October Mummies..... It's Officially Our Month!!!

Wooohoooo, really pleased for you Katie - theres hope for us all yet.
What on earth are you jealous of??? Let us trade!

Heheh. I do love having him out of course but I kinda miss looking down at my stomach and knowing he's all safe in there, and feeling him move. He's 9 days old already and it seems like it's going way to fast.
How are you and the bubbs getting on Phantom??

sorry for the double post--

We're doing good, I have Double Mastitis, so that's not really fun on the whole nursing end of things, but he's overall a really good baby. The only thing I would change his sleep pattern. :haha: all day, when I'm up he sleeps the full 3 hours between feedings, sometimes more and I'll have to actually wake him up to eat. Then at night he wakes me up every 1.5 hours to eat. :dohh:
Good luck Katie...you've gone quiet now, it can only be good news. :flower:
I sense another October baby is on it's way...... Woohoo! How exciting. Wishing you all the best Katie.
Good luck with labour Katie!
Phantom, I hope the mastitis clears up soon... do you have Lansinoh cream? I found it a lifesaver last time.
My baby is happily rolling around right now, my belly looks like the ocean going up and down. I know what you mean Phantom, I think I'll miss looking down and seeing the giant belly there. But also can't wait until it's gone and I can actually walk around properly again!!
My BHs have all calmed down now, no signs of labour yet, so just waiting for induction day.
Good luck to everyone :flower:
How are you and the bubbs getting on Phantom??

sorry for the double post--

We're doing good, I have Double Mastitis, so that's not really fun on the whole nursing end of things, but he's overall a really good baby. The only thing I would change his sleep pattern. :haha: all day, when I'm up he sleeps the full 3 hours between feedings, sometimes more and I'll have to actually wake him up to eat. Then at night he wakes me up every 1.5 hours to eat. :dohh:

awh im glad things are going good :thumbup: I cant wait for my turn to be up all night! :happydance:
Good luck Katie and good luck on your induction Zucchini! :)
Well I'm 10 days over now, baby is still happy in there though! Had an appointment with the 'post date clinic' so a doctor could tell me all the stuff I already know about the risks of being post date. lol! Doctor would like to make a date to induce me so I don't go over 42 weeks but I'm refusing making a date for anything as long as the baby is happy and both our bodies are coping fine! Thankfully my midwife is happy to support me either way, so we're doing a CTG check every other day, and will probably have another scan this week to check everything again as well, but as long as results keep coming back as good, then we'll keep waiting. Of course if at ANY time the results come back as being that the baby is in any possible trouble then I'll do anything that needs done though!

I *did* have some brown/old blood mucus when I wiped at the hospital though! Not nearly as much as SmartieMeUp, nor as dark, but it was a definite glob of brown mucus, so things *are* happening in there! Lets hope it won't be too long before they KEEP happening! lol. I haven't had any real niggles to speak of, so I'm really happy to have that bit of a sign, I have a bit more faith in my body that it WILL happen! lol!!
Well it's officially my due date today & Ive always said all along that I wanted to reach it & I'm pretty relaxed. But now that I'm here with zero signs I can't help feeling slightly gutted. I think the thought of all this time off work without her I'm losing.

Seeing my GP this morning...gonna have a word about my next MW app not being for another 11 days.

For the rest of us ladies still waiting, whether you are into it or not - we have naughty little Scorpio babies cooking.
Cant bloody sleep...its 4.30am & im hungry (terrific)

Flyingduster - how comes you don't want an induction...this late I mean?
Personally I don't but by 12 days overdue...I think I'll take anything.
Me to I can't sleep! Been awake for an hour I'm glad OH is up now for work so I can sit in bed with my hot chocolate! I'm starving too but haven't got anything in to eat I fancy?!

Well I'm due tomorrow and no real signs :(
Cos my impatience is sooooooooooooo not a good enough reason to be forcing nature IMO!!! As long as the baby is ok, then there is NO NEED to induce! There are risks of inducing as well as risks of going post-date. I personally am trying to minimise the risks of being post-date by having careful monitoring, while at the same time avoiding the risks of inducing by avoiding being induced at all. lol. I'm only 10 days over now; no need to be worrying. :)

Apart from having the lil bit of bloody mucus this morning I've had NO signs so far, so know how you guys feel; trust me! lol!!
An hr awake for me too CharT & on a day when I can't have a lay in too. A breakaway & a cup of tea later...I already need the loo again & OH is getting up in half hr to go work. Luckily for both of us he's in the other room but he wont be impressed if im up for a chat when he wakes.

