October Sticky Beans!

Shan- I'm creeping your chart! I see a temp rise!!

Good luck at your appt today Heike! That's so exciting
The appointment is thursday but thanks :hugs:
Tomorrow is visiting the hospital 😄
I had a really rough day yesterday. First, I have 3 students taking the last week of school off (just for fun to go on vacation) and when I told one of them she'd have to take her tet Thursday the week before (because Friday is a short day and I won't be there) she filed an official complaint that I'm never in class, that I refuse to help her, and that I am inappropriate in class! Wtf! Principal doesn't buy it but that isn't the point. She was still aloud to write the statement

Then it got worse. I think I shared with you all that back in October my dad pulled a gun on my husband, mom and I and threatened our lives. I ended up sending him to jail and right now we have a no contact order in place. It can be upheld for possibly up to the end of his 3 year probation but he can request it be removed earlier and then it's up to his PO (who will communicate with me to determine where I am with that) I told my mom I don't want him to know I'm pregnant right now and therefore she always not to tell anyone in the family - Bc they would tell him (he's living with my Aunt right now). I found out yesterday that not only has he requested contact be reestablished with me, (so his PO will be calling me in the day or two to talk to me about it) but my mom told my aunt, the one he lives with, that I'm pregnant.

She has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. Everyone knows if you want the family to know something you tell D and by the end of the week the entire extended family will know (we're a pretty large family).

I was hysterical. I spent hours hysterically crying yesterday. I'm sure part of it is hormones but I'm so angry and frustrated. This baby is mine and my little secret to tell, not someone else's. And I'm terrified my dad will try to find a way to use this to manipulate me. He's a narcissist and even his court mandated therapist has said he has a definite personality disorder. :( the stress of even thinking about him is overwhelming.

Shan - I'm chart stalking, you got your rise! Yay! And your BD time looks good! Fx!!

Krissie - :hugs: so sorry :( I'm hoping the progesterone doesn't mess things up too much.

Heike - keep us updated on the appointment and hospital :)
Heike that is so exciting! Everything is moving so fast!

Jess I'm so sorry you are going through that. They should have respected your wishes. Not quite the same but when I was pregnant I told my mom first but hadn't told my dad....we are really close so I wanted to be the one to tell him and she called me one morning and said she had gone out and told the whole bar which in a small town meant tell him now or someone else will. It's really unfair when that is taken away from you!

I did get my temp rise! I am beyond happy that it finally happened! And my appointment with my ob is on Friday so if we actually caught a bean there is a chance we could do some tests and keep it in there if it is a hormone thing :)
Jess- so sorry you had such a crap day hun. :hugs: I hope today is better for you.

Shan- yay for a temp rise!
As happy as I am that most of you are pregnant I'm missing all the pee porn right about now :haha: Julie how many dpo are you now???
Shan and Julie you both have excellent timing on your charts this month, I have a good feeling about it!!
Jess I'm sorry you had such a rough day. I would be livid so I don't blame you one bit for being so upset, hormones or not. I would insist on no contact with your dad- he sounds dangerous and very toxic.

My little guy has finally decided to be more fussy. Not drastically (or to the extent that my first was) but he is definitely cluster feeding in the evenings- pretty much 5-10 mins on, 10-15 mins off all evening haha.

When I am feeding him he will pull off, but as soon as I let him snooze, he starts fussing, crying and rooting around.
But thankfully I've been getting a combined total of 7-8 hours of sleep in the night/morning (in at least 2 hour blocks usually) so I actually feel rather human lol. I also had my placenta encapsulated, and taking 2-3 capsules a day seems to really be helping my mood and energy. Now just to be able to drive and go out rather than being stuck in the house! Hopefully only a week or so until I can (just need incision to stop bleeding and be able to lift the carseat).

Hubs is off for two weeks starting next week, and my sister will be visiting next week so that is awesome too.
So far all of this has been so much smoother than the experience with our first- and no signs (so far!) of a milk protein allergy, thank the lord!!! I'm sure things will get a bit tougher as time goes on, but I'm definitely enjoying this while it lasts!
Sounds like the transition to 2 is going great Heather.

