger tonight and I get to IUI tomorrow and Saturday! Yay!

OMG how exciting. That folli size sounds very good. My FS only does the 1 IUI. Does yours costs more, to do 2? I wonder why we are not given the option at my Fertility Centre...it makes sense...

Hello All!! Im very new to this, I am 22 years old and I had my first iui done September 25, and I took my trigger shot Sunday september 23, I also have POCS the only thing wrong with me was having trouble ovulating, They also put me on clomid for days 3-7 i believe. My husband has perfect health, he had great sperm, when they did his semin analysis he exceeded everything through this whole process my doctor and RN told me I was reacting very well to everything, all my blood work has been great and all my US have been great. My doctor said that clomid was working for me so he told me to take my trigger shot and then schedule an appt. for IUI, I had my IUI September 25th(tuesday) and it went perfect no problems at all. I actually did not feel a thing. by September 26(Wed.) evening I started getting so much cramping that ive never felt before maybe because I never ovulated before, SO I called my RN and she told me my body was going through alot because I just had an IUI and my body is reacting new to ovulating. Im also on prometrium with estrace vanginally. My terrible cramping went from Wed. Evening until Sat. now lately Ive been getting alot of pressure and still sum cramping but it's not as bad as before. I've had such bad head aches that come and go Monday my breasts have been getting very sore right now they are so sore i can't even touch them, last night i had pulling feeling inside my belly button,lower back is killing me I go in for my blood test next Wed. October 10th to see if im pregnant. And Im so scared but trying to be very positive hoping this worked. I wanted to know does it look like I have a good chance for my first time?????

Hi EJT22. Welcome :) Your symptoms sound like mine when i did IUI cycle, which resulted in my DD/

The thing that stood out to me..was the tugging sensation... oh and heartburn. Never in my life, i have had heartburn. I always read about pregnant women getting it. I thought it was a myth!! Lol its not!

Hello Ladies! Hope you don't mind that I join your chat. :D

This is the very first time I have ever posted on something like this. I'm 26 and DH is 26 I have been diagnosed with PCOS which Causes me to rarely have a period. We have been TTC for 7 years and never been pregnant. So after so long we finally saw a RE. DH and, I have done all the tests needed, and all have came back great! I'm currently on day two of Femara. I have a u/s next thursday, and if looks good we will be doing our first IUI on Friday the 12th. Ladies I'm so nerves! This whole process has me all excited and scared at the same time. Thanks so much for allowing me to join, and I look forward to all of us having BFPs!!!! God bless!

Hi Keeping Faith, welcome aboard :) Very exciting time isnt it. I wish you all the baby dust :) are you prepared for the longest wait ever? the TWW? :)

Hi everyone,

I am having my first IUI in a couple of weeks with Clomid and trigger shot. Mind if I join?

DH is getting SA on Monday and I am getting a lap & dye first to make sure my tubes aren't clogged. Then another week and I have my first follicle scan!

I took Clomid for 2 rounds with no success and DH has issues 'finishing' after 1 BD. I think it is all mental though because he never had issues before I went off the pill.

Been TTC since January.

Hi sadangel777. Welcome :) it will be great to share our journeys together.
Hi Ladies..

Today i am at CD11. My FS doesnt do any ultrasounds until my blood test shows my levels are going up. When its a certain amount (i dont remember what they told me) then they call me in for a u/sound to check out the Folli.

I hear of other women having several u/sounds.

I looked at my last IUI charts from 3 years ago..it appears i am a slow responder to the medication. I triggered on CD19 !!! yep! CD19.

I wonder if thats what will happen this time.
At the moment, i am going for blood tests every 2-3 days. I get a text from my FS later that day to let me know when to come next.

I am feeling alot of AF symptoms and cramping, even though i am at CD11. Do you think its the Gonal F doing this to me?

I used Puregon last time, i dont remmeber this feeling...
Hi Ladies..

Today i am at CD11. My FS doesnt do any ultrasounds until my blood test shows my levels are going up. When its a certain amount (i dont remember what they told me) then they call me in for a u/sound to check out the Folli.