flyingduster - I'm off to google inductions now. I feel like I could write my own book on pregnancy with everything I've learnt, but I never for a moment thought about going overdue so sweeps & inductions didn't get a look in. Hhmmm I thought it was just that yr OHs can't stay with you overnight...not that there's risks.
Cos my impatience is sooooooooooooo not a good enough reason to be forcing nature IMO!!! As long as the baby is ok, then there is NO NEED to induce! There are risks of inducing as well as risks of going post-date. I personally am trying to minimise the risks of being post-date by having careful monitoring, while at the same time avoiding the risks of inducing by avoiding being induced at all. lol. I'm only 10 days over now; no need to be worrying. :)

Apart from having the lil bit of bloody mucus this morning I've had NO signs so far, so know how you guys feel; trust me! lol!!

I love your attitude! Don't mean to offend anyone, but I cannot understand why people get induced. I don't. It just makes zero sense to me. Your baby is not on a schedule, and there are so many risks. People have horrible birth experiences and it usually starts with the lil' ol' drug called pitocin. Obviously induction HAS ITS PLACE... But like so many things it is abused (take standard epidurals for example, also a thing that makes me go ERRRRRRRR)

If I go two weeks overdue I will demand an ultrasound plus tests to make sure placenta is still healthy. Provided all is well, I will keep going without induction.

Usually when babies are that overdue it is because the estimated due date was off. It IS just an estimation.

Soooo refreshing to hear your stance, flyingduster. I thought I was the only one.
Back from googling & I have to say I'm put off now.
Well hopefully I won't have to make that choice since my MW is a lazy cow anyway & I'm only just booked in for a sweep at 11days overdue.

Really want something to happen this week - my original calculated due date is not till Friday but it's still this week.

Come on babies....!!!!

What we all cooking?
I've noticed a lot of 'she's mentioned in threads...lots of stubborn madams in the making.
yay Hot tea; I sooooooo agree! It irks me when people just get induced for no reason except they were told to. Or they're impatient. No offence intended, honest. It IS your own decision and I totally respect anyone who wants to be induced! But yeah, soooo not up my alley...

I WILL go for an induction if there are any worries! I'm not against being induced at all, I'm just against it for no reason except impatience. Which, for me right now, is the only reason I could justify it! And even if I'm induced or go into labour naturally, if it's a c-section or whatever; it makes no difference to if hubby can stay with me or not.

My dates *are* actually bang on (there was only one day I could have conceived, and I KNOW that date...) so that isn't a factor in me being post-date. But the baby is the one that triggers the labour when it's ready to come out. If I'm not in labour, it's cos baby isn't *quite* as ready as it could be yet, and another hour, or day, or hell even week is needed in there!

I've already had one scan (on friday, when I was 41 weeks) and everything looked perfect. There was a few little spots of calcification on the placenta, which is normal once it's over 40 weeks old, but it was still totally safe and working well. Fluid levels were good (they can drop post-date too) and the blood flow through the cord and heart and everything was good too. And it's not a huge baby so there's not worries of it being 'too big' (that gets to me though too!) so we're waiting. I will be scheduled another scan at the end of this week if I haven't gone by then too; weekly scans and being checked by the midwife with the CTG monitor every 2 days will keep a good eye on baby and me, and keep us both safe. :)
Again, couldn't agree with you more. Women can birth big babies just fine, too. Induction due to size is also a little odd IMO. If baby is not coming out properly it may have more to do with an epidural that leaves you pushing on your back. Woman is induced, has crazy overlapping contractions because of induction, cannot handle the pain, has epidural, epidural slows down labour and ends in csection or epidural hinders pushing stage. And then people think how lucky they are that they were in the hospital... When in truth it was the hospital that caused this shitty chain of events in the first place!

I am kind of passionate about intervention free birthing. Intervention has its place, it saves babies lives... But they are now used in low risk pregnancies. Epidurals are like candy - handed out at 4 cm dilated. It boggles my mind. I can't wrap my brain around that. I get being in labour for a looooong time and getting an epi, but 4 cm is nothing, lol.

It makes me sad so few women take a more natural route and trust their own bodies to do the job.
Scorpio babies..... They're going to be trouble!! Lol
And yep alot of "she's" too!! Lol

Hot tea& flying duster- even though I was induced at 42weeks with my last pregnancy I understand your points on being induced, dates are just guesses cuz nobody knows exactly when conception takes place... You coul have sex one day burnout actually conceive untill your standing at the bus stop the next morning .... The sperm can hang about up there for a while before meeting the egg and actually conceiving, therefore dates are a estimate x

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