October Pumpkins 2017

Mepride - Sounds like a great reason for a flight to be cancelled to me! I live in Southern Ohio and I'm used to getting several snow days (high school teacher) and so far we have only had one and that was even a stretch LOL. We really haven't had any snow and I get sadder by the day thinking our chances of snow days are dwindling. The teachers are worse than the kids hoping for a free day haha. That's excited that your appointment is Monday! This is when mine is as well. I see the prenatal nurse at 9AM and my doctor at 10AM. Can't wait!

Shanlee - I can't imagine how tough this Valentine's Day must have been and to top it off with your MIL having spilled your news already, ugh. I would be frustrated by that as well, but I bet it's her way of clinging on to something positive in such a hard time in your lives.

Everyone else...glad to see we are truckin' a long. I feel like time is moving a bit quicker than it was. Monday I turn 8 weeks and I feel like I will take a tiny sigh of relief. My daughter is finally feeling better and she returned to school today so fingers crossed she has an okay day and I don't end up with a call from school saying she is sick again!
I got my BFP on Valentine's! I haven't seen my doc yet, but I estimated my ovulation date (I was on a break from trying and hadn't tracked!) and got a tentative due date of October 17th! :happydance: This will be baby #1 and the first October birthday in the immediate family on both sides.
Sickness is starting for me :( I feel hungry but I don't want anything.
I was up to pee 3 times in the night so I'm shattered, my sons wearing pants today though as we're potty training and I don't want to fall asleep and him have an accident!
My due date is October 20th! :happydance:

I got my BFP on February 9th. I ended up taking two tests that evening, plus one the next morning. All in all, I've taken 7 pregnancy tests, including the one they had me take at my confirmatory OB appointment on February 13th. I told DH on Monday. We haven't really told anyone else. I have an ultrasound on March 13th. I hope there's a nice strong heartbeat!
Hi guys. I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress. Try to relax and think more positively. Stressing is not good for baby.

AFM. The nausea is still here. No puking incidents since. But the nausea is kicking with full force. So far my problem seems to be with fluids. Coconut water is a no and orange juice made me so nauseated last night. I cannot seem to drink very much water at once. And because of that I've gone from drinking 12 cups per day before pregnancy to maybe 3 - 3.5 cups per day. I need to find something else to hydrate me properly. Any recommendations?

BTW my mother (and subsequently father) will find out in roughly 4 hours when she gives my daughter a bath and changes her into the t-shirt announcement. I hope she notices it.:happydance:
Jumik I love that way of announcing it to your parents - I'm so excited for you. I hope you get a very happy phone call from them soon!
lindsayms05 : i have started wearing leggings to work,, trousers r too snuggish to sit for 8 hrs ! i feel time is going slow.. only 6.4 !! i want the baby to be in my arms already :p or alteast to know if therz a HB or its gender :p

saraa - yaay for 1st apnt ,, my first apnt is 1st mar,, am sure none of us can wait to see our little bean inside :) Glad i am not alone feeling bloated

MePride - i would have got equally mad at coworkers,, getting pregnant is my personal affair & i dont want anyone planning or announcing on my behalf. I totally get ur frustration ,, you can rant all u want here.. I would say go back & tell them firmly : its kind of personal and they would know when the time is right !

Jumik - thats an exciting way to announce,, bet u r just staring at your phone waiting for them to call after seeing the news !!

As for my symptoms, i am super exhausted, sleepy , tired & bloated. No nausea , crossing fingers !

BTW i got report from my 2nd beta test ,, on friday they were 13,000 on tuesday they were 37,000 so nurse called & said all is going ok !! Yay am soo happpyy.. now just wanna see the little heart beat on 1st and then announce at work :)

Praying all will go well for all of us !
Good to hear everyone's updates!

