October Sticky Beans!

Soo my temp didn't jump up today :( My OPK were most positive starting early evening CD15, and started to be negative late afternoon CD16 (yesterday). I'm sure I should have ovulated by now, 36 hours after first positive? Last cycle it was almost 24 hours on the dot, but didn't see it the next day since it was at night that I Od. I feel like BD at noon yesterday was a waste and we should have done in the evening instead, as now we won't be able to until this evening (and that's a big maybe as hubs is doing OT and may not be able to perform). We BD mid day CD14, evening CD15, and mid day CD16.

Feeling very frustrated. I know we are still in with a chance but was hoping to time BD right around O this month. Guess there's still a chance I could have O'd middle of the night but FF won't know that. Its silly how much I want my crosshairs to match up with when I wanted to O haha.
Black you still could have O'd when you think you did, it is still rising even if it isn't much. I don't know if you remember my chart from last cycle but mine did that, slow rise for two days followed by the jump.

Angel I hope things sort themselves out for you and you O before the weekend. That is frustrating that it is late this month. :hugs:

My temp is just being a sh*t show again, trying not to obsess over it as I looked at last cycles chart and my temps aren't really much higher than my cover line from last cycle. Didn't BD last night as I was upset with OH because he came home and sat on his *** just watching me clean like hello! I could use some help! Ugh men are just so irritating sometimes so I'm thinking SMEP starting cd10 instead which shouldn't be a big deal since I won't O until at least cd18
Black- i bet you Ovulated CD15. That is my (non)professional opinion. :)

Angel- I have no idea what is going on with either of our temps or opk's. Every time i take an opk i wonder "did i somehow miss it? Was the urine too dilute?" PLANNING to BD tonight again, since lasts night was not happening. Last month i have +opk on CD 14 and 15. Well today is CD15 and still super duper negative. Fingers crossed something happens soon!
Beth hoping you get a positive soon! Do you usually have a progression with your opks or just suddenly positive?
Todmommy- usually i have SOME progression but usually only the day before a positive. But these (as you can see) are wicked squinters. Very annoying.
So the OPK is back to a very negative this am.. But we did bd this morning.. I'm hoping that we didn't screw up by not doing it last night, but hubs was just so tired after 16 hours of work!

And my temps are so bat shit crazy right now. Hoping to get a rise tomorrow..they haven't gone above my 'cover line' tho.. So we will see.

And I completely relate with the 'I'll just sit here and watch you clean' thing. DH has gotten MUCH better about it now. I have found that sometimes guys just need us to tell them what we want, they won't try to guess, and some times honestly they are just oblivious!
Sorry I have been a bit MIA lately. I tried to catch up, but I'm about to head to class, so I'll have to do a more thorough read later.

:dust: FX for all that have already O'd :dust:

My OPKs are still either stark white or so faint I don't think I'm seeing anything until I turn it every which way. Still taking EPO atm, and my temps are much better this cycle than last, but still kinda all over the place. We've started BDing just in case though.

Right now, I just want a real line on my OPKs.
Sorry blackrain :hugs: but you're in with a great chance and CD15 could still be your O day :)

I feel you all with the crazy temps. Like wth is even going on down there? Haha i really hope i'll see a bigger temp rise tmr, because if i don't i probably won't be convinced anymore that i did O..

I'm on my way home from work now, have been holding my wee and drinking just a few sips since 2pm, by the time i get home it'll be 6pm and then i'll do another OPK on 4 hour hold. I just want to see it super faint so i can feel better about wether or not i already ovulated haha
Late on CD15 could make sense with the temp jump (although still in my normal range), but I still had positive OPK the next morning.. I fiddled with my chart (put in some typical post O temps for the next few days). Depending how high I make them, and whether I put in the positive CD16 too, it either gives me crosshairs CD15, CD 17 or not at all (when tomorrow's temp wasn't high enough).
Rain- thinking that if tomorrow's temp is up there you should get CH, everything looks good for an O! Fingers x for you.. Looks like we may O together.. Lol!
Still super negative opk. Ugh. Doesnt even look like progression. Onto cd16... Fingers crossed! Got in a bd regardless.


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I got super excited today midday when I had loads of EWcm. I mean TONS of it. Enough that (TMI) my panties were a little damp (and I never get that much EVER). This afternoon when I Took my OPK I was sure it would be a little darker. I didn't think it would be positive because today's temp was up from yesterday (I'm doing an exact yoyo: 97.18, 96.8, 97.18....so frustrating) but I thought darker. It was no darker than before. It looks a little darker actually, but I think that's just because it's still "wet/fresh". In a couple hours I'll check again but it doesn't look a lot darker. :( Onto the next day.

Going to try to BD today since we didn't the last couple days. Figure if I get today and tomorrow then that'll cover me for at least part of the weekend if I O on Fri or Saturday (I can probably get in some BD on Sat if I have to though).

