October IUI Buddies

HI Ttcbaby - your situation is actually very similar to mine. I also had a problem with developing a lead follicle. Essentially, when one follicle starts growing much faster then the rest, it will stunt the growth of other follicles who may be trying to catch up, since the lead follicle signals your body "hey we got one, we don't need any more for now". This is because your body naturally only aims for one follicle per month. When I did my two IUIs with Femara and injectibles it was because I had just come to my RE having done six month of Chlomid with no bfp, and he didn't think that Femara alone would give me enough "umph" and wanted to break out the big guns. First month I had 3 follicles that were mature, so that was a success (but bfn) but then the second month I only had one... he called this a wasted month since you get one follicle "for free from mother nature", so no use spending $500 of meds on it. Third month same thing, another wasted month with only one follicle, so we cancelled the IUI (and that was on ALL injectibles). To be honest, I think that injectibles did nothing for helping my lead follicle problem, and increasing the dosage as we did in the third month did not get us any better result. What got me my bfp was estrogen priming before Femara, something that my RE did not think was worth doing so I ended up freelancing it :winkwink:, while he was pushing me into IVF in a hurry. I took estrodial from day 21 the previous cycle (2 mg twice a day) to day 3 of the new cycle; then Femara day 3 to day 8. As much as he did not think this was gonna work, I'm pregnant now, and I also did extensive research on EP (estrogen priming); its used very successfully for IVF especially in patients with diminished ovarian reserve. Basically, it starts to hold back your follicles from developing a lead in the luteal phase of the previous cycle and at the very beginning of the current cycle, to allow you to grow multiple follicles that are close in size and therefore would not stunt each other's growth. Does that make sense? My ovulation that month was later than normal (which is also good as it makes for mature eggs) on CD 19 and also it was the STRONGEST I have ever seen it on an opk - it came up wayyyy before the control like and was almost black. We bded naturally, no IUI, since we did not have any male factor to begin with. Sorry for the long post, let me know if you have any questions. Also, my RE called me yesterday and admitted that he will try this protocol with another two of his IUI patients since it worked for me. I joked that he should name it after me. :haha: (But really..... he should:haha:).

OK, so today is my second IUI and I am really not happy that once again I only have one follice. However I don't got one on my own so doc doesn't see this as a problem. I was going to ask about injectables, but do you think maybe I should ask about estrogen priming first?

Hi Karen - I don't see how estrogen priming can hurt, and you can also do it with injectibles as well (this is what it's primarily used for - with injectibles in IVF). Not that many doctors are in the loop about it yet, and most know it only as an IVF protocol (there are a dozen different protocols in IVF and this is one of them, called epp, short for estrogen priming protocol). Let me know what your doc says. I can send you links to some studies regarding epp when I get home tonight, but most of them are for IVF, not IUIs.
AFM : i am currengly 12dpiui. My last pregnyl of 1500iu was 2 days ago.. apparently 1000iu leaves the system everyday... so by 2 days later.. it should come up as a very faint positive am i right?

Well yesterday...at 11dpiui i took First Response to start testing out the pregnyl... it was super dark. positive... as expexted....since i took the pregnyl shot only the nightbefore...

this morning i took another test... with FMU and its the same... dark positive...

shouldnt it be getting lighter as the pregnyl leaves my system?

my beta is scheduled for the 29th Oct...

You would think it would get darker. Maybe you are getting your BFP! Sorry if I get your hopes up, but that would be so exciting! When is your beta?

i am trying sooo hard not to get my hopes up....

i got another strong bfp in the evening... but i also spotted pink!! i think AF is starting... the pregnyl i thought would have kept it at bay... until out of my system... but its still showing on the HPT...

if pregnyl has left my system... then i have a genuine BFP... but abt to lose it :(

my beta is on 29th Oct

Hi Sweet Lullaby - I'm so sorry about your spotting, have you called your doc? Keep in mind that some women spot throughout their pregnancy, so you're not out yet! Keep us posted, and I'm thinking about you and wishing you the best.
hi ladies,

could someone explain what/how injectibles work? we did one natural IUI with bfn and last cycle we did clomid, but at cd12 my follicle was 33mm and I ovulated that day, doctor did IUI but I got bfn still, I am convinced this follicle was too "ripe" and too big, as the timing was otherwise pretty good.

