October Mummies..... It's Officially Our Month!!!

If he decides to come early I will get on with it the c section is booked due to stress and complications with my first and its so I know I wont go over 40 weeks but if I went in labour tommorow fully I would be happy.

pains got stronger for a bit tonight then back to normal, felt like crying and my left hip has had serious sharp pain suddenly three times in last day making me shout owwww u bugger and jump like im on fire really would like to know why ,my son is trying to tunnel his way out sideways lol
Yay for October. Its been such a wait! Im due October 11th :) But my induce day will be Oct 23rd if she dont come on her own, such a long wait! ;o
Oct 26th for me :( Im gunna be sooo pissed if she turns out to be a November baby!!
I could be an october mummy too! Was sent for an appointment with a consultant today as mw thought baby was breech, turns out s/he isn't but is deeply engaged which is why she couldn't find the head. Got admitted to hospital for pre eclampsia though but hopefully my bp will go down and they'll let me out tomorrow so i can get baby out properly without being induced. I'm in a bay with 3 other beds and so far 2 women have come in and gone down to l&d, another is about to go down and another is being induced. There will probably be more in and out throughout the night too, looks like i won't be getting much sleep!

how exciting hun maybe baby is planning to make an early exit :D sorry about the BP hun hope it settles xxx
Ugh still no baby, no signs really just that my pelvic bone feels like its going to shatter.
I've got a fair bit of pelvic pressure and period like pains down there now, I feel like my bump moved down a while ago. At my midwife appointment yesterday though she said the baby isn't at all engaged yet! Rude, she needs to get down there.

My due date is 16th Oct, so only 9 days now!
I am beginning to forget what a comfortable good night sleep feels like.

muppet here woke at 4am and woke oh up going mad that id forgot the bedding box ffrom storage and we cannot get there til end of oct. He grunted and went to sleep (asshole) so gonna rush down town to get some lol.
whew, at last it's friday again and I'm LOVING how I have full 2-day weekends for *ages* now. lol! I've worked 6-day weeks for so long, any weekend I wasn't working the saturday was a weekend I had a dog show on so I was still getting up at 6am to get sorted for it. Full 2-day weekends with no real plans are awwwwwwweesome! :D

I'm officially 39 weeks today too, most people seem to think I'll be pretty much on time so fingers crossed they're right and I don't go too far over due! If anything I'd prefer to go slightly early.... in fact any time now would be good! If I don't pop in the weekend though I'll still turn up at work on monday; 2 full days at home waiting will be enough for me to be bored and want to go back! :)
I get the feeling i'll going over to the November Mummies thread.....i just get a sence i'll be late
Hugz think positive!

if I go by when my period began like you do im due tommorow. Still confused over that. Been loo for a clearout twice in three hours am soooooore now.

Come on oct bubbas your mums want to meet you now.

sending labor dust to all
I'm 38 weeks today and no signs of baby coming at all. Had MW appointment yesterday baby is not engaged and she thinks baby is facing my left side which isn't the ideal position for head to go into the pelvis. Not that encouraging especially as i went overdue and had to be induced with my first baby. I was kinda hoping it would happen early this time. Baby will be here when he/she is ready i guess! xx
I'm 38 weeks today and no signs of baby coming at all. Had MW appointment yesterday baby is not engaged and she thinks baby is facing my left side which isn't the ideal position for head to go into the pelvis. Not that encouraging especially as i went overdue and had to be induced with my first baby. I was kinda hoping it would happen early this time. Baby will be here when he/she is ready i guess! xx

Sorry Tasha that LO is being stubborn. I sometimes wish my doctor would stop checking to see if I am dilated because on Monday, no signs of dilating, wednesday no signs of dilating and I am dreading my prenatal appt this morning because I doubt I made any progress. I dont feel any discomfort or pain. If anything I feel better than before. Sometimes I wonder if this baby heard the doctor say she will be induced and somehow is just chilling until Sunday. Errr...I like your positive attitude that baby will come when it comes. I will keep you in my thoughts! Hope some action happens soon for you:hugs:
darsilver!!!!! same here!!!! I think baby is like, why bother, you're getting induced in 5 days anyways?! lol
Hi ladies, hope u are all well! I had 2nd sweep yday, it was rather uncomfortable, when I got home I felt 2 gushes, went to loo to check underwear and it was v wet, I know I hadn't pee'd myself, so I thought I'll just wait and c what happens, had bh all night, then they died off this morning. Phoned l&d and was basically told it was either a show(defo wasn't as it was water that came out) or I had pee'd myself, I told them categorically it wasn't either, anyway they said put a pad on and monitor! Anyway no more water but had a bit of blood along with period like pains , I am beginning to think this may be it! Xx
Sounds like everyone's waiting for LO's to decide to get their act together and vacate the premises... I've dragged OH round town shopping today in the hope that all the extra walking, bending, pushing etc will hopefully get things moving... LOL At the moment think all I've actually acheived in tiring myself out... I'm absolutely buggered...

I hope things go well for those of you in labour and very close to your DDates...
Jojo that sounds promising!!! Fingers crossed it's the start!!!
I'm off for a looooong walk right now!

Anyone tried or trying clary sage?
Jojo that sounds promising!!! Fingers crossed it's the start!!!
I'm off for a looooong walk right now!

Anyone tried or trying clary sage?

Long walk sounds good, Hope it starts something for u! I have only used the radix bubble bath it smells so nice! Think may try dtd tonight, it's so uncomfortable but if it gets this baby out I'm willing to try! Xx
Am I right in saying, there's still no October babies yet??! What's going on, come on bubs! x x
my pal had her baby at 4am this morning and brought her on the school run this afternoon. she was so small and perfect, it's made me really impatient. Im full term tomorrow and really hoping bubs comes early. It's my 4th and he's fully engaged so here's hoping..... come on babies!!!!! xx

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