I had a really rough day yesterday. First, I have 3 students taking the last week of school off (just for fun to go on vacation) and when I told one of them she'd have to take her tet Thursday the week before (because Friday is a short day and I won't be there) she filed an official complaint that I'm never in class, that I refuse to help her, and that I am inappropriate in class! Wtf! Principal doesn't buy it but that isn't the point. She was still aloud to write the statement
Then it got worse. I think I shared with you all that back in October my dad pulled a gun on my husband, mom and I and threatened our lives. I ended up sending him to jail and right now we have a no contact order in place. It can be upheld for possibly up to the end of his 3 year probation but he can request it be removed earlier and then it's up to his PO (who will communicate with me to determine where I am with that) I told my mom I don't want him to know I'm pregnant right now and therefore she always not to tell anyone in the family - Bc they would tell him (he's living with my Aunt right now). I found out yesterday that not only has he requested contact be reestablished with me, (so his PO will be calling me in the day or two to talk to me about it) but my mom told my aunt, the one he lives with, that I'm pregnant.
She has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. Everyone knows if you want the family to know something you tell D and by the end of the week the entire extended family will know (we're a pretty large family).
I was hysterical. I spent hours hysterically crying yesterday. I'm sure part of it is hormones but I'm so angry and frustrated. This baby is mine and my little secret to tell, not someone else's. And I'm terrified my dad will try to find a way to use this to manipulate me. He's a narcissist and even his court mandated therapist has said he has a definite personality disorder.

the stress of even thinking about him is overwhelming.
Shan - I'm chart stalking, you got your rise! Yay! And your BD time looks good! Fx!!
Krissie -

so sorry

I'm hoping the progesterone doesn't mess things up too much.
Heike - keep us updated on the appointment and hospital