October IUI Buddies

I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Karenh, check Jen1090's post she had one folicle too and she got a :bfp: sooo. Have faith and pray this might just be all will give you that beautiful miracle.
Hi ladies! I am 7dpiui and having strong cramps. The left side of my uterus also hurts, it feels like there's so much pressure there. I hope it's not a cyst :( . Anyone else having the same symptom? It's really annoying today, especially because I'm at work. I may just close my door and lay down on the floor. Lol!

Yes, I got a lot of that this month. I was convinced I had a large cyst, but then the discomfort stopped around 12dpiui. I'm 15dpiui now and pretty sure it's a bfn for me. Took blood test this morning, waiting for results.

On the other hand, Jen1019, who just got her BFP and mentioned the same feeling.

Best of luck to you!

I had that when I got my BFP a couple of weeks ago! Mine was likely a luteal cyst - something that is very common, and forms on the corpus luteum which is the leftover follicle after ovulation that sticks around to produce progesterone in case of a pregnancy. It's essentially a functioning cyst that goes away on it's own, and many people develop it but most cannot feel it. If you're sensitive enough to feel yourself ovulate, which is true in my case, then you will likely also feel the luteal cyst. I'm in my 6th week of pregnancy and I still feel it off and on (not real cramps anymore, just pressure) on the side which I ovulated from.
I'm in shock, friends! I took a dollar tree test which gave me a :BFP: and then a clear blue digital :bfp: ... I go today for bloodwork, and get results tomorrow. I am totally and utterly amazed right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for the bloodwork.

That's amazing Jen! Congrats to you! Enjoy this time, isn't it so hard to think about anything else? Keep us posted as to what your betas are, I wish you a health & happy nine months!
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Hi Karenh -are you on any pill or injectibles? I know how disappointing one follicle can be (even though you only need one!). My third try at an IUI I was on all injectiables and I only got one follicle. My doctor called it a wasted cycle since you get one follicle for free from mother nature, I didn't need to go spending $700 on the drugs for the same result. :wacko: That being said, he did say that the quality of the egg probably improved from the drugs, but I'm not sure how true that is since that cycle I chose to not even go through w/the IUI (no use in throwing good money after bad) and it was a BFN. The cycle that I did get a BFP was unmonitored and we bd-ed naturally, but I'm pretty sure I only had one egg - so try to keep your spirits up! AND the triple lining is an awesome sign as well - I never had that!
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Karenh, check Jen1090's post she had one folicle too and she got a :bfp: sooo. Have faith and pray this might just be all will give you that beautiful miracle.

Try to have faith, Damie. I know it is hard. As soon as I found out there was only one measuring 17, I was convinced we were out. I really hope this is it for you, and that the sperm count is high for you. Keep us updated, ok?

Hi ladies! I am 7dpiui and having strong cramps. The left side of my uterus also hurts, it feels like there's so much pressure there. I hope it's not a cyst :( . Anyone else having the same symptom? It's really annoying today, especially because I'm at work. I may just close my door and lay down on the floor. Lol!

Yes, I got a lot of that this month. I was convinced I had a large cyst, but then the discomfort stopped around 12dpiui. I'm 15dpiui now and pretty sure it's a bfn for me. Took blood test this morning, waiting for results.

On the other hand, Jen1019, who just got her BFP and mentioned the same feeling.

Best of luck to you!

I had that when I got my BFP a couple of weeks ago! Mine was likely a luteal cyst - something that is very common, and forms on the corpus luteum which is the leftover follicle after ovulation that sticks around to produce progesterone in case of a pregnancy. It's essentially a functioning cyst that goes away on it's own, and many people develop it but most cannot feel it. If you're sensitive enough to feel yourself ovulate, which is true in my case, then you will likely also feel the luteal cyst. I'm in my 6th week of pregnancy and I still feel it off and on (not real cramps anymore, just pressure) on the side which I ovulated from.

That sounds exactly like what I was having. It hasn't bothered me in probably 3-4 days, so I am hoping I won't notice it anymore. I actually do feel ovulation every cycle, so I am pretty sensitive as far as that goes.

I'm in shock, friends! I took a dollar tree test which gave me a :BFP: and then a clear blue digital :bfp: ... I go today for bloodwork, and get results tomorrow. I am totally and utterly amazed right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for the bloodwork.

