October Sticky Beans!

Cletus hopefully your doctor does some stuff for you. You are seeing a new doc right?

A massage sounds so nice! I haven't heard anything from Beth, been wondering how she is
I'm seeing the same ob this time. granted the last time I went in, it was only 4-6 months after we started ttc, so maybe he was just thinking I needed to give it more time... I just hope there is a different story tomorrow, and that he is helpful. If not I will absolutely change doctors. I have no problem doing so. Its just the drive I don't look forward to
Holy cow I can't believe I'm 7 weeks! I have an app that tells me baby size based on "odd and fun things" so today it told me it's the size of a playing die. :haha: I've been giggling about it all day. 2 weeks until I get my first OB appointment!

Tod - when I first saw my re I was on cd4 and they made me wait until new cycle because they do their first blood draw on cd3. So they may make you wait. Your temps are all over the place. Maybe you are gearing up to O early?

Krissie - I can't wait for you to start testing!! I really hope this is your months!

Black - I desperately need a massage too. I have a membership at a local place but haven't been in awhile. I'm booked for June 18 so far away!! They do first tri massage and they reassured me it's safe but I'm paranoid so waiting until I'm at least 10 weeks.

I haven't seen cscbeth in awhile either :/

Cletus - welcome back! Hopefully all is good at your appointment. Keeping everything crossed that your dr is helpful! Let us know how it goes!
Black, enjoy the massage, definitely well deserved!
And also happy 37 weeks for you! We're all changing weeks on a monday it seems 💛
Oh haha I forgot about that! Yes I am officially (early) full term, woohoo! I keep forgetting it's Monday because we have a long weekend, so hubs and little guy are home.
Yup! I've been monitoring my BP at home, and despite being on meds it is consistently above 120/80, so I'm pretty sure we will be rescheduling my csection for around Thursday of next week. Eeek OMG.
I was wondering about Beth too. She had her ds around this gestation so I was wondering if she had her DD yet.
That's crazy black!!! My wedding is next Friday. Maybe we can both have life altering events together!!! :haha:
HEY LADIES!!!!!!!! I looked for this thread i think a few weeks ago and couldnt find it! I thought it fell into the abyss of threads!

Im good! Im officially on baby watch. With my son i lost my plug on 37 weeks on the dot and went into labor 20hrs later, but no signs yet! This little lady is probably going to stay put and drive me nuts. I have had my digi clearblue that says "pregnant" from my 13dpo test way back in OCT.....it has still said Pregnant up until Sunday, the battery FINALLY died. amazing...lol I need to go back and read up on how everyone is doing!
There was 3 other people i was pregnant with at work, and i am officially the last one standing. So ready. Nursery is ready, bag is packed and in my car (in case my water breaks at work), still working full time, car seat is installed...eeeeeeekkkkkkkk
Yay that's great Beth! Good to hear from you! They moved the thread to ttc groups and discussions haha. Can't wait to see a picture of that beautiful little girl!
So glad to hear from you Beth!!

So appt... Went pretty well. Doc doesn't want to jump right to the RE... He prescribed clomid and a progesterone test at cd22. He looked over the charts (was amazed at FF.. Said 'wait that's an actual app') he agreed I am definitely O'ing.. He is thinking they egg quality is just low. So hoping this is the answer and we can get it figured out!!
Yay todmommy, can't wait to see some pretty photos!

Beth glad you checked in!! Happy your little is staying put for now, but yeah she could definitely show up any time.
I should really finish packing my bag hahaha...I have the basic bathroom stuff, breast pads and baby outfits. But should probably toss in some snacks and clothes for myself...

Have my appointment in a couple hours to hopefully find out for sure if we will move my csection date up to next week.
Glad you are still able to work, not gonna lie that sounds exhausting haha
So happy your appointment went well Cletus!

Black keep us updated :)

My appointment is at 2:20 today so I will update this afternoon. Super nervous but thinking it will go well
So happy to hear you are doing well Beth!! I cannot believe you and Black are having babies soon!!

Cletus- I think that sounds like a good first step. I recommend taking clomid in the evenings. :flower:

I am feeling so crampy today. like af is on her way but I am to early for that. I am hoping its a bean snuggling in. I am 8 dpo so that would be good timing. I took a wondfo this morning. It was clearly negative but it felt good to get it out of the way. :haha:
Cletus glad doc is willing to start with clomid, hopefully that is all you will need!

Ooh Krissie I like the sound of that cramping hahha
Congrats Beth, good to hear you're doing good!
And I agree, still working full time, kudos to you! And I'm amazed your Digi held out that long .. mine died the next day!

Cletus, maybe the clomid will do the trick in upgrading the egg quality. Has your OH had a SA?

And if you ladies wanna see.. Here's my 13 week baby bump :cloud9: :blush:


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