Dh and I decided to go camping for our anniversary. I am so excited to get away with him and ds. I think it will be good to relax after the last couple of weeks. I just hope it's not so hot. This heat is killing me!
5dpo....so we only have to wait 2 days for a test?? :rofl:

Heather I have a good feeling about this one too! I think part of it is just because my doctor appointment is coming up so even if it doesn't happen I know we will be doing something. It's leading me to all around optimism which is a new and cool feeling about ttc haha. That's great that things are going good!

Krissie that sounds nice! Leaving the little man at home?
No, we are actually taking him. The place we are going is pretty family friendly so he should have a nice time too. It's actually a lake and the has a playground and flushing toilets and running water. And while I like roughing it sometimes, I would much rather do this with ds. Dh is taking his telescope so we are going to go out on the dock and stargaze.
I had my OB appointment yesterday. No US pic because she could look at the several US from my RE and determine things were looking good. Because she's also located in our PCP clinic as part of their service She doesn't have US equipment directly in the office (the imagining clinic I think is in another part of the bldg). Lots of talking and asking and answering questions. They took 7 vials of blood though! :wacko: and she was able to find heart beat on a Doppler. 160. <3 I'm so happy. And o love our OB. She's very personable and reassuring. :)

Krissie - Sounds amazing! I love the idea of stargazing! :)

Heather everything sounds great! That's great that this seems to be going easier.

Can't wait for the rest of you to start testing!! I agree with Shan, we need some line porn! :haha:
Waiting for my wondfos to get here... should be here tomorrow. And I am not sure I will be able to help myself from testing.

Work is just crazy lately, we are one person down, and I should be getting promoted, but it seems like everyone above me is dragging their feet. Its so discouraging, and I feel totally taken advantage of. UGH! Doing 2 times the work for the same pay is no fun. And now to top it all off, I have to drive to the other unit which is 72 miles from my house. (and yes that is one way)

I am so happy for you Heather that the little one is settling in. And I secretly enjoyed the cluster feedings as that gave me a reason to hold the babes all the time!!! LOL... and I have never heard of capsulizing the placenta. Is that something new, or I am just out of the loop?? I'm definitely intrigued.

Krissie- I hope you have a wonderful time camping... we find it so relaxing, and our kids love it!

Jess- so glad to hear you like your ob... that can make all of the difference!!
Jess I'm glad everything is going well!

That stinks Julie!

I am sure I will be testing by Monday :haha: I am saying I am 3dpo today because of all my O symptoms I'm trusting them more than the temp shift right now. I'm not using the progesterone cream though because if he decides to test it I want it to be a true reading. I will be 5dpo at my appointment on Friday so not sure if he would do it then or do it on Monday at 8dpo since nothing is open on weekends
So I'm supposed to get my blood drawn tomorrow.. Do y'all think getting it done in the evening is ok? It's for the progesterone test...
Shan - probably a good idea to hold off on progesterone cream and wait for test. Is your dr not available on weekends? My RE is open 7 days a week specifically for things like that, specific days for testing because they want to be able to test the specific right day.

Julie - Can't wait to see some tests! :) The time of day shouldn't affect the progesterone. I think that will be fine in the evening.
Shan I would ask them to do it on Friday- then you can start the progesterone cream on Saturday just in case. Otherwise you are waiting longer and have less of a chance of it working if you did happen to conceive this month.
Good morning ladies &#128525;
My appointment today went really well! We got to see baby and it was wriggling and stretching its little head and legs and waving its arms around, it was so incredibly active! &#128525;
We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, only for a little bit before it moved away again but it was so beautiful to hear!
So i have a very healthy active baby in there, didn't want to show us what's between it's legs though. But i do 't care, only that it's healthy!

I'll post pictures when i'm home from work tonight &#9786;&#65039;
Yay Heike- that is awesome. So glad you got to see the babes being so active. Have you felt the movement yet? Its so exciting with the first one. I used to lay on my belly with my hands on my belly trying so desperately to feel my little one moving in there. LOL

I am anxiously awaiting my wondfos they shipped yesterday and should be arriving today. I may just go for a long hold and test right when I get home... HAHAHA.. just to get the first one out of the way!

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