I ovulate on my own, which is why I think the clomid made it grow so fast. I am hesitant to do more drugs this round, but really want to boost chances. All of this has really taken a toll on me and I just can't keep living like this!

What do you all do to stay happy/positive after month after month of disappointment?
Hi everyone..

thankyou for your positive thoughts.

It cant be implantation spotting... isnt 12dpiui too late for implantation?

I didnt call the doc as the spotting happened yesterday evening. And it only happened once.

This morning i was super scared to go to the Loo in fear of AF arrival over night.

No spotting at all! so i POAS on a FRER with FMU this morning..... and up came a strong bfp... same color as the control line straight away... i am now 13dpiui

Could this be it ladies? my BFP? can it still be Pregnyl from 3 days ago?

my beta isnt until Monday...

i am in a state of limbo lol!
Can you use Clomid instead of the Femara?

Sure you can, but I think that I responded better to Femara than Chlomid and it also doesn't thin out your lining like Chlomid does. Why don't you think you want to try Femara, just curious?

I have Chlomid and Estrace on hand. Will have to ask RE to prescribe Femara if I decide to go rogue and do what you did ;)

For this month, we're likely going to try IUI #3, but then I'm out of insurance coverage until Jan. We'll do IVF in Jan, if necessary.
Hi everyone..

thankyou for your positive thoughts.

It cant be implantation spotting... isnt 12dpiui too late for implantation?

I didnt call the doc as the spotting happened yesterday evening. And it only happened once.

This morning i was super scared to go to the Loo in fear of AF arrival over night.

No spotting at all! so i POAS on a FRER with FMU this morning..... and up came a strong bfp... same color as the control line straight away... i am now 13dpiui

Could this be it ladies? my BFP? can it still be Pregnyl from 3 days ago?

my beta isnt until Monday...

i am in a state of limbo lol!

It's sounding pretty good to me. Can't you change your appointment to test sooner?
Hello Ladies:

I'm new to this forum and this is my first post here.

We are having our first IUI this month and today is CD9 for me.

I took clomid from CD3-CD7. Waiting for Dday and the next 2ww.

I will post my updates here.

All my best wishes to everyone :)
Hello Ladies:

I'm new to this forum and this is my first post here.

We are having our first IUI this month and today is CD9 for me.

I took clomid from CD3-CD7. Waiting for Dday and the next 2ww.

I will post my updates here.

All my best wishes to everyone :)


Good luck this month. Do you O on your own already? I did clomid for first time last round and it pushed my O up to cd12, but I've read that most women O later on clomid. BUT, I think mine was early because I O on my own- also at cd11 ultrasound my follicle was huge (33mm) and they did IUI anyway, but I later read that 33mm is considered "overripe" and sperm can't fertilize :( This month is bfn and I can't help but be upset that doctor did IUI with such a big follicle.
I am not familiar with pregnyl but it sounds like you could be getting a real bfp :thumbup: IB can happen anywhere from 6-12dpo so it could have been that last night. Or it could have just been some break through bleeding.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I agree with FirstTry, can you see if you can get your beta sooner, maybe tomorrow or Friday morning?
Hello Ladies:

I'm new to this forum and this is my first post here.

We are having our first IUI this month and today is CD9 for me.

I took clomid from CD3-CD7. Waiting for Dday and the next 2ww.

I will post my updates here.

All my best wishes to everyone :)


Good luck this month. Do you O on your own already? I did clomid for first time last round and it pushed my O up to cd12, but I've read that most women O later on clomid. BUT, I think mine was early because I O on my own- also at cd11 ultrasound my follicle was huge (33mm) and they did IUI anyway, but I later read that 33mm is considered "overripe" and sperm can't fertilize :( This month is bfn and I can't help but be upset that doctor did IUI with such a big follicle.


