October Pumpkins 2017

ME- I have heard lots of people say that every pregnancy is so different so you might just be one of the lucky ones who doesn't get nausea!

Shanlee- that is so great you heard the heartbeat already! So early!

I am really hoping I get more significant symptoms soon. I never thought I'd say it but I hope I throw up soon! I just want some more confirmation and after my mc in September I truly wouldn't mind being sick if it means a healthy pregnancy.
Yay, Shanlee! So happy for you :)

ME, me too. I don't have many symptoms really (although I'm still quite early), but the ones I did have seem to have gone. My boobs still hurt at least, but even that symptom comes and goes. I keep prodding them to make sure they still hurt... going to be bruised by the end of the 1st tri!

MissYogi, yeah, bring on the nausea! :p (Just not too much)
Hey guys, I haven't been here for the past few days, I've been a bit down.

I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy, though I managed to control it by diet and had a lovely normal home birth.

But because of that, I still have the monitor and stuff so I randomly started checking my blood sugars this week, and I realise my levels are higher than my old limits were, and nothing I'm doing is bringing them down. I don't eat bad, infact my levels after eating are great and within limit (unless I'm dumb and eat a pile of carbs! Haha) but my levels then should drop much lower again before the next meal, and especially overnight, but they're not.

Last time, the whole GD thing totally wore me down. It was sooooooo hard, it was possible cos it was for a limited time and I was controlling it all and I had the motivation to keep it under control. But it was so hard and draining. Prick and test, eat carefully the right food, wait and watch the clock to prick and test again before eating a carefully planned snack then wait to prick and test again, rinse and repeat alllll day everrrry day.

So to be facing this, at only just over five weeks pregnant, to think I've got thirty five weeks left of this struggle and stress, I've been a ball of tears and despair. For some moments there I almost wish I just wasn't pregnant and I didn't have to worry about it. Of COURSE I DO actually want to be pregnant, just crazy hormones and stress and worry are making it all really hard right now.

And now the more I think about it, the more I think I'm probably actually more likely an undiagnosed type two diabetic instead, cos at only 5-6 weeks the placenta is doing bugger all, and it's the placenta hormones that cause GD, and it's not usually an issue until much further along because it gets worse as the pregnancy progresses. So to be having highs sooooo early, I'm NOW all down in the dumps that I'm facing a friggen lifetime of diabetes. That there IS no actual end in sight.

I'm a carboholic, always have been, I managed to quit them almost totally in my last pregnancy and have kept them lower since she was born, but I still love them and had them up until last week. But perhaps never again. Arrrgh. This sucks.

I'm nauseous, and I just wanna eat some simple toast, but nooooooo, salads and eggs and meat and veggies.

I have a doctors appointment on Monday to do a diabetes test. So we shall see then I guess. If I need medication to control it (which im now certain I will) it means good bye home birth and hello 1.5 hour drive to hospital. Argh!

Deeeep breath. I know I know, it'll all be ok and in the end I'll get over it and it'll be worth it and I'll be healthier and better off knowing early and soooooo many other "brighter side" things, but I'm hormonal and pregnant and I'm sulking.

Sorry for the novel.
:hugs: Flying, it'll be okay :hugs:

Just got back from my u/s. They agreed I'm probably just under 6 weeks. Saw a gestational sack and yolk sack but no fetal pole. Not unexpected at 5.5 weeks. Booked in for 3rd March when I should be 7w4d if all goes well, so fingers crossed the baby appears in the meantime.
Had my appointment on Wednesday, baby looked great and heartbeat was at 121. Since we saw the heartbeat and baby, we decided to announce it last night, everyone is so happy for us! It is a huge relief. I was afraid we would get the whole "well you already have a boy and a girl" type thing, but nothing.

We also set up our gender ultrasound for April 22nd, I will just be over 16 weeks. We are beyond excited.

I have attached a picture of my ultrasound and our announcement! I thought the kids did a great job, and it turned out really cute.


  • February 15th (6 Weeks, 6 Days).jpg
    February 15th (6 Weeks, 6 Days).jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 11
  • Our Announcement.jpg
    Our Announcement.jpg
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Trying- usually a fluid-filled cyst will resolve itself during pregnancy. If it's a dermoid cyst than it could cause you more discomfort, but not always more complications.