I hear of other women having several u/sounds.

I looked at my last IUI charts from 3 years ago..it appears i am a slow responder to the medication. I triggered on CD19 !!! yep! CD19.

I wonder if thats what will happen this time.
At the moment, i am going for blood tests every 2-3 days. I get a text from my FS later that day to let me know when to come next.

I am feeling alot of AF symptoms and cramping, even though i am at CD11. Do you think its the Gonal F doing this to me?

I used Puregon last time, i dont remmeber this feeling...

Hi Sweet,

I'm also on cd 11. I took Clomid cd 3-7 and Gonal-F cd 7 & 9. I also felt cramping yesterday and today.

My RE only does u/s and blood on cd 3 and 11. Your doctor's method might be better b/c he's monitoring more frequently, even though it's just blood. Given your hormone levels, they can tell whether eggs are maturing (and roughly how many) and whether you are close to ovulating naturally.

AFM, I was tested this morning. I have one 26.5mm and one 14.3mm follie, plus 17 smaller ones. Does that count as 1 or 2 mature? I'll call it 1.5. They are likely going to have me trigger tonight and do IUI on Sunday.

Question for everyone: do most REs do two IUIs, one 12 hours after trigger and one 36 hours after? Mine just says to BD at trigger time and does one IUI 36 hrs later.

Thanks! :flower:
Kaimaka: That doesn’t sound fair. They should give you the difference or something. I am sorry. I hope that it works for you and you get your BFP.

LauraR: I hope 3rd time’s the charm for you! What is your plan after this if it doesn’t?

FirstTry: Good luck with your ultrasound today! Let us know how it goes! My RE doesn’t do two iuis back to bad. Studies have shown that doesn’t increase your chances and it just costs more money. DH and I bd the afternoon before trigger, abstained the next day, had IUI that day after and bd that night, then bd the next day. That is what RE told is to do.

Mrs. T: Good luck at your IUI today and tomorrow. I hope that eggie sticks! Fingers crossed for you!

EJT22: Looks as though you are one day ahead of me. I triggered on the 24th and IUI was the 26th. DH had great numbers as well. I have PCOS and am 27. Clomid never worked for me, never ovulated. I am not we and RE and he put me on 7.5mg of Femara and this was my first time ovulating as well. The IUI went great just like you. I also have cramping and back pain and headaches. I guess it is normal. I have my blood test Monday the 8th. However, I think I am out. I have no breast tenderness or tightness or anything. Your symptoms sound promising though. I hope this works for you and you get your BFP!

Keeping Faith: The first trip to the RE is great. It gets you actually started on possibly having a baby. I am so glad everything is looking great for you! Good luck!

Sadangel777: I hope Clomid works for you this time. Good luck with your first IUI!

Sweet Lullaby: I want to test so badly, but I am too afraid of a BFN. Plus all I have are Dollar Store Cheepy ones and they wouldn’t work this early anyway. That is weird that they aren’t going ultrasounds, I haven’t heard of them just doing the bloods. Hope it works for you.
Kaimaka: That doesn’t sound fair. They should give you the difference or something. I am sorry. I hope that it works for you and you get your BFP.

LauraR: I hope 3rd time’s the charm for you! What is your plan after this if it doesn’t?

FirstTry: Good luck with your ultrasound today! Let us know how it goes! My RE doesn’t do two iuis back to bad. Studies have shown that doesn’t increase your chances and it just costs more money. DH and I bd the afternoon before trigger, abstained the next day, had IUI that day after and bd that night, then bd the next day. That is what RE told is to do.

Mrs. T: Good luck at your IUI today and tomorrow. I hope that eggie sticks! Fingers crossed for you!

EJT22: Looks as though you are one day ahead of me. I triggered on the 24th and IUI was the 26th. DH had great numbers as well. I have PCOS and am 27. Clomid never worked for me, never ovulated. I am not we and RE and he put me on 7.5mg of Femara and this was my first time ovulating as well. The IUI went great just like you. I also have cramping and back pain and headaches. I guess it is normal. I have my blood test Monday the 8th. However, I think I am out. I have no breast tenderness or tightness or anything. Your symptoms sound promising though. I hope this works for you and you get your BFP!