That's amazing Jen! Congrats to you! Enjoy this time, isn't it so hard to think about anything else? Keep us posted as to what your betas are, I wish you a health & happy nine months!

I am bouncing off the walls. I just want to get my beta numbers, so that it can set my mind at ease a little bit. I am at work, and have about 2.5 hours left. Then I go to dinner with my best friend/cousin and I know I won't be able to keep it bottled up. We just don't want *everyone* knowing until 2nd tri, just in case, ya know? How have you been feeling? Any major symptoms? :hugs:
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Karenh, check Jen1090's post she had one folicle too and she got a :bfp: sooo. Have faith and pray this might just be all will give you that beautiful miracle.

Try to have faith, Damie. I know it is hard. As soon as I found out there was only one measuring 17, I was convinced we were out. I really hope this is it for you, and that the sperm count is high for you. Keep us updated, ok?

Hi ladies! I am 7dpiui and having strong cramps. The left side of my uterus also hurts, it feels like there's so much pressure there. I hope it's not a cyst :( . Anyone else having the same symptom? It's really annoying today, especially because I'm at work. I may just close my door and lay down on the floor. Lol!

Yes, I got a lot of that this month. I was convinced I had a large cyst, but then the discomfort stopped around 12dpiui. I'm 15dpiui now and pretty sure it's a bfn for me. Took blood test this morning, waiting for results.

On the other hand, Jen1019, who just got her BFP and mentioned the same feeling.

Best of luck to you!

I had that when I got my BFP a couple of weeks ago! Mine was likely a luteal cyst - something that is very common, and forms on the corpus luteum which is the leftover follicle after ovulation that sticks around to produce progesterone in case of a pregnancy. It's essentially a functioning cyst that goes away on it's own, and many people develop it but most cannot feel it. If you're sensitive enough to feel yourself ovulate, which is true in my case, then you will likely also feel the luteal cyst. I'm in my 6th week of pregnancy and I still feel it off and on (not real cramps anymore, just pressure) on the side which I ovulated from.

That sounds exactly like what I was having. It hasn't bothered me in probably 3-4 days, so I am hoping I won't notice it anymore. I actually do feel ovulation every cycle, so I am pretty sensitive as far as that goes.

I'm in shock, friends! I took a dollar tree test which gave me a :BFP: and then a clear blue digital :bfp: ... I go today for bloodwork, and get results tomorrow. I am totally and utterly amazed right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for the bloodwork.

That's amazing Jen! Congrats to you! Enjoy this time, isn't it so hard to think about anything else? Keep us posted as to what your betas are, I wish you a health & happy nine months!

I am bouncing off the walls. I just want to get my beta numbers, so that it can set my mind at ease a little bit. I am at work, and have about 2.5 hours left. Then I go to dinner with my best friend/cousin and I know I won't be able to keep it bottled up. We just don't want *everyone* knowing until 2nd tri, just in case, ya know? How have you been feeling? Any major symptoms? :hugs:

I know exactly how you feel!!! I actually texted my best friend a pic of my extremely faint BFP from my bathroom - that was BEFORE I came out and told my poor DH!!! :haha: That's how good I am about keeping my mouth shut. So far I've only told my three closest friends and no one else, while DH has not told anyone. This Friday we go in for the first scan to see the heartbeat (I hope!) and then assuming everything is on track, we'll tell my parents. As for everyone else, we're gonna wait till at least 13 or 14 weeks. As for symptoms, I've been exhausted beyond all recognition, been going to bed at 10 pm every nite (I'm a night owl usually), some nausea that comes and goes and lots and lots of bloating! FUN!
Good luck tomorrow Kat! Your follicle sizes sound great so fingers crossed this is your cycle :)

Afm-nothing new, just the typical tww dragging on and on. I am 5dpiui and nothing out of the ordinary yet. I have been real busy the last few days so that's helping me not symptom spot. I am helping plan two baby showers for next month so that's distracting in itself.....difficult to say the least, but distracting. I just keep telling myself that one day soon I will be planning my own baby shower :)
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Hi Karenh -are you on any pill or injectibles? I know how disappointing one follicle can be (even though you only need one!). My third try at an IUI I was on all injectiables and I only got one follicle. My doctor called it a wasted cycle since you get one follicle for free from mother nature, I didn't need to go spending $700 on the drugs for the same result. :wacko: That being said, he did say that the quality of the egg probably improved from the drugs, but I'm not sure how true that is since that cycle I chose to not even go through w/the IUI (no use in throwing good money after bad) and it was a BFN. The cycle that I did get a BFP was unmonitored and we bd-ed naturally, but I'm pretty sure I only had one egg - so try to keep your spirits up! AND the triple lining is an awesome sign as well - I never had that!