Sorry it happened :( yes i ovulate on my own normally on CD15. I'm starting to test for ovulation from today (CD9).Doc asked me to test from CD10.
that is a very imp piece of info regarding ovulating early or late. I was asked to come back for ultrasound if I dont ovulate by CD12 but I usally ovulate on CD15.
Its good If clomid makes me ovulate before, I will update that here.

What is normally done if a follicle is huge? does it have to be done before it gets that big? Sorry I'm pretty new to all this.
Are you planning to go for IUI next month?
Sweetllaby congrats it sure sounds like a bfp to me!

I am sure feeling crappy right now I'm in the worst pms mood ever! I feel like I'm out te sides of my boobs hurt and that's my usual AF symptom and I just did an opk just to see because I have them here and it was neg so I figured that's it I'm out once again I know that opk's aren't as sensitive as hpt's but still... I am 10dpiui :(
Can you use Clomid instead of the Femara?

Sure you can, but I think that I responded better to Femara than Chlomid and it also doesn't thin out your lining like Chlomid does. Why don't you think you want to try Femara, just curious?

I have Chlomid and Estrace on hand. Will have to ask RE to prescribe Femara if I decide to go rogue and do what you did ;)

For this month, we're likely going to try IUI #3, but then I'm out of insurance coverage until Jan. We'll do IVF in Jan, if necessary.

Do you plan on doing EP this month with the IUI? If you're going to do a "rogue" cycle, you should start EP priming about 7 days after ovulation. You could do either Chlomid or Femara, both will get you a similar result, Femara just has fever side effects. Good luck on your next round of IUI!!! When are you testing for this cycle?
Hi everyone..

thankyou for your positive thoughts.

It cant be implantation spotting... isnt 12dpiui too late for implantation?

I didnt call the doc as the spotting happened yesterday evening. And it only happened once.

This morning i was super scared to go to the Loo in fear of AF arrival over night.

No spotting at all! so i POAS on a FRER with FMU this morning..... and up came a strong bfp... same color as the control line straight away... i am now 13dpiui

Could this be it ladies? my BFP? can it still be Pregnyl from 3 days ago?

my beta isnt until Monday...

i am in a state of limbo lol!

This sounds so promising to me!!! Keep us updated! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
hi ladies,

could someone explain what/how injectibles work? we did one natural IUI with bfn and last cycle we did clomid, but at cd12 my follicle was 33mm and I ovulated that day, doctor did IUI but I got bfn still, I am convinced this follicle was too "ripe" and too big, as the timing was otherwise pretty good.

I ovulate on my own, which is why I think the clomid made it grow so fast. I am hesitant to do more drugs this round, but really want to boost chances. All of this has really taken a toll on me and I just can't keep living like this!

What do you all do to stay happy/positive after month after month of disappointment?

