October IUI Buddies

Kaimaka: I hope the symptoms showing is a good thing. When do you think you will test?

Damie: Good luck! What are your plans next cycle if you get your BFN?

Sweet Lullaby: I am sorry you aren’t feeling well. When is your beta?

AFM: I took the trigger last night. IUI is at 11:15 tomorrow. Praying that is works. However, I plan to talk to the doc about injectables for next cycle as I don’t have much hope.

good luck hun. just remember..positive thinking ok... it WILL work:)
Hello Ladies,

I want to give you a brief of how my day went. Did a home test and got a :bfn:, then went to the confirm my true status and I was told by the doctor after the test the IUIwasnt successful:growlmad::cry:

I don't know what to believe because I am yet to see my AF which is never late by the way but has choose not to come this time around. The doctor said this could be due to the drugs I am taking and that i should discontinue them.

She also suggested we try another cycle of IUI immediately and if it doesn't work we move to IVF. She said I should start taking an hormonal drug "dostinex". I asked her why since we haven't tested to confirm that was the problem she is of the opinion that I should try it right away and do the test when my period starts.

She said I had a good cycle with four follicles above 18mm and the
:spermy: looked beautiful too so they cannot confirm what happened. I wanted to know how sure she was I ovulated but she said that isn't in doubt. I wish there was a way she could confirm that.

So I am waiting for AF and I pray it doesn't come because I have read cases where people have negative. Results but still turn out pregnant.

If it does come I would start another cycle of IUI. Last one was clomid day 2-6 and menopur injections every other day four times.

Please does anyone have any other I suggestions maybe I can pitch it in to my doctor.

Thanks for all the Prayers.

i am so sorry hun. Did they not do a blood test? why did they only do a urine test... some ladies dont register on a urine test till much later?
Hey all! I'm on 11 DPO today and took a "5 days sooner" preg test that came back negative. I know it might be a tad early but I just have a feeling that I'm not pregnant. This is my 3rd IUI so if it is negative, I'm taking a much needed break from fertility treatments before moving onto IVF!! I really enjoy being on this site though and reading how everything else is doing. I'm sending good vibes you way!

11dpo is very early ... you still have a few more days yet.. positive thinking :)
Ugh! I am up at 3 am looking for something to eat. What is wrong with me???

praying that's a good sign!!! i feel like i am always hungry but i blame that on the trigger shot, haha. how many dpiui are you? fingers crossed you get your bfp :hugs:

Omg can i relate. So peckish. I blame the pregnyl lol

I am 11dpiui and u

I used ovidrel, I think it's the same as pregnyl. But I am on progesterone too. So that might be causing me to eat everything in plain sight. ;)

i used Ovidrel for trigger too..but i used 1500iu of Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI for luteal support... the last shot i took was 2 days ago...
Congratulations Jen!

Hi everyone, i'm driving myself nuts I am currently 9dpiui and don't really have much symptoms. I am feeling very cranky and pms mood swings! I should prob consider myself out I just want to cry as usual.

Hope you are all hanging in thereand doing good!

good luck hun.. i know this tww is driving me crazy... i am 12dpiui today... when do u plan to start testing
I am 12 dpiui and got a faint :bfp:!!! I used an internet dip strip this morning and it came up very faint. So faint that my husband said he saw nothing. So I stopped at walmart and bought one of their cheap 88 cent ones. I just took it and it came up darker than this mornings but it's still faint. I have my beta Thursday. I'm so excited and kinda in disbelief.

WOW!! congrats.. that is amazing news!! good luck for the beta results.. i am sure u'll be fine
AFM : i am currengly 12dpiui. My last pregnyl of 1500iu was 2 days ago.. apparently 1000iu leaves the system everyday... so by 2 days later.. it should come up as a very faint positive am i right?

Well yesterday...at 11dpiui i took First Response to start testing out the pregnyl... it was super dark. positive... as expexted....since i took the pregnyl shot only the nightbefore...

this morning i took another test... with FMU and its the same... dark positive...

shouldnt it be getting lighter as the pregnyl leaves my system?

my beta is scheduled for the 29th Oct...
Hey all! I'm on 11 DPO today and took a "5 days sooner" preg test that came back negative. I know it might be a tad early but I just have a feeling that I'm not pregnant. This is my 3rd IUI so if it is negative, I'm taking a much needed break from fertility treatments before moving onto IVF!! I really enjoy being on this site though and reading how everything else is doing. I'm sending good vibes you way!

Thanks Laura, I have been taking injectables. But I think it's pregnyl is that not one of them?
Congratulations Jen!

Hi everyone, i'm driving myself nuts I am currently 9dpiui and don't really have much symptoms. I am feeling very cranky and pms mood swings! I should prob consider myself out I just want to cry as usual.

