My presentation is tomorrow. I'm kinda freaking out. I am good for the first half of it but the second half I keep forgetting pieces I need to say and get jumbled. Even with notecards!

I spend all day in front of people speaking and I'm turning into a nervous anxious wreck over 3 people! Can't wait until it's over
Making matters worse - we have a friend who lives with us while he's getting back on his feet. He has a job but owes a lot of money to a lot of ppl so it'll be awhile. anyway he gets his kid one weekend a month. And that's this weekend. My lovely 4 day weekend he's going to have his kid. I like most kids but he can't handle his and she's rude and not well behaved. I'm not exactly trilled about having her here during my entire break. He's picking her up tonight

I did tell him he better plan in evacuating the house tomorrow for 3 hours so I can have peace and quiet during. My presentation. He sort of looked at me like I was insane. I told him that wasn't a request, it was a demand. His face was priceless.
Heather - omg! I was literally laughing so hard I almost fell out of my seat!!
Heike - that's a beautiful name! I really hope I spelled it right!

so sorry that you got lost. I've done that before. I also have horrible orientation and if my gps can't get me there I'm doomed. At least you were able to have cell service to call your friend! Have a good camping trip!
Krissie - I can't see much in the test (big surprise I know! Lol!) but I'm glad the spotting seems to have stopped. Either you're having a weird short LP or it could be a sign... (im)patiently waiting for your next test
Shandra - oh good! I'm holding out hope that your eggy waits!!