Keeping Faith: The first trip to the RE is great. It gets you actually started on possibly having a baby. I am so glad everything is looking great for you! Good luck!

Sadangel777: I hope Clomid works for you this time. Good luck with your first IUI!

Sweet Lullaby: I want to test so badly, but I am too afraid of a BFN. Plus all I have are Dollar Store Cheepy ones and they wouldn’t work this early anyway. That is weird that they aren’t going ultrasounds, I haven’t heard of them just doing the bloods. Hope it works for you.

Karen: Thank you for the info. And don't count yourself out at 9 dpiui, especially if you haven't even tested. Many pregnant women don't have symptoms during the 2WW. Think about it, if you implanted a day or two ago, it will take some time before the HCG really gets pumping.

Good luck!!!
HEY MRS. T!! thanks so much for your nice words! it feels so good to be able to talk to other women like me, i feel like no one else understands how i feel..it's so hard at times! this 2ww is killing me!! lol and i did my trigger on sunday the 23, you asked did i test it? sorry but whats that mean? i did not know i could test it. thanks again!
Keeping Faith!, thanks so much for praying for me! that helps alot to have support! ill be praying for you to at whater your doing to!, ttc is very hard and stressfull
Good news! My cysts are now small enough to proceed with an IUI this month! I've been told to stop taking The Pill (was keeping my hormone levels low so they would stop "feeding" the cysts) so AF can get going, then I go in on Oct 17th for a follicle check. IF the follicles are developed enough that day, we'll do the IUI Oct 18th.

I can't believe I am FINALLY at this stage! We've been testing and waiting to do this since July!
Thanks karenh for you sweet words! don't think your out!! i heard alot of people don't even feel signs you know everyone is different! so think positive and i'll be praying for you and i hope all goes well for you! i'll be posting my test answers next wed. when i get my blood test back, whatever it is...wishing baby dust to everyone!
Can I join you? I am just about to start my first IUI cycle. Hubby wants to try only once....and he's going out of town for 11 days this month. I'm REALLY hoping he is back in time for O - which he technically should be, unless I O really early? I guess I'll see what happens....

Have you are hubby been diagnose w anything ? Is this number 1 your trying for?
HEY MRS. T!! thanks so much for your nice words! it feels so good to be able to talk to other women like me, i feel like no one else understands how i feel..it's so hard at times! this 2ww is killing me!! lol and i did my trigger on sunday the 23, you asked did i test it? sorry but whats that mean? i did not know i could test it. thanks again!

To "test out your trigger" means taking pregnancy tests everyday starting a couple of days after your IUI. The trigger shot produces false positive hpts (home pregnancy tests). So if you start doing them everyday starting say 3dpiui, then you will eventually see it come up negative (usually around 8dpiui give or take a day or two). So once it shows up negative you know the trigger is out of your system and you know any tests you take after that would be a real positive. I use the dollar store cheapie ones for that.

I am a chronic POASer (stands for pee on a stick) so it helps me during the 2WW to feel a little more in control. :)
Can I join you? I am just about to start my first IUI cycle. Hubby wants to try only once....and he's going out of town for 11 days this month. I'm REALLY hoping he is back in time for O - which he technically should be, unless I O really early? I guess I'll see what happens....

Have you are hubby been diagnose w anything ? Is this number 1 your trying for?

No, we are basically unexplained. Hubby's SA was good, I had an HSG and Lap done, all good. Age is a factor though as I am 38. We did conceive briefly 2 years ago after my HSG, but miscarried early.

I have a question for all of you - my FS wants both DH and I to do 10 days of antibiotics starting on CD1. Something about something in the man's body that they are born with that could prevent pregnancy? Anyone know anything about this?
Can I join you? I am just about to start my first IUI cycle. Hubby wants to try only once....and he's going out of town for 11 days this month. I'm REALLY hoping he is back in time for O - which he technically should be, unless I O really early? I guess I'll see what happens....

