October Pumpkins 2017

Flying- So sorry you are having to go through that, that sounds really frustrating and hard. I hope everything works out well for you.

Sarah- Welcome! How exciting that you heard the heartbeat! I can't wait to hear my amazing little heartbeat, it'll ease my anxiety so much.

Stillpraying- I do remember! How fun that we are both expecting at the same time now!

Mrs B- I do the same with poking my boobs. I think I do it almost subconsciously now, probably at inappropriate times!

Jumik- I recently had a friend announce her pregnancy completely insensitively and it really hurt me so here are my thoughts. My friend actually didn't tell me, and she still hasn't contact me, but her husband told my husband. I was really hurt that she just didn't want to talk to me about it, even though she knows I have been trying and have had miscarriage. It felt like she just didn't want to have to do it herself. I think she should have called me directly and said "I know that this has been a hard time for you and I am so hoping for good news for you soon. I wanted you to hear this from me first and know that I am thinking of you, but I am pregnant." I've also heard other people say they prefer an email so they can think about their response and not feel blindsided, I just personally would prefer a phone call or in person. Hope that helps!

So I had crazy anxiety today about losing this little one and I decided to start taking baby aspirin and red raspberry leaf tea. Is anyone else taking aspirin? I so don't want to lose this one and we are telling the parents this weekend so it feels even more important now.
I take baby asprin, but red raspberry tea made me cramp up with dd2 so I stopped until 3rd trimester with that. That would definitely hurt me if I found out that way about a friend's pregnancy, especially if she was aware of the circumstances.
Trying- I just mean your cyst may be fluid-filled, separate from the fluid in your uterus. You can see them on ultrasound but most of the time they don't cause serious problems in pregnancy. Hopefully yours shrinks.

Sarah- what type of fibroids are yours? There are different kinds that can cause different issues. Mine was a submucosal fibroid, which was entirely within the uterine cavity. It meant that even if I could conceive, implantation was unlikely and miscarriage was definite.

ME- I'm totally having major pregnancy brain already. I was seriously struggling at work today and grocery shopping afterwards. I've also been sick already. I've thrown up 3 of the last 4 days. Im so early for the puking to already start!
Oh ME i totally thought your name was like Me pride, like self pride :rofl: I was so confused.
Hi to all the new ladies and congrats on everyone's positive scans!! I'm so excited for all of us! My name is split up because my first name is Shannon, my middle name is lee, so that's where the Shanlee comes from and my favorite number is 16. Nothing fun!

As for symptoms as the days progress I am more and more nauseous and have thrown up a couple of times. As crazy as it is and I saw someone mentioned it, every time I throw up I feel a lot better just knowing that's all my little baby's doing! Besides that tho my boobs don't hurt, my nipples are EXTREMELY sensitive and I'm bloated. I think that's pretty much it.

My next appointment is the 7th and that's just a pelvic exam and bllld work day and from there we'll have the first official US even tho I had one yesterday. That's gonna be our secret guys!

Again congrats to everyone and I hope every single one of us ends up carrying happy and healthy babies to term!!:cloud9:
Jumik, perhaps just say what you said here!! That you wanna tell her personally, gently, and without causing her more pain. If she's a good friend, she will be happy for you. Oh, she will be stung personally and probably cry to herself over it at the unfairness, but she will ALSO be over the moon for you. Xx. An email might be a nice idea. But the mere fact you are thinking of her and worried to be insensitive means you care, and that is what will help her the most.

Miss Yogi, raspberry leaf tea isn't recommended until at least mid way, if not the third trimester.

I haven't had sore boobs thankfully, cos I'm still breastfeeding DD! But I have been more sensitive to her latch if it isn't great.

And thanks all for the kind words. I cried a few times today cos it was hubbys birthday and all the birthday food was crap and while I had a teeny bit of cake, I now feel guilty for it. Argh. Hubby later went out and bought me some food I can eat, but it still sucks.

Hanging out for my doc appointment on Monday to just get more answers to move forwards with. This is either undiagnosed type two, or GD is kicking my ass super early.

Anyway, six weeks today! Yay!
Jumik, No matter how you hear it, it hurts. When I heard about non-friends pregnancies it hurt and I really didn't want to know anything further. Basically ignored it to avoid the feelings it stirs. With friends, it hurt, I processed it, and then I was ok. Personally, a gentle email prior to any announcement would have been easiest to deal with. The worst thing is to be blindsided with a sudden announcement from someone who expects you to react with excitement. Someone (who knew about my problems) recently did that to me and then followed it up with a 'because they got twins via ivf, you can too!'. So, yeah, a gentle email telling them whilst also saying you understand they may need a bit of time to process it, would be what I do... before announcing to anyone else that might tell them.
Flying- I'm sorry you're going thru these medical issues right now. I can't even imagine how stressful that must be. I've never been pregnant before so idk anything really about GD but I think it's probably a good thing you've experienced it so you know the warning signs. It's great you have a doctors appointment and I think you're doing everything you should be doing to make sure you and your little bean stay healthy. Good for you, be proud of yourself!! :thumbup::hugs:
Hi all, I'm pregnant with my third and due October 10th currently.