ME, I sympathise with the coworker thing. Problem is that many people haven't experienced any kind of (or limited) infertility so they have no idea how insensitive some of those comments are. I smiled and clenched my teeth for the first few years, then I had enough (plus work generally knew seeing as I had time off for ivf appointments). After that I always answered any questions or comments with 'I can't have kids'. I hoped inwardly that it wasn't true, but had to accept it was a possibility, plus it had the nice effect of shocking people into shutting up. Most of the time.

:hugs: Shanlee. Sorry about your mil too. I'm sure she's just excited as well as grieving in her own way, but that was still out of line to announce without your consent. Is it today you're going for the u/s? How'd it go??

Welcome to all the newbies and sorry if I've missed anyone out. It's hard to see all the posts on my small screen!

AFM: I'm still a bag of nerves, constantly worrying about MC, but so far so good. Not a huge amount of symptoms. The cramping and nausea in my first week has mostly gone. Just got on and off sore bbs ATM. I've got my early reassurance scan tomorrow but very nervous. Doubly so because I know I'm really too early for it (they think I'm 6w, but I'm probably 5w4d tomorrow). I didn't like to argue because it's hard enough to get an early scan in the uk... I just said yup and thanks when they booked me in!
Ugh, turns out this was a chemical pregnancy, so i must bid you all goodbye. best of luck with your pregnancies!
Hi ladies I'm at the ER now!! I'm so anxious wish me luck. And of course there's a screaming child here to just add to my anxiety. Hopefully in a couple of hours I'll have some peace of mind. Please send some prayers and dust and good vibes or whatever you can spare to send, my way!!
Ooo, good luck Shanlee!! How many weeks/days are you now? Get a pic too!!
Hi ladies! I have just got my bfp with an edd of October 23rd based on lmp. I'm cautiously optimistic because I had an early mc in September. So far this one feels much stronger based on symptoms though, I've got killer heartburn after eating and feeling pretty nauseous in waves throughout the day. Really hopeful that this one sticks!!
I am 6w4d so I am pretty confident I'll see SOMETHING! I'll definitely get a picture if I can!! Ugh I've literally been in the waiting room an hour now! Glad that there's really no one in here and everyone else is being called before me. It's baffling how pregnancy is so "unimportant" when you're early on.
shanlee its not that its not important, its just that if you were mc theres nothing that they could do, so they don't list it as an emergency like they would someone who had broken a limb or was bleeding profusely. I asked my MIL that once as she was an ER nurse for many years. Even when I lost my son at 15 weeks I sat in the ER waiting room for 2 hours before being seen :hugs: hope you get seen soon.

calcifer I'm so sorry :hugs:

Welcome to the new ladies :flower:
Alright ladies so we just did the ultrasound and I got to see the baby's heart beating away!! The tech couldn't tell me any information OR let me take a pic but everything looked great and I am so relieved. As soon as I know what the hb measured I'll return with that info but I just wanted to share with everyone. I was a blubbering mess to say the least and she had to stop a couple of times cuz I was crying so hard I was shaking :haha:
That's wonderful Shanlee!! I'm so happy it was a very positive and reassuring experience! Here's to another 33+ weeks of uneventful pregnancy! Cheers!!

Thanks for the kind words after my rant yesterday, ladies. First day back to work and I was GROUCHY!!! Today I'm better. Has anyone had the feelings of disbelief and like you're just... not pregnant???? My symptoms are SO mild that there are times I almost convince myself I'm not actually pregnant and that it's just my seriously irregular menstrual cycle playing tricks on me. I almost bought another HPT today so I could convince myself that I am, indeed, pregnant. It's so weird and foreign to me I guess I have a hard time comprehending. I feel like I should be having MORE symptoms than I do. I hardly have any for being 7+5.
Shanlee that's great you got to see the heartbeat!

ME I know exactly how you feel. But not everyone gets crazy symptoms. With dd1 morning sickness hit me at 8 weeks. With dd1 my whole pregnancy I was sick. With Luke I didn't get sick until 9 weeks.

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