Hi jmHansen11 -

On one hand injectibles are stronger than Chlomid, on the other the dosage is more easily controlled. It sounds like your follicles need to be held back a bit at the beginning, to keep them from overdeveloping too quickly. The fact that your ov date move up also is a sign that you were overstimulated too quickly - I believe that docs in general like to see later ovulation, rather than earlier. I would ask your RE about starting a cycle of birth control pills before trying another medicated cycle - this is used in IVF to better control the growth rate of the follicles. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it seems to really work for a lot of people who have similar problems.
HI Ttcbaby - your situation is actually very similar to mine. I also had a problem with developing a lead follicle. Essentially, when one follicle starts growing much faster then the rest, it will stunt the growth of other follicles who may be trying to catch up, since the lead follicle signals your body "hey we got one, we don't need any more for now". This is because your body naturally only aims for one follicle per month. When I did my two IUIs with Femara and injectibles it was because I had just come to my RE having done six month of Chlomid with no bfp, and he didn't think that Femara alone would give me enough "umph" and wanted to break out the big guns. First month I had 3 follicles that were mature, so that was a success (but bfn) but then the second month I only had one... he called this a wasted month since you get one follicle "for free from mother nature", so no use spending $500 of meds on it. Third month same thing, another wasted month with only one follicle, so we cancelled the IUI (and that was on ALL injectibles). To be honest, I think that injectibles did nothing for helping my lead follicle problem, and increasing the dosage as we did in the third month did not get us any better result. What got me my bfp was estrogen priming before Femara, something that my RE did not think was worth doing so I ended up freelancing it :winkwink:, while he was pushing me into IVF in a hurry. I took estrodial from day 21 the previous cycle (2 mg twice a day) to day 3 of the new cycle; then Femara day 3 to day 8. As much as he did not think this was gonna work, I'm pregnant now, and I also did extensive research on EP (estrogen priming); its used very successfully for IVF especially in patients with diminished ovarian reserve. Basically, it starts to hold back your follicles from developing a lead in the luteal phase of the previous cycle and at the very beginning of the current cycle, to allow you to grow multiple follicles that are close in size and therefore would not stunt each other's growth. Does that make sense? My ovulation that month was later than normal (which is also good as it makes for mature eggs) on CD 19 and also it was the STRONGEST I have ever seen it on an opk - it came up wayyyy before the control like and was almost black. We bded naturally, no IUI, since we did not have any male factor to begin with. Sorry for the long post, let me know if you have any questions. Also, my RE called me yesterday and admitted that he will try this protocol with another two of his IUI patients since it worked for me. I joked that he should name it after me. :haha: (But really..... he should:haha:).

OK, so today is my second IUI and I am really not happy that once again I only have one follice. However I don't got one on my own so doc doesn't see this as a problem. I was going to ask about injectables, but do you think maybe I should ask about estrogen priming first?

Hi Karen - I don't see how estrogen priming can hurt, and you can also do it with injectibles as well (this is what it's primarily used for - with injectibles in IVF). Not that many doctors are in the loop about it yet, and most know it only as an IVF protocol (there are a dozen different protocols in IVF and this is one of them, called epp, short for estrogen priming protocol). Let me know what your doc says. I can send you links to some studies regarding epp when I get home tonight, but most of them are for IVF, not IUIs.

Thanks, too bad the doc is out of the office this week. I haven't seen him since my first consult appointment. So I scheduled and appointment to talk to him, but the first available appointment was the day of my beta, November 5th. That will be too late to get the injectables here on time right? I was so irritated. I got the same nurse who did my scan on Monday that just gave up trying to find my right ovary. I was not happy.
Hi everyone..

thankyou for your positive thoughts.

It cant be implantation spotting... isnt 12dpiui too late for implantation?

I didnt call the doc as the spotting happened yesterday evening. And it only happened once.

This morning i was super scared to go to the Loo in fear of AF arrival over night.

No spotting at all! so i POAS on a FRER with FMU this morning..... and up came a strong bfp... same color as the control line straight away... i am now 13dpiui

Could this be it ladies? my BFP? can it still be Pregnyl from 3 days ago?

my beta isnt until Monday...

i am in a state of limbo lol!

It's sounding pretty good to me. Can't you change your appointment to test sooner?

Exactly what I was thinking. Call and talk to a nurse. There is nothing wrong with getting a little advice.
Hi everyone..

thankyou for your positive thoughts.

It cant be implantation spotting... isnt 12dpiui too late for implantation?

I didnt call the doc as the spotting happened yesterday evening. And it only happened once.

This morning i was super scared to go to the Loo in fear of AF arrival over night.

No spotting at all! so i POAS on a FRER with FMU this morning..... and up came a strong bfp... same color as the control line straight away... i am now 13dpiui

Could this be it ladies? my BFP? can it still be Pregnyl from 3 days ago?

my beta isnt until Monday...

i am in a state of limbo lol!

OMG, I hope so!! Good luck!!! :flower:
I had my IUI yesterday morning, and late tonight I had some spotting. Is that a delayed reaction to the IUI?
I had my IUI yesterday morning, and late tonight I had some spotting. Is that a delayed reaction to the IUI?

Yes, spotting with IUI is normal. I wouldn't be worried.

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