Boston - Welcome back! I am not familiar with iso, sorry.
Todmommy - I would say watery. I wish there was an in-between choice, cause mine is like that sometimes too.
Jaxie - Welcome! I’m excited to have another in here TTC for #1

We are cycle 3, so we’re not too far in yet.
Ivska - Welcome back! At least FF gave you cross hairs even with a sorta crazy chart. I still haven’t gotten any. FX you caught that egg!
Beth - beautiful secret 5dpo BFN, but that heightened sense of smell is a great sign!! FX!
Black- That is such a good idea about having DH hide the HPTs. But Right now I’m just so frustrated with my OPKs that I’m not really thinking about HPTs lol. Sorry you’re feeling so irritable lately. Hope AF stays away.
Cupcake - So sorry you feel out this cycle.
Ripple - Yay for O!
Welcome Lawes! So sorry for you losses. But FX for this cycle.

I hope you catch that eggy.
Angel5000 - Feel better! Fatigue sucks.
AngelOb - Sounds like a good plan to me! FX for you!
AFM, I’m confused. I still haven’t gotten positive OPK. The darkest one I got was yesterday midmorning, but it’s not dark enough for a true positive. My temps aren’t making things any easier, but my CM has been lovely the past few days. I don’t know what to think. We’re just going to keep at it until AF. I don’t feel out, which is good I guess.