Looking through the posts, ladies, it sounds like this cycle is rough on us all!

black you look like you might be getting a slow rise. I've had that before, where it took 3 days to reach above my cover line, but each day it did rise a little. in the end FF gave me CH on the day I thought I O'd, even though my temps were below the coverline for 2 more days after the O.

todmommy I feel ya! Men can be a pain in the @$$ sometimes! Too bad we need them to make a baby. :p :haha:

beth Yeah, I was stalking your chart earlier and thinking the same thing....we are having a heck of a cycle with our OPKs and temps! Mine aren't quite as white as yours, but they started out with lines that are normally about the color of a week before O making me think I was getting an early O, and have not darkened since. Utterly frustrating!!
That is really weird that you are having so much EWCM...maybe you'll get the suddenly dark OPK in a day or two!

The issue with my temps is that I'm pretty sure I O'd CD16 as that would be the most logical, given that my OPK were positive starting later in the day on CD15 and were positive CD16 am. Is it even possible to ovulate while still getting positive OPK?
I don't know if it's possible to get a +OPK after O. I wouldn't think so, since the surge has to happen before O can happen. It's possible you O'd on CD16, or today even. Hopefully you'll have a big jump on your temps tomorrow.
Yeah, I'm thinking I might just go with CD16. Since they say you normally ovulate 12-48 hours after the first positive OPK, the latest I could have ovulated would be this afternoon. Gah so annoying haha
Sorry for all the confusion you're having, beth, blackrain and angel.. i'm right there with you.
I thought I ovulated, but today my temps are back down, so i guess i didn't.. it's so frustrating!
My FMU OPK was faint, but not squinter like faint.. around the same as last evening's..
Why can't my temp just be regular like last cycle's? Aaargh
So FF gave me back dotted cross hairs for O on CD9.And i can not figure out Why. HAS to have something to do with my temps as they showed up as soon as i put my temp in this am. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Though FMU opk looks slightly darker than yesterdays. What do you guys think?

Angel- YES! our temps and Cm are CRAZY this month! Frustrating! What is your latest opk looking like?

Black- I still think CD 15 and i think you are having a slow rise. fingers crossed you get your CH's soon!

Todmommy- yes men are frustrating as hell sometimes! With my husband, I know i have to ASK him to do something. There is no way he will usually just do something on his own. Like start a load of laundry, remember to switch said load of laundry. I actually, in the last 2 months, have stopped folding his clothes. I bought him and myself a basket where the clean clothes get immediatly, from the dryer, sorted into the baskets. I fold our sons clothes (hes 15mos), the linens (towels sheets etc) and my clothes, but his clothes are his to take care of. After telling him each time i finished a load of laundry, He left his clothes over flowing for over a week then had the nerve to ask me if i can get him a bigger basket since his clothes were all wrinkled....:wacko: My response "because a bigger basket will keep your clothes from getting wrinkled? Perhaps you should just fold it when it's done" I then ofered to let him do his own laundry. That was the end of that discussion.

I also do not iron either, i wear scrubs to work. So if i don't iron my own clothes, i am sure as hell not ironing his. lol I think its been at least a decade since i ironed something. Sometimes guys make no sense and you really have to spell it out for them.:haha: Don't take it personally. Anywhoo....lol

Good luck ladies and lots of baby dust!


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Lol sorry ladies, I can't join in the "my husband doesn't clean" chat...my hubs is a neat freak and I'm more the slob haha!
Was hoping for temp drop today (again) so that maybe I could see my body gearing up to O but it was a flat temp from yesterday. At least we BD last night, and maybe we'll be able to get in another tonight just in case. I know that there's no way BD will happen Fri and it would be really hard to get it in on Saturday with our schedule. RIght now...I Just want to O so I can get in theTWW.

I'm actually really nervous right now because the reason I said this was our last cycle for awhile is that if I get pregnant in September, I would tentatively have a June due date and would still be ok to go back to work first week of September (when kids start). However, the later the month goes, and the closer into October we get, the more likely I would end up missing the first few week(s) of school, and that's really difficult. I'm sure I'll O before the end of the month (RIght?!) but I'm still a little stressed.

Which doesn't help me O, I know. So I need to chill out. :coffee:

blackrain, I was thinking about OPKs last night and I typically get a +OPK in the afternoon, around 4pm (which is when I test because of work) and during the last 3 cycles FF has detected my O date as the day I get my +OPK (due to temp rises). So I don't know about the whole it has to be 12 hours later. At 12 hours later I'm already into the next day and my alarm is about to go off. I mean, I think it is 12-48 hours after the surge starts. But some women show the surge for just a couple hours and some for a long time. So it's possible that the surge starts earlier than you actually detect it, and you count from there.

beth I cannot figure out why FF would have given you dotted CH there! I could see why they would have done it if you were at CD12 today and had just put in that temp ,but it's clearly dropped a couple times and you've had fertile CM since then. FF did the same to me earlier this cycle and then took away the CH once I had fertile CM later with dropped temps. That's so very odd!

My latest OPK looks just like the rest of them. I've attached a pic - essentially my OPKs have looked just like this since CD6 I think. They look a little darker in the 5 minute time limit, obviously, because they are still wet, but they aren't even close to positive. :/


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