I have a really bad feeling about this now.
Today I have been super busy (literally, done double my goal on my Fitbit, with 37 minutes 'sport' and 29 'active minutes')
My stomach hurts on the right side. It feels like I may have pulled something. I am having a massive sort out of the house (with a view of moving house within a few months) and I have a skip on the drive, I have been slinging black bags in like there is no tomorrow.
I would say it hurts where my ovary is. I am praying this is not an ectopic pregnancy. I am 5+2 today. If the pain continues or worsens I am going to have to seek medical advice.
At the moment I have been seeing the doctor DAILY (I haven't been coping too well), I have an urgent mental health assessment to attend on Monday and I have a clinic appointment on Wednesday and Friday next week with scans.
I'm hanging on in there, as tough as it is - I'm hanging. Just about any way.