Afm, I just got results from my 2nd beta...145! Up from 63 two days prior. So far so good. I can schedule an ultrasound around 7 or 8 weeks.

The tech actually said she saw a cyst on my right ovary and fulid in the uterus, so I think it's too separate things. I wish I asked for pictures to show you guys. I glanced at the screen and saw a mass looking thing near the baby 😟
So much to read and catch up on!

Sorry to the ladies who have had a loss, I feel for you. Stay strong!

I have just received a call from my community midwife who is doing my booking in appointment on Monday when I'll be 7w2d.. so excited!! It's a milestone for us.

Then she will arrange the US for around 12 weeks. It's all becoming so real!

My (.)(.) are still so sore! Never had them like this before! Also slight nausea which is present most of the day!
Hi ladies! Looks like I'll be joining you pumpkins! We got our BFP this morning on an IC at 10DPO. EDD is Halloween! I've got a niece whose birthday is the same day, so we're hoping this bean sticks and comes earlier or later, but not on their due date!
Welcome to the newbies! Congrats and best wishes your way.

Flying - I understand your frustration with facing another pregnancy with GD and possibly being type 2. I have been on metformin for insulin resistance while trying to get pregnant and then I stay on it throughout my whole pregnancy. My insulin level is very high, but my sugar level remains within normal levels. But IR is a huge red flag for type 2 heading my way so I'm hoping diet and exercise can help keep it at bay. I don't know if they try metformin with mamas with GD or not. I've always been on it when I fall pregnant.

Everyone else...I love all the interesting usernames. For fun, and of course you don't have to, what do your names mean? Mine is pretty boring. Lindsay is my first name, ms are my middle and last initials, and 05 is the year I graduated from undergrad.
Hey ladies! I've been creeping this thread for a while, but I've been waiting to join until I had an u/s. I'm 7w5d now, so my EDD is October 1st! Had a scan last Wednesday—bubs looked good (hr was 136 bpm), but apparently I have two smallish fibroids and a cyst. First appointment with the MW is next Thursday, so hopefully she can put my mind at east about the fibroids. I'm nervous that they could complicate delivery (but I'm getting WAY ahead of myself!). Anyone have any experience with fibroids? Did you manage to have an uncomplicated pregnancy/delivery?

Anyway, looking forward to walking down this path with all of you!
Welcome Sarah! Congrats and having a successful first scan and seeing/hearing a strong heartbeat! Sorry, I do not have any experience with fibroids but I think they are fairly common so hopefully some ladies with be able to help put your mind at ease over them.
Hey ladies! I've been creeping this thread for a while, but I've been waiting to join until I had an u/s. I'm 7w5d now, so my EDD is October 1st! Had a scan last Wednesday—bubs looked good (hr was 136 bpm), but apparently I have two smallish fibroids and a cyst. First appointment with the MW is next Thursday, so hopefully she can put my mind at east about the fibroids. I'm nervous that they could complicate delivery (but I'm getting WAY ahead of myself!). Anyone have any experience with fibroids? Did you manage to have an uncomplicated pregnancy/delivery?

Anyway, looking forward to walking down this path with all of you!

Hey we're due date buddies :happy dance: I also just discovered I have a cyst and some free flow blood in my uterus. Like you I have to follow up with my OB next week.
Welcome SarahA glad you got to see the heartbeat! No experience with fibroids, but I did have a cyst with DD1.

Lindsay I created my name when I was TTC with DD2, she was a rainbow baby and from the beginning they said I would lose her. But she's almost 2 now :) the name seemed to stay fitting since I lost my son, went through TTC and am now pregnant with another rainbow.

Welcome Abennion! Halloween is my favorite holiday so I think its an awesome due date! If this is your first most women go past their due date with their first baby so you'll probably get lucky with going past your due date :winkwink:

Mrsreed yay for first appointment!!

Kittey love the announcement photo! I want to do a similar announcement with my girls when we get our 1st ultrasound.