Hope you are all hanging in thereand doing good!

good luck hun.. i know this tww is driving me crazy... i am 12dpiui today... when do u plan to start testing

Sweet Lullaby - 12 dpo??? how are you NOT testing yet???? Your resolve is impressive! When will you start????
Hello Ladies,

I want to give you a brief of how my day went. Did a home test and got a :bfn:, then went to the confirm my true status and I was told by the doctor after the test the IUIwasnt successful:growlmad::cry:

I don't know what to believe because I am yet to see my AF which is never late by the way but has choose not to come this time around. The doctor said this could be due to the drugs I am taking and that i should discontinue them.

She also suggested we try another cycle of IUI immediately and if it doesn't work we move to IVF. She said I should start taking an hormonal drug "dostinex". I asked her why since we haven't tested to confirm that was the problem she is of the opinion that I should try it right away and do the test when my period starts.

She said I had a good cycle with four follicles above 18mm and the
:spermy: looked beautiful too so they cannot confirm what happened. I wanted to know how sure she was I ovulated but she said that isn't in doubt. I wish there was a way she could confirm that.

So I am waiting for AF and I pray it doesn't come because I have read cases where people have negative. Results but still turn out pregnant.

If it does come I would start another cycle of IUI. Last one was clomid day 2-6 and menopur injections every other day four times.

Please does anyone have any other I suggestions maybe I can pitch it in to my doctor.

Thanks for all the Prayers.

i am so sorry hun. Did they not do a blood test? why did they only do a urine test... some ladies dont register on a urine test till much later?

Thanks dear, but you know I went back to take a blood test and it came out negative still. I am still holding on o. I pray it works out.
Hello Ladies,

I want to give you a brief of how my day went. Did a home test and got a :bfn:, then went to the confirm my true status and I was told by the doctor after the test the IUIwasnt successful:growlmad::cry:

I don't know what to believe because I am yet to see my AF which is never late by the way but has choose not to come this time around. The doctor said this could be due to the drugs I am taking and that i should discontinue them.

She also suggested we try another cycle of IUI immediately and if it doesn't work we move to IVF. She said I should start taking an hormonal drug "dostinex". I asked her why since we haven't tested to confirm that was the problem she is of the opinion that I should try it right away and do the test when my period starts.

She said I had a good cycle with four follicles above 18mm and the
:spermy: looked beautiful too so they cannot confirm what happened. I wanted to know how sure she was I ovulated but she said that isn't in doubt. I wish there was a way she could confirm that.

So I am waiting for AF and I pray it doesn't come because I have read cases where people have negative. Results but still turn out pregnant.

If it does come I would start another cycle of IUI. Last one was clomid day 2-6 and menopur injections every other day four times.

Please does anyone have any other I suggestions maybe I can pitch it in to my doctor.

Thanks for all the Prayers.

Hi Damie- I'm so sorry for your BFN! Try to keep your spirits up, tomorrow is another cycle and another chance. As for the dostinex - do you have elevated levels of prolactin? If not, than I'm not sure why your doc would prescribe this for you, did she tell you anything more about it?
I know it's tough to reconcile as to what went wrong, but just remember that even if everything is perfect and the timing is exact (which it sounds like it was for you) a couple only has a 25% chance of conceiving each cycle. Good luck to you in your next cycle, I hope it will be your lucky one! Also, have you tried Femara instead of Chlomid? A lot of people tolerate it better and it does not thin out your lining like Chlomid does.
Thanks dear, I am finding it very uneasy taking the dostinex because they were only given to me when she said my prolactin was high and I did a test after t it and she said its normal. I don't understand why she is recommending it again and might not take that drug. I would ask her about the femera and injectables instead of clomid and see what she says.

This all depends if I can get my dh to try another cycle. He thinks the docs are not trying enough they just need us to keep paying more money.
I am 12 dpiui and got a faint :bfp:!!! I used an internet dip strip this morning and it came up very faint. So faint that my husband said he saw nothing. So I stopped at walmart and bought one of their cheap 88 cent ones. I just took it and it came up darker than this mornings but it's still faint. I have my beta Thursday. I'm so excited and kinda in disbelief.

Congrats maksmama, hope it goes darker and the egg holds on tight to the wall. All the best....:hugs:
Congratulations Jen!

Hi everyone, i'm driving myself nuts I am currently 9dpiui and don't really have much symptoms. I am feeling very cranky and pms mood swings! I should prob consider myself out I just want to cry as usual.

Hope you are all hanging in thereand doing good!

Hold on dear. No symptoms could mean symptoms after :bfp: fingers crossed.
Kaimaka: I hope the symptoms showing is a good thing. When do you think you will test?

Damie: Good luck! What are your plans next cycle if you get your BFN?

Sweet Lullaby: I am sorry you aren’t feeling well. When is your beta?

AFM: I took the trigger last night. IUI is at 11:15 tomorrow. Praying that is works. However, I plan to talk to the doc about injectables for next cycle as I don’t have much hope.

My beta is scheduled on the 30th.

All the best hold on.....
karenh - Thank you!

KBrain3377 - Thank you! I probably will keep testing. lol

Sweet Lullaby - Thank you! I hope this is your BFP too.