I am on 7.5mg of Femara. This is my second cycle with the same regimend. I know all you need is one, but There is nothing different this cycle from last so what makes this work and not last month? I feel as though it is a waist of money to only get one follicle. I really want to move on to injections next month. I just have to figure out when is the best time to bring it up with my doc. How are you doing? Are you sick?
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Hi Karenh -are you on any pill or injectibles? I know how disappointing one follicle can be (even though you only need one!). My third try at an IUI I was on all injectiables and I only got one follicle. My doctor called it a wasted cycle since you get one follicle for free from mother nature, I didn't need to go spending $700 on the drugs for the same result. :wacko: That being said, he did say that the quality of the egg probably improved from the drugs, but I'm not sure how true that is since that cycle I chose to not even go through w/the IUI (no use in throwing good money after bad) and it was a BFN. The cycle that I did get a BFP was unmonitored and we bd-ed naturally, but I'm pretty sure I only had one egg - so try to keep your spirits up! AND the triple lining is an awesome sign as well - I never had that!

I am on 7.5mg of Femara. This is my second cycle with the same regimend. I know all you need is one, but There is nothing different this cycle from last so what makes this work and not last month? I feel as though it is a waist of money to only get one follicle. I really want to move on to injections next month. I just have to figure out when is the best time to bring it up with my doc. How are you doing? Are you sick?

I would bring it up to him asap - if you don't want to have to sit out a cycle and start the injections next cycle, you'll need him to give you the Rx and place the order, likely from a mail-order pharmacy since that's the most affordable route, which takes a week or so to come in the mail (shipped from Canada or Europe). My RE could not get me on injectibles fast enough - he said I had no time to waste... really he was trying to rush me into IVF, but knew that I wanted to try IUIs with injectibles first.
I'm doing ok - moody, bloated and exhausted, but so happy to be pregnant. GL to you and keep us posted!
Hey ladies- I'm 4dpiui & 6dptrigger. I had my IUI on Wednesday and even though I did the trigger on Monday I do not think I ovulated until Thursday. I def had ov pains up until then and FF confirmed ov on Thursday as well. We BD Mon (trigger), Wed (IUI), and Thurs - which is when I think I ov. That's weird that it took so long from my trigger date to when I ov, right? It should be ok with the ov date, our BD and the IUI?

Hello Mrsjennyg...I see that you are taking crinone. I also I'm taking it, and was wondering if it is causing sore breats. Do you have this symptom? Thanks

Hi Keeping Faith- I only started taking it on Friday and my nipples hurt that first day but they always hurt right after I ov. But so far my breasts haven't been sore and the nipple tenderness went away. How many DPIUI are you? How long have you been taking the Crinone?
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Hi Karenh -are you on any pill or injectibles? I know how disappointing one follicle can be (even though you only need one!). My third try at an IUI I was on all injectiables and I only got one follicle. My doctor called it a wasted cycle since you get one follicle for free from mother nature, I didn't need to go spending $700 on the drugs for the same result. :wacko: That being said, he did say that the quality of the egg probably improved from the drugs, but I'm not sure how true that is since that cycle I chose to not even go through w/the IUI (no use in throwing good money after bad) and it was a BFN. The cycle that I did get a BFP was unmonitored and we bd-ed naturally, but I'm pretty sure I only had one egg - so try to keep your spirits up! AND the triple lining is an awesome sign as well - I never had that!

I am on 7.5mg of Femara. This is my second cycle with the same regimend. I know all you need is one, but There is nothing different this cycle from last so what makes this work and not last month? I feel as though it is a waist of money to only get one follicle. I really want to move on to injections next month. I just have to figure out when is the best time to bring it up with my doc. How are you doing? Are you sick?