MrsB glad they were able to see something on the u/s! cant wait for your next scan, its amazing how much they grow in such a short time. and I cracked up about poking your boobs. I do that, like squish them and ask, are they tender?!:haha:

Flying Im so sorry you're dealing with this. Hopefully its not as bad as you think, and you can still have your home birth. I hope you get answers soon :hugs: hang in there hon.

MissYogi so glad you are here! I don't know if you remember but we were on a TTC after a loss thread together.

AFM I had my prenatal registration and bloodwork done today. My first ultrasound is March 10th. A lady I work with found out she had a mc today. My boss asked me to call her and I....I don't know what to say. I've been through it 3 times....and yet, I don't know what to say.
Hi ladies, really happy to join you! Found out I was pregnant on Monday with #3! My eldest is 14 and youngest 11 so a bit out of touch with everything! Seem to be more nervous this time as I've suffered with health anxiety since my mum died from cancer 8 years ago....Trying to not let my over active imagination get the better of me! All being well EDD will be 20th Oct. So makes me 5 weeks today. First gp app on Tuesday :)
Welcome SarahA glad you got to see the heartbeat! No experience with fibroids, but I did have a cyst with DD1.

Lindsay I created my name when I was TTC with DD2, she was a rainbow baby and from the beginning they said I would lose her. But she's almost 2 now :) the name seemed to stay fitting since I lost my son, went through TTC and am now pregnant with another rainbow.

Welcome Abennion! Halloween is my favorite holiday so I think its an awesome due date! If this is your first most women go past their due date with their first baby so you'll probably get lucky with going past your due date :winkwink:

Mrsreed yay for first appointment!!

Kittey love the announcement photo! I want to do a similar announcement with my girls when we get our 1st ultrasound.

MrsB glad they were able to see something on the u/s! cant wait for your next scan, its amazing how much they grow in such a short time. and I cracked up about poking your boobs. I do that, like squish them and ask, are they tender?!:haha:

Flying Im so sorry you're dealing with this. Hopefully its not as bad as you think, and you can still have your home birth. I hope you get answers soon :hugs: hang in there hon.

MissYogi so glad you are here! I don't know if you remember but we were on a TTC after a loss thread together.

AFM I had my prenatal registration and bloodwork done today. My first ultrasound is March 10th. A lady I work with found out she had a mc today. My boss asked me to call her and I....I don't know what to say. I've been through it 3 times....and yet, I don't know what to say.

I'm fine either way, but I think chances are I'll be early. My mom was two weeks early with me, and a week early with my youngest sister. The only one late was my middle sister. I think it's an awesome due date though! So very stoked!
Thanks, Stillpraying :) Lol, I just can't help myself poking them. Every few minutes. Sheesh! I'm now not sure if they're sore from pg or because I bruised them :haha:
Great to hear of all the nicely progressing babies and those who had promising ultrasounds. Welcome to all the new October bumps on board.

I need you guys' advice. I have a friend who has been struggling with infertility for years and years. No kids and desperately loves kids and want kids of her own. And here I am pregnant with my second completely unplanned. How do I gently break my news to her? I really feel for her and don't want to cause her to feel any more pain with my announcement, which may be inevitable, but is there any way to gentle the blow?
Lindsay- my username is boring too. ME are the initials for the state of Maine in the USA and 'pride' is pretty self explanatory. I am not a very creative person 😆

Is the first trimester too early to have pregnancy brain??? Haha, I've been more forgetful recently. I think of one thing and it's gone in 2 seconds.

Just realized that my first prenatal is in a week AND I AM WORKING!! I don't usually work Fridays but I am next week due to the holiday. I need to call and reschedule unfortunately. When I called to schedule it in the first place they had difficulty placing me in the 8-10 week window and squeezed me in. I'm really hoping I don't have to wait for too long for the reschedule. It's darn near impossible for me to take time out of my work day for an appointment and I work 11 hour days so I can't do it before or after.

I TOTALLY POKE MY BOOBS TOO!!!! They haven't been too sore but I have to poke them and pinch my nipples to see how sore they are and where. Hahaha, I thought I'd be the only one doing this!!

Welcome to the newcomers and congrats on the BFPs!!!
Jumik maybe right her a letter? That way you can say everything you just said about not wanting to hurt her, and understanding how this may make her feel when she is struggling so much.

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