Have you are hubby been diagnose w anything ? Is this number 1 your trying for?

No, we are basically unexplained. Hubby's SA was good, I had an HSG and Lap done, all good. Age is a factor though as I am 38. We did conceive briefly 2 years ago after my HSG, but miscarried early.

I have a question for all of you - my FS wants both DH and I to do 10 days of antibiotics starting on CD1. Something about something in the man's body that they are born with that could prevent pregnancy? Anyone know anything about this?
I don't really know anything about it, but I do know I have heard of it before. Maybe it will work? Good luck!
HEY MRS. T!! thanks so much for your nice words! it feels so good to be able to talk to other women like me, i feel like no one else understands how i feel..it's so hard at times! this 2ww is killing me!! lol and i did my trigger on sunday the 23, you asked did i test it? sorry but whats that mean? i did not know i could test it. thanks again!

To "test out your trigger" means taking pregnancy tests everyday starting a couple of days after your IUI. The trigger shot produces false positive hpts (home pregnancy tests). So if you start doing them everyday starting say 3dpiui, then you will eventually see it come up negative (usually around 8dpiui give or take a day or two). So once it shows up negative you know the trigger is out of your system and you know any tests you take after that would be a real positive. I use the dollar store cheapie ones for that.

I am a chronic POASer (stands for pee on a stick) so it helps me during the 2WW to feel a little more in control. :)

Oh ok. No i have not did that yet, most likely because im so scared of seeing a BFN im like so scared of that, before i did IUI and before i met my new doctor all i seen was BFN that was before i knew i had PCOS. It's crazy that everything that happens with my body right now im like thinking omg am i pregnant??? or no thats just me thinking stuff...I don't know my mind is just feeling so crazy..
Thanks Ladies for the warm welcome and kind words! Going in for My First IUI October 12. So I will Keep all of you posted!! Good Luck to yo all!! :thumbup:
Kaimaka: That doesn’t sound fair. They should give you the difference or something. I am sorry. I hope that it works for you and you get your BFP.

LauraR: I hope 3rd time’s the charm for you! What is your plan after this if it doesn’t?

FirstTry: Good luck with your ultrasound today! Let us know how it goes! My RE doesn’t do two iuis back to bad. Studies have shown that doesn’t increase your chances and it just costs more money. DH and I bd the afternoon before trigger, abstained the next day, had IUI that day after and bd that night, then bd the next day. That is what RE told is to do.

Mrs. T: Good luck at your IUI today and tomorrow. I hope that eggie sticks! Fingers crossed for you!

EJT22: Looks as though you are one day ahead of me. I triggered on the 24th and IUI was the 26th. DH had great numbers as well. I have PCOS and am 27. Clomid never worked for me, never ovulated. I am not we and RE and he put me on 7.5mg of Femara and this was my first time ovulating as well. The IUI went great just like you. I also have cramping and back pain and headaches. I guess it is normal. I have my blood test Monday the 8th. However, I think I am out. I have no breast tenderness or tightness or anything. Your symptoms sound promising though. I hope this works for you and you get your BFP!

Keeping Faith: The first trip to the RE is great. It gets you actually started on possibly having a baby. I am so glad everything is looking great for you! Good luck!

Sadangel777: I hope Clomid works for you this time. Good luck with your first IUI!

Sweet Lullaby: I want to test so badly, but I am too afraid of a BFN. Plus all I have are Dollar Store Cheepy ones and they wouldn’t work this early anyway. That is weird that they aren’t going ultrasounds, I haven’t heard of them just doing the bloods. Hope it works for you.

Hey, thanks for the kind words! If it doesn't work, we're taking a break. Going to plan a trip to the UK (consolation prize) and just relax for a bit. We'll likely try IVF next summer!
Good news! My cysts are now small enough to proceed with an IUI this month! I've been told to stop taking The Pill (was keeping my hormone levels low so they would stop "feeding" the cysts) so AF can get going, then I go in on Oct 17th for a follicle check. IF the follicles are developed enough that day, we'll do the IUI Oct 18th.