Damie - Thank you! Sorry about your bfn. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Chris_25 - Don't lose hope. I'm 12 dpiui and got a faint bfp today and haven't felt any symptoms so far.
Congratulations Jen!

Hi everyone, i'm driving myself nuts I am currently 9dpiui and don't really have much symptoms. I am feeling very cranky and pms mood swings! I should prob consider myself out I just want to cry as usual.

Hope you are all hanging in thereand doing good!

good luck hun.. i know this tww is driving me crazy... i am 12dpiui today... when do u plan to start testing

Thank you and good to you too! Well AF will be due anytime from Sunday through Thursday so I prob wouldn't test until next weekend around 11/2 because I never test I'm a chicken lol
Congratulations Jen!

Hi everyone, i'm driving myself nuts I am currently 9dpiui and don't really have much symptoms. I am feeling very cranky and pms mood swings! I should prob consider myself out I just want to cry as usual.

Hope you are all hanging in thereand doing good!

Hold on dear. No symptoms could mean symptoms after :bfp: fingers crossed.

Thank you I sure hope so :hugs:
karenh - Thank you!

KBrain3377 - Thank you! I probably will keep testing. lol

Sweet Lullaby - Thank you! I hope this is your BFP too.

Damie - Thank you! Sorry about your bfn. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Chris_25 - Don't lose hope. I'm 12 dpiui and got a faint bfp today and haven't felt any symptoms so far.

Thank you and congrats to you I hope it gets darker for you!
AFM : i am currengly 12dpiui. My last pregnyl of 1500iu was 2 days ago.. apparently 1000iu leaves the system everyday... so by 2 days later.. it should come up as a very faint positive am i right?

Well yesterday...at 11dpiui i took First Response to start testing out the pregnyl... it was super dark. positive... as expexted....since i took the pregnyl shot only the nightbefore...

this morning i took another test... with FMU and its the same... dark positive...

shouldnt it be getting lighter as the pregnyl leaves my system?

my beta is scheduled for the 29th Oct...

You would think it would get lighter. Maybe you are getting your BFP! Sorry if I get your hopes up, but that would be so exciting! When is your beta?
Mrs T. - thank you for the hug...I needed it.

Kbrain - when you did your first 2 IUI's with injectibles and femara, how many follies did you have?

karenh - g/l this cycle. Once af starts I will be right there with ya! Did you do femara last cycle? How many follies did you have?

Maks - my dr told me the same thing as Jennyg.....She made me buy the clearblue digital OPK kit.

well can any of you ladies who did a combo of femara with some sort of injectibles let me know how many follies you had during that cycle? I am asking around only because previously I have only ever had 1 follie with femara and now my dr is adding follistim but if my follicles only start growing one at the beginning of my cycle, then how will the follistim help to catch the smaller ones up?

HI Ttcbaby - your situation is actually very similar to mine. I also had a problem with developing a lead follicle. Essentially, when one follicle starts growing much faster then the rest, it will stunt the growth of other follicles who may be trying to catch up, since the lead follicle signals your body "hey we got one, we don't need any more for now". This is because your body naturally only aims for one follicle per month. When I did my two IUIs with Femara and injectibles it was because I had just come to my RE having done six month of Chlomid with no bfp, and he didn't think that Femara alone would give me enough "umph" and wanted to break out the big guns. First month I had 3 follicles that were mature, so that was a success (but bfn) but then the second month I only had one... he called this a wasted month since you get one follicle "for free from mother nature", so no use spending $500 of meds on it. Third month same thing, another wasted month with only one follicle, so we cancelled the IUI (and that was on ALL injectibles). To be honest, I think that injectibles did nothing for helping my lead follicle problem, and increasing the dosage as we did in the third month did not get us any better result. What got me my bfp was estrogen priming before Femara, something that my RE did not think was worth doing so I ended up freelancing it :winkwink:, while he was pushing me into IVF in a hurry. I took estrodial from day 21 the previous cycle (2 mg twice a day) to day 3 of the new cycle; then Femara day 3 to day 8. As much as he did not think this was gonna work, I'm pregnant now, and I also did extensive research on EP (estrogen priming); its used very successfully for IVF especially in patients with diminished ovarian reserve. Basically, it starts to hold back your follicles from developing a lead in the luteal phase of the previous cycle and at the very beginning of the current cycle, to allow you to grow multiple follicles that are close in size and therefore would not stunt each other's growth. Does that make sense? My ovulation that month was later than normal (which is also good as it makes for mature eggs) on CD 19 and also it was the STRONGEST I have ever seen it on an opk - it came up wayyyy before the control like and was almost black. We bded naturally, no IUI, since we did not have any male factor to begin with. Sorry for the long post, let me know if you have any questions. Also, my RE called me yesterday and admitted that he will try this protocol with another two of his IUI patients since it worked for me. I joked that he should name it after me. :haha: (But really..... he should:haha:).

Can you use Clomid instead of the Femara?

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