Flyingduster I'm writing because I had GD with both my previous pregnancies and the second time it did start in first tri without it being type 2 undiagnosed- I understand your fear but when not pregnant my HB1ac results continue to be fine. I too started self testing early in my second pregnancy and it was I who picked up on the early onset of GD and not the doctors. Second time around was worse for me I'm afraid and it was my fasting numbers that I couldn't get down so I had long acting insulin taken at bedtime. I also had fast acting insulin 3 times a day with meals. If you managed to control your numbers last time with diet alone that is fantastic, I hope you manage again but if you need meds please feel free to keep chatting to me. It's a horrible thing and the control you need can ruin what should be a joyous time - not to mention a time when you should be allowed to eat ALL the cake! Last pregnancy I ended up taking a month off work whilst I stabilised my sickness and blood sugars. I haven't tested yet, I'm afraid to 😩
Thanks for mentioning about the raspberry tea ladies! I did some more research and found very conflicting advice. Some say it is fine the whole way through, others say it might cause miscarriage. So I decided idea I will definitely play it safe and avoid for a while but I'll definitely take the aspirin.

I'm honestly feeling pretty jealous hearing about you ladies having nausea and vomiting. I will feel so much relief the first time I throw up!
How far long are you Missyogi? Sickness didn't start creeping in for me until mid 6weeks, slowly getting worse.
MissYogi. I had some nausea in the week after my missed period. Now nothing more than a wave now and again and I'm around 5 weeks 5 days. As much as I don't want to feel ill, like you, I'll feel better when it kicks in!
MS can be a good or bad thing. I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and have yet to really experience it. Honestly, if it wasn't for my sore nipples and slightly sore boobs... I'd have no clue I was pregnant. In some ways I wish I had MS... it would be almost reassuring. But honestly, I'm happier without the MS... for now at least
I don't have much ms either, with the other kids I didn't have it as well. My ms is just more being hungry, looking at food than not being hungry! If that makes sense. Or I'm hungry but I never know what to eat.

That's pretty much how mine is. I have never thrown up or anything. I just know that when I feel queasy that I know now to eat. :haha:
I get random moments of queasyness but only actually thrown up a few times, and I don't get it every day. I do however eat non stop. Like I'm constantly starving.
Going for my ultrasound tomorrow! Excited, but definitely nervous! What if my spotting almost 2 weeks ago was a MMC???? I know, I know... unlikely. But that's where my brain goes. I'll let you all know how it goes after the appointment. Hopefully with a picture!
Hello All!

Edd. 10/27/2017
Last m. 01/15/2017
Period was suspected either 16/17 of February. I tested 17,18 & 19 , so CD 34,35,36.

It won't fully resonant until I hear the heartbeat, so I'll be honest I'm anxious/nervous. Especially since last time I tested on CD 36 and the line was pretty dark.

Kinda obsessing right now.


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ME i know that anxiety, my ultrasound is in March and I'm terrified :hugs: praying you see a perfect bean tomorrow! :flower:

Babifever totally understand being cautiously optimistic. Your lines look great!

Has anyone here bought a home doppelers? I think we talked about it before so I'm just wondering what brand you bought and how early you found your bean?
Good luck at the ultrasound tomorrow ME! I'll be thinking of you!

Welcome babifever! Those are great lines!

Tomorrow I'll be 5 weeks based on lmp, but I do believe I ovulate slightly late so I might be less than that. I have been having a very light underlying nausea, not enough to feel confident that it's not actually all in my head. But I do get heartburn and lots of little burps that feel like the beginning of nausea.
Miss Yogi, I remember feeling relief at my first vomit with my first too!! The fact I only ever had nausea and literally three vomits the entire pregnancy, I was happy for the occasional reassurance it provided. Lol!!

Those with constant vomiting though, I just can't imagine. And I wouldn't wish on anyone!!! So far I've only had nausea.

Krobbo, thanks!! I had the first antenatal bloods taken today, which include the a1c as well, so I'll ring up tomorrow and hopefully will have the results then. I've heard of a few people saying they were diagnosed with GD early and it wasn't type two, but I still feel dubious cos honestly, my fastings are up at five weeks!!?? I have zero hope of controlling it by diet, absolutely nothing I'm doing is bringing a single fasting or before dinner down to the limits I had last time. My after food ones are all totally fine, but my lows are just not coming down. I'm gonna need insulin, which means the 1.5 hour drive to the city hospital cos the local maternity centre won't take anything vaguely high risk. Sigh.

MEpride, exciting for the scan!!!! Good luck, I look forward to the update!!!

Afm, feeling nauseous, tired, toooooootally lost my motivation for anything. Had my first antenatal bloods done this morning, and have my first midwife appointment next week.

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