Hey Ladies,
Sorry for the delay. I went into the hospital on Oct 9 (Sunday) to be induced. The doctors hooked me up to cervidil to make my uterus more favorable for pitocin. After 12 hrs, I went to 3 cm. Doctors gave me pitocin. after receiving pitocin at 8:00 am, by 7:45 pm that night I was only 7 cm and LO was stuck tranverse. On top of it, my epidural didnt work and I was experience real labor pains and contractions. Finally doctor advised that c-section was best plan of route. At 8:26 pm, Britton was born weighing 6 lbs 9.5 lbs. The c-section was super scary to me at first but in the end, I realized not as bad as I thought. Now I am moving around the house like an old lady with a huntch back After all the drama of the delivery, I am so glad Britton and I are safe and healthy. Look forward to seeing you ladies in the after baby forum.