I had 2 cycles on Clomid with no luck, and then my doctor went to injectables. They just have a better success rate with the injectables. It's expensive, and I think that is why if you have insurance they are required to do the Clomid route first. One 950iu pen without insurance would have been about $825, and then there's the testing and actually IUI. I hope that things work out for you. We only had one follie with the gonal f, and my RE and I were both disappointed. I'm glad we went through with it anyways. The only thing different was a higher sperm count. I would at least see about triggering, even if you dont' do the IUI because at least your timing would be a bit better. :hugs: I really hope it works out, and understand how frustrating it can be.
I just got back from my ultrasounds. I have a 21 follicel on the left and a tripple lining measuring at 11. I trigger tonight and IUI is Wednesday. I am not happy there is only one follicle.

Hi Karenh -are you on any pill or injectibles? I know how disappointing one follicle can be (even though you only need one!). My third try at an IUI I was on all injectiables and I only got one follicle. My doctor called it a wasted cycle since you get one follicle for free from mother nature, I didn't need to go spending $700 on the drugs for the same result. :wacko: That being said, he did say that the quality of the egg probably improved from the drugs, but I'm not sure how true that is since that cycle I chose to not even go through w/the IUI (no use in throwing good money after bad) and it was a BFN. The cycle that I did get a BFP was unmonitored and we bd-ed naturally, but I'm pretty sure I only had one egg - so try to keep your spirits up! AND the triple lining is an awesome sign as well - I never had that!

I am on 7.5mg of Femara. This is my second cycle with the same regimend. I know all you need is one, but There is nothing different this cycle from last so what makes this work and not last month? I feel as though it is a waist of money to only get one follicle. I really want to move on to injections next month. I just have to figure out when is the best time to bring it up with my doc. How are you doing? Are you sick?

I had 2 cycles on Clomid with no luck, and then my doctor went to injectables. They just have a better success rate with the injectables. It's expensive, and I think that is why if you have insurance they are required to do the Clomid route first. One 950iu pen without insurance would have been about $825, and then there's the testing and actually IUI. I hope that things work out for you. We only had one follie with the gonal f, and my RE and I were both disappointed. I'm glad we went through with it anyways. The only thing different was a higher sperm count. I would at least see about triggering, even if you dont' do the IUI because at least your timing would be a bit better. :hugs: I really hope it works out, and understand how frustrating it can be.

Thanks. DH dosn't have any issues, last iui he had 70 mill after wash. We don't have any coverage from our insurence which is why I am frustrated with how slow it is going. If it is going to take three eggs to get the one that works, give them to me all right now. I need to just relax, do the IUI wednesday and see what happens. Thanks for the advice.
Hey FirstTry :hugs:

Sorry about your :bfn:. That sucks!

Do you have any plans for another go?
Jen: wow congrats on ur BFP!! Thats such good news! My last IUI pregnancy i only had 1 follie too. But it was 21.5mm. This time i have 1 only and its 17mm.. kinda scared.

I am 11dpiui today ... not far to go for testing... I am getting all positive HPTs... due to my last pregnyl shot. I am now testing out the pregnyl.
Hey FirstTry :hugs:

Sorry about your :bfn:. That sucks!

Do you have any plans for another go?

Thank you, Mrs T. I think we're going to try another IUI immediately. We only have one more this year on insurance (pays part), but might as well use it now. If it doesn't work, it's on to IVF in January, when our new, expensive insurance starts.
Ugh! I am up at 3 am looking for something to eat. What is wrong with me???
Ugh! I am up at 3 am looking for something to eat. What is wrong with me???

praying that's a good sign!!! i feel like i am always hungry but i blame that on the trigger shot, haha. how many dpiui are you? fingers crossed you get your bfp :hugs:
Ugh! I am up at 3 am looking for something to eat. What is wrong with me???

praying that's a good sign!!! i feel like i am always hungry but i blame that on the trigger shot, haha. how many dpiui are you? fingers crossed you get your bfp :hugs:

I am 8dpiui. My symptoms didn't really start until yesterday. Last cycle I had symptoms from the ovidrel right away. This cycle, it waited until 7dpiui and the floodgates of symptom heaven just opened up ;). I hope this is our month! Good luck to you too! Lots of :dust:
Hello Ladies,
I am at the clinic now waiting for my test result. I am one day passed my menstral period. Negative result on home test but I am holding on to my faith it can still happen.:thumbup:[-o<[-o<
Hope you all are doing gr8 those on 2WW. It's goona be a gr8 month for us:dust:

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