October Mummies..... It's Officially Our Month!!!

Fingers crossed she is.

Just been to MW and thankfully baby is head down. She said head is sitting on the rim - not entirely sure what this means but I think it means baby isn't quite engaged yet. She had to phone the hospital where I'm due to give birth to find out what their procedure is if I go overdue, since its not my local hospital. She was hoping to get me an induction date. However they won't give me one till I'm overdue - not that I'm surprised by this. Next MW appointment is 40 + 5 and they will get me induction date then which will be somewhere between 40 + 10 and 40 +14. I pray I don't get to that stage.
Hi All,
I am 38 weeks tomorrow which seems really scary! Am due on 20th October, but for some reason i have a feeling the baby will be early (am sure that is just wishful thinking - as i really don't want to be induced)
Good luck to all you other October ladies
Just back from ante natal apt. Had internal done as my last was quick labour and unexpected at 36wks withno warning no pains nothing cons said baby isn't engaged I'm 2cm but that's as I have had 2 baby's already but she also said as it's my 3rd baby could arrive at any time as they are unpredictable I'm back in 2 wks I'm so hoping I have her before then.
I'm off to my midwife appointment soon. I know there's no chance, but I really hope they offer me a sweep :D Or tell me that I'm about to have my baby any second and need to go to the hospital :)
Just had MW today, she offered me a sweep but having it done on Saturday instead. Really hope it works! I'm fed up of being preggo!
Yeah, hope it works :flower:

Unsurprisingly I didn't get offered one. She did say she doesn't think I'll go overdue though.
hey guys sad to say no bubba yet <_<

i ended up in L&D last night as i had been having contractions, show yadda and it did not seem to be going anywhere other than me being completely knackered, moody and felt like curling up in a ball and crying.

Got seen and bubba is utterly engaged and i am in labour but not established labour so was told to go home, rest and if they do not see me before tuesday they will see me then. Which is brilliant for them to think but i am now passing into 48 hours of latent labour waiting for them to get stronger or more progressive and it is tiring me out.

but no infection or protein so thats good news!
Oooo rainie really hope its not long for you!! x
Agh that's a bummer, least you know things are progressing..! Will u still have a section if it happens before? X
Aww Rainie :hugs:
Hope you start established labour soon.....
Keep us posted!
Hope things move quickly for you.

I think I would go mad being sent home from Hospital.
im due 31st - november mummy im gonna be by the looks of things
Hi all! I know im late joining the thread but I am due Oct 12th with a girl! I am so excited to meet her. At my 39 wk appt I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Hopefully she'll get here soon! Cant believe its finally our month!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
aww Rainie i hope not too much longer for you hun! :hugs: MSJAXBABY sounds like not long for you!! :D
I could be an october mummy too! Was sent for an appointment with a consultant today as mw thought baby was breech, turns out s/he isn't but is deeply engaged which is why she couldn't find the head. Got admitted to hospital for pre eclampsia though but hopefully my bp will go down and they'll let me out tomorrow so i can get baby out properly without being induced. I'm in a bay with 3 other beds and so far 2 women have come in and gone down to l&d, another is about to go down and another is being induced. There will probably be more in and out throughout the night too, looks like i won't be getting much sleep!

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