I can't believe I am FINALLY at this stage! We've been testing and waiting to do this since July!

So glad to hear that your cysts are under control. Hopefully, everything looks great and you will have your IUI on Oct 18. What meds are you on, if any?

Can I join you? I am just about to start my first IUI cycle. Hubby wants to try only once....and he's going out of town for 11 days this month. I'm REALLY hoping he is back in time for O - which he technically should be, unless I O really early? I guess I'll see what happens....

Have you are hubby been diagnose w anything ? Is this number 1 your trying for?

No, we are basically unexplained. Hubby's SA was good, I had an HSG and Lap done, all good. Age is a factor though as I am 38. We did conceive briefly 2 years ago after my HSG, but miscarried early.

I have a question for all of you - my FS wants both DH and I to do 10 days of antibiotics starting on CD1. Something about something in the man's body that they are born with that could prevent pregnancy? Anyone know anything about this?

I am not familiar with it, but I know my DH had to go on antibiotics for a couple weeks back over the summer. His initial SA had a high white blood cell count, and they wanted to correct that. Anything is possible...

Thanks Ladies for the warm welcome and kind words! Going in for My First IUI October 12. So I will Keep all of you posted!! Good Luck to yo all!! :thumbup:

Hang in there! And good luck. IUI's are not as scary as you would think, I know I was extremely anxious before my first.

Kaimaka: That doesn’t sound fair. They should give you the difference or something. I am sorry. I hope that it works for you and you get your BFP.

LauraR: I hope 3rd time’s the charm for you! What is your plan after this if it doesn’t?

FirstTry: Good luck with your ultrasound today! Let us know how it goes! My RE doesn’t do two iuis back to bad. Studies have shown that doesn’t increase your chances and it just costs more money. DH and I bd the afternoon before trigger, abstained the next day, had IUI that day after and bd that night, then bd the next day. That is what RE told is to do.

Mrs. T: Good luck at your IUI today and tomorrow. I hope that eggie sticks! Fingers crossed for you!

EJT22: Looks as though you are one day ahead of me. I triggered on the 24th and IUI was the 26th. DH had great numbers as well. I have PCOS and am 27. Clomid never worked for me, never ovulated. I am not we and RE and he put me on 7.5mg of Femara and this was my first time ovulating as well. The IUI went great just like you. I also have cramping and back pain and headaches. I guess it is normal. I have my blood test Monday the 8th. However, I think I am out. I have no breast tenderness or tightness or anything. Your symptoms sound promising though. I hope this works for you and you get your BFP!

Keeping Faith: The first trip to the RE is great. It gets you actually started on possibly having a baby. I am so glad everything is looking great for you! Good luck!

Sadangel777: I hope Clomid works for you this time. Good luck with your first IUI!

Sweet Lullaby: I want to test so badly, but I am too afraid of a BFN. Plus all I have are Dollar Store Cheepy ones and they wouldn’t work this early anyway. That is weird that they aren’t going ultrasounds, I haven’t heard of them just doing the bloods. Hope it works for you.

Hey, thanks for the kind words! If it doesn't work, we're taking a break. Going to plan a trip to the UK (consolation prize) and just relax for a bit. We'll likely try IVF next summer!

I hope that this works for you. This IUI will be my third as well. I don't think IVF is an option for us... but who knows.

AFM- I went for my ultrasound today, and sadly we only have ONE good follicle. Which, I am aware, is all you need. But the purpose of being on the Gonal F was to produce several good follicles, to increase our chances because the Clomid didn't work. On a better note, I did have a triple lining and it was right around a 10 so that was great. There were a few smaller follies, but he didn't think those would be big enough to release. I had my trigger shot, and will do in tomorrow for the IUI, with a doc that isn't mine... a little nervous about that, but I am sure that it will be fine.

How is everyone else doing